The Ultimate Student in the City

Chapter 1513: Just squeeze

During this period of time, Su Meng felt sorry for this girlfriend. How many wicked things Sun Lingfei had to do in her last life, otherwise, how could Wei Monkey be so unfortunately worried about her in this life?

Wei Fengsheng, a wealthy young man, is usually arrogant and domineering. In all likelihood, he is overly indulgent, so he is as thin as if he can't live, and he has a sharp-mouthed monkey cheek. What is more disgusting is that there are dense pockmarks on his face, so everyone Secretly called him Wei Monkey.

Wei Monkey is not a Tathagata, but there is a five-finger mountain. Now that the five-finger mountain is on Sun Lingfei's body, Sun Lingfei doesn't even want to escape, unless she can hardly watch her father's company go bankrupt.

Su Meng knew that Sun Lingfei couldn't do it, couldn't watch her father's business fail, so she could only compromise.

As a best friend, she knows how painful and depressing Sun Lingfei has been during this period of time. Either dragged her to ktv Guiwailanglang to have a meal but in the end she cried helplessly, or she drove her car out to find excitement, Su Meng was afraid that an unwilling car crashed and died. Although she was a little unjust, Su Meng said nothing about taking Sun Lingfei's car.

But now, Sun Lingfei showed a long-lost smile, and even the smile contained shyness and sweetness, and she also wanted to dress up beautifully, as a woman is a pleasing face, so it is obvious that this is a fall I'm in love.

But Su Meng knew very well that Wei Monkey could not let Sun Lingfei go, so what she could think of was that Sun Lingfei had secretly gotten better with Wei Monkey.

"Feifei, you are planning to hide from Wei tonight...oh, are you planning to go on a date with a handsome guy?" Su Meng originally wanted to say "Hid Wei Monkey", but Sun Lingfei's murderous eyes glared. , Brake quickly.

I was really worried about this best friend, and thought she was playing with fire. If Wei Monkey finds out, based on Wei Monkey's background and his unparalleled irritability, he might be killed by that time.

appointment? Sun Lingfei stunned, and then his expression began to twist, and strongly denied: "Where can I go on a date? There is no handsome guy..."

Is Zhou Yanshuai? Not handsome, not handsome at all, and a bit annoying! Miss Sun has a lot of resentment deep in her heart for the fact that he didn't know whether he was really stupid or fake, and didn't take the initiative to leave contact information or ask for contact information.

Su Meng's expression on your face, please don't lie to me: "Really?" This twisted look, plus she also planned to dress up carefully. Who believes that she is not going to go on a date?

"Oh, my dad asked me to have a meal with Monkey Wei at night." Sun Lingfei's stomach began to feel uncomfortable again. Every time I think of that guy, I think of his undeveloped face that is still pockmarked. There are even many pockmarked faces. With a nauseous pustule, she feels vomiting inexplicably.

If it weren't for the fact that the other party's backing was too big to provoke him, Sun Lingfei would have caught him and beat him up.

Su Meng's big eyes became bigger, her face was dull, and she said in a loss: "So... you want to dress up carefully to eat with Wei Monkey?"

His heart was extremely shocked, his small face was messy, and then he stretched out his hand and touched Sun Lingfei's forehead: "It didn't burn."

Sun Lingfei patted his hand and said disgustingly: "I'm sick. I can't wait to smear **** on myself when I eat with him. He is disgusting, and I still dress up?"

"then you……"

"Oh, Xiao Su, don't ask, help me refer to it in the afternoon." Sun Lingfei said.

Su Meng patted her forehead: "I really don't understand what you want to do."

Sun Lingfei's big eyes fell on the ceiling, and she muttered in her heart: "I don't know what I want to do, that is... He looks at me so dull, just like looking at a Chinese cabbage, this lady is very upset. I really want to hit people, am I that bad?"

Sun Lingfei was shocked somewhat, looked at Su Meng's face, looked at her breasts, then looked down at her breasts, and then inexplicably wanted to cry... He likes big breasts? Beasts! People who take people by their **** are all beasts!

At the moment, she stretched out her hand and pressed it on Su Meng’s chest. It was soft, that touch... Sun Lingfei wanted to cry even more. She was very sad to find that she was a man and she liked it too. Big breasts.

"Ah, Feifei, what are you doing? You female pervert." Su Meng screamed exaggeratedly. With one hand, she eliminated Sun Lingfei's salty pig's hands, and his hands tightly protected her chest.

