The Ultimate Student in the City

Chapter 1526: Princess Taiping

Sun Lingfei rubbed his head in Li Zedao's arms, and pinched his hand on his waist, a little embarrassed: "Are you still smiling? A little bit smaller, but I am pure and natural! What you saw on the street Many of those are filled with silica gel or even cement, do you think?"

Then her body trembled abruptly, and her voice trembled: "You, what do you want to do?" Sun Lingfei was a little heartless, and she was even ready to be eaten long ago, but at this time one of Li Zedao's I stretched my hand into my clothes, and couldn't help feeling nervous.

"Try the feel." Li Zedao gave such a beastly reason.

"Huh?" Sun Lingfei was taken aback, and then she felt that hand crawling to her chest, and then that hand went straight into the gap in her bra, and she held it down for many years and disappeared. Long, I usually massage hard, but I don’t see my chest.

Suddenly, a feeling like an electric shock swept through, and Sun Lingfei pulled Li Zedao's hand out and pushed it away, putting her arms around her chest: "Go to hell, what are you doing?"

Li Zedao touched his nose with some embarrassment: "Didn't you say it? Try it."

"Go to hell, this... how can you try it indiscriminately?" Sun Lingfei blushed, like a red apple, " don't even ask me..."

"You didn't ask me when you kissed me yesterday." Li Zedao said dumbfounded, "And how do you ask? Ask you if I can touch your breasts?"

"Go to die... Actually, it's not too young, right?" Sun Lingfei was shy and hopeful, looking at Li Ze eagerly.

"That... the average level, it's okay, it's okay." Li Zedao felt that she couldn't be too shocked, so this statement naturally injected some water.

"Go to die." Sun Lingfei threw a sanitary ball directly to Li Zedao. Although this is the case, you will die if you coax it.

Li Zedao smiled and said: "However, I know a way to increase breasts, it should be effective for you."

"Really?" Sun Lingfei's eyes brightened, "What way? Let's talk about it first, I don't want anything filled with silica gel cement, I want a green and natural way."

"Acupuncture can be regarded as green and environmentally friendly and pure and natural." Li Zedao said dubiously.

"You know how to acupuncture?" Sun Lingfei's eyes are brighter. She has long heard about breast enhancement with acupuncture, but the Chinese doctors who use acupuncture and moxibustion are all men. How can you show your body to each other? impossible! And in case it doesn't work, it's not "people and money are empty"?

Li Zedao nodded: "It's not that I am bragging. If I am willing, I can at least be the director of the TCM department at any"

Li Zedao's eyes widened slightly, and she saw that Sun Lingfei took off her clothes in front of her.

Although the chest is small and covered by a small underwear, almost nothing can be seen, but for Li Zedao, who is used to seeing a plump body, Sun Lingfei has a different skinny beauty.

"Let's start now." Sun Lingfei said with a flushed face, shy, and more impatient.


Facts have proved that Sun Lingfei is an extremely low-key person, and the clothes she wears are more casual and popular, and she does not deliberately chase her dress up.

When I went to Zhengtu Taekwondo Gym before, I never drove her Lafite Ferrari sports car. Instead, I took the subway or taxi, and sometimes even took the bus, so her senior sisters, sisters, brothers and brothers Naturally, I don’t know that Sun Lingfei is actually a super rich man. Even Sun Lingfei now owns her own industry, such as the beauty salon. In addition, she has also invested in several online games, earning nearly eight figures every year.

Influenced by her family, Sun Lingfei is still very talented in business.

This time, I didn't drive Li Zedao. Instead, I took a bus to the Zhengtu Taekwondo Stadium. Sun Lingfei wanted to experience what it's like to take a bus with someone I like.

At this time, the body was seen, the chest was touched, and even deeper contact was made. Therefore, the sweet happiness on Sun Lingfei's face was even more, she held Li Zedao's arm tightly, and sometimes she giggled.

As the most famous Taekwondo gym in Yanjing, it looks very grand from the outside. At the same time, Li Zedao, who has amazing ears, has heard the sound of jumping Ada from inside.

"That's it, let's go in." Sun Lingfei said.

Following Sun Lingfei, Li Zedao entered this taekwondo gym. The first time he came to this place, he was somewhat curious. I saw that the layout of this place was not much different from the school gymnasium, but it was a few more. The ring is obviously for the students to practice combat.

I heard from Sun Lingfei that some small taekwondo competitions would also choose to be held in this place.

Li Zedao even saw a lot of people wearing Taekwondo costumes, most of them were young, even children of a few years old, and the majority of female students, at least 70% of them, were wearing white Taekwondo uniforms. A very beautiful scenery, still looks very seductive.

