The Ultimate Student in the City

Chapter 1423: Buy lottery tickets

After scanning the rows of shelves for a few times, Li Zedao looked up again, only to see that the tomb was still inlaid with a fist-sized thing emitting a soft green light, like a small light bulb. .

Of course, this can't be a light bulb...A ten-watt light bulb emits brighter light than this.

"This is Ye Mingzhu." The knowledgeable Bei raised his head and stared at the soft green light.

"Very valuable?" Li Zedao asked.

Bei glanced at him, and responded coldly: "Grave robbery is illegal."

"Uh...I just asked casually, I didn't want to steal it." Being despised by this woman, Li Zedao was somewhat embarrassed, although he was used to being despised.

"There are characters there." Bei pointed to the front shelf and said. There was a wooden sign hanging on the shelf with two characters written on the sign, but these two characters were very strange to Bei, not Bei. She is illiterate. While she still has research on animals and insects, she is also proficient in the languages ​​of six countries, but this type of writing is an ancient font at first glance, and Bei does not know it.

"Dao Zang." Li Zedao looked at the two words and said, "This is Xiao Zhuan."

"Dao Zang? Xiao Zhuan?" Bei was a little confused, these two words were very strange to her.

"You know?" Bei asked again. I didn't see that this beast was quite knowledgeable.

"Nonsense." Li Zedao said proudly, "I am the top student in the college entrance examination."


Of course, this has nothing to do with the so-called college entrance examination champion. The main reason is that Li Zedao is a student of archaeology. The book naturally introduces the font of Xiaozhuan, and Li Zedao has a strong memory, so after studying it specially before. , I quickly mastered the writing of this font.

Despising this guy, Bei asked again, "Is it Tao Zang or Xiao Zhuan? Tao Zang is Xiao Zhuan? What do you mean?" After all, there are only two words on it, but you are Tao Zang and what Xiao Zhuan is, I don’t understand this. , But don't fool me. I can count a few words clearly.

Li Zedao couldn't hold back his joy. Then he pointed to the two words and explained patiently: "I mean, these two words are pronounced ‘Tao Zang’, and Xiao Zhuan only refers to the font of these two words..."

Bei was shocked, and then he glanced at Li Zedao indifferently, and said with some irritation, "I don't know how funny it is?"

"No, no." Li Zedao quickly denied.

"You laughed... are you still smiling?"

Li Zedao looked at this cute face and said with a haha: "Xiaozhuan was the policy of "same writing, same track, same track" and unified weights and measures after Qin Shihuang unified China. Prime Minister Li Si was in charge of the big seal used in Qin. On the basis of simplification, the other six languages ​​were cancelled, and a unified Chinese writing form was created. Because of its beautiful font, it has always been favored by calligraphers, and because of its complex strokes and ancient forms, and you can add twists and turns , The seal engraving, especially the official seals that need anti-counterfeiting, are all in this small seal font..."

Bei glanced at him and interrupted his words coldly: "Are you showing off your knowledge?"

"No, I'm helping you popularize some of the most basic knowledge." Li Zedao laughed.

"You mean, you are very knowledgeable?" Bei asked.

"Uh... it's okay, it's okay." Li Zedao had a bit of a bitter taste when he said this. He knew that Bei was going to give him a problem, but the man could not persuade him at the critical moment.

"Well, let me ask you the most basic question, how many species are there in Insecta? Not to mention the specific numbers, just a rough number." Bei Leng said coldly.

"..." Li Zedao was stunned, he forgot that Bei was an insect doctor.

Bei sneered: "I don't know?"

"This... my wife, I am wrong, I am wrong." Li Zedaotian said with a smile.

"Get out!" Bei glared at him. His "wife" made her heart beat wildly, and the roots of her ears became a little hot.

"Compared with the font of Xiaozhuan, shouldn't we be more concerned about the meaning of the two characters'Tao Zang'?" Bei pointed to the two characters and said coldly.

" is indeed true." Li Zedao said with a smiling face, already knowing that Bei was not showing off him because he was showing off, but because he had made a mistake.

Quickly explain the meaning of the two words "Dao Zang": "Dao Zang, is the general name of Taoist books, including Taoist sub-books under the Zhou and Qin Dynasty and Taoist classics since the Six Dynasties. It is a collection of Taoist scriptures. A large-scale Taoist book series that has collected many classics and organized the scope and organization structure."

"In other words, are all Taoist scriptures collected here?" Bei asked, looking at the shelves of books.

"It should be." Li Zedao nodded, "Even if you read all these Taoist scriptures, you might become a master of martial arts."

"Get out!" Bei glared at him.

