The Ultimate Student in the City

Chapter 1382: reinforcement

"Oh, let's not sing." Li Zedao also felt that Jin Soyan's voice was trembling in her current state, and she said cheeky after she was silent, "The fire is on, do me a favor... will it?"

"" Kim So-yeon understood, her face hot, "In school, I saw it..."

"Have you seen it? That kind of little movie?"

"Well, it's not mine. There are mobile phones at the same table... What you know in my school is a group of precocious students who don't like to study..." She was afraid that Li Zedao would misunderstand what she would do, she quickly added an explanation.

"Then give you a chance to practice..." Li Zedao said. After speaking, he felt that he was a beast, and then... he wanted to do something more beastly.

Jin Soyan was embarrassed, her trembling little hand began to fumble, but the moment she lived, Li Zedao didn't react so much. After all, she got used to it, but Jin Soyan took a breath and almost screamed out.


In room 1010, Cheng Yang got up from the ground with the help of Lu Xiaodong and sat on the bed.

"Brother, are you okay?" Lu Xiaodong asked. He actually wanted to leave this place of right and wrong quickly, but he knew clearly that once he left like this, it would be tantamount to completely offending Cheng Yang. Now Although it is offended, but after all, it is excusable and not offended to death, right?

"I can't die..." Cheng Yang spit out a mouthful of blood and said coldly, and glanced at the few **** he found lying on the ground. It was even more lingering. The guy's skills were really terrifying. Therefore, he really didn't blame Lu Xiaodong for his reaction just now.

If such a black-bellied and weak scholar just acted very righteously and said he wanted to move my brother, you would move me or something, Cheng Yang would think that this guy is too fake, and even think that this kid is perverted to see him. .

Of course, Cheng Yang had already contacted his mother at this time, as early as when Lu Xiaodong was struggling to carry the guys in, he had already contacted him.

It's just that he sent a message instead of making a phone call. After all, his real purpose is to rescue soldiers instead of sending people money. What if the violent man who didn't know where he came from heard it?

Besides, he has his consideration.

The content of the text message is: Your son played with my wife Bei, I caught a current! Bring two million to Room 1015, Regal Hotel, Wansheng Road, otherwise Lao Tzu will not only be as simple as beating your son, but Lao Tzu will make matters worse!

The text message also carried a photo he had just taken by himself. Cheng Yang felt that after seeing the photo, he could not believe that the person in the photo would be her son!

After sending the text message, Cheng Yang simply turned off the phone!

So this matter completely changed its taste. Cheng Yang knew that after seeing the content of the text message, the mother who had always spoiled her, the first reaction must be to call first, then the phone was turned off, and then the matter was true. Yes, her son really fell into the hands of others and was beaten so much that his mother would not recognize him. After that, the other party dared to steal her son's phone so arrogantly and sent her this text message.

Cheng Yang also knew that his mother must not believe that his son would sleep with someone else's wife...Her son is so handsome and talented, and his family conditions are good. He still needs to sleep with someone else's wife?

I don't even believe that his son was arrested after sleeping with someone else's wife... After all, her son would not be so careless if he really slept. She is more willing to believe that her son has fallen into some peachy trap. Then, she will be angry, she will explode, and then, with the heart of protecting the calf, she will definitely use various relationships very simply, and finally The mighty killing came to this hotel.

In addition, Cheng Yang also guessed that his mother would definitely not call his father, and she would use her means to handle the matter personally, because his father is a soldier, quite an honest soldier, and usually talks about it. Reason, rather than making a fist, if she gets the news, she must not be allowed to mess around.

Moreover, the husband and wife are still arguing and are in a state of cold war! The reason for the cold war was that a few days ago, Cheng Yang’s brother Cheng Ming privately gave several soldier calls under his father’s hands to help him teach someone, but in the end he kicked a big iron plate, and his father was furious. Next, he beat Cheng Yang's brother Cheng Ming severely, and even discounted one of his brother's legs.

Cheng Yang's mother felt sorry for the child and felt that her husband was too heavy, and the two had a big fight afterwards.

All, Cheng Yang guessed now that the result was that his mother would bring people over and kill him mightily, and then when he came, he would indiscriminately beat the two **** in room 1015 and then talk.

What Cheng Yang wanted was such an effect. Moreover, the other party had no background. There was only one uncle who was the captain of the Chaoyang District Police Station, so Cheng Yang was really not afraid of making things worse.

"Although you failed to get things done, I will still pay for the money, and treat it as medical expenses." Cheng Yang looked at the four men and one woman who were sitting there due to pain and said, "Then, this Treat one thing as having never happened."

