The Ultimate Student in the City

Chapter 1447: Temporary cooperation

The director Joke didn't personally help Bei's hair... The beauty said coldly to arrange for a female hairdresser to come over as soon as she came in, which caused a crack in Joke's stainless steel heart with a "clang".

Joke's heart is full of resentment. It's too bullying. It's really bullying. You think you are a customer and you are God. You can make such a rude request?

Two hours later, Bei, with long black hair and a shawl, walked out of the beauty salon, then opened the co-pilot door of the off-road vehicle that hadn't known when it had been parked there, and entered the car.

Li Zedao looked at Bei with a smile and said, "It's still nice with black hair, white, it's too scary after all."

"Are you scared?" Bei asked coldly. He didn't even believe the punctuation. When she was still gray-haired, she didn't know which beasts, hugs and kisses, and why. Eyes are full of animal-like desires, how can there be any fear?

"I was scared... You see that I hugged you tightly at night and curled up in your arms. That's because I was scared." Li Zedao said with a scared look.


"Join fc?" Bei asked.

Li Zedao shook his head and said, "How is it possible? It's...cooperation, temporary cooperation."

"It's no different from joining." Bei said, looking at him. She had long known that Li Zedao could not refuse fc because of his character and because there were too many people he had to consider.

Li Zedao helpless: "How can there be no difference? Joining them is one of them, and cooperation is..."

After thinking about it, Li Zedao looked at Bei and said, "As a member of fc, did you have a salary before?"


"Oh, I don't have a salary, so it's cooperation." Li Zedao finally found a very reasonable reason.

Seeing Bei looking at himself like an idiot, Li Zedao's expression was slightly solemn: "The person looking for me is the Dark Emperor."

"Dark Emperor?" Bei's expression moved slightly. "The leader of the dark group?" This is a mysterious character who is only familiar with the name but has never seen him before.

It is said that few people in Huaxia have seen his true face. Bei only knows that in fc, his level is the same as Huang Wen. They are each leading a team and doing their own things, usually. There is not much communication.

"It's him." Li Zedao nodded, his expression aggrieved, "Originally I didn't want to bird him, then he threatened me, and a hat of'treason' was directly taken off. What can you say I can say? I chose to cooperate. I was so wronged, so wronged..."

"What are you doing?" Bei widened his eyes and shouted coldly, his ears were already a little hot.

Li Zedao's face was buried deep in Bei's chest, and his voice said vaguely: "I feel wronged, look for comfort."

"Get out!" Bei cursed, putting his hand on his head, after all, he did not pull him up by his hair, but gently stroked, with unspeakable doting in his eyes.

"He gave me all the information left by Huang Longfeng, so that I could study it thoroughly and take people into the cave again to get the medicine in the grave of Duanmuweizhuang." Li Zedao raised his head and looked at Bei with a wry smile.

"In order to enter the magic cave, Huang Ye and the fc behind him have been preparing for 20 years, but now they have obtained such a result, they naturally can't accept it." Bei expressed understanding, "Besides, time is really tight and the situation is urgent. Once the U.S. side develops Superman, it will definitely arrange for it to sneak into China..."

Regarding some small frictions and war of words between China and the United States at this stage, as a member of fc, North is naturally clear.

For example, China is trying to sabotage the US research data on genetic superhumans that only follow orders and obey 100%. It would be even better if it could be stolen. If such research materials can be stolen, use China's research materials. The copy ability is definitely something to gain.

The US’s “Desa” defense system strategically deployed in China’s neighboring countries such as H is also about to be threatened by the latest research developed by China. If China successfully develops such a defense system, the US will undoubtedly suffer heavy losses. All deployments of China will be completely vanished, so they are also trying to destroy or steal research materials from China for this kind of *.

In the past two years, the two superpowers have been secretly fighting between you and me. Both sides have lost a lot of agents lurking in their respective teams, but they have received very little information.

For example, the United States only knows that China is about to succeed in its development, and know nothing about the rest.

The same is true for China.

Bei's expression became a little dignified: "At that time, I am afraid that only the kind of extremely destructive shells can threaten them, but this will undoubtedly kill the enemy eight hundred and self-defeating one thousand, so it is indeed necessary to return to the basics. Experts come to contend with it... You didn't tell the dark emperor that you are a master of returning to basics?"

