The Ultimate Student in the City

Chapter 1464: Stupid subordinate

Suddenly, there was a violent explosion in front of the water pool. The sound of the explosion was deafening, the fire blazed into the sky, the blown sand and rocks were splashed, and the water surface of the pool was also violently fluctuated. It was like a few big rocks slammed into the water.

At the same time, the mountain on the opposite side of the pool was exploding violently. In an instant, huge stones fell from the mountain and hit the surface of the pool.

In short, the scene is like a huge disaster that can kill people several times.

A few minutes later, the sound of the explosion disappeared, and the scattered sand and stones fell one after another. There were no more big rocks falling from the mountain, the billowing smoke gradually dissipated, and the sight became clear again.

At this time, Li Zedao and Bei, who were sitting at the side of the water pool, no longer knew where they were going, only the muddy pool water was gently rippling.

Several figures appeared in front of the pool, their eyes all falling on the water that had become muddy.

Because of the explosion, a large part of the pool collapsed, so the area was a lot larger than before.

"I didn't see the corpse, nor the broken arm, but I smelled the smell of gunpowder with a faint **** smell, so at least I was injured." The God of War looked at the surface of the water, and the corners of his mouth were slightly raised. There was a cruel range.

Li Zedao repeatedly killed members of the Rothschild family and provoked the authority of the Rothschild family. The diamond bodyguards of the Black Hawk Security Company were basically killed by him. Even the first master of the family, Mr. Firefox, was also killed by him. They used conspiracy and trickery to get pitted and even got killed by random guns... When they finally found the Firefox corpse, the tragic situation made it hard to bear to look at it a second time.

In short, because Li Zedao has brought huge losses to the Rothschild family, the Rothschild family regards Li Zedao as a thorn in the flesh, and they can’t wait to **** him first and then kill them.

So when Teacher Pete reached an agreement with Chief Mayer of the Rothschild family to do things for them, Chief Mayer immediately asked Teacher Pete to help remove Li Zedao. Teacher Pete told Chief Mayer of Li Zedao’s trip to Sichuan and Tibet. However, he said that Li Zedao was kind to him and revealed his whereabouts, which was already an unforgivable thing, so it was impossible for him to do it.

Chief Mayer laughed and said that Mr. Pete was naturally not needed. How could this kind of trivial matter require Mr. Pete to do it?

Therefore, before Li Zedao and the others arrived at this watering hole, the God of War, one of the three major fighting powers of the Rothschild family, had brought a few people here in advance, and had secretly placed many of them around the watering pool and on the hillside opposite. A body that is small and difficult to be found, but the explosive power is extremely huge*.

When Mr. Pete took Ms. Mitty back in a hurry, those who had been placed* were also detonated in the first place.

"*'S lethality is so great, and the scope of the impact is so wide. They didn't have any vigilance in advance. How could they not get hurt? Even, maybe they have already seen God." Teacher Pete looked at the muddy face blankly Said coldly.

Teacher Pete knew that he was attacked by such an attack without knowing it. Even if it was the hand of God, he would not die and was seriously injured, not to mention Li Zedao, who was not as good as the hand of God, let alone the weaker one. Miss Yu.

Of course, they are all masters, so they must be more or less vigilant at the moment of the explosion, and instinctively will do some dying struggles.

And in that situation, the best way to survive is to dive into the pool of unknown depth.

As a hunter, the God of War naturally took this into consideration. He considered the various actions that the prey that is not under him would make when facing this danger. This is why he gave the hillside opposite the water pool to The explosion caused the big rocks on the hillside to roll down and slam into the pool, naturally to cause Li Zedao and the woman who fell into the water to cause another extremely lethal and serious injury.

Teacher Pete lowered his head and glanced at Miss Mitty who was stunned by him, and sighed deeply, full of apologies.

"Mr. Ares, are we going to dive under the water to find the corpse to make sure?" one of the men named Xiao Si asked.

"Oh, Stoudemire, don't you think the method you are talking about is very stupid?" The corner of the God of War's mouth floated with a very cruel range. If you die, your body will suffer extremely serious damage, right?"

"Is that so? Dear Teacher Pete." God of War glanced at Teacher Pete and asked with a smile.