The headed man touched the blood on his face and said gratefully: "Thank you, Shao Cheng." It was only natural and righteous to use people’s money to eliminate disasters. Now they have failed to give the disaster to others. After the disappearance, Cheng Shao still gave them money, which can be said to be very righteous.

Cheng Yang nodded, looked at Lu Xiaodong and said, "Junior, please open a room, take them to rest or take them to the hospital... Then you and I didn’t meet today, you don’t know anything. ."

Lu Xiaodong understood what Cheng Yang meant, and nodded and said: "Our brothers did not meet today, and nothing happened."

Cheng Yang's words really fit his mind, and now he can't wait to walk away from this whirlpool.

Lu Xiaodong didn’t want to believe that the weird kid would dare to be so arrogant just by having an uncle who was the captain of the Chaoyang District Police Station, but it was obvious that Cheng Yang, who was blinded by hatred and anger, was a letter. Up.

Remind him? Remind him that he should stop making trouble or things might get out of hand? Lu Xiaodong thought for a while and wanted to give up... He didn't have that obligation, didn't he?


Just as Cheng Yang had expected, his mother Li Ping, who was in charge of the Chaoyang District Personnel Bureau, received this message from her son’s cell phone that contained her son’s assault. , And after calling and discovering that her son's cell phone had been turned off, the whole person exploded directly, and that face was so gloomy that he could squeeze out several kilograms of water with one twist.

She immediately picked up the landline and wanted to call her husband who was an instructor in a company in the Yanjing Military Region to tell his son that something was wrong.

But thinking about his pedanticness, some time ago, he was so heavy that he discounted the legs of his eldest son Cheng Ming, and suddenly became so angry that he couldn't make a call, and then dialed another number.

After a while, the phone was picked up, and a man's voice came over: "Hey."

Li Ping said, "Old grandson, it's me, your sister-in-law, Li Ping."

"It turned out to be my sister-in-law, what's the matter?" On the other side of the phone, the man showed great enthusiasm.

"My sister-in-law has encountered something, I want to ask you to help me." Li Ping said straightforwardly, with a tone that couldn't be concealed.

The man’s name was Sun Jian, Li Ping’s former comrade-in-arms with her husband Cheng Dagang. Later, he was demobilized and opened a gym. He also gave Cheng Dagang a few gold cards for the gym. Li Ping would go to his gym when he was fine. Get some exercise.

In short, the relationship between the two is pretty good.

These days, Sun Jian’s son is planning to apply for the civil service examination. Sun Jian naturally approached Li Ping and asked to help him secretly. Li Ping said that the written test must be done well. As for the interview, she will look after him.

So at this time, Sun Jian has already heard the anger in her words. In addition, the relationship between the two families is good. The matter of his son’s civil service examination is even more troublesome, because he immediately said: "Sister-in-law, you say, as long as I can help Busy, I have nothing to say."

"Something happened to Xiaoyang in our house and was detained by a few gangsters. They even beat him." Li Ping said, her eyes seemed to burst into flames, but her voice was a little choked.

When she thinks of her son being beaten like that, her heart is like a knife cut.

When Sun Jian listened, he was shocked. Is this kidnapping?

After Li Ping briefly explained it, Sun Jian realized that it was not a kidnapping, but he didn't know why Cheng Yang was detained in a hotel, and the other party arrogantly said that he would take two million to replace him.

Sun Jian understood what Li Ping meant. She didn't want the police to intervene. Instead, she planned to find the place on her own and retaliate fiercely against the other party. If the other party beat her son, she would return it ten or even a hundred times.

"Sister-in-law, does my brother Cheng know about this?" Sun Jian asked.

"Don't mention him, that **** doesn't treat them as his own sons at all." Li Ping said fiercely.

Sun Jian also heard that some time ago, his old comrade-in-arms interrupted his son’s leg. At that time, Sun Dagang asked him to drink back, saying that he was almost killed by the jerk. He also knew that the husband and wife There is a conflict now.

He said at the moment: "Sister-in-law, I will take someone over to meet you. Let's go to the hotel to find a place."

"Ok, I'll wait for you." Li Ping said.

Half an hour later, Sun Jian called all the seven or eight people who worked as fitness instructors in his gym, and even put on blunt instruments, and then drove to meet Li Ping, and then a group of three cars headed towards Wansheng Road. Regal Hotel drove past.

These fitness coaches working in Sun Jian’s gym are all veterans or sports school backgrounds. They are all muscular men with good skills. They have never been afraid of anyone in a fight.

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