The Ultimate Student in the City

Chapter 1435: I didn't do it

Could it be that vicious woman Qin Sufang? Before, she and Qin Sufang were fighting for the top position in the personnel bureau. In the end, she won, and Qin Sufang became her deputy.

Li Ping knew that this seemingly polite deputy was actually extremely dissatisfied in her heart, extremely resentful of herself, and kept secretly looking for opportunities to give herself a fatal blow, but Li Ping didn’t matter. She could rub her at any time compared to her wrist. Pinching this woman, of course, she has been doing this in secret, so in the game, Qin Sufang's life is not very easy.

So, that vicious woman couldn't stand her own suppression, so she went to extremes?

Or maybe...that Li Zedao? Although the son is dead, how could such an arrogant and lawless person let them go so easily?

Or Yang Hu? What he had in the meeting that day was that he rudely criticized him in front of everyone, his face was ugly.

Or is it……

The names of people who might have done this kind of thing appeared in her mind one after another. Li Ping was very sad to discover that she had offended so many people before she knew it, and she was almost dead. Kind of.

"Slap!" responded to her with another slap.

"Ah..." Li Ping screamed again, being slapped by such slap after slap, which made her emotionally collapsed, "Who are you? What do you want to do..."

"Ask for justice for my son." A somewhat vicissitudes of low voice sounded.

The other party was willing to speak, which made Li Ping a little relieved. If he was willing to speak, it would prove that the matter could be discussed.

"You... who is your son?"

"My son had an excellent written test in the civil service test before, but he failed in the final interview. He was sent away by casual search. I heard that you, the woman in charge of the Personnel Bureau, took advantage of others. , So I squeezed out my son's quota... Is there such a thing?"

"I...I don't know what you're talking about..." Li Ping's voice trembled, but she felt bitter in her heart. This kind of thing did happen several times. Those who contacted her to ask her for help or superiors or send money over. She can't afford to offend her superiors, money... she can't make trouble with Qian...

So, why are so many candidates with excellent written test scores that they are brushed down during the interview? It's not because you look ugly, it's not because your eloquence can't perform on the spot... To put it bluntly, why do you have to interview after the written test? Basically, I just want to see if you have a good dad.

But how could Li Ping admit this kind of thing so easily?

"Pop!" Before Li Ping could say anything, that cold hand was slapped again on Li Ping's face.

"Ah..." Li Ping screamed again, she couldn't bear it, and bowed her head to admit her mistake, "I'm sorry...I was wrong, it was mine...I shouldn't be squeezed out of your son's place by others' favor... ...I...I can arrange a job for your son now...Really...As long as it's not too difficult, I can arrange it in any bureau in the district..."

"Ah..." Li Ping's trembling voice of begging for mercy has turned into a screaming scream, her body struggled desperately, trembling extremely, and her face became pale and distorted due to the severe pain. ... She felt very clearly that something cold had pierced her thigh fiercely, and even more clearly felt that warm things were constantly spraying out of her body.

She yelled hoarsely. The body pain and the fear in her heart made her spirit almost collapsed. Her eyes were blinded, so she couldn't see, when the cold thing would pierce her again. Her neck or other places, which made her physically and mentally suffer.

"Pain will make your mind clearer, and it can also make the fluke in your heart disappear." The man said in a low and calm tone, "The matter is at this point, and I have no retreat, and I don't mind making it harder. For example, I can cut off your body with one knife, or I can strip you naked and throw you on the road...if you don’t answer my question properly."

"Hoo... you say... I will answer you whatever you say... Ah..." Li Ping gasped and cried pitifully, "Please, stop torturing me... ah... …"

"I want you to listen to the things you have done recently that violate the law and discipline." The man still had a very vicissitudes of life and low tone, as if he was used to life and death in the world, and said, "For example, , Have you taken bribes lately? Have you slept with your subordinates? Even... Have you murdered others? Make it clear, I can consider letting you go, otherwise, you can stay here overnight."

