The Ultimate Student in the City

Chapter 1451: See the sorrowful friend

A year ago, if he hadn't taken the pills, his body would naturally not be completely remodeled, and naturally there would be no subsequent big explosions, the blockbuster after he had not got the score, let alone those around him now. Yingying Yanyan, there is no money to spend, she can't become a master of returning to the basics...

"If there is no **** pill, what are you doing now?" Li Zedao asked himself this way, and then quickly gave the answer.

If there is no Shenwan, he is really the son of Li Dahai, then after taking the college entrance examination, I am afraid that he will get the lowest score in the history of the college entrance examination. No university will admit him...including those who can go to the pheasant university with money. ...The key is that he has no money!

Then, Li Dahai's body would be very dangerous too, he couldn't hold it without waiting too long. After that, in order to survive, he will go to the construction site? Or sweep the street? Even... begging? Or is it that you are forced to do something illegal and disciplined by this real and cold society, and now you might be in jail?

Just as Li Zedao was thinking about it, the bell rang at the end of the exam, and the originally quiet campus suddenly became noisy.

There are students who constantly appear at the school gate, or are serious and contemplative, or with a smile on their faces. You can imagine that they have done well in the exam, and there are many who wipe their tears while walking, and they are very depressed with hard work. With my own cry, after seeing my mother, that kind of loss broke out completely. For a while, the whole school gate was like a bucket of oil poured into a fire, and the noise was completely boiled.

Li Zedao pushed the car door and jumped out of the car, then waved to Zhou Qian who came out, smiled and said, "Here..."

During the two days when Zhou Qian was taking the college entrance examination, Li Zedao decisively skipped classes to accompany her, sending her to the school in the morning to take the exam, taking her to dinner at noon, and sending her home after the exam in the afternoon.

Zhou Qian's original goal was actually one of the top five universities in China, but because Li Zedao was at the University of Phoenix, her goal was immediately reduced to the University of Phoenix, so there was not much pressure.

"Brother Zedao..." Zhou Qian's face showed a shallow, clean smile with a hint of shyness. When she trot to Li Zedao, her little head was slightly stunned, and her eyes were a bit afraid to talk to Li Zedao. relatively.

Su Li, the best friend, also trot over, waved at Li Zedao grinningly, and then complained to Zhou Qian: "Okay, Zhou Qian, you see Lu Wangyou, I said that I was waiting for me after the exam, but I ran by myself. Up."

"Where? I didn't promise you." Zhou Qian whispered. She knew that Brother Zedao was waiting for herself outside, how could she let him wait for too long?

"Huh, needless to say, you just see Luwangyou." Su Li snorted coldly, and then looked at Li Ze with an idiotic look, "Of course, if I had such a handsome guy waiting for me, I would also see Luluwang. Friends."

"Let's go." Li Zedao smiled and looked at Zhou Qian and said. Seen by the youthful and beautiful Su Li with such eyes, there is no fluctuation in her heart, no way, she is used to being handsome.

"Hehe, handsome guy, Qianqian may not be able to go back with you. We will go to the class for a while, and then the whole class will go to dinner together, have a good celebration, and say goodbye." Su Li looked at Li Ze and said, He hugged Zhou Qian's waist and said.

"Why, I didn't say I want to go." Zhou Qian whispered. Because of her temper, she doesn't like this kind of class gathering, and now that Brother Ze Dao is here, she doesn't want to participate.

"Qianqian, how can you not go to this kind of thing? You are still not a member of Class 5? How can you not participate in group activities? You are a proud student of Teacher Yang. How sad if you don't go to the head teacher, Teacher Yang. She said that the whole class would be there. The most important thing is that the perverts in our class are so disappointed."

"Go." Li Zedao looked at Zhou Qian and smiled. "It's really not good not to participate in this kind of time. After finishing contacting me, I will pick you up."

Zhou Qian basically didn't have any resistance to Li Zedao's words. She looked at Li Zedao with a slightly shy look, nodded gently and said, "Well, it won't be too late."

"Have fun." Li Zedao said with a smile.

"Yeah." Zhou Qian smiled softly and nodded gently.

"Oh, by the way, try not to drink." Li Zedao said again. Zhou Qian has never drunk alcohol before, I am afraid that she will be high when she drinks it. Li Zedao is not afraid of what will happen, but she is afraid that Zhou Qian will be uncomfortable. Besides, Li Zedao wants to give her a small surprise tonight. If this is high, then Prepared for nothing.

Yesterday was actually Zhou Qian’s birthday, but because of the college entrance examination, it was naturally not celebrated. In addition, Zhou Qian’s family has no birthday habit. Therefore, Li Zedao intends to help her make up for it tonight. , He also made some preparations.

Zhou Qian nodded obediently, and whispered: "Brother Zedao, I won't drink it."

