The Ultimate Student in the City

Chapter 1509: A swordsman

Stretching his hand over, Li Zedao hugged the woman from his arms, his head lightly leaning on her shoulder.

"So, it still depends on... luck? God's favor?" Bei said, but his work didn't stop, and he continued to brush the dishes.

Li Zedao smiled bitterly, nodded and said, "It's too illusory, whether it's the nameless cave or the secret scroll."

"It's better to go to the nameless cave. I'll go with you." Beiyong's tone was not to discuss, but to settle the matter. "Although it seems so vague and void, it is an opportunity after all. What if?"

"Okay." Li Zedao said. He actually wanted to persuade this woman not to go with him, but he knew that he could not change this woman's decision and had to give up.

The fact is just like what Bei said, although it is too illusory and unacceptable, it may even be full of dangers. In case that some array of eyes really exist, then it will immediately send you to some dangerous place. I went, and I can't even come back. Isn't that a cry?

What also made Li Zedao very concerned about was that the skeleton in the nameless cave died before it was teleported, or did it only teleport your soul during the teleportation, but the body stayed outside? How to come back later? After coming back, become a lonely ghost or a skeleton that can act, just like the Brooke in the comics?

"But we have to wait until the matter of superhuman genetics is completely resolved. Although fc is great, but it will lose a lot of money against genetic superhumans." Li Zedao said, "and, you don't have to go, maybe it's violent. It won’t erupt for a lifetime, and maybe during this period of time, I’ve comprehended that day’s machine picture scroll."

"It's good to have a dream," Bei said.

Li Zedao couldn't laugh or cry, and kissed Bei's neck, which made her tender body soft, and Li Zedao said, "Go away, it's not finished."

"You mean you can make trouble after washing?"


Then suddenly there came out: "I can smell it."

"What?" Li Zedao was taken aback. The woman's thinking jumped too fast, and he didn't react at once.

"When you just came back into the kitchen, I smelled the sour smell on your body with a hint of woman's scent. This scent is strange to me." Bei said lightly, "There is another one we don't know. Of? Or just met?"

"Uh..." The muscles on Li Zedao's face twitched. What kind of nose does this woman have? You can smell it? The Ferrari of the girl who didn't know the name met on the road had a fragrance in it. Li Zedao would naturally get a little bit of it after being in the car for so long.

"I remember I said a word before, I would rather jade fragments than tiles." Bei said again.

"..." Li Zedao already had a cold sweat on his forehead, and quickly explained, "Sister Bei, you misunderstood me, you really misunderstood me, there is nothing you don't know..."

There is a sourness in Bei's tone: "That's the one you just met, and you get involved as soon as you know it? If you count the time, you will be back at least an hour late, which is in line with your combat effectiveness."

Li Zedao almost spurted blood, this absolutely cannot be compromised: "Sister Bei, you are insulting me, how can my combat effectiveness be only an hour?"

"In a hurry, so I will do it." Bei said coldly, "I really thought I didn't dare to cut you?"

"..." Li Zedao's lower body resting on Bei Qiao's hip suddenly became cold, as if a cold wind was blowing.

At the moment, I couldn’t laugh or cry, so I explained in detail about the girl who I didn’t know the name on the road, even because his memory was against the sky, so I simply said the conversation between the two without missing a word. .

"I really didn't provoke me. It's enough to have you, too enough, so I didn't even give my real name." Li Zedao said aggrievedly, "Sister Bei, you must believe me."

Seeing that Li Zedao was so wronged, the North couldn’t hold back, and the corners of his mouth were already curled up to eclipse everyone around him: “Of course I believe you have nothing to do with that girl, otherwise I will cut it when you come back. It's you."


"The taste is too weak. If there is nothing, if there is something, the taste will not be so weak." Bei said.

Li Zedao couldn't laugh or cry, he hugged this delicate body abruptly, with a squinting expression: "Okay, you dare to scare me and see how I punish you."


Early the next morning, Li Zedao got up early to help the three women make breakfast.

Even a woman like Bei, under the torture of Li Zedao, fell asleep sweetly at this time, and Li Zedao was so satisfied with his combat power that he could no longer be satisfied.

During the porridge cooking, Director Yang called and said that the five people he had arranged to enter the Demon Cave Forest with Li Zedao had already arrived at the community where Li Zedao lived.

"Let them wait first, I haven't made breakfast for my wife yet." Li Zedao said.

Regarding the matter of entering the Devil's Cave Forest, to be honest, Director Yang actually didn't pay much attention to it, just because he probably knew that Li Zedao was nothing more than performing a play of "bleaching" himself, and all he had to do was to cooperate.

