The Ultimate Student in the City

Chapter 1531: Black belt eight segments

"All, there is no need to be angry with them, because they have such a shameless reaction to say such shameless words, it is instinct." Li Zedao said.

"Yeah." Sun Lingfei nodded with deep conviction, and then stopped being angry, as if a mad dog would bark instinctively, you can't make yourself so angry because of its instinctive barking. Right? It's not worth it... I really can't listen to it and find a stick to slap him hard.

"Of course, we have to review and reflect. Why do some Huaxia people help Chinese people beat Huaxia people? I don't understand, I really don't understand!" Li Zedao shook his head and sighed.

Many of those students have already bowed their heads, with inexplicable shame on their faces.

However, there are still some small faces full of resentment and even gloating. Curator Park has come forward. I think how arrogant you are? You dare to put such a heavy hand on my Ouba, why don't you die? Ah, my Oppa, my Pupu...

Seeing that the other party not only did not repent, but still continued to slander their big h nation, Park Changxing's old face became colder, and said: "In addition, what did you just say? Huaxia Kungfu is better than Taekwondo? This is really a big deal. A joke! This is a humiliation to the essence of my great national culture..."

Li Zedao sneered at the old man's words and said, "I bought a watch last year."

Jin Bucheng's expression is a bit at a loss, what does this mean?

A man standing behind Jin Bucheng gave Li Zedao a fierce look, then hurried forward and murmured a few words in Jin Bucheng's ear, then Jin Bucheng's face turned black, furious, and pointed at Li Zedao and shouted: "Young man, you have to pay for what you do..."

Li Zedao waved his hand and sneered: "Okay, it's a squeaky fart, isn't the dead dog lying there and can't get up, isn't it me? He's also black belt three times? Didn't I get punched on the ground? I heard that you are a black belt 9th dan? That can be considered worthy of you, three punches are enough to solve you."

"You..." Pu Changxing's face was flushed, and his body was trembling. No one has dared to talk to him like this. This guy is arrogant and hateful!

"Teacher Pu, you can't be guilty of being angry with this kind of ignorant boy, and you don't need your hands to deal with such a small role. I'm enough to beat him into a dead dog!" "Wu Dalang" said, his voice was hoarse but sharp. At the same time, he stared at Li Zedao with extremely disdainful eyes.

But when his eyes fell on Sun Lingfei, his nature was immediately exposed, and the excitement and wretchedness in his eyes could be seen even by a highly myopic person.

This made Li Zedao extremely upset, and he wished to pick out the eyeballs of this unreasonable guy.

"Boy, what you just defeated was just a trivial black belt master. You thought you were invincible? You thought Huaxia Kungfu was very powerful? Do you dare to play against me?" "Wu Dalang" is extremely arrogant, even facing off. Li Zedao raised his **** and hooked it, "My name is Jin Bucheng, and my strength is black belt eighth! I will let you know how terrifying Taekwondo is!"

Li Zedao touched his nose, a little helpless: "By the way, do I agree to fight you? I want to challenge the curator, OK?"

"Huh! I want to challenge our curator to win first. Or are you afraid? Then admit that Chinese Kungfu is not as good as Taekwondo, and sincerely apologize, otherwise you don't want to get out of this door today!" Jin Bucheng sneered and stepped forward. In one step, an extremely terrifying aura came out suddenly.

Li Zedao's eyes were instantly narrowed, his mind was surging quickly, and he nodded and sneered: "Then let me see how terrifying Taekwondo is."

Jin Bucheng licked his lips and said negatively, "I won't let you down."

Five minutes later, Li Zedao and Jin Bucheng already appeared on the stage, and Pu Xulong, whose face was about to collapse by Li Zedao, was taken to the hospital.

Jiang Xue, who was kicked by Li Zedao and had a terrible stomachache, did not follow. She was standing under the stage at this time, looking at Li Zedao on the stage with vicious eyes, wishing to rush over and tear the **** to pieces.

Looking at Sun Lingfei who was standing there again, the expression in her eyes became even more vicious.

The students gathered around to watch again before. No one of them saw this Jin Bucheng before. I don’t know how sacred he is, but he just said that he is a black belt 8th dan. This is enough to shock them. You know, The 8th dan black belt is second only to the 9th dan black belt, and it is very impressive. Looking around the world, you can't find a few.

And this competition was not like it was on the field. No one cheered and shouted, even if they did, most of the students felt that they already knew the result. If they deflated and mumbled over there, the **** would be beaten up very badly. , Damn dare to beat my Oppa, die, die!

