The Ultimate Student in the City

Chapter 1390: Li Ze's apology

Kim So Yeon looked up and saw Shanni walking in the direction holding her boyfriend Hu Bin's arm, and pointed to the blue dress in her hand.

I stretched out my hand and snatched the skirt from Kim So Yeon's hand. Looking back at Hu Bin, he gestured the skirt to her body and said with a charming smile, "My husband, what do you think?"

"Yes, it suits your temperament, you go try it." Hu Bin said.

Kim So-yeon’s small face was already full of anger, and her good temper doesn’t mean she’s bullying. But she used to get gangsters in school and took other people’s faces while watching that kind of little movie secretly. Girl.

"Return the skirt to me," she said.

"Give you back?" Shanni looked back at Kim So-yeon like an idiot, "Yours? Did you pay?"

"I picked it first." Kim So Yeon said.

"I picked it yesterday." Shanni said.


The sales lady on the side was a little embarrassed. She looked at Shanni apologetically and said, "Sorry miss, this lady chose this dress first... or else, you can take a look at other styles first? Wait for this lady to try it. After it’s not so suitable, am I taking it for you to choose?"

Shanni raised her eyebrows, and she said to the sales lady directly: "What do you mean? What do you mean if she tried it? Give it to me? If it doesn't, I can ask it? Do you know that I am a VIP customer here? You Do you know that our dear and your store manager are friends? Besides, you don’t have to work for her anymore. The price of this dress is 20,000 yuan. She doesn’t have enough money and can’t afford it, but she just wants to come over Just look at the solution."

Hu Bin looked at this scene with a smile on his face, and he felt a very happy feeling in his heart.

Shanni is indeed a frequent visitor here, and what she said is the truth, so the sales lady really can't afford to provoke such customers, so she looked at Kim So-yeon with an embarrassed face and said, "Miss, or... let me introduce you Other styles?"

This is actually not in line with the store's rules, but the sales lady has to do it... After all, this is a world of picking up persimmons.

"Why?" Kim So-yeon looked at Shanni angrily, and didn't give in at all. This was the first piece of clothing that Zedao's brother helped her choose. How could it be given to her?

"Why?" Shanni sneered, "Just because of my VIP customers in this store, and because my husband and the store manager are good friends here, you can't afford to put garlic here and get people's clothes. What to do if it's dirty?"

"Oh, yes." Shanni reminded me kindly, "Everyone knows how you became a student of Mr. Li Gu, so don't let Mr. Li Gu know that you have asked for leave to date your boyfriend. , Otherwise... maybe you will be swept out."

"Shanni..." Kim So-yeon raised her volume and shouted. This time, she was really angry. How could she maliciously insult the pure and snowflake-like teacher-student relationship between her and Teacher Li Gu?

"Are you endless?"

"What does it mean to be endless?" Shanni glanced at Li Zedao with a smiling face, covered her mouth, and said suddenly, "Oh, can't your boyfriend not know that you cuckold him? Is this something? Ah, sorry, sorry..."

Then there was a little innocent expression again: "But, I'm not wrong again..."

Kim So-yeon didn't say a word, and she slapped Shanni's face very simply.

However, Jin Soyeon could not slap Shanni's face with her slap after all, because her arm was already held in her hand by Hu Bin, who was staring at her.

Shanni, who had escaped her face angrily, pointed at Kim So-yeon and cursed, "Do you dare to hit me?"

"That's right, why are you such a woman without a tutor? Didn't our family Shanny tell the truth? How? I dare to do it, but I won't let you tell? What is it? Seeing you look so quiet, you made it Things can't make it to the table...Typical green tea bitch!" Hu Bin felt the tenderness of Jin Soyan's arm and criticized politely.

"Let go of your hand!" Li Zedao looked at this guy and said coldly. He had just lost his mind, otherwise how could this guy's hand have a chance to hold Jin Soyan's hand.

"Heh, what are you?" Hu Bin looked at Li Ze with disdain, "As cheap as a dog, my girlfriend slept with others and willingly ate instant noodles and came to this place. …Really scornful, but, it’s a good match, how do you say that sentence? Bitch-child with dog, forever?"

Li Zedao grinned: "This is quite smooth..."

The time of speaking, the hand has passed, and he grabbed Hu Bin's hand that was still holding Jin Soyan's wrist, and then slammed hard.

"Chaka!" The sound of broken bones sounded.

"Ah..." Hu Bin's face suddenly stiffened, and a screaming scream came out of his mouth.