"It's true." Li Zedao said, "Huang Chang knows? It is said that during the Great Song Dynasty thousands of years ago, Emperor Song Huizong searched all over the world for Taoist books, engraved and printed, with a total of 5,481 volumes. Called the "Wan Shou Dao Zang", the person appointed by the emperor to engrave the book is called Huang Shang..."

Bei Shi didn't want to hear this cheeky guy show off his knowledge without the slightest nutrition, and interrupted him again: "I only know Huang Rong, Huang Yaoshi."

"...Well, beauty, you are really knowledgeable."

"Get off..." Bei said now, feeling insulted to death, "I just want to know how to leave this place...I'm hungry."

Li Zedao stared at Bei with wide eyes and a surprised expression: "What did you say?"

"I'm hungry, what's wrong? There is a problem?" The expression of Li Zedao made Bei a little depressed. Could it be that after he changed his body weight and lived in the world, he could not eat anymore? Who made it? I feel very hungry now, okay?

"I think it's good when you say these three words... cute." Li Zedao said. He really didn't expect this person who usually beats or even kills coldly at every turn...Supergirl would actually say the three words "I'm hungry".

"Get out!" Bei said coldly, and then whispered, "Really cute? Well, you just want it."

"...Do you know that I really want to commit a crime like this?" Li Zedao couldn't help it.

"Go out." Bei understood Li Zedao's meaning and gave this answer. When he said this, his eyes were a bit afraid to face Li Zedao, but instead he was looking at the shelf of the book as if there were some rare treasures on it.

Li Zedao suddenly felt as if he had beaten chicken blood, and he immediately became excited and said: "Since there are many Taoist classics here, there may also be records of the so-called Jiugong Bagua Array, which I learn and sell now. Maybe we can go out."

"So, you need to find one by one?" Bei pointed to the bookshelf and asked. Not only are the bamboo slips used to hold calves even if I see them now, but there are also animal skins, of course, there are also a lot of paper, and there is a thick layer of dust on them, which shows that they are old. It's not that this ghost place is extremely dry, I'm afraid it's moldy and rotting long ago.

Li Zedao nodded a little big head and said, "I'm afraid it will be like this... Actually, it is not that difficult. The Jiugong Bagua Array is related to the gossip. So you are responsible for finding the bamboo slips and animal skins, and opening them. If there is gossip, maybe that's it, just throw it aside."

"I am responsible for checking those paper books." Li Zedao said again. Of course, Li Zedao would not be stupid to go through every book page by page. Taoism includes "Laozi", "Liezi", "Zhuangzi", "Guiguzi", "Guanzi", "Huainanzi"... etc. Well-known classics, so basically just look at the title of the book on the cover to know if you are looking for it.

Moreover, although Li Zedao regarded skipping classes as commonplace, even if he went to class, he secretly molested with Miffy and Lin Susu, but his learning ability was there, so after self-study, he basically knew all kinds of ancient characters.

Bei nodded, stretched out her hand, and picked up a dusty animal skin within her reach.

Haven't the so-called martial arts secrets and formations in the novels have always been recorded on sheepskins and cowhide or even human skins? Therefore, Bei decided to search for the animal skin first.

He simply flicked it twice and flicked off the dust on it. Then Bei opened the folded skin of an unknown animal, took a look, and looked up at the one he was picking up one of the ancient books. Li Zedao said: "There is gossip."

"Ah? So fast?" Li Zedao hurriedly put the "Lao Tzu" back, leaned over and took a look, his eyes widened instantly, and said, "Sister Bei, in any case, you must promise me one thing."

Seeing Li Zedao's expression suddenly became solemn, he nodded slightly and said, "It depends on what happened."

"Go out and buy lottery tickets."


"So, is this the one you're looking for?" Bei was also shocked by his luck. A few minutes ago, she knocked on the wall so casually, and then the secret door opened and they were able to come to this place.

Now, she casually picked up one of the thousands of books, but it turned out to be.

Bei felt...that he should buy a lottery ticket.

Who said she committed the life of a lone star? For the grandfather who ruined her entire childhood and changed all of her life's trajectory, Bei always had resentment in his heart and couldn't let go.

"This is it." Li Zedao said excitedly, "Did you see the words'Nine Palaces and Eight Diagrams' written on it?"

"I see, I don't know." Bei glanced at him.

"...You take a break, I will study and study." Li Zedao said.

Bei nodded and didn't say anything. Of course, she was very confident in Li Zedao. How amazing is the learning ability of this guy who was transformed by Ghost Maru? So it's not strange to learn all of a sudden what other people might not learn in a lifetime.

Even if I really couldn't get out, I was trapped here alive... Bei looked at Li Zedao softly, and muttered in his heart: "If you dare not learn, I will kill you!"

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