The Ultimate Student in the City

Chapter 1377: This is Yenching

Cheng Yang was really depressed, what did this kid mean? Feel embarrassed, so leave first, and then deal with it behind the car, such as sneaking over and driving away in the middle of the night? Or is it because he is rich in money and doesn't really care about such a car?

Of course, Cheng Yang is more inclined to the first one. After all, if it’s him, he will leave first before talking, instead of arguing about who did it and talking about who did it. After all, there are so many people on the road. It will only be even more embarrassing.

In fact, Cheng Yang had been careful about the car. When he was in the restaurant, he clearly felt the bullying scent from the kid, which made him feel that this kid might not be Ordinary people.

Therefore, he had already called people over and planned to beat up the kid, so he chose to let them start with the car. On the one hand, he could lose the face of that kid for a while, and on the other hand, even if the kid was really big in the end. I can't afford to provoke, and if the East Window incident occurs, it can also be said that I admitted to the wrong car or something. In short, it will not be a big deal for a car.

He had expected this boy to be full of blood, and he was so angry that he was so angry that he saw the car being sprayed with words like that, but he didn't expect that he went straight away like an okay person, as if the car was not his.

"I'm leaving now? This kid is very calm, keep up?" Lu Xiaodong asked, the kid's calm reaction beyond his expectation.

Cheng Yang nodded with a sullen face: "Come on."

So Lu Xiaodong kicked the accelerator and followed the taxi in front of him. Finally, the taxi stopped in front of a star hotel.

Cheng Yang and Lu Xiaodong in the Audi car clearly saw Kim So-yeon getting out of the car with the kid, and then Kim So-yeon hugged the kid’s arm tightly, and the whole body was almost hanging on the other’s body, even more so. Shy and impatience, the two entered the hotel very lovingly and sweetly.

So... the house is here? Open the house in broad daylight? Did you open a house like this without even caring about the car? Can't wait?

Cheng Yang was already burning with anger. There was an urge to get out of the car and rush over to beat up the kid, and even hated Kim So-yeon. He was obviously a lewd bitch, you Pretend to be innocent?

Cheng Yang has been with several girlfriends, but they all have a playful attitude. Even if they pursued Xiao Mengjun before, they only held a playful attitude. To put it bluntly, because he knew that Lu Xiaodong was pursuing Xiao Mengjun, and he looked at the deer. Xiaodong was unhappy, so he deliberately mixed it up, which was somewhat mischievous.

However, that day, Teacher Li Gu showed up with Jin Soyan. At that moment, Cheng Yang only felt that her breathing had stagnated. Looking at her, she was thin and had an urge to protect her severely. With her small body and temperament, Cheng Yang really had an urge to protect her for a lifetime.

After deliberately approaching, Kim So-yeon always kept the relationship between each other very well between the same elder brothers and sisters, not indifferent, and did not let him have any chances to promote.

The more you don’t get, the more you want. Cheng Yang is undoubtedly this situation. He sinks deeper and deeper. He feels that Kim So-yeon is so pure, so generous and decent, so self-loving. Whatever you need to be handsome and rich...In short, Cheng Yang treats her as a goddess! You know, even Xiao Mengjun, a recognized great beauty, he didn't think she was a goddess!

Well, in fact, the so-called car quake before, Cheng Yang actually had a hint of luck in his heart. He told himself that pressing the root is not a car quake. Maybe the kid was just making a phone call when he stopped. After all, they didn’t. I saw it with my own eyes, but now... open the house!

"It is estimated that I came from a different place and left at night, so...hurry up." Lu Xiaodong on the side glanced at Cheng Yang and said his own opinion.

Lu Xiaodong also specifically emphasized that "come from outside...", so he was already out of anger and was about to lose his mind. Cheng Yang also simply thought that he was from outside to visit his girlfriend. In the evening, I was about to leave, so those who couldn't wait in broad daylight opened the house warmly.

The only goddess in my heart opened a room with another man... This is unbearable!

"This is Yanjing!" Cheng Yang said coldly as if sparks were about to appear in his eyes.

"This is Yanjing!" Lu Xiaodong echoed, the corners of his mouth curled up with a weird range. He knew that this senior was completely excited, and the next thing was that he would carry out a series of revenge!

Lu Xiaodong doesn’t care if the kid is big or not. If it’s big, Cheng Yang kicks the iron plate, it deserves it, great. If the kid is small and gets beaten by Cheng Yang, it deserves it. The most important thing is that Xiao Mengjun, who has always been full of justice, will definitely know that Cheng Yang has suppressed and retaliated against her boyfriend for Jin Soyan for such an inauthentic thing. Then, will he not be thinking about him?