Then Li Zedao punched it again and hit Hu Bin’s nose directly, again with a "click!" There was a crisp, scarlet blood already sprayed out of Hu Bin’s nostrils, and the blood was very crisp. The spray sprayed on Shanny, who was a little silly standing aside, and even the expensive dress she was holding was splashed.

"Ah..." Shanni and the sales lady are both beautiful young girls. Have you ever experienced such a battle? So she screamed almost at the same time, especially Shanni, who was splattered with blood, and her face turned pale with fright.

At the same time, Hu Bin was already sitting on the ground, his right wrist was pinched off abruptly, and his nose collapsed. The pain that seemed to come from the soul made him almost unconscious. .

"Ah...husband...husband...are you okay?" After Shanni screamed, she finally reacted, and she squatted down crying to help Hu Bin follow her up.

"You... Nima's, don't touch it, it's broken... It's a man..." Hu Bin screamed again and again, if the pain was so painful that he would not be able to lift his hands, he would have slapped on this big chest Of the woman.

While screaming, pointing at Li Zedao and Kim So-yeon standing over there and cursed: "Damn, dare to hit me... I must let you die without a place to bury... What are you doing stupidly, call the police..."

Li Zedao glanced at this unrepentant guy like a idiot, then looked back at Jin Soyan, and said helplessly: "That skirt is ruined, but it's a pity. It really suits you. You must look good on it."

Jin Soyan nodded regretfully: "It's ruined." She regretted that she couldn't show it to Brother Zedao.

"I will take you to other places in a while..." Li Ze didn't finish his words. The phone in his pocket rang, and he took a look at the call from Sun Jundong.

Because that guy was yelling too noisy, Li Zedao took Jin Soyan and planned to walk aside to answer the call.

Hu Bin yelled to the security guard who rushed over: "This pair of dog men and women are going to run, stop now..."

Li Zedao's eyes were cold, and he strode up to him, and then kicked Hu Bin's stomach with a simple kick.

Hu Bin was simply kicked and didn't faint, but because of the pain, his face was completely twisted into a ball, and he was so painful that he couldn't speak, so his ears became quiet.

The saleswoman, the security guard who rushed over, and Shanni all stared at Li Zedao with wide-eyed eyes. Seeing the violent male as if nothing happened, he put the earphones in his hands to his ears.


"Shao Li, that...Cheng Yang is dead." On the other end of the phone, Sun Jundong said very hard.

"...Dead? How did you die?" Li Ze was dazed. He couldn't commit suicide because he was afraid of his own revenge. Or was he missed to death by his grumpy Laozi? Li Zedao has heard that the Cheng Ming who pretended to force him last time was broken by his old man Cheng Dagang.

"Drunk driving, driving in the opposite direction, and then collided with an earthmoving vehicle." Sun Jundong said. If it weren’t for finding out that Cheng Yang talked to his parents more than a minute before the accident and was severely scolded, and alcohol was detected in Cheng Yang’s body, there is still nothing left in the squashed car. Sun Jundong wanted to doubt whether he was killed by Li Zedao for the few or unbroken wine bottles.

"Suspect me?" Li Zedao frowned.

"No, Shao Li, you have misunderstood..." Sun Jundong said quickly with a fright. "It has been found out that it is a real drunk driving. This is driving backwards in a daze..."

"His death has nothing to do with me." Li Zedao said. Of course, Li Zedao felt somewhat apologetic in his heart. If he slashed the mess and discounted his legs and feet neatly and completely scared him, wouldn't he need to die? After thinking about it, I feel that I think too much. People like Cheng Yang will think about how to retaliate against you all day long as long as he is still there. Li Zedao is certainly not afraid of being retaliated, but he is worried that Kim So-yeon will be harmed. He had to stay in Yanjing, and he couldn't stay by her side.

Li Zedao is not a cruel person, but at this moment, he feels that he is dead...It's good.

Of course, having such thoughts is very inhuman and beastly. Therefore, Li Zedao condemned himself severely in his heart. After the condemnation, he felt that he was dead again, and it was good.

"I know, Shao Li." Sun Jundong said, even if it matters, I dare not say it.

"But..." After hesitating, Sun Jundong said cautiously, "That Li Ping..."

Li Zedao interrupted Sun Jundong's words and said, "I know that she will think that I killed her son, and that I caused her family to be destroyed... I understand the feeling of being a mother. Of course things have developed to this point. I am indeed responsible. I should happily interrupt Cheng Yang’s limbs, and even beat him into a vegetative or something. In this way, there will be no morning affairs, and no morning affairs. There will be a car accident."

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