The Ultimate Student in the City

Chapter 1455: Things get worse

Moreover, the extent and speed of the subsequent deterioration of the matter made Li Zedao feel a little caught off guard, let alone Zhou Qian.

Someone started attacking Zhou Qian on the Internet, and they just pushed all Hou Xiaolong’s tragedy on Zhou Qian. Zhou Qian was human fleshed out by netizens, and her information was posted on the Internet, so naturally, someone started trying to dial her phone. Attack and insult her.

Zhou Qian didn't know it at first, so when she received the first unfamiliar phone call, when she heard the vicious insults coming, her mind went blank.

After hanging up, the second call came in, followed by the third, the fourth...Finally, I could only choose to turn off the phone, and now I dare not touch my cell phone.

Those people's practices are getting more and more excessive. If they can't contact Zhou Qian, they contact Zhou's father and mother and Zhou Yan, uncle Zhou Qian's uncle, grandmother, grandfather, seven aunts, and so on. Squirting... I have to say that the current netizens are too powerful. In a short period of time, they dug out the seven aunts and eight aunts who even didn't even know Zhou Qian.

Zhou's father, Zhou's mother, and Zhou Yan were both quick-tempered and violent, so they naturally went back to the scolding. In addition, Zhou Qian was so humiliated that she was really angry, so now the three of them have a dumb voice, and they burst into anger when they speak. come out.

Then now, the situation has further escalated, and a large group of people have come to the door.

They blocked the door and the stairway. They put a wreath at the door, burned paper money and laid mourning and joy. They kept smashing the door, constantly insulting, asking Zhou Qian to kneel down with Ma Dai Xiao and kowtow, demanding compensation, even... …life for a life!

"These bullies are deceiving people too much, they are really deceiving people too much, I'll go and argue with them." Father Zhou couldn't stand it anymore, and he roared hoarsely, standing up and going to the kitchen to get a kitchen knife.

"Dad, I'm with you, damn, hacked to death these dog days, if the tiger doesn't show off his might and treat me as a sick cat?" Zhou Yan said with a grimace. These days, he learned some "killing moves" from Master Death, which seemed to him to be very powerful, and now it happens to be able to experiment on these dog days.

"You two will be honest with me, didn't Xiao Li tell me, he will take care of it." Zhou Mother glared at Zhou's father and slapped Zhou Yan on the head... She also wanted to smoke Zhou's father. With a glance of his head, it was the same as before, but remembering that the future son-in-law was there, somehow he had to save him some face, so... he smoked Zhou Yan again!

Her hands have been patted out, and she will lose face if they take them back.

"Mom..." Zhou Yan clutched his head, feeling aggrieved. He usually smoked once. Why did you smoke twice today?

"What's wrong with you? You are my birth. I can't smoke you yet? Give me a seat. If Xiao Li can handle it, what can you do? If Xiao Li can't handle it, there will be nothing of you. It's something...Of course, I believe Xiao Li will be able to handle it." Zhou's mother looked back at Li Ze and said, she had already changed another face.

It is said that the mother-in-law sees her son-in-law, it is more pleasing to the eye when she looks at it, Zhou Mu is pleasing to Li Zedao now, how pleasing to the eye, it is not pleasing to the eye.

This is his future son-in-law, look, look, yes, take a closer look... Isn’t he handsome? handsome or not? Hanging or not?

What Zhou's mother is most proud of now is that she has given birth to a good daughter who is a "gene mutation" in technical terms. If she hadn't given birth to a good daughter, how could she have such a good son-in-law?

"Yes, my aunt, I just called, someone will come to deal with this soon, don't worry." Li Zedao nodded and said.

"Of course I also believe that Xiao Li can handle it well...that is, I can't swallow this breath when listening to their insults outside the door." Zhou's father said angrily.

"Yes, damn, that **** doesn't look in the mirror by himself. He looks like a bird and wants to chase my sister? You all know that Xiaoqian can't agree to it, so he committed suicide when he turned around? It seems that Xiaoqian has taken him? Their family has gone too far, and they have pushed all their deaths on Xiaoqian's head, and they have said such vicious demands...and those netizens who are idle and spreading rumors. ..."

Zhou Yan's face was extremely ugly: "Damn, boss, let me go out and beat them up? I really can't swallow this breath."

Zhou Yan knew that his mother had drunk the boss’s Ecstasy Soup, so as long as the boss said to rush out and hack him to death, his mother would definitely find the kitchen knife and put it in her hand in the next second. They let themselves out and kill people, instead of stopping them like they do now.