"Handsome guy, you have a lot of control." Su Li complained, and then she had an idiotic expression again. "If such a handsome man takes care of me, I will definitely die of happiness."

Li Zedao smiled slightly and said, "I will find it."

"That is, I will definitely find a handsome guy who is more handsome than you to be my boyfriend, and then I will compare you." Su Li said with a smile.

Li Zedao wanted to say that it was impossible, how could someone look more handsome than him.


For students who are not young girls, this loose meal after graduating from high school may be the first time in their lives to drink alcohol. People who drink for the first time tend to drink too much, and it is inevitable that they will become sentimental after drinking too much.

Therefore, before the dinner party was eaten for too long, some girls in twos and threes began to hold their heads and started crying.

Su Li was crying with Zhou Qian in her arms. She said that she wouldn't be able to do homework together in the future, she became a idiot, and went to the bathroom together... so sad.

Zhou Qian didn't drink a sip of wine, but she was also infected by the emotions at the scene. Her eyes were red when she was a little sentimental, and she comforted Su Li in a low voice.

On another table, Hou Xiaolong and Yang Jie sat next to each other.

Hou Xiaolong’s grades are excellent, he looks handsome, and he is a member of the school basketball team. He is a kind of character in the school and is very popular with girls. For example, just now, there are many girls in the class who are interesting to Hou Xiaolong. The children all came over to have a drink with Hou Xiaolong, and Hou Xiaolong also took a lot of face.

So, there is no doubt that apart from the teacher Yang, he is another focus of the scene.

As for Yang Jie, he is a small follower of Hou Xiaolong.

"Brother Xiaolong, I heard that you have'action' tonight?" Yang Jie asked in a low voice after drinking half a glass of beer. He also scanned Zhou Qian who was holding Su Li with the corner of his eye. Best friend, of course he knows that Hou Xiaolong is interesting to Zhou Qian...Of course, Yang Jie believes that other boys in the class are interested in this quiet and beautiful weak girl, including himself, but he is most hopeful of picking this one. The flower is still Hou Xiaolong.

No way, people's looks and grades are there.

Hou Xiaolong nodded softly. I don’t know if that face was due to excitement or drinking. It flushed a bit. He glanced at Zhou Qian, and there was enthusiasm in his eyes: “I and her are classmates in junior high. So it was because she was in the first middle school entrance examination, and even I begged my dad to arrange me in class 5 anyway to find a relationship, just to become classmates with her again. I have liked her for six years, in order not to To make her feel troubled, in order not to affect her study, in order not to make her feel that I am too young to understand love or anything, I deeply bury my love for her in my heart, now... it's time to tell her Show your heart."

Yang Jie was moved and asked, "Brother Xiaolong, what are you going to do?"

"Just tell her." Hou Xiaolong said embarrassedly: "I want to confess, and I took out all the money I saved and bought a ring."

He touched the pocket of his trousers. There was a platinum ring there. It wasn't too expensive, but for the students, it was quite luxurious.

"Uh... you even bought the ring?" Yang Jie looked an idiot. He never expected that Hou Xiaolong would play so... adult.

"Well, after the exam, I will leave first, just go back to get the ring." Hou Xiaolong looked at Zhou Qian, his eyes were full of hot, "After the flowers arrive, I will kneel down and propose."


"Yes, I ordered a bunch of flowers in the evening an hour ago. They should be delivered soon." Hou Xiaolong said, and his heartbeat started to speed up inexplicably.

He began to imagine Zhou Qian's expression in his mind. For a while, he should have been taken aback for a while, then at a loss, and then he shyly agreed under everyone's humor...

Yes, what Hou Xiaolong needs is everyone's hooting noises, including Teacher Yang. These hooting noises are undoubtedly the catalyst, which will make Zhou Qian, who is already weak in character, unable to refuse her own courtship.

Sure enough, a few minutes later, a flower delivery boy holding a large bunch of sparks appeared in front of these students, and then everyone's eyes were attracted by the flowers. It was a rose, a red rose! The delicate flowers seemed to have just been picked from the garden. There are crystal dewdrops on it, shining like gems under the light.

"I'm sorry, but I'm sorry to disturb you." The flower delivery brother said apologetically, "Excuse me, who is Miss Zhou Qianzhou? Could you sign for the flowers."

"Zhou Qian?" Everyone brushed their eyes away from the flowers and fell on Zhou Qian.

Zhou Qian's eyes widened slightly, she was already a little at a loss, and she whispered, "For me?"

Su Li on the side was extremely excited. In her opinion, it must be Qianqian’s brother Ze Dao who asked the flower shop to send it to the flower shop. She was about to say something, but saw Hou Xiaolong, the top handsome guy in the class, already She walked over with Zhou Qian, and his eyes were still so hot.

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