The Ultimate Student in the City

Chapter 1540: Shit and piss

The muscles on Li Zedao's face twitched. It turns out that people can still be so cheap.

The lifeless mist on the side coughed violently, and kept vomiting blood, mainly when he heard that Jin Bucheng said such nasty things, and even learned how to bark. The one who could not hold back, was happy, this happy ,tragedy.

With a wave of Taoist Li Ze's hand, a few silver needles dropped out of his hand, and quickly flew towards the mist, piercing several acupuncture points on Wu's body at once.

Only then did the fog stop coughing up blood, panting, with a gray face, as if he was going to die at any time.

When Jin Bucheng saw Li Zedao showing this hand, his expression was even more shocking. He really worshiped Li Zedao: "The master's acupuncture and moxibustion technique is really shocking and weeping, I think If the owner wants, he can become a famous doctor of a generation at will..."

Although Li Zedao helped Wu acupuncture, the lethal power of Jin Bucheng's words was too strong, so Wu couldn't hold it anymore and started coughing up blood again.

Li Zedao was also getting goosebumps all over by the flattering guy who was so cheap, and immediately interrupted him: "Okay, if you are filming, some people will be sickened..."

Jin Bucheng looked innocent, denied it repeatedly, and vowed: "Master, I'm talking from the bottom of my heart, not flattering. I never know what flattering is."

"..." Wu coughed up blood and coughed even more severely. He suddenly thanked Jin Bucheng, so don't stop, continue shooting, I can cough to death after a few shots.

Li Zedao slapped him over, slapped the fog directly, and took out a few silver needles to help him with acupuncture. If he was helping him with treatment, the traitor would really die.

"Oh my God, my master, your acupuncture technique is really..."

"Shut up!" Li Zedao said angrily.

Jin Bucheng hurriedly shut up, but the astonishment on his face, that kind of worship was undoubtedly revealed, his eyes looked at Li Zedao's scorching heat, as if he was about to melt Li Zedao, making Li Zedao goosebumps.

After helping the fog for some treatment, Li Zedao looked back at Jin Bucheng. The latter had an admiring smile, even sticking out his tongue, as if a dog was looking at his owner.

Li Zedao was shocked again and sighed, it turns out that people can really be so cheap!

Zhou Yan was also very cheap, but his kind of cheapness was compared with Jin's kind of cheapness, so he had to kneel down and worship.

"Tell me about your situation. Besides being a staff member of the embassy, ​​what special status do you have?" Li Zedao asked.

Jin Bucheng quickly explained his situation in detail. It turns out that he comes from an ancient family in country h. The influence of that family in country h is equivalent to the influence of the Ito family in the island country, and Jin Bucheng is a family. The most talented in martial arts.

As for the Pu family where Park Changxing of the Zhengtu Taekwondo Gym is located, it is just an affiliated family of the Kim family.

Of course, that family is not just a martial arts family now, but also runs a lot of industries, including pharmaceutical manufacturing and sales.

Some time ago, the skull-headed Wei Fengsheng approached him and promised to let the Jin family obtain the agency rights of a certain US drug sold at home and abroad, provided that he would come to China for a favor.

Therefore, Jin Bucheng asked him to arrange a job in the embassy for him, and then came to China.

After that, Jin Bucheng probably knew some of Wei Fengsheng's plans. His ultimate goal was to let Li Zedao kill Director Yang, and then spread the matter out.

This strategy is not venomous. Once Director Yang dies, the entire fc and dark group will inevitably be in chaos. At that time, the skull behind Wei Fengsheng can plan something secretly.

In addition, all the charges of killing Director Yang were put on Li Zedao, then Li Zedao's only end was death, and there was no possibility of surviving!

This is equivalent to destroying the two people who made the skull head jealous and resentful.

The only thing Jin Bucheng needed to do when he came to China was...test out Li Zedao's true strength!

Li Zedao frowned and nodded, and calculated the time in his heart, and finally came to the conclusion that when he returned from Las Vegas to Yanjing International Airport that day, he accidentally discovered that Li Mengyao was a superhuman gene. He also informed Director Yang of this discovery.

After that, Li Mengyao was under close surveillance.

And Wei Fengsheng, who was hiding in the dark, soon learned that the Gene Superman had been known by fc, so he immediately began the conspiracy to completely obliterate Director Yang and Li Zedao.

However, the only thing that worries him is that he doesn't know Li Zedao's true strength! Therefore, he found Jin Bucheng and asked Jin Bucheng to find a chance to attack Li Zedao, intending to test Li Zedao's true strength.