"Can I say it?" Li Zedao smiled bitterly, "If I did, what would he think? Would he want to say that I had got the medicine from the grave and took it, and even thought that Huang Wen, they are all It died in my hand, and what about the remaining medicine? There is only one? Who believes it? People are greedy, I don’t believe that the dark emperor who is more sinister and cunning than Huang Wen in my opinion does not want to be a back to basics Master! Who knows if he will use various means to threaten me by all means..."

In Li Zedao's view, this dark emperor is indeed more sinister than Huang Wen. Huang Wen tells you very clearly that I am threatening you. I want to become a master of returning to nature. What can you do with me?

The dark emperor’s approach was that he was clearly threatening you, but he said so nicely, so nice that Li Zedao didn’t know how to refute it.

"Who makes you women so many?" Bei said, with a jealous tone in his tone.

Li Zedao smiled: "If there are not many women in me, can you use the opportunity to chase me?"

Beiyan glanced at Li Zedao indifferently, and said coldly, "Just beat them all away or even kill them."

"..." Li Zedao was choked by Bei's words.

"Now... don't kill you?" Li Zedao asked cautiously.

"Look at the mood... well..." Her lips were severely blocked by Li Zedao's.

When the two of them were almost out of breath, they separated. Li Zedao's meaning was still not exhausted, but Bei's face had a seductive blush. Under Li Zedao's teaching, her current kissing level has also improved greatly. Knowing how to cater to that pervert...Being naturally shy of this kind of catering.

"So, I said, give me two months to study and study." Li Zedao shrugged his shoulders and said, "It will be a big deal to take them into the magic cave for a while, and then go around it a few times."

Bei lightly nodded, anyway, Li Zedao said nothing, even if he finally stood on the opposite side of this country, she supported him.

In the past twenty years, Bei has quietly dedicated everything she has for this country and FC. Even when she was in the magic cave, in order to prevent Duanmu Weizhuang from being a human again, she resolutely exploded her head. ...Compared with most people, she is worthy of this country. The next life she wants to pursue is to be with Li Zedao. As long as we are together, she can do anything.

"After that, look at whether to find a chance to fight with that guy. At first, I was inextricably weak and played. At the end of the critical juncture, I was blessed by God, I broke through, and became a master of returning to nature." Li Zedao said again.

"Idiot." Bei's mouth curled up a little, and then said, "Maybe, he is already wondering if you are concealed."

Li Zedao shrugged his shoulders and said: "It doesn't matter, he has no evidence. But anyway, he has tied me and FC together. FC's business is my business, and the problems that FC encounters are the problems I encountered... ...That old fox...please for comfort."


"In addition, I have already contacted Teacher Pete and asked him to help arrange a brand new identity for you, so that fc will continue to focus on you. The Dark Emperor is already wondering if you are the senior in the forest . After that, you will be a U.S. native living in China. Of course, you still need to choose a name yourself."

"Let’s call it Nine, the homonym of nine, which is nine. My previous name was Jiujiu. You know that. At the same time, Nine is also a kind of apple. I still remember that my parents like to eat apples." Bei said that his expression was calm, and he couldn't see any emotions, anger, sorrow or joy. As for what happened before, he was relieved now.

Li Zedao nodded: "It's called Nie...Sister Nie..." Li Zedao went into the arms of others again.



After that, Li Zedao stayed in Yanjing for another two days, and then returned to Phoenix City with Jin Soyan and Bei that had not recovered from the leg injury.

Jin Soyan had a broken leg and was inconvenient to walk, so she took a long vacation with Teacher Li Gu. Returning to Phoenix City with Li Zedao, on the one hand, someone helped to take care of them. On the other hand, Kim So-yeon knew that several of her sisters were versatile. Some could play the piano, some could play the violin, and those who didn’t understand could just ask them.

Of course, the first time I met Li Zedao's other women, they will still live together in the future, so it is inevitable that the two will be nervous.

Although Bei once said in his heart that if they dared to provoke something, it would be a big deal to beat them... How could it be possible in reality? What should I do if I break the beast and I am anxious?

Finally, they were relieved that the group of Yingying and Yanyan were extremely enthusiastic and made them feel at home when they met...Of course, this will be their home in the future.

Although Li Zedao said before he left that he was going to Yanjing this time to treat the **** infertility, no one was stupid to ask him if the disease was cured or something. Smart women would not go to reveal this. Such a low-level lie.

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