The Ultimate Student in the City

Chapter 1488: Compensation

"Oh, William, my son, I'm fine, but... I didn't sleep well." Chief Mayer said. I can't say that my little jj was bitten off, so my life is lost, right? How can he say such things?

"William, my child, I need you to do one thing for me, but that thing is very dangerous, it is very likely to kill you, are you willing to help father?" Patriarch Meyer asked.

"Oh, yes, father, you said, swear in the name of God, even if I go to hell, my brows will not be frowned." William said quickly. Anyway, it’s just to pretend. William doesn’t think that what his father wants to do is dangerous. Moreover, even if it’s really dangerous, it’s impossible to be the one who rushes to the forefront. Many in the family are very good at "death" The gifted person.

"Oh, William, thank you, you are really my good son, and I am proud of you." The patriarch Meyer nodded with a gratified expression, "Let's go down and rest. We are having a good chat in the evening."

"Oh, okay, my father, you also have a good rest." William stood up, nodded to his father, and then left his room and returned to his room next to Mr. Pete's room. in.

He actually wanted to talk to Miss Mitty, who was imprisoned in the study, and he wanted to tell her, don't worry, he will protect her for the rest of his life... But, I'm not embarrassed.

Lying on the soft and comfortable bed, all his mind was Miss Mitty’s delicate little face, those charming eyes, and then the saliva flowed down involuntarily, and he involuntarily reached into his hand. In clothes.

"Oh, my dear Miss Mitty..." He groaned softly, and then he got better, his breath getting thicker.

Soon, the volcano was about to erupt, but at this moment, the knock on the door suddenly sounded, which really scared William, and it was very straightforward and soft.

"Oh, **** it." He cursed inwardly, very upset.

At the moment, he also quickly pulled his hand out of his pants, wiped the saliva from the corner of his mouth, and then walked to the door of the room like a polite noble boy and opened the door.

Standing outside was a very tall and robust guy who was extremely strange to William.

"Are you?" William tried to look up at the other party's pie face.

"Mr. William, hello, I am King Kong. I received the order from the patriarch to give you two gifts." King Kong said with a grin.

"Oh, it turned out to be like this." William said with a slight smile. It turns out that this strange tall guy is a subordinate of his father that he hasn't seen before. As for the so-called gift... I will be engaged tomorrow as my father's gift. It's normal to have a big gift.

In the next second, William suddenly noticed that his brain was dizzy, and then a black one was directly soft to the ground, completely unconscious.

King Kong grinned grinningly again, stretched out his hand, grabbed his collar, and lifted it up, as if an eagle was holding a chicken, strode into the room, and then threw it away. Yes, William's thin body was thrown heavily on the ground.

Immediately afterwards, a black-clothed man walked in with a woman in his arms, and threw the woman at William.

"Oh, let them be lewd." King Kong grinned, showing his big yellow teeth.

The black-clothed man grinned, took out a glass bottle, poured out four of them, stuffed two of them into William's mouth, and the other two into the woman's mouth.

"Mr. King Kong, at most ten minutes, the effect of the medicine will work, let's stay and watch?" The black man already had a wretched smile on his face, "This woman is full of body, oh god, that must be wonderful. "

"Go away, it's up to you to see it." King Kong scolded with a smile, then turned and left with strides.


In the other room, Li Zedao and Mitty lay on the bed hugging each other, bathing in the hot afternoon sun that was projected in. Miss Mitty only felt that she had an indescribable comfort all over her body, and she was too lazy. It looks like a cat basking in the sun.

"Oh, dear, go to Sister Nai tonight, otherwise she should be jealous." Miss Mitty said lazily. She felt like she was stepping on the cloud, and she couldn't get it out of any strength.

Li Zedao smiled: "She's already jealous." Each of these women will be more or less jealous. This kind of thing can't be avoided, but other women usually put away that little thought. At least in front of the sisters, I rarely show it, but Bei is very different in this point. When facing other sisters, she simply said that I was jealous, okay? Want to fight?

Miss Mitty laughed softly and said, "Oh, sister Nai is so cute."