In Director Yang’s view, Li Zedao’s approach is too pediatric. If you really want to put a hat on your head, you don’t need to have as much ink as you; if you really want to really understand your true strength, you can test it in minutes. Up.

It's just that the No. 1 Chief has great trust and love for Li Zedao, and even feels guilty, so just let him go.

Of course, he actually wants to see with his own eyes what's in the cave, but unfortunately he still has a crucial task. The entire dark team still needs his leadership, so he can't leave easily. Besides, it is suspected that the superman appeared. In China, there are certain things he has to arrange in person.

After the breakfast was made, Li Zedao woke the three of them and ate breakfast together. Then, under the gaze of the three women’s watery eyes that were full of reluctance, Li Zedao couldn’t hold it anymore, and was fierce. A few mouthfuls were printed on the woman's lips, indicating that she would be back in the evening at the latest. Then she left, went downstairs, and walked slowly towards the gate of the community, intending to meet the five people sent by Director Yang.

As soon as he walked out of the gate of the community, Li Zedao immediately saw two large off-road vehicles that looked majestic and parked not far away. Two men in black clothes were standing there smoking a cigarette. After seeing Li Zedao coming out, one of them The man waved to Li Zedao.

Li Zedao nodded slightly, and when he was about to walk towards them, a hesitant voice rang behind him: "Zhou Yan..."

"Zhou Yan?" Li Ze dumbfounded, and looked back, only to see that the girl I just met yesterday was standing there pretty, biting her lip and looking at herself, her eyes hesitating, tangled, and pitiful. , There are expectations. In addition, her expression looked so languid and haggard, with blood in her eyes, as one can imagine, she didn't rest at all last night.

Yesterday after Li Zedao got off the car, Sun Lingfei was extremely wronged, and she was also inexplicably empty for no reason, as if she had lost something.

After that, she stopped the car without driving too far forward, and then vaguely saw a taxi on Li Ze Road. She did not follow the taxi, but she wrote down the license plate number of the taxi. , She contacted the taxi driver through the relationship and learned that he had brought Zhou Yan to this community.

After that, she spent the long night in confusion and confusion. Before dawn, she went out and came to the gate of this community.

She was actually not so sure why she wanted to know where Zhou Yan lived, and she was even less sure why she came and then tried to see if she could wait until he walked out of the community.

"He said he could help that, so I came here." Sun Lingfei finally gave herself such a reason, and then pretended to forget how stupid the other party was to help.

Li Zedao smiled: "It's you...I don't know your name yet."

"Oh, Sun Lingfei... I just passed by." Sun Lingfei tried to explain something, and then found that she couldn't say anything, "Then...bye."

I waved my hand and turned around and left. I felt that I was...ill. I was really sick. I knew he couldn't help me. Why did he come?

"Student Sun..." Li Zedao shouted.

"Huh?" Sun Lingfei stopped suddenly, turned around quickly, and realized that her reaction seemed a little too big, so her little face blushed.

"I don't know Wei Fengsheng, but I am very familiar with Wei Xiaobao and Wei Yaoming from the Wei family." Li Zedao said.

"What? You guys... are familiar?" Sun Lingfei looked at Li Zedao with a look of astonishment. You must know that Wei Xiaobao and Wei Yaoming are both young generations that the Wei family focuses on training, and Wei Fengsheng is nothing more than a family. It's nothing more than the status daddy, compared with Wei Xiaobao and Wei Yaoming, it's nothing.

In other words, these two people are the top giants.

But now Zhou Yan said that they are very familiar with each other... which giant is he also?

The corners of Li Zedao's mouth curled up with a very strange amplitude and said: "Familiarity, it's not enough...So, if you really don't want to marry Wei Fengsheng, this swordsman can really help you."

"I... I certainly don't want to. I would marry a pig and I would never marry him." Sun Lingfei said quickly, and she wanted to laugh inexplicably after hearing him say the word "this swordsman" again.

"That's fine, I overheard the content of the phone call between you and your father. I was in Zhejiang at night, right? I'll pass by then." Li Zedao smiled.

"Yeah." Sun Lingfei nodded heavily, her face still bursting with a brilliant smile, and two dimples that were enough to be drunk appeared, she just felt that she was relieved instantly.

"I have something to do. Let's go first and see you tonight." Li Zedao said.

"Well, see you tonight, you... don't forget."

"As a swordsman, I keep saying everything." Li Zedao said with a serious face, waved his hand, and left.

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