I have to say that Wei Fengsheng is a master of conspiracy and a master of acting. For example, when he was in Zheju, he was scared to pee, and he immediately knew Li Zedao's ultimate goal in finding him, so he also made some Coping arrangements.

Unfortunately, he still underestimated Li Zedao's vigilance and acting skills.

"How about Sun Lingfei? How did you buy her?" Li Zedao asked when he looked at Jin Bucheng, and then his heart twitched slightly. Various signs indicated that there was a problem with Sun Lingfei, and she reported her every move to Wei Fengsheng.

Of course, Li Zedao would have to thank her in turn, because if it were not for her report, Wei Fengsheng might not be so sure that his strength was similar to Jin Bucheng.

"Sun...Mistress...Master, you have misunderstood, the mistress did not betray the master." Jin Bucheng rolled his eyes and cursed directly with an aggrieved expression, "This is all the conspiracy of the **** Wei Fengsheng. He secretly injected a silver needle-like instrument into the hostess’s body that was designed to eavesdrop and track location. Therefore, Wei Fengsheng knows every move of the hostess, you are with the hostess. Naturally, I know your every move... That Wei Fengsheng is really damn!"

Li Zedao's eyes widened slightly, so Sun Lingfei didn't deliberately approached herself to express love and compromise as she thought, but that **** Wei Fengsheng secretly shot some high-tech product into Sun Lingfei's buttocks. Thus indirectly know some of his own situation.

Li Zedao couldn't help but want to swear, **** it, so he almost misunderstood Sun Lingfei.

Then he looked at Jin Bucheng with extremely unkind eyes and asked, "How do I feel that you injected some kind of **** instrument into my woman's body?"

When Li Zedao asked about Sun Lingfei, the eyeballs of this horribly cheap guy rolled in an instant. It was obvious that he was guilty.

"The master is wise, the master is really insightful, and this little little thought has nowhere to hide under the master's heroic eyes..." Jin Bucheng began to rack his brains and flatter.

Li Zedao had goosebumps and was too disgusting. He only now knew that it was such a painful thing to be flattered. He immediately interrupted Jin to say, "Do you really want to be my dog?"

Jin Bucheng looked sincere, and then the saliva began to fly. "I admire my master like a surging river. My loyalty to the master is a lesson. If one day I betray the mind, I will not die. ...Uh...Master..."

Jin Bucheng was a little confused, because Li Zedao turned around and walked out of this room. Who did he mean? Do you want to be your own dog?

However, although Li Zedao did not really express his position, or even left without saying a word, Jin Bucheng was still relieved to some extent. He felt that Li Zedao did not cut him on the spot, which proved that he had achieved a very good result. effect.

Sure enough, what is described in that book is correct.

Yes, these flattering skills were all seen by Jin Bucheng inadvertently in a magazine before. That article is mainly to teach you how to flatter.

When Jin Bucheng saw it, he was naturally disdainful. He felt that the kind of flattering people were too cheap, so he had to die.

But now, his concept has changed. He feels that every flatterer is a mighty and unyielding fighter, who is worthy of respect! All are worthy of admiration! Therefore, now Jin Bucheng admires himself so much that he can't admire him. If he hadn't been **** by the five flowers, he would like to kneel in front of a big mirror and worship himself.

After Jin Bucheng admired himself for a long time, he began to worry again. After all, Li Zedao didn't give him a quasi-trust, didn't he?

I don’t know how long the door of the room was opened again. Jin Bucheng thought that Li Zedao was back again, and he quickly showed a flattering expression, but it is not Li Zedao that has come recently, but a strange man with a disgusting expression on his face. Strange man.

At the same time, the man was still holding a bag of things in one hand, and there was a disgusting stench wafting from the two bags of things in the man's hand, and it instantly filled the room.

The man looked at Jin Bucheng and said straightforwardly: "The bag in my left hand is freshly baked dog urine, and the bag in my right hand is also freshly baked dog feces. Li Shao said, if you want to be his dog, I will take this shit. Eat, **** this dog and drink it to show your loyalty."

As the man said, he was inexplicably disgusted and wanted to vomit, and what he could imagine was that this short, ugly and ugly guy would be furious and swear endlessly.


"This is what the master gave me? Xiaojin, thank you for your reward!" Jin Bucheng was excited and grateful, and his eyes were red. "The master must know that I'm thirsty and hungry, so he gave me food. I am so touched... Thank you Master, thank you Master... What are you still doing in a daze? Give me the reward the Master gave me quickly..."

The man looked at Jin Bucheng, who was so excited, that his outlook on life, world outlook and values ​​collapsed in an instant.

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