The Ultimate Student in the City

Chapter 1520: Chu Feng's love

Looking up at a glass of wine, Chu Feng looked at Wei Fengsheng and continued and said: "Yes, Fengsheng, you heard it right, and don't think my statement is too exaggerated. I really think I'm done! Do you know? My heart..."

Chu Feng touched his heart: "It started to puff and puff wildly. At that moment, I knew that I had fallen in love. She was the lover of my dreams. She was the love of my life. I, Chu Feng. If I can't get Li Mengyao in this life, I will shoot a pistol for the rest of my life, and I won't touch other women..."

"Uh..." The muscles on Wei Fengsheng's face twitched. As soon as they met, he could see that this guy was very wretched. He didn't expect to be even more wretched than he saw.

"After that, I mustered up the courage to approach, approach my goddess, and pursue my true love. I said that beauty, your money has fallen, but..." Chu Feng looked bitter and helpless, even painful, as if he had suffered multiple times. Feeling sad, "She didn't even look at me, she just regarded me as air."

Wei Fengsheng wanted to say, if she doesn't think you are the air, then **** be a ghost.

Then, Chu Feng had an idiotic expression again, and his eyes became two loving hearts: "But Yaoyao's kind of coldness is so charming."

Wei Fengsheng got goose bumps, and he couldn't listen to it anymore. He quickly said, "So, Brother Chu Feng, do you want me to help you pursue my cousin?"

Chu Feng nodded hurriedly, looked at Wei Fengsheng with hope, and put his hands on his shoulders, as if looking at a savior: "Brother Fengsheng, do you know? Since I met Li Mengyao, I don’t think about tea. I don’t want to sleep at night. I have lost more than a dozen catties in just a few days. So, Brother Fengsheng, you must help me and let me see Li Mengyao. Then you are my great benefactor of Chu Feng. Yes, I must thank you eight generations of ancestors... No, I thank you on behalf of the eight generations of ancestors, and I will not let you go as a ghost."

"..." Wei Fengsheng wanted to say, I'm going to your uncle!

Li Zedao on the side looked at Wei Fengsheng and slowly spit out a puff of smoke and added: "You did my brother this favor, then I will not pursue the matter that you offend me. Even if anyone dares to bully you in the future, I can help you find it. Back to the scene."

Hearing Wei Fengsheng's heart surging instantly, his complexion flushed with excitement. In other words, will he be Li Shao's younger brother from now on? At that time, that cousin Wei Yaoming, who usually doesn't even look at him, shouldn't he obediently bow his head in front of him? Even because they have gained Li Shao's friendship, the family shouldn't take themselves as the focus to cultivate?

He looked at Li Zedao, and he was so excited that he almost couldn’t speak clearly: "Li Shao...that Chu Feng’s thing is my thing, of course I am willing to help, that is...I really understand the character of my cousin. It’s like an iceberg. It’s too difficult and too difficult to ask her out, but Shao Li, Chu Feng, don’t worry, give me some time, I will definitely figure out a way for her to come out and meet Chu Feng. ."

Chu Feng looked at Wei Fengsheng with a sincere expression on his face, and then clutched his chest: "Thank you, thank you so much... Then tomorrow is okay? You don't know, my chest is very upset now, I think I will tomorrow If I still don't see your cousin, I will definitely die."

Wei Fengsheng's muscles twitched, is this guy too exaggerated? I also want to curse, how could it be possible tomorrow?

"Chu Feng..."

"Brother Fengsheng, you must help me. If I don't see Li Mengyao tomorrow, I will really die." Chu Feng looked at Wei Fengsheng with eyesight and pleaded, his voice was like a cuckoo weeping blood, making Wei The sound of the wind was horrified, and he realized that men were even more terrifying than women when they were hypocritical.

Wei Fengsheng looked embarrassed. How could it be impossible to think about it tomorrow? It's even one thing whether he can see Li Mengyao himself tomorrow.

"Then tomorrow, tomorrow if my brother doesn't see Li Mengyao depressed and die, you will be buried." Li Zedao looked at Wei Fengsheng, there was no human temperature in his voice.

Wei Fengsheng looked bitter, and wanted to kneel down and say that Shao Li should let me go to the hospital, but thinking of Wei Yaoyang's tragic situation before, his body shivered, as if he had been struck by thunder.

He gritted his teeth and said, "Chu Feng, let's do this, can you please? You and I will go back to the old house of Wei's house, and we will be hanging around in the old house from tomorrow. As for whether we can see my cousin, I can't guarantee Yes, it’s mainly because although she is my sister, I don’t know her very well, and I don’t even have much contact with her. I don’t even have her contact information, but it’s easy to handle. I can get her easily. Contact information."

