The Ultimate Student in the City

Chapter 1388: Car accident

Sun Jundong was cold on his back and said quickly: "Li Shao, don't worry, I will give you an explanation immediately."

Li Zedao didn't say anything, he simply hung up the phone.

"Stupid, idiot..." Sun Jundong yelled in frustration and jumped out of bed.

A girl lying on the bed was awakened by Sun Jundong's furious curse. She opened her eyes in a daze. Seeing Sun Jundong hurriedly putting on her pants, she smiled charmingly and said in a very waxy voice: " Honey, why are you so anxious? Staying with others for a while..."

"Be with Nima, get out!" Sun Jundong cursed without looking back.


"Afraid?" Li Zedao asked while looking at Jin Soyan.

Jin Soyan looked at him, shook her head lightly, and said with some annoyance: "No, Brother Zedao is here. I'm not afraid, but I feel like I'm too stupid and naive. I could pity him yesterday."

Li Zedao stretched out his hand, gently squeezed her pretty face and said, "That's because of your kindness... Forget it, let's not talk about him, naturally someone will trouble him, let's eat, and then take you Go shopping."

"Hmm...Isn't looking for a hotel?" She was embarrassed and said in a low voice, "I'm afraid that Brother Zedao will be uncomfortable." When Li Zedao helped her massage, the thing kept his head high... Brother Zedao must be very Uncomfortable.

"...I'm really uncomfortable if you say it again." Li Zedao said. I can't see that this little girl is so sultry, Li Zedao almost can't hold it.

Kim So Yeon blushed, "Ah...oh..."


The black Audi car whizzed forward on the road. In the car, Cheng Yang held the steering wheel with both hands tightly. The pig-headed face was full of violence, and his eyes were full of hatred.

"That idiot, idiot, can't even hold the bottle... idiot... why don't you die?" He cursed viciously.

Just now, when Xiaosan was ready to start his hands, his eyes widened in his car and planned to witness this impending "tragedy" with his own eyes. He wanted to see that **** Li Zedao and that * both of their faces were splashed thickly. Sulfuric acid is disfigured, even blind.

However, at the moment when he was so excited that he wanted to shout, the situation suddenly changed! He clearly saw the whole bottle of sulfuric acid slipped from Xiao San's hand, and then Xiao San began to fall to the ground and howled.

"Fool...Fool, you can't even hold a broken bottle, why don't you die." Cheng Yang roared through gritted teeth.

In this way, Xiao San must not be taken away by the **** for investigation? With Xiaosan's kind of cartilage, he can't be very happy, so you can explain that you let him do it? After that, that **** can let him go? He must not kill himself?

"Fool, fool..." Cheng Yang continued to growl, even wanting to cry.

Because this thing has developed here, he has completely lost his control. With the energy of that bastard, he can't play and be himself? So he was panicked, he was scared!

At this moment, the mobile phone placed in the co-pilot's position under several empty wine bottles rang suddenly.

Cheng Yang's heart shrank suddenly, his gaze swept over, and then he took it up with a free hand.

The call came from his old man.

He took a deep breath, connected, and said, "Dad..."

"You bastard, I'm not your dad!" His Lao Tzu's roar with great anger had already passed, and he almost broke Cheng Yang's eardrums: "You bastard, you bastard, you want to die by yourself. Don’t drag the whole family down, can’t you? Why didn’t I shoot you on the wall at the beginning? You bastard...You don’t want to get me back quickly? I have to pick up your **** skin this time..."

Then after a tumultuous voice, his mother’s crying, sharp roar came over: "What do you want to do? You made my mom work out of work, what else do you want? You still want to kill mom. Oh? Oh, what abuse did I do in my last life..."

"I'm telling you, Cheng Yang... are you listening? Listen carefully. From now on, you are not my Li Ping's son. You can fill the holes you pierced yourself. It doesn't matter whether you live or die... …"

After the roar, the phone was simply hung up.

Cheng Yang stayed alone for a few seconds. The phone slipped and fell from his hand. He didn't feel it. Even the steering wheel had already turned, and the fast-moving car had already deviated from its original route. He didn't feel it.

"Nima's... all die... all die..." He suddenly roared, madly, his eyes scared scary.

Then he fell into a madness and vaguely heard the sound of the whistle.

When he looked up and looked forward, his mind was puzzled again. I don’t know when he turned to the left-hand lane. In other words, he is driving in the reverse direction. What’s more tragic is that he doesn’t know when he actually appeared. A big earth-moving truck, and it is the one that honked the whistle.

He was so silly that he didn't know how to turn the steering wheel quickly.