There are also a small number of people who quietly started to cheer for Li Zedao in their hearts. The words of Li Zedao only stimulated some of their nerves. Yeah, the Chinese are fighting against the people of H. Why do they support the people of H? Isn't this a real traitor?

As for the stage, Li Zedao looked at this Jin Bucheng who was a head shorter than himself and farther than his own handsome, Jin Bucheng was also staring at each other, with an inexplicable smile on that red face.

"Are you really a master of taekwondo black belt 8th?" Li Zedao asked.

Jin Bucheng licked his dry lips, as if he was licking blood, and said with a sharp smile, "Actually, I am better than a master of Taekwondo eighth."

Li Zedao sneered: "No matter how powerful you are, there is only one fate for you, that is, like Pu Xulong, being beaten into a dead dog by my fist."

"Really? Then see who becomes a dead dog!" Jin Bucheng said arrogantly.


As soon as Park Changxing’s voice fell, Jin Bucheng, who was standing there, jumped up and pounced towards Li Zedao. The speed was like a ghost, so fast that everyone’s eyes could not keep up. You are very It is hard to imagine how his two short legs can have such a powerful explosive force.

In a blink of an eye, he jumped in front of Li Zedao. It was a straight punch in standard taekwondo, but whether it was speed or strength, it had reached an extremely terrifying level.

"Ada..." He hit Li Zedao's face with a punch.

Li Zedao frowned, and just reached out to block it, Jin Bucheng's hand had already changed the direction of attack. And the feet began to exert force, the two short legs seemed to be swinging, kicking hundreds of legs in one minute at an indistinguishable speed.

Front kick, side kick, side kick, push kick, back kick, swing kick, back spin kick, double fly kick, whirlwind kick...Almost all the standard Taekwondo moves have come out, fast as lightning!

Those students were completely shocked by this scene. They never thought that the speed of their legs could be so fast, so fast that Li Zedao, who beat Pu Xulong on the ground with one punch, was overwhelmed, and could only blindly avoid. Parry, there is no way to attack.

Of course, if you change to them, you don't have to think about being kicked.

While Sun Lingfei was frightened by Jin Bucheng's terrifying strength, she was also inexplicably nervous. The main reason was that she clearly saw that Li Zedao was retreating again and again, in a posture that was not able to resist.

Jiang Xue was shocked but extremely excited, and kept muttering to herself: "Kick him, kick him...Kick this bastard..."

At this moment, Li Zedao on the stage let out a sullen roar that looked so suffocated: "Get out of my way!" Then he swept across.

"Bang!" Everyone clearly heard the scalp-numbing muffled sound of the bones hitting the bones, and saw the calves of the two slammed together.

Then the two took two steps back each, and then both stared at each other with extremely unkind eyes!

"How could you be a master of Taekwondo black belt 8th? Who are you?" Li Zedao's eyes were abnormally cold. He clearly felt that Teacher Pete was facing him, even if he could be suppressed in the end, he would have to pay. Not a small price! How could a master of this level be a black belt eighth?

"Damn Chinese puppies, I am your master!" Jin Bucheng didn't hit his opponent just now, so he became very irritable. He roared sharply at the moment, and pounced on Li Zedao again, his body shape already transformed. There is an afterimage.

Li Zedao was also angry, a stick, even if you are almost a master at the same level as Teacher Pete, so what? This handsome guy is a back-to-none master, do you know? Now I am angry and shot.

This time, the speed of the two shots was significantly faster than the last time, so fast that the students who watched couldn't see the people at all, all eyes were blurred, and their hearts were filled with awe. The fight has far exceeded their cognition.

Even, if the battle weren't for the real going on in front of them at this time, they would think it was a movie.

It turns out that Taekwondo can be terrifying to this extent! It turns out that Huaxia Kungfu can be terrifying to this extent! It turns out that the movies are not all deceptive, there are really martial arts masters!

The two of them almost turned into an afterimage, and they were really close to each other. It was really frightening and thrilling, but it was extremely exciting.

This violent storm of mutual attacks lasted ten minutes, and finally, the two fists slammed together.

"Boom!" There was a muffled sound.

Li Zedao stepped back three steps, his complexion was already a little pale, as for Jin Bucheng, he took two steps back, and his throat was even sweeter, and a stream of liquid was about to spray out, but he swallowed it abruptly.

"Are you still fighting?" Li Zedao took a deep breath, and asked in a cold tone, his breathing already a little unstable.

Seeing that there was nothing wrong with him, Sun Lingfei's hanging heart finally fell, and he exhaled heavily.

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