Li Zedao chuckled: "She is really cute. Before the evening, Meyer will definitely leave the manor. After he leaves, we will go out... Of course, before that old guy leaves, I have to make a claim with him... Damn it , Dare to hit my woman's idea?"

One of the most popular things about Li Zedao is that the **** old guy dared to do this-the woman who lewd him is really itchy.

On the other hand, for Meyer, Li Zedao was also shocked by him. For his own reputation and for his status in the family, he chose to let his son William and his favorite woman Ai Lynn is going to die!

Yes, to die!

Even if Li Zedao was not present, he still knew in his heart that the final result of that scene was to let William and Irene go to hell.

As Li Zedao had expected, at this time in William's room, there was an extremely fierce battle.

The male protagonist is naturally William, and the female protagonist is Irene who bit off Meyer’s stuff in one bite, but their eyes are very wrong, there is no kind of love, no enjoyment, and some are only weird scarlet .

Because they have been fed some kind of potent*, and they are also seriously overdone, there is only one result waiting for them, that is, they are completely exhausted and die. To put it more plainly, it is exhausted!

My son actually got up in bed with his woman the day before the engagement, and took aphrodisiac, and even the last two of them...are happily dead.

When this happened, Chief Mayer was naturally very angry, but Chief Moss was even more angry! Therefore, in order to quell the anger of the Luciano family, Meyer, who was at a loss, had to pay compensation to the Luciano family, and all the businesses in the United States were given as compensation to Patriarch Moss.

Making such compensation is naturally like cutting off a large piece of flesh. The Rothschild family can be said to have suffered a very heavy loss, but this kind of loss will not hurt the bones, after all, most of their business. It is in Europe. On the other hand, this can also calm the anger of the Luciano family, so this loss is necessary.

In this way, the guys in the family won’t say anything, at least they won’t unite to remove the position of patriarch Meyer. Of course, it is inevitable to blame and accuse me. Who will make this kind of even God’s What can't be forgiven is his son and woman?

Of course, the main premise of Meyer’s making such a harsh arrangement is that only a few people around him in the family know his previous plans, knowing that he has instigated Teacher Pete and even regards Dickon as his own home. , And making such a compromise now is undoubtedly a major reversal of things, so I have to sacrifice my son and woman.

These few people are the true confidants of Patriarch Mayer, so naturally they will not chew their tongues.


The door was knocked.

Chief Mayer raised his head and stared at the door, his pale and bloodless face was full of violence. He knew that another "debt collector" had come.

The old **** Moss has already taken his son's life from him, and has to leave the entire Rothschild family's business in the United States, so what compensation does Li Zedao want from him?

Meyer didn't call "Come in", and the person who knocked at the door didn't need his permission, so after two random knocks ended, the door was pushed open, and Li Zedao walked in with an inexplicable smile.

"Good afternoon, dear Patriarch Mayer." Li Zedao said with a smile.

Patriarch Mayer glanced at him like a dead person, too lazy to speak, he really hated this kid in his heart, why is it so difficult to kill him?

Li Zedao didn't mind if the other party was so rude. I heard that the temper of the eunuchs in ancient times was a bit perverse, so his bad temper is understandable now. He smiled and sat down on the sofa in front of him, with his feet cocked up on the table, with a lazy and comfortable expression.

"I have a video in my hand. I think Patriarch Mayer will be very interested, so I will quickly come over and share it with you." Li Zedao said with a smile, and he would take out his phone.

Patriarch Mayer's face went dark, and a very terrifying murderous intent appeared in his eyes.

When the **** old guy Moss gave him the phone before, of course he knew that this video couldn’t only be the one in his hand, but he knew Moss. Since he did such a move, he would prove him. I won't be talking about the video anymore.

But he won't talk about the video, it doesn't mean that the guy in front of him who is more damned than Moss won't!

"What do you want from me?" Patriarch Maier said hoarsely, really didn't want to say a word of useless nonsense to this kid, he just wanted to solve the matter quickly and the kid quickly disappeared in front of him.

"Guess." Li Zedao said.


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