Therefore, Lu Xiaodong is really looking forward to these two people going up together.


Entering the opened room, Kim So-yeon looked like a newlywed young daughter-in-law who was about to enter the bridal chamber. She was at a loss and she was too embarrassed to lift her face and look at Li Ze.

"Are you nervous?" Li Zedao asked with a slight smile.

"Yeah..." Jin Suyan looked up at Li Zedao, smiled shyly, and then quickly lowered her head, a little dizzy, a little at a loss, not knowing what to do next...inexperienced.

"Then, go shopping, right?" Li Zedao said, leaving the room as a gesture.

"Don't..." The subconscious Kim So-yeon exhaled anxiously, like a lost lamb found a savior, and grabbed Li Zedao's arm, but at that moment, she realized that she was playing with her, so The pretty face is even more blush.

She reflected on herself in her heart: "Kim So Yeon, you are too... can't wait? Brother Zedao should laugh at you..."

"Take off your shoes first..." She finally remembered what she should do first, slippers, then undress, and then... take a bath... This is how it was performed on TV. Kim So-yeon, who had no experience and was too nervous, decided to follow the steps.

Then she pushed Li Zedao to let him sit down on the bed, then squatted down, intending to help Li Zedao untie his shoelaces.

Seeing Kim So-yeon’s long hair randomly scattered on her shoulders, her bangs were picked up by the hairpin to reveal her extremely beautiful forehead, her eyes, her eyes, her expression...this If you change into a maid’s **** costume, it will come true. A little loli who has not yet grown up is serving her master... Li Zedao is decisively evil.

While secretly calling himself a beast and desecrating the girl, Li Zedao hurriedly said: "I will do it myself..."

"It's better for me." Kim So Yeon said seriously, she seemed to be fully integrated into the role of a wife. It's just... as a wife, have to help her husband take off his shoes? Jin Soyan didn't know that she had never been a wife, but she wanted to be Li Zedao's wife and then went to do these things for him.

The most important thing is that when doing this kind of thing, she feels less nervous.

"My feet are smelly, very smelly..." Seeing that the shoelace was pulled by Jin Soyan, Li Zedao gritted his teeth and used his assassin.

"...I like it." Jin Soyan looked up and said softly while looking at Li Zedao. Don't you mind if I am dirty, what is this?

What can I say? Li Zedao had no choice but to let her take off her shoes and socks, and watched her take the slippers from the hotel and put them on her feet. Every step was taken so seriously, as if the ancient concubines were serving the emperor. The only difference is that the concubines might curse while serving, but Kim So-yeon didn't, she looked serious, as if she was doing something extremely important to her... So Li Zedao was in a daze.

"Brother Zedao, you are lying..." Jin Soyan's voice drew Li Zedao's thoughts back.

"Lie?" Li Zedao was taken aback, when did he lie?

"Your feet are not as smelly as you said, uh." Kim So-yeon breathed.


"Of course, it's still a bit smelly..." Kim So-yeon looked up at Li Zedao and said, and then she laughed very proudly, but her cheeks were red, like two ripe red apples.

It feels like a prank on one's beloved one.

"Dare to say that my feet smelly?" Li Zedao smiled, stretched out his hand, and dragged her to the bed. The body turned over and she was pressed underneath, and one of his hands was pressed against her. Somewhere in front of the body.

At that moment, Kim So-yeon's body tightened suddenly, her eyes closed, she didn't have the courage to open a look at him, but she felt that her cautious liver jumped more violently, it felt like she was about to jump out of her throat, and her body was like Itching and uncomfortable as if there were ants crawling.

"You are not Mulan." Li Zedao said.


"Mulan has no eldest brother, Mulan has no long chest..." Li Zedao explained, grabbing his hand.

"Ah, I hate... you... hurry up..." Jin Soyan snorted softly.

"Hurry up...what are you doing?" Li Zedao clearly heard the sound of swallowing his saliva.

"I...I'm full..." Jin Soyan opened her eyes, and the sound was inaudible.


Then, just when Li Zedao was so scolded that he was about to block Jin Soyeon's little mouth, the hotel door was knocked abruptly.

The next move of the two of them was naturally interrupted by the sudden knock on the door. At the moment, their eyes were facing each other. You look at me and I look at you. Among them, Kim So-yeon’s eyes are watery, like Sheng Leshui, Li Zedao. Is it a little depressed, shit, in such a critical situation, you were interrupted? Don’t you know that the spring night is worth a thousand dollars? How much is this interruption worth?

"Brother Zedao, who is...who?" Jin Soyan whispered. It may have been a little bit accustomed, and the tension in my heart has been reduced a lot.

"I don't know... Don't worry, let's continue..." Li Zedao said.


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