Teacher Pete snorted indifferently in his eyes and said nothing, then turned and strode away with Miss Mitty in his arms.

The God of War looked at his back, with a smile still on his face, but his eyes became cold, and he thought to himself: "Oh, fukc, this **** impolite old man... and Miss Mitty, really can count. The most beautiful and noble woman in the world, oh god, she fell asleep like the sleeping beauty in a fairy tale, I really want to sleep with her...oh, god..."

"Mr. Ares...Mr. Ares, are you okay?" Seeing Mr. Ares's inexplicable weird smile, and even a hint of viscous liquid at the corner of his mouth, Xiao Si cautiously said.

"Oh, **** Stoudemire, how could something have happened to me?" The fantasy was interrupted, and the **** of war was depressed. He coughed and wiped off the drool at the corner of his mouth and said, "Even if Mr. Pete is affected by that. Assault, you have to be seriously injured. Can that Li Zedao and that woman be better than Teacher Pete? Oh, this is a big joke, so even if they are lucky, they are not far from death."

"So, can we leave?" Stoudemire asked.

"Oh, you stupid guy, don't you think that being near death is different from death? What is our mission? To send him to God as quickly as possible, before he is sure he is dead. , How can you leave?" God of War slapped Pete's head, thinking how could such a stupid subordinate be such a man of power?

"So, still have to dive under the water?" Stoudemire asked, scratching his hair in a daze.

"Oh, you idiot, can you use your brain when you do things? Have you ever heard of a lean camel that is bigger than a horse? In case he hasn't died and is hiding in the water, he will pull it if he is dead. How about a back-up idea and then give you a fatal blow?" God of War looked at Stoudemire like an idiot.

If it were him, he would indeed do it. Anyway, he would have to put a backs on him.


"So, we obviously don't need to pay any price to play him to death, why should we use such a stupid way of meeting God as you said?" The **** of war was a slur on his idiot.

"Then wait for him to take the initiative to surface...If he is alive, oh, of course, it may be a corpse that floats."

"Oh, you idiot, what if his body is so crushed by that big rock that he won't be able to surface at all? When shall we wait?"


"Oh, you idiot, don't we still have a lot of*? Don't you just throw a few more into the water?" God of War said angrily.

A few minutes later, a muffled sound came out of the water pool. The surface of the water was extremely turbulent and the water splashed in all directions. You can even feel the ground around the water pool vibrating gently. You can imagine the power of the explosion. .

When the water surface calmed down again, God of War and his men once again appeared around the pool, and saw that there were several dead fish with white belly turned on the muddy water surface.

"Mr. Ares, do you still need to throw *?" his subordinate asked again.

"Oh, you idiot, *doesn't you need money? This kind of* cost is extremely expensive, okay? Besides, you haven't seen so many fishes dead, how can people live?" God of War scolded.

"Uh... why are fishes dead but people can't live? Is the vitality of fish stronger than the vitality of humans?" The subordinate muttered in his heart, but was afraid of being scolded by the **** of war again, so he didn't dare to say his own. doubt.


When the hair roots on the back of his body stood up, and his heart was filled with that extremely strong sense of danger, Li Zedao simply hugged Bei's body and was about to drill into the pool.

However, after all, it was still a step too late, and the body was still affected by the *, and immediately after entering the cold water, Li Zedao only felt that his body was as if ten thousand silver needles were pierced at the same time.

At the same time, a heavy rock hit the surface of the water heavily, and it slammed into his head. Although the strength was removed by the water, it also made Li Zedao dizzy. My scalp was about to explode.

Then, huge stones continued to plunge into the water.

Therefore, what Li Zedao can do is to hug the north who does not know the life or death in his arms and dive deeper at the bottom of the pool at the fastest speed, so that he can remove more strength from the falling rocks, even if he is accidentally hit. You can also avoid greater harm.

Li Zedao was anxious. He actually wanted to go upstream. After all, he couldn't stay underwater for too long, let alone the north, and Bei’s body was soft at this time. Of course, her chest was close to Li Zedao’s. Chest, so Li Zedao can feel her weak heartbeat, so obviously she was affected by the damn* and she is now in a coma, but if she doesn’t get out of the water and get medical treatment quickly, I’m afraid something will happen. .

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