The Ultimate Student in the City

Chapter 1379: Spring night

He is just a gangster. He usually scares the honest people, or does some sneaking things. When have you seen such a **** and brutal scene? His eldest brother, his other two brothers, just got down without any resistance at all! Especially his eldest brother... men thought he was dead.

"Did Cheng Yang let you come?" Li Zedao asked.

"Yes..." The man swallowed and dared not hide anything.

"Did you spray the paint on the car?"

"Cheng Yang let it spray..." the man said cautiously.

"Where is Cheng Yang now?" Li Zedao nodded and asked.

"In Room 1010..."

Li Zedao kicked him over, kicked him on his stomach, and kicked him away, and then said coldly: "Damn, I hate the spineless guy the most."

Listening to the man who was lying there, his internal organs could not bear the pain, his grievances made him cry more, and he said that if he knew that he would have to be beaten by you, I would let you know how spine I am.

Li Zedao turned his head, looked at Kim So Yeon who was looking at him with admiration, smiled slightly and said: "I'm going to beat up that annoying guy, are you waiting for me here?"

"Brother Zedao, I'm with you...I don't want to stay with them." Jin Soyan pointed to the few people lying on the ground and said.

Li Zedao smiled slightly: "Then let's be together."

Right now the two of them left the room, closed the door, and then walked towards Room 1010, which is not far from the room 1015 they left.

At the same time, in room 1010, Cheng Yang and Lu Xiaodong were sitting there listening to the classical music from their mobile phones with serious expressions.

This is the "Matthew Passion" composed by the famous German musician, John Sebastian Bach, who is known as the father of western music. This piece truly reproduces Jesus' betrayal, arrest, trial, and crucifixion by Judas. Scenes such as the cross and being buried.

The two of them were the first students to become Teacher Li Gu's students, so they learned a lot with Teacher Li Gu, including classical music.

This music was sent to them by Teacher Li Gu, and asked to write some thoughts after appreciating and learning. Now they are idle and idle, so the two decisively played the music to enjoy and exchange their experiences together.

Although they don't like each other, they all know that the other party's strength in music is not bad, especially Lu Xiaodong, because of his family, he has unique conditions in music education.

At this moment, the door of the room was knocked open suddenly, and someone strode into the room. The two of them looked up subconsciously, and then their eyes widened.

It was Kim So Yeon and her boyfriend who came in!

Among them, Kim So-yeon was full of anger, while her boyfriend had a faint and peaceful smile, but it also gave people a feeling of hiding a knife in the smile.

Cheng Yang's heart twitched slightly, but he let someone arrange a very fragrant encounter for this kid first, so that Jin Soyan must not misunderstand him? After that, the fairy jumped and beat the kid violently, and then the breath was more than half.

But why did he come? How many people? Go to the wrong room? Or... it's revealed that the other party came to the door?

Because of his guilty conscience, Cheng Yang couldn't do it if he wanted to greet Li Zedao and his junior sister who walked in naturally.

As for Lu Xiaodong, he originally came here with an attitude of watching the excitement, so he wouldn't say anything foolishly at this time.

Finally, Cheng Yang smiled reluctantly, and said: "Junior sister? Are you here like this? Oh... I come here with Junior Brother Lu to enjoy the music and have a conversation..."

Thinking of opening a room with a man in a hotel, after all, it was a weird thing, so he added: "Ms. Li Gu arranged for us a music project. Isn't it quiet here?"

Then, he picked up the cell phone that was placed there, which was still playing "Matthew Passion".

Jin Soyan still had an angry expression, and Li Zedao's expression still wore a weird smile.

Cheng Yang watched, sneered secretly in his heart, and then turned off the music on the phone.

"Let's talk about it." Li Ze said.

"What are you talking about?" Cheng Yang asked, sick, am I familiar with you? What can I talk to you?

"Talk about compensation."

"Compensation?" Cheng Yang said he didn't understand.

"The ancients have said that the spring night is worth a thousand dollars... You have to delay me for at least half an hour, right? If it's too much, I will lose, so I will count it as half an hour." Li Zedao said seriously, "Half an hour, That's two moments. Two moments are worth two thousand gold. How much is two thousand gold converted into Huaxia coins? Forget it, you are So Yeon’s brother, you got two million dollars. I won’t hold the car painted by you anymore. ,how is it?"

"..." Kim So Yeon's face turned red in an instant, and her face was shy. How could Brother Ze Dao say that?'s not night yet.

The corners of Cheng Yang's mouth twitched, thinking that the guy turned out to be crazy? Then he smiled and said, "Sorry, what are you talking about? I don't quite understand."