"Go to hell, what's the matter with a touch?" Sun Lingfei said irritably, and then looked envious, "Xiaosu, what have you eaten? Why is it so big? Look at your ditch, you can drown people. ."

Looking down at his chest, with a crying expression: "Why is mine so small?"

Su Meng looked at this best friend in amazement, you know, Sun Lingfei never cared about the size of her breasts, and said that it is too big to be a burden, and it is inconvenient to beat someone! But what's wrong now? I was in love with the spring on her face before combining with her.

Su Meng had to worry about this girlfriend. After all, with Wei Monkey's domineering and shamelessness, and the superior Wei family, when could he not do it? Will it be... Su Meng can't imagine anymore.

I thought it was better to find a suitable opportunity to talk to Feifei about the consequences. He said at the moment: "Just squeeze."

"Squeeze? How to squeeze?" Sun Lingfei was taken aback.

Su Meng stretched out her hands with a smirk, "I'll squeeze it for you to see."

"Ah... die, pervert..."


Led by Li Zedao, the five of them cautiously walked out of the tomb, and then Li Zedao pushed the tombstone back and covered the entrance.

After thinking about it, Li Zedao pulled off the white safety buckle and put it away. After all, it is basically certain now that the soul of the master is in this safety buckle.

In the library before, after reading a large number of ancient books, Li Zedao finally found a way to make the master’s soul come out again. Li Zedao wanted to find some time to try, then see if such a mysterious method can work. It makes sense.

As for the other safety buckles, Li Zedao didn't move. This kind of crazy thing is better to stay here, otherwise, if the people with bad intentions get it, something wrong will happen.

"Let's go, it is not suitable to stay here for a long time. Once the master of returning to nature finds out, we will definitely die." Li Zedao said with a solemn expression in a low voice.

Li Zedao's heart was full of evil taste, and seeing these people suddenly became nervous, and even cold sweats on their foreheads, he felt amused.

Moreover, in order to show that this place is too weird and dangerous, and their trip is too difficult, so Li Zedao simply said that it is easy to get in, and it is difficult to get out. The way in and the way out are completely different, so bring They spared more than an hour in it, and even Li Zedao disappeared for more than ten minutes. They scared the five people and could only stay there in a hurry, and finally walked out of there. Thick fog.

As soon as I walked out, I saw that these five people were all sluggish, their clothes were soaked, their breathing was messy, nothing else, just because Li Zedao "reminded" from time to time that the masters of returning to the original are nearby. What be careful of the traps under your feet... In short, the five of them were tortured and their tight nerves were almost broken.

They actually didn't doubt that Li Zedao was playing with them, but if it was not playing, is it true? They dare not bet.

When the wind saw them coming out, he hurried over and saw that his companions were panting. They were extremely tired. They couldn't speak. Naturally, there was shock in his heart. Is this a fierce battle with the returning masters?

Li Zedao looked at the wind with an expression that I was too tired: "Fortunately, I found that kind of medicine. We took one by's too unpalatable, it tastes like shit."

"..." Feng's eyes widened slightly, and the magical medicine was found? Have they all eaten? So... they are all masters of returning to the basics now?

Li Zedao was a little sick, and quickly said: "But it is a pity that it is passed from generation to generation, and the more exaggerated it is. Anyway, the effect of that kind of medicine has been exaggerated. Taking it can really improve your own strength, but you want to become a back to basics. A master still needs his own savvy and God's favor."

I don't read much on Feng's face. Don't lie to me. As for the fog of the five of them, it is just what you say.

"Oh, no need to send me off, I can go home by myself." Li Zedao waved his hand, turned and got into one of the off-road vehicles, started, kicked down the accelerator, and quickly ran out of sight.

The muscles on Feng's face twitched, and it was messy in the breeze. I bought a watch last year. The car you drove was a car I rebuilt after a lot of thought.


Driving out of the Demon Cave Prison, Li Zedao galloped towards the city. Soon, he received a call from Director Yang. It is conceivable that Feng and the others have reported the matter to Director Yang truthfully.

On the phone, Director Yang was excited and regretful. What was excited was that he successfully obtained the medicine left by Duanmu Weizhuang. Unfortunately, the medicine did not have the effect in the legend, although it made Wu Wu's ability improve. , But after all, there is no comparison with things like entering the realm of returning to nature.

Li Zedao’s tone was full of sighs and sighs. This is the situation. If Huang Ye and Huang Longfengquan knew about the results they had worked hard for more than 20 years, they would probably be so angry. Come here...

On the other side of the phone, Director Yang's face twitched violently but helplessly.

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