The Ultimate Student in the City

Chapter 1402: Master and apprentice

"So, that tomb must never be opened? Otherwise, it would be equivalent to releasing Duanmuweizhuang?" Li Zedao asked very hard.

"The Immeasurable Tianzun." Qing Xuzi patted Li Zedao on the shoulder, with a pity of heaven and man, and said: "The donor is wrong."

"Wrong?" Li Zedao looked confused, what was wrong?

"On the contrary, the donor should go to the misty place, open the tomb, and then disperse the soul of Duanmuweizhuang." Qingxuzi said, "because, even if you don't go in, the senior brother is not far from the day he will come out. Because Poor Dao can only trap him for a while, and there is no way to trap him... Donor, where have you been?

"Oh, I didn't sleep last night, go back and get some sleep." Li Zedao stood up and wanted to leave.

Let yourself disperse the spirit of the thousand-year-old ghost in the grave? What international joke, you take me too much, right? It's no wonder that when you met before, you would say something like "slashing demons and eliminating demons, and fighting against evil forces. This matter is up to you. It's hard work..." This kind of nonsense came out, it turned out to be the idea.

And you can’t do it if you are not so high. Poor Dao can only trap him for a while... That's a time after more than a thousand years?

"Wuliang Tianzun, God's will is like this, then let Duanmu Weizhuang reappear in the world, do evil... just, oh, how many lives will be lost by then?" Qingxuzi looked compassionate to the heavens and people, even more so The sleeves wiped the corners of the eyes, and of course, there were no tears there.

Li Zedao responded very depressed: "Nerv...Uh, no, Mr. Chen, if you can trap him... for a while, you can definitely trap him again for a while. Therefore, this is the honor of slaying the demon and eliminating demons for Tianxingdao. You can do the great task yourself, Mr. Chen, and a little person like me will silently cheer for you."

"Immeasurable Tianzun, Poor Dao is a heart and lack of strength. Otherwise, how can Poor Dao tolerate Duan Muwei's solemn living in the world?" Qing Xuzi said with emotion, "Let’s not say that Poor Dao’s limit has come, and Poor Dao is now too ten thousand. Close to the place where there is no fog, as long as the aura of Poor Dao appears around, the juniors who are already masters of the realm of returning to the original state will definitely cut off Poor Dao’s head immediately, and the yellow part of the colorful stone is not integrated into the Pin Dao tongue. Without a special antidote, naturally there is no way to get into the thick fog."

Li Zedao looked at the neuropathy suspiciously, and asked, "Dao Master, you should also be a master of returning to the original state, right?"

"Blessed Heavenly Venerable, Pang Dao means stepping into that level with one foot. On the way of martial arts, Pang Dao's talent is not as good as that of junior and sister, and he didn't have the blessing of heaven, so I couldn't enter that level." Qing Xuzi is very humble. Say.

"Yes, even a master like Dao Master, you, would be decapitated when approaching. I was not allowed to be broken into pieces in the past?" Li Zedao said silently. He hadn't forgotten that before coming out of the Devil's Cave Forest that day, the female ghost told him that she dared to go in and kill you directly. Li Zedao didn't think the female ghost was joking.

Qing Xuzi smiled slightly and said with certainty: "Junior Sister will not kill you."

Then she was already sour again: "Because she knows that you entered the tomb to let her beloved brother out."


"Wuliang Tianzun, the benefactor, sit down, let the waiter bring some side dishes and tea, and Rong Piandao will tell you a lot." Qing Xuzi looked at Li Zedao and smiled.

As if being bewitched by something, Li Zedao, who had already stood up, sat back again. After sitting back, he woke up and realized why didn't he go? Isn't this guilty?

At the moment, he heard that Xuzi was chattering over there and took out his cell phone to send a message to Bei, saying that the acquaintance he met was broken in love, and he had to comfort him.


A long, long long time ago, there was such a person who knew astronomy and geography, five elements, gossip, Qimen Dunjia, piano, chess, calligraphy and painting, and even farmland water conservancy, economic strategy and so on. A mysterious old Taoist with peerless magic, this awesome Taoist has three disciples.

The big apprentice is Duanmu Weizhuang, the second apprentice is Chen Tuan, and the young apprentice is a girl named Bingxue. The four masters and apprentices live peacefully in a certain Taoist temple on Mount Taishan in Dongyue.

One day, the old Taoist thought a little bit, his expression became serious, and he shook his head repeatedly and said, "God's will, God's will, God's will cannot be violated."

Then he told his three apprentices that he would go out to do errands, so that they would be optimistic about Taoism and should not be slack.

A month later, the Taoist priest came back servilely. After having dinner, he asked the little Tao Tong to call the second disciple Chen Tuan to him.

"Master." Chen Tuan came to the front, saw Master closed his eyes and meditated, and called out softly.

Taoist Lao opened his eyes slowly and looked at his disciple with a kind smile. He stretched out his big hand and gently touched his head and said, "Disciple, I have to go out for my teacher these few days. , I’m afraid I won’t come back for a long time, even..."

The Taoist priest wanted to say that even you and me will never see each other, but he knows the nature and kindness of his two apprentices. If he says this, he will shed tears, and I am afraid that he will cry all night, so he changed his mind. Said: "In short, after leaving as a teacher, you must work hard to practice those who teach and teach you as a teacher, and don't be slack in your heart."