"Oh, by the way, don’t try to hide anything. I probably know a little bit about the things you did. If I find out that I’m missing something, it’s not my thigh, but Haha..." The man's tone changed, and it was already sinister and evil, and even Li Ping clearly felt something sharp, hard and cold across her crotch, which made her body tremble even more. , The soul is almost gone.

This is a madman, a pervert, a demon who can do anything, so Li Ping really dare not hide anything, although she knows that the other party seems to want to collect evidence of her violation of laws and regulations and then report something. When the words I said were spread out, it would not be as simple as resigning at that time, but would be investigated and imprisoned.

But if you don't tell me, God knows how this demon will torture himself to death?

"I said...I will make it clear..." She cried and said with a trembling voice.

In the next few minutes, she did all the things she had done recently that were illegal, such as accepting bribes, maliciously suppressing colleagues, or having ambiguous contact with a handsome subordinate... this old man Like little girls, likewise, old women also like to play with little fresh meat.

"That's it?" the man asked coldly.

"I...I really didn't hide it, I said it all..." Li Ping cried and begged for mercy. She is not a good official, but she hasn't done too many things that violate the law and discipline.

"I heard that your son died in a car accident, but you have always suspected that someone killed him... Didn't you think about revenge?" the man asked coldly.

Li Ping was stunned slightly, the other party even mentioned the matter, so Li Zedao really did it? Or Sun Jundong and others? After all, their family is Li Zedao's doglegs.

" are..."

A sharp object was directly pressed against her crotch. Li Ping's body was so clever that she almost died of fright. She was very aggrieved and cried and quickly said, "Think...think...think... ...But I just thought, if I had time to do something, I was caught here...I dare not think about it anymore. I dare not think about it anymore. My son died in a car accident. He is drunk and driving himself and cannot blame others..."

"You don't need to emphasize this. This is something everyone knows." The man coldly interrupted Li Ping and said.


"A few hours ago, there was a car accident at Sihai intersection. Have you heard of it?" Li Ze asked.

Li Ping was taken aback for a moment, and shook her head: "No... I was in the funeral home a few hours ago, and no one told me about it."


"Really, I really haven't heard of..." Li Ping said quickly. She didn't even know about the car accident. No one had mentioned any car accident to her. Besides, it was her son's funeral. He died in a car accident. Who would dare to say those two words in front of her on this premise?

What kind of car accident was that? Does this person suspect that the car accident was arranged by himself?

"I've never heard of it, and I don't know anything. It's true... I have said so many things that violate the law and discipline, so I won't hide it, let alone that my life is still with you. I have it in my hand, I dare not hide anything, really, really..." Li Ping cried and explained with a trembling voice.

"A few hours ago, at the intersection of Sihai Road, an earth-moving vehicle hit an off-road vehicle. It deliberately rammed it twice in a row. The person inside was killed and the other injured..." the voice of the person who spoke changed But it is still cold, without any temperature, "The wounded one is my woman, and the one Kim So-yeon you want to kill. The man is one of my you have anything to say?"

Li Ping’s eyes widened suddenly...Of course, if her eyes were not stuck tightly with tape, she would have such a reaction, not only because of what the man said, but also because of the man. She was familiar with the voice of speaking.

Li Zedao! He is Li Zedao!

"Of course, depending on your reaction, this car accident may have nothing to do with you. It was not arranged by you secretly, but I will also think that you did it. For example, I have asked Sun Jundong to tell you. The car accident that happened to my son has nothing to do with me. You don’t believe that you want to do something it fair?"

"I..." Li Ping didn't even know what she should say, she felt...he seemed so reasonable.

He paranoidly believes that his son did it, and he can also paranoidly believe that Kim So-yeon’s injury was caused by his brother’s death... But she was wronged.

"It's not me, it's really not me... I really don't know..." Li Ping's voice trembled more severely, she knew that, Li Zedao said this, this is to prevent her from leaving here.

Li Zedao looked at this panicked face covered with cold sweat indifferently, lit a cigarette again, and said coldly, "I think you did it."


"...It's not me, it's really not me..." Li Ping cried out sad and helpless.

"Slap!" Li Zedao slapped her and stunned her.

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