"I am a wise man, and you are too stupid, so I know very clearly that you did this thing..." He looked at Lu Xiaodong, "You have a share too?"

"..." Lu Xiaodong didn't know whether to nod or shake his head. After all, he still doesn't know who is strong or who is weak, so there is no way to nod or shake his head.

"That's worth it, at least, it's also a dog-headed strategist, right?" Li Zedao said immediately, and then showed a harmless smile.

Lu Xiaodong looked at such a smile, and a feeling that was not so wonderful suddenly surged in his heart. He suddenly regretted it, so why did he have nothing to do to participate in this kind of thing?

Cheng Yang smiled coldly and said, "Did you have any misunderstandings?"

Now that everyone had their faces torn apart, he didn’t plan to give this guy any more face. His proud prince’s disease was afflicted again, and he said coldly, “Anyway, please go out and don’t disturb us. Brothers appreciate music..."

Of course, he also saw that something was wrong at a certain moment, but at this time, the man's face was simply covering his rationality. In any case, he had to smash this kid!

Cheng Yang didn't even look at Jin So-yeon, and she simply regarded her as the air, thinking that in the future, don't give me a chance, otherwise I will kill you!

Kim So-yeon said angrily: "Cheng Yang, you are too much, my brother Zedao didn't provoke you, why did you spray such words on his car? Now let people make trouble in the past? I thought you were pretty good. As for a person in, I didn’t expect the means to do things so shameless...If you like me, you can chase me openly. What is it to do such an excessive thing in a sneaky way?"

Jin Soyan now thinks about why Cheng Yang wants to do damage.

"Shut up!" Cheng Yang's face darkened, and he said with some annoyance, "What do you think you are? I like you if you have no **** or a butt, I like you? I don't take a pee and take pictures of myself. What kind of virtue, it's nothing more than Chai He Niu from the countryside! If it wasn't for the face of Senior Sister Zhou Xiaolu, I wouldn't bother to care about you."

After hearing what he said, Kim So-yeon was very angry, and Li Zedao was even more angry, dare to say that her woman was chestless? He just touched it, yes, and she is still young, and she will be even bigger in the future!

Of course, he did not break out immediately, because he knew that when Kim So-yeon was in school before, it was common for members of a certain "gang" to point their noses at each other with classmates, that is to say, this girl It's actually very spicy in the bones.

Besides, a beautiful girl was said to be breastless or **** without buttocks is a very serious matter, Li Ze said that she should fight back and calm down.

Sure enough, Kim So-yeon pointed at Cheng Yang with a gloomy face and cursed: "If that's the case, why did you approach all kinds of flattery like a pug before? I refused and pretended to be personable? She was waiting there on purpose. I mean, I just met?"

Cheng Yang sneered: "That's because I want to pursue Senior Sister Zhou Xiaolu, aren't you relatives with her? Use you as a springboard, stupid! However, I am also stupid. You are not like Senior Sister Zhou, right? So, stay away from me in the future, I will be annoyed when I see you."

Jin Suyan looked back at Li Zedao and said, "Brother Zedao, am I ugly compared to Sister Zhou?"

This is a joke, and Li Zedao is also very happy, because Kim So-yeon can make this kind of joke, it proves that her mentality has changed greatly, the whole person has become confident, at least for her appearance, she is very Quite confident.

"You guys are equally good-looking." Li Zedao said with a slight smile.

Kim So Yeon pursed her lips and nodded: "Yeah."

Cheng Yang listened, with a sneer on his face: "Hehe, it's really...beautiful in the eyes of a lover? Just like a Chinese cabbage on the roadside for a woman like you, ten of them can't compare to a finger like Senior Sister Zhou. head."

Moreover, the tone and expression are as if you are familiar with Zhou Xiaolu... What kind of pretense?

This is intending to provoke conflicts within his family, so Li Zedao looked at Cheng Yang and said, "You said these things made me very conflicted. Originally, it was only for you to pay me two million, but now... …"

"Take Nima, get out, or I will let you survive now." Cheng Yang cursed.

"Well, I am not in conflict anymore." Li Zedao said, and then walked towards Cheng Yang step by step.

"What do you want to do?" Cheng Yang sneered, "Want to fight? I..."

"Pop!" He hadn't finished speaking yet, that face was already slapped very simply, and the words that hadn't been finished were also abruptly incited back.

Cheng Yang’s father was a company instructor in the Yanjing Military Region, so influenced by his father, he was also interested in military physical boxing. Therefore, he started a series of combat training under his father’s guidance from an early age. It's big, I really haven't been afraid of anyone when it comes to fighting.

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