"Yes, Master, Disciple remember. Disciple will definitely practice harder and wait until Master comes back." Chen Tuan said seriously.

The Taoist priest was very satisfied and smiled and said: "As a teacher, I am still very relieved of you."

Then his expression was solemn, and he sighed.

"Why does the master sigh? Tu'er is willing to share the worries and solve problems for the master." Chen Tuan said when he saw the expression on the master.

"Apprentice, you sit down." The Taoist priest watched Chen Tuan sit cross-legged in front of him, and continued, "I don’t know how long and how long will I come back as a teacher. , I feel very uncomfortable as a teacher, and I really can’t let go of your senior brother when I am a teacher."

"Big Brother? What's wrong with Big Brother?" Chen Tuan asked.

"Disciple, do you know why the teacher refuses to teach your senior brother to peep into the heavens, and he doesn't even teach him the most basic martial arts and the like, but only teaches him the art of discord?"

Chen Tuan stunned slightly, and shook his head. Can't you say that Master is partial, right?

Chen Tuan really feels that Master is biased. You must know that Master knows everything about astronomy and geography, the Five Elements Bagua, Qimen Dunjia, Qinqi, calligraphy and painting, and even farmland water conservancy, economic strategy and so on. He even got the law of peeping into the heavens and cultivating the breath of heaven and earth. Simply put, he can now be regarded as a semi-god existence. It is no problem to live for hundreds of years. Even after a hundred years, his soul is not affected by the heaven and the earth. Force control, go where he should go, but can regenerate, just change the physical body.

Chen Tuan has followed his master since he was a child and accepted his meticulous guidance. It has been more than 20 years since he was talented and intelligent. He has basically learned the art of peeping into the heavens.

However, the master taught all this to himself, and did not teach the senior brother and the third junior sister. He only taught the senior brother and the third junior sister, and as for the third junior sister, he taught her the physical fitness.

The Taoist priest smiled and looked at Chen Tuan and said, "As the teacher knows, you think that is partial to the teacher."

Chen Tuan looked at Master and nodded slightly.

"Being a teacher is not partial, but familiar with the qualities of the three of your brothers and sisters. All three of you are talented and intelligent, but your qualities are different."

"Disciple, you have a good nature. If you accidentally step on an ant, you will be sad for a long time. At the same time, you can stick to your own ideas and not be influenced by others. Therefore, the more you learn, the more capable you are. Beneficial to all people. As for your junior sister, your naive and romantic nature, this is a good thing, but it is easy to be deceived by others. This is her biggest shortcoming. I taught her a peerless martial arts in order to let her have the ability to protect herself. The most important thing is, She is a woman, and she is not allowed to practice our method of peeping into heaven. This is the rule."

"As for your big brother..." The Taoist priest shook his head and said: "As the teacher can tell, he is actually a sinister and cruel person. Therefore, I only teach him the technique of stigmatization. The purpose is to make him be benevolent. The heart, but... alas... the country is easy to change and its nature is hard to change."

"Master, did Brother do anything to make your old man unhappy?" Chen Tuan asked.

The Taoist priest laughed blankly: "You stinky boy, do you think that you are a teacher because your brother has done something that upsets me so that he hates him like this?"

"The disciple dare not." Chen Tuan said quickly, "the disciple just thinks that the brother is very good, respects the teacher and teaches to be easy-going and casual."

The Taoist priest waved his hand: "In short, you remember that after leaving for the teacher, your senior brother may do some extreme detrimental things. At that time, the teacher hopes that you can replace your teacher and kill your senior brother. , Lest he do more damaging things..."

Chen Tuan's face changed drastically: "Master..."

"Disciple, remember what you say as a teacher." The Taoist priest's expression has become a little serious, "The teacher is not joking with you, but is very serious about explaining things to you."

"Yes, Master, the disciple should take it to heart." Chen Tuan saw that Master was angry, so he dared not say anything.

"This is for you..." As he said, the Taoist took out a silver bag from his arms and handed it to his second apprentice.

Chen Tuan took it and asked with some doubts: "Master, this is..." It can't always be that Master planned to give them some money for living expenses before he left, right?

"Open it and take a look." Taoist said.

When Chen Tuan opened it, he found that there were some colorful little fingers of different sizes and shapes in the bag. His eyes widened, and he said aloud: "Master, this is... colorful stone? How did it become such?"

"You're not mistaken, this is the most treasured colorful stone of this door, it is the piece left over when Nuwa repaired the sky in the past, but it was divided into five by the teacher according to the color."

"Master, why is this?"

"Because the teacher wants to polish into five safe buckles according to the color, these are the leftovers." Taoist said, "These stones have supernatural power against the sky, so you can harvest them well."


Li Zedao stared at Qingxuzi with wide eyes, swallowed hard, and then found that his mouth was dry.

"Wait...Wait..." Li Zedao said very hard, and then took up the half glass of tea provided by the hotel in front of him and drank it in one sip. Then he looked at Qingxuzi: "So, it was polished with multicolored stones. You are not the one with the five safe buttons, but your master?"

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