Some of them knew Sun Lingfei, and when they saw Sun Lingfei came over, they greeted one after another. Although the **** were small, they were standard dimpled beauties after all, plus the usual carelessness, so Sun Lingfei's popularity here is still very good.

As for Li Zedao, who was dangling behind Sun Lingfei, everyone only assumed that he was introduced by Sun Lingfei to come and learn taekwondo, and they didn't care too much.

At this moment, two people, a man and a woman, came to face each other, both wearing white taekwondo suits. The difference is that the belt around the female's waist is red and black, while the belt around the man's waist is pure black. of.

Women's looks are not so good-looking, especially the eyes, which are a bit small. They still look bigger after makeup, or they are smaller.

But it can't hold people with a hot body, especially the bulging chest wrapped in a taekwondo suit, which is very predictable at first glance.

The men are handsome and strong, with the temperament of the goddess in the idol drama, with blond hair, which looks fashionable.

After seeing Sun Lingfei, the man's eyes lit up suddenly, and he smiled in a non-standard Chinese language: "Feifei, you are here..."

Then his gaze shifted to Li Zedao, his brows frowned slightly, and he was already wondering what the relationship between this strange man and Sun Lingfei was.

"Good afternoon, Senior Brother Park." Sun Lingfei nodded, neither close nor rude.

At the same time, the woman straightened her chest with a sneer, showing her own advantages very well, and her voice was a little groaned: "Long time no see, Princess Taiping, I haven't seen it for a long time, really. I miss you."

"Princess Taiping?" The face of Li Zedao who followed Sun Lingfei was a little weird. Although the woman in front of him said that Sun Lingfei, Li Zedao was very upset, but according to conscience, this nickname... is so appropriate that it can't be more appropriate.

Li Zedao muttered in his heart, it seems that this woman is what Feifei said is Jiang Xue who always likes to make trouble when calling her. As for the one who squinted and became hostile as soon as she saw her, don't even think it was the Pu Xulong who secretly loved Feifei.

This nickname has been there for a long time, and I don’t know who got it. Of course, almost all the students or staff of the Taekwondo Gym have reason to believe that this nickname was taken by Jiang Xue and spread, because Sun Lingfei was here. The popularity is pretty good, and the only thing that contradicts her is this Jiang Xue.

And only Jiang Xue dared to call her Princess Taiping in front of Sun Lingfei.

Jiang Xue dislikes Sun Lingfei very much, and the main contradiction is naturally because of Pu Xulong. Jiang Xue likes Park Xulong, but Park Xulong likes Sun Lingfei, and he also launched a fanatical pursuit, but Park Xulong still simply banged the nail.

Send flowers... I'm sorry Brother Park, I don't like flowers. I think Senior Sister Jiang likes them. Give them to her.

Send accessories, sorry, I don't usually wear these things, I think Senior Sister Jiang likes it, so give it to her.

Send the car... I'm sorry, I can't drive without a driver's license. I think Senior Sister Jiang likes it. Give it to her.

So those flowers and accessories, Park Xulong really didn't waste them, and transferred them to Jiang Xue, including the Audi tt parked at the entrance of the Taekwondo Hall now, and became her Jiang Xue's car!

Yes, after failing to catch up with Sun Lingfei, Pu Xulong had given up his mind and chose to associate with Jiang Xue, who had been secretly in love with him, and gave Jiang Xue all the things he had not given before.

Women have the strongest comparability. They are more beautiful and ugly, than clothing brands, breast size, diamond ring carats, men, men's identity and money...

In such a comparison, Jiang Xue felt that she was not as good as dead. She was very sad to find that Sun Lingfei had beaten him everywhere except the two pieces of meat on her chest.

I am now the teacher of this taekwondo gym, but in terms of popularity, he is not at all as good as Sun Lingfei, a student who comes once in a while; my boyfriend was rejected by others, so he chose himself first! The car that he drove...If it wasn't for the reluctance, Jiang Xue would have the urge to smash the car!

In short, Jiang Xue really doesn’t have any reason to like Sun Lingfei. Every time I see her, I want to whip my legs over. Even if it’s not for Teacher Pu to call Feifei to come back and get together at night, Have a meal, she can't fight.

Sun Lingfei didn't bother to talk to this woman. She didn't care about it so much, but she was also angry now, mainly because Li Zedao was there. After hearing this nickname, she would definitely laugh at herself again.

Looking back, Li Zedao looked like a smile, so he waved his fist fiercely. Li Zedao shrank his head to indicate that I was wrong, and Sun Lingfei smiled triumphantly.

But this kind of flirting behavior fell into Pu Xulong's eyes, and his brows were even more frowned.

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