He directly stepped on the brakes like a conditioned reflex, but the car did not respond as it should be to slow down. Instead, the express delivery was faster... At this time, Cheng Yang didn't know at all. In the panic, he simply put the brakes. The throttle is used as a brake

"Di...di..." The horn of the earth-moving truck grew louder and longer.

"Ah, no, no, no..." Cheng Yang roared with wide-open eyes, the red and swollen eyes were no different from seeing a ghost.


Blood splattered!


Li Zedao took Jin Soyan at Wangfujing and planned to help her buy some clothes.

"Brother Zedao, I have it." Kim So-yeon said cleverly, "the last time you bought me a few items that I didn't wear."

"I like you to wear it to me." Li Zedao said, and then felt that Kim So-yeon looked at her with weird and shy eyes. Li Zedao knew that the girl was thinking about trouble again, and quickly added, "I said That kind of normal clothes..."

"Ah, oh..." Kim So Yeon was too embarrassed.

Then, Li Zedao whispered in her ear: "Of course, I like the kind of clothes you think better."

"... Brother Zedao is really annoying."

After such a trouble, Jin Soyan completely gave up the idea of ​​helping Li Zedao save money.

Most women are born with little resistance to beautiful clothes. Another point is that most women obviously already have a cupboard of clothes but can't find clothes to wear, always saying that they have no clothes.

Naturally, Jin Soyan couldn't resist the temptation of beautiful clothes, but she really didn't have many clothes, so Li Zedao wanted to help her buy some.

"Take you to a store first. I think the clothes in that store are suitable for you." Li Zedao said. Affected by those wealthy women in the family, Li Zedao is now quite researching on trends, and he also knows many domestic and foreign brands.

At the moment, Li Zedao and Kim So-yeon came to a flagship store of a luxury brand that is famous all over the world. At this time, there was a security guard at the door, and a dozen stylishly dressed men and women were waiting in line over there. Go in.

Li Zedao held Jin Soyan's small hand and lined up at the back of the crowd.

Compared with these people, Li Zedao and Kim So-yeon's dressing can naturally be called "old-fashioned".

Kim So-yeon whispered, "Brother Zedao, there seems to be a lot of people, so I have to line up..."

Li Zedao smiled and said: "It's okay, lined up, the clothes inside are good-looking." In fact, this is to make the distinguished customers better shopping, so it will limit the number of people who enter the store each time. After all, if this luxury brand is crowded Like a vegetable market, the grade has naturally fallen.

"Oh, that...isn't it expensive?" Kim So-yeon whispered.

"Little sister So Yeon, do you know what our family has the most?" Li Zedao asked.

"This... a woman?" Jin Soyan thought for a while and said, but Brother Ze Dao said that he has more than 20 girlfriends in the family. Jin Soyan felt a little nervous in her heart, wondering if the other women of Brother Ze Dao liked her.

"Uh..." Li Zedao said that the old face was hot, and he felt like he was slapped a few times by an invisible hand.

"It's money." He said helplessly.

"Ah? Oh..." Kim So-yeon stuck out her tongue embarrassedly.

"You have several older sisters, as well as your brother Zedao and I. They are all money printing machines." Li Zedao said, "So, all you need to do is to relax, be happy and let me pamper me. You can do it."

"Hmm..." Kim So-yeon smiled sweetly and happily, and whispered, "I will learn from Li Gu seriously now, and then I will also be a money printing machine in the future, and let you relax and be happy and happy. Just let me spoil you well."

Li Zedao laughed and nodded.

At this moment, a beautiful girl in a beige dress took a middle-aged uncle and walked over here, and said softly, "My dear, this is it. People came here yesterday and liked a bag. Now, can you buy it for someone else?"

The middle-aged man seemed to spoil his little lover. He put his arms around her slender waist and said domineeringly: "Buy, of course I bought it. Can I come if I don't buy it?"

"Also, you said you want to help someone make a single, don't forget it." The woman said a little.

"Haha, how dare you forget? I have already contacted the gold medal songwriter Mao San, and I will take you to talk with him later." said the middle-aged uncle.

"Really?" The woman was overjoyed, "My husband, you are so kind." Then the **** red lips passed, and they were heavily printed on the middle-aged uncle's face.

When the woman walked to the door, when she saw Kim So-yeon who was standing there, she was shocked, and then said with a cynical taste: “Yeah, isn’t this Mr. Li Gu’s high-dog Kim So-yan?

Jin Soyan heard the voice and looked back at the woman who called her name. She knew but was not too familiar with it.

This woman’s name is Shanni, a student at the Conservatory of Music, and she lives in the dormitory next to Kim So Yeon’s dormitory. Of course, Kim So Yeon’s situation is a bit special, so she lives by herself.

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