"It will make you nasty, but not now." Li Zedao said, "I just listened to the movement, there are at least 20 people outside, and the family members of the deceased are naturally extremely emotional, so you feel that you are stunned. What will happen?"

"Uh..." Zhou Yan's face turned blue and white! If you want to know with your knees, you will definitely become the other party's vent when you go out.

Moreover, the reason why the other party only slapped the door and only abused outside, and did not directly violently smash the door to break in. It is not because of how strong their door is, but because it is a serious violation of the law to break into the house. They still have some scruples. of.

But if they go out on their own, the two parties will get angry together and start directly... They are not happy to do it themselves, right? Then they really have a reason to do it.

"Don't worry, I have called someone over." Li Zedao lightly patted Zhou Qian's shoulder, and said coldly.

"Or, boss, you go out and beat them?" Zhou Yan said, beating them with the kind of brutality of the boss is not like playing.

"Pop!" His head was slapped again by Zhou's mother.

"Smelly boy, what are you talking about? How can you let Xiao Li do such a dangerous thing?" Zhou Mu was so mad at Zhou Yan's words that she did not get rid of her breath for a while, and wanted to smoke again.

Zhou Yan is aggrieved, holding his head and avoiding, thinking to my mother, do you know how violent your future son-in-law is? He can slap all those outside with just one slap, okay?

"Boss, how many people did you call?" Zhou Yan asked.

"There should be more than a hundred people." Li Zedao said, he was not so sure. He just gave Brother Haobei a call and asked him to bring more people to the Lingdou community to solve the farce that was happening outside the door. With the strength of Brother Haobei, he called more than a hundred people. There will be problems.

The wicked have their own wicked grinds, so it is natural that Hao Bei, who is arguably the biggest gangster in Phoenix City, come over to deal with this matter.

Since you don't know what is called truth, then I have to teach you a lesson.

There are also those hidden in the dark, who posted up and put Zhou Qian’s human flesh out for fear of the world. Li Zedao didn’t plan to let it go. He had already let the shadow find it. With the power of shadow, It is really easy to find those people.

She slapped her fingers on the keyboard a few times and found the computer IP that published the verbose article "The Truth Behind the College Entrance Examination Student Suicide". Naturally, it locked the owner of the computer. Up.

"One...a hundred people?" Zhou Yan's mouth didn't close for a long time. He thought that the boss was asking Master Death and the others to come over, but he didn't expect...Where would he find so many people to bring all the employees of his company?

Zhou's father and Zhou's mother stared at each other.

"Xiao Li, there will be no accident, right?" Father Zhou looked at Li Zedao with some worry and asked. He was really worried about whether there would be fatalities. More than one hundred people were against more than twenty people. This would not kill the other party alive. what.

"Yeah, Xiao Li, you help Xiaoqian vent your anger, help us vent your anger, of course we are happy, can't kill people to make matters worse, my aunt doesn't want you to be implicated." Zhou Mu said.

"Uncle and Auntie, don't worry, there will be no deaths." Li Ze comforted.

"..." Zhou's father and mother were not at ease at all.

"Besides, they are all professional gangsters, so don't worry about their safety." Li Zedao said again.

"..." Zhou's father and Zhou's mother were even more worried about this, thinking that we were worried that you would kill someone, okay?


A majestic Land Rover in front cleared the road, followed by twenty or thirty cars of various brands, even motorcycles and electric cars, and finally all these cars gathered at the gate of Lingdou community.

The people in the car got out of the car one after another and blocked at the gate of the community. Looking at the posture, there were a hundred or so people, some in suits and ties, and some in extremely fancy clothes and dyed colorful hair. Without exception, they all held blunt tools such as steel pipes, wooden bats, and baseball bats, and looked murderous.

The people around were shocked when they saw this posture. Is this going to kill someone?

The security guards in the community even huddled up there as if they hadn’t seen it. Before, more than 20 people broke into the community aggressively, and they didn’t dare to stop them. Now there are more than 100 people, and they look better than before. Those people are still cruel, and they dare not.

"I think these people are in the same group as the group of people who were wearing sackcloth and filial piety and crying loudly..."

"I heard that the daughter of the old Zhou family killed his son..."

"I know this. That girl is really shameless. She cheated him a lot of money by receiving a lot of gifts from the boy, but in the end she got a rich second generation and kicked the boy..."

"I also heard that the guy borrowed loan sharks to coax girls..."


Amidst the whispering discussions of the surrounding people and the gaze of their horrified and frightened eyes, these more than one hundred people gathered at the gate of the community holding blunt weapons, led by Brother Hao Bei who got off the Land Rover, walked murderously. He entered the community and strode towards the building Li Shao said.

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