The Ultimate Student in the City

Chapter 1495: Former classmates

"Again, I believe that you definitely don't want to see Huaxia in any passive situation. We need you, this country needs you, please hurry up." Director Yang said that you are the hero of this country.

"So, please." Director Yang said immediately.

What Li Zedao can't stand the most is that this old man said to himself with such an expression and tone, which gave him a feeling of "passive patriotism". To put it bluntly, Li Zedao felt that this old man was teaching him how to love the country and serve the country. Throw your head and blood, and pay your own responsibility for this country.

Damn, I know how to love the country, OK? It is nothing more than giving up life for justice. To put it bluntly, it is to safeguard national interests, defend national sovereignty, and sacrifice personal life...I have been doing similar things, OK?

For this old man, for FC and the larger fx, Li Zedao is disgusted, even though they are great and how much they have paid for the country and the people, there are some actions that really make Li Zedao difficult to accept, such as the ghost pill and some anti-humanity Research on human trials.

Moreover, they almost caused a catastrophe... Duanmu Weizhuang was almost resurrected with their "help". Once he was resurrected, with his ambition and methods, plus the assistance of a back-to-none master around him , Enough to bring an unimaginable disaster to China at that time.

"Well, I did gain something. After giving me two days, I will study it carefully, and I should be able to study it thoroughly. Three days later, you arrange five people to enter the Demon Cave Forest with me." Li Ze said. I don't want to hide your expression.

"Really? That's great." Director Yang looked overjoyed.

Li Zedao glanced at him, his heart was full of contempt, he didn't believe that this cunning and shameless old man would not know the little nine in his heart.

Of course, you know me and I know you too, and it's good for everyone to be tacit.

Director Yang raised his own question: "Isn't there supposed to be eight people?"

"Do you have seven yellow stones like that?" Li Zedao asked rhetorically.

"Uh..." Director Yang smiled bitterly. He only had five of the yellow stones that Li Zedao brought back last time. The remaining two, according to Li Zedao, one of them was hidden by him and integrated into him. In the tongue of the mysterious woman who suddenly appeared next to him, another stone was lost in the forest of the magic cave.

"Furthermore, who am I? I am a super genius who has been transformed by Shen Wan. I have not only penetrated the information left by Huang Longfeng, but also improved it, so only six people are enough...Is there a problem?"

"...Of course there is no problem, everything is subject to your arrangements." Director Yang said, how could it be okay? Don't think I can't guess that your kid is going to act in a play to clear your suspicion, even your kid is planning to use this opportunity to change and become a master of returning to innocence, right?

"In that case, you should go back first, and see you in three days." Li Ze waved his hand, and unceremoniously issued an eviction order, "I have to find a quiet place and hurry up and study it."

Secretly was about to push the car door to get out of the car, suddenly remembering what seemed to be wrong, turned around and looked at Li Zedao, weakly said: " seems to be the car we drove."


Li Zedao took a dark look and then looked at Director Yang, somewhat helpless: "You have no good brains at all."

"..." Secretly wanted to hit someone, if it wasn't for the opponent! Why is my head not working? When I was a child, I could easily take the first place in the class, OK?

And I’m right, this is the car we drove.

"This kid is just too honest, and he doesn't have a lot of fun, don't be familiar with him." Director Yang laughed, "I will leave this car for you, or what kind of car you want, I will let people If you have a car, it is convenient for you to quickly find a quiet place to study the materials left by Huang Longfeng."

Li Zedao naturally heard the teasing taste in this shameless old man's words, and he didn't take it seriously. He smiled and said: "Then let someone send a Maserati president. Can a sports car run faster to save a little time?"

"It's true." Director Yang nodded in agreement, and then asked An to immediately call someone to send a Maserati president to him as Li Zedao said, that is, a car worth millions of dollars. It is a small thing that cannot be smaller.

Let alone one car, ten, or even one hundred, are just a phone call.

"See you in three days." Director Yang's old face was again full of surprises and expectations.

Li Zedao looked at the hypocritical old man and nodded, too lazy to say anything, pushed the door and got out of the car.

"This guy is too arrogant." He whispered secretly, for Li Zedao insulted him by saying that his brain was not bright, and he couldn't let go of it. If he couldn't beat this guy, he would have done it a long time ago.

Director Yang looked at his back who walked into the airport with a wry smile: "Who gives him arrogant capital?"