Chu Feng's face was overjoyed, holding Wei Fengsheng's shoulders and shaking his shoulders, with an expression of excitement: "I'll go back with you, I'll go back with you, even if I can't see Li Mengyao, but as long as I can stay closer to her, I can live with her. Staying in my house, I will feel that I am almost madly happy..."

Wei Fengsheng twitched the corners of his mouth and got goose bumps.

"Come on, wind, I toast you a glass, we won't be drunk or go home tonight!"

"Uh, well, if you don’t get drunk, you don’t return, you don’t get drunk... If you are wronged to act as my driver, I can only take you in."

"Haha, as long as I can see the goddess in my mind, let alone being a driver, just let me call your father, I recognize it, come, drink and drink..." Chu Feng was cheerful, his expression was like eating It's like honey shit.

The corner of Li Zedao's mouth, who was sitting aside, was already slightly tilted with an inexplicable range.

Soon, Wei Fengsheng and Chu Feng drank a drink. The two looked at each other, and they all felt like seeing each other late.

Li Zedao accompany them for a few drinks, gave Chu Feng an inexplicable look, and then let them continue to drink, leaving first.

Standing up and leaving the booth in the corner, Li Zedao walked straight to the gate of the nightclub. When passing by the bar, he accidentally saw Sun Lingfei sitting there, with a large glass of beer remaining on the side.

At the same time, a fierce man was entangled next to him with a glass of wine in his hand, but Sun Lingfei didn't seem to hear her, her expression dumbfounded and did not respond.

Even Li Zedao noticed that the man's entanglement work secretly shot a white pill into the glass of wine he was holding.

For this girl, Li Zedao felt a little guilty, alas, I blamed myself for being too good to be dazzling, with too good temperament, waved, the beauty was completely attracted by myself and couldn't help herself.

Let's make it clear to others, tell her that she already has a girlfriend, and there are many, maybe she will give up... at least can't let her be drugged stupidly?

After making up his mind, Li Zedao walked over and patted the macho on the shoulder. He didn't want to violently beat up this guy who even dared to administer the medicine. The main reason was that there was enough limelight in front of Sun Lingfei. If this continues to appear, if Sun Lingfei is even more obsessed with herself, it is not even more. Go against your own ideas?

Feeling someone behind him patted his shoulder, the hunk man turned his head and saw a little white face, his eyes stared instantly: "What are you doing? Don't you know if you come first, come first?"

"I am friends with her." Li Zedao's eyes fell on Sun Lingfei, and said with a slight smile.

She seemed to hear a voice that made her dream linger, so Sun Lingfei's body shook suddenly, raised her head, her eyes met Li Zedao's eyes at once, and her eyes widened slightly, but soon The sadness became cold.

She gritted her teeth, got up suddenly, grabbed the glass of wine in the hand of the hunk, drank it with her head up, and put it heavily on the bar, and then took the initiative to hold the hand of the hunk: "My dear, we Go dancing." She didn't look at Li Zedao from beginning to end.

Of course, her heart is actually very messy. She hoped that Li Zedao would be able to **** the wine glass a bit more aggressively, and then take her away from this place.

However, Li Zedao did not, so Sun Lingfei's heart was even more sad.

"Uh..." Li Zedao glanced at the empty glass on the bar, twitched at the corner of his mouth, and drank it anyway, why bother to be so impulsive? He actually wanted to take away the drink, but he hesitated after all in order not to continue deep contact.

The macho's body trembled, as if it were *like, his eyes provocatively swept the little white face who wanted to grab a bite, and walked towards the stage vigorously with the beautiful woman.

Li Zedao touched his nose, smiled wryly, and then walked towards the door of the bar.

Sun Lingfei, who was holding the arm of the macho, seemed to turn her head unintentionally, and saw Li Zedao walking out of the gate without looking back. At that moment, her heart trembled inexplicably. Was she too angry? I am afraid that after tonight, there is no possibility of meeting, right?

At the entrance of the bar, Li Zedao got into the off-road vehicle, took out the cigarette and lit a lighter, and smiled helplessly when he remembered the scene in the bar.

Before smoking half a cigarette, a phone call came in.

When I took a look at the phone, I felt helpless, and reluctantly picked it up.

Director Yang's voice came over: "It's done?"

"What do you mean?" Li Zedao was too dissatisfied with Director Yang's suspicion. He had already acted in person, so how could he fail?

The thing is like this. After learning that the guy harassing Sun Lingfei was Wei Fengsheng of the Wei family, an idea immediately came into Li Zedao's mind.

Didn’t Director Yang have a headache and couldn’t enter the Wei’s house to investigate Li Mengyao? Wouldn't it be enough to let this Wei Fengsheng help bring people in?

So after Li Zedao discussed with Director Yang, the fog that followed Li Zedao into the Devil's Cave Forest turned into Chu Feng who was trapped by love and unable to extricate himself.

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