"People are withdrawn, don't follow him in secret." Director Yang added after thinking about it.


After walking into the airport, Li Zedao suddenly heard a surprised voice behind him: "Li Zedao?"

Li Zedao was slightly stunned when he heard the voice, and when he looked back, he saw a man who was about the same size as himself, of course, was far less handsome than himself, far less qualified, and a fat young man standing behind him.

The man wears a standard brand-name suit with a Longines watch worth over ten thousand on his wrist. He has an extremely energetic look. He is dressed as a business person and is quite successful.

Li Zedao worked hard for a long time, and then seemed to be a little impressed. The guy in front of him seemed to look a bit similar to a classmate named Zhao Pingan from his high school.

Before the college entrance examination, after Li Zedao made a blockbuster, he had two more younger brothers, one is Zhou Yan, and the other is Zhao Pingan who looks like a meat ball.

It was just that Zhao Ping'an was threatened by a gangster and sold Li Zedao. Since then, the two have not met anymore.

The face of the young man in front of him looked very similar to Zhao Ping'an, but his figure, although slightly fat, was at least two tonnage less than that of Zhao Ping's in his impression, so Li Zedao was a little less certain.

"Are you... Zhao Pingan?"

If he is really Zhao Pingan, then Li Zedao will have to admire him a little, and he has succeeded in losing weight, which shows that he is still very persistent.

"Haha, I know you must still recognize me. After all, you are the top pick in the college entrance examination. Although I am different now than when I was in school, sometimes when I look in the mirror, I can't believe the person in the mirror. It's me." Zhao Pingan laughed, but his eyes looked at Li Zedao with a hint of arrogance.

Li Zedao smiled and didn't say much. He clearly felt that this fat man who had worshipped himself and begged to recognize himself as the boss had contempt and disdain for him.

"It's a sophomore now? Oh, yes, I remembered, you rejected the invitation of the president of Yenching University and went to Phoenix University... Tsk tsk, high-achieving student." Zhao Pingan smiled. Continue to say, "Unlike ours who do not learn well, they can't get into a good school, so they have to come out and mix with society."

He said so, but he looked arrogant and looked like "I am a successful person". He raised his hand and pretended to look at the expensive watch on his wrist, intending to check the time, while scanning Li Zedao. , I want to see his envious or flat face.

For Zhao Ping’an, he was rolling around in front of Li Zedao back then, and now think about it, what a nasty behavior, wouldn’t he just study better? Don’t you just be violent? What's so great? Can you eat it? There is no money these days, and there is a use of power? Why did you want to roll around him so badly and finally get kicked away?

Occasionally thinking of it, Zhao Ping'an would secretly curse Li Ze.

And now, I accidentally met Li Zedao, and the uncomfortable emotion doubled instantly, and seeing him like that, he was basically a shabby student in shabby clothes, so I couldn’t help but show off. A little bit of one's own superiority can be regarded as regaining a little bit for the previous sins.

But what made him even more uncomfortable was that Li Zedao still had a faint smile on his face, and he didn't even show the look that he wanted to see or was flat or envious.

"It looks like it's a good mix." Li Zedao said with a slight smile.

"It's just a small mess, seven to eighty thousand a month, more than one hundred thousand." Zhao Ping'an tried hard to pretend that he is earning too little, and he is too happy, but the kind in his eyes The self-feeling aloof and the look of disdain towards Li Zedao became more and more intense, and from time to time he showed off the watch on his wrist, "Ah, there is no way to compare with a high-profile student like you from a prestigious university."

Of course, what he said is naturally exaggerated. For example, he is seven to eight thousand a month instead of seven to eighty thousand. As for the brand-name clothes he wears and the brand-name watches he wears on his wrists, he used to be frugal and asked for something from his family. In the end, I bit my scalp and bought it and went out and mixed it. If I didn't pack myself properly, I would be underestimated.

Li Zedao smiled lightly and said: "Someone is waiting for me, I'm leaving first."

He is not so boring to listen to this former classmate bragging over there, and besides, he can't let the two beautiful ladies wait for too long, right?

But in Zhao Ping’an’s view, although Li Zedao’s expression was indifferent, his heart was actually stimulated, otherwise, why would he be so impatient to leave? Therefore, Zhao Ping'an felt a little more comfortable, and wanted to continue to stimulate this guy, but unfortunately the boss was coming soon, so he had to pick him up quickly.

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