The Ultimate Student in the City

Chapter 1542: Nosebleed

At the moment, Li Zedao fixed his eyes on the small black spot that was too small to look at, and then he clearly saw that the thing was squeezed, moving outwards little by little, and finally all left. Sun Lingfei's body.

Looking at Sun Lingfei's buttocks, there was a small blood spot, as if he had been pierced by a needle, and there was nothing serious about it.

Soon, the thing Li Zedao took out of Sun Lingfei's body was handed over to Director Yang, who was waiting outside.

This is the thickness of the embroidery needle, about two centimeters in length.

Looking at the thing in his hand, Director Yang had to sigh with emotion in the United States, and sighed with the power of the innovative technology of the skull and crossbones. Such subtle eavesdropping and tracking instruments have been invented, which is really amazing.

Of course, with Huaxia’s copy ability, Director Yang believes that as long as this thing is handed in, Huaxia will soon be able to research and manufacture such a thing.

Li Zedao was also secretly sighing, but not sighing how developed the high-tech of the skull and crossbones is, but sighing that Miss Sun is really big enough, even if the thing is very small and small, but it gets in. It hurts too, and it's been so many days, this child doesn't even feel at all?

Of course Li Zedao didn’t know. Let’s not say that Sun Lingfei was lost in her soul that day, her nerves were a little numb, and the surface of this instrument was actually coated with something like anesthetics, that is to say, at the moment it penetrated the human body. , The medicine applied on the surface works instantly, and you will not feel the pain.

Moreover, this instrument is made of a certain kind of special material. To put it bluntly, once it enters the body, it will become a part of flesh and blood, so I don't feel any abnormal feeling at all.

After taking out the thing, the sky was almost bright. Li Zedao didn’t stay with Director Yang any longer. He felt that Director Yang, a shameless old man, looked at his eyes very badly. It was really wrong, as if He seemed to have a woman who couldn't get married, and Li Zedao felt that he should leave first before talking.

After that, I left with Sun Lingfei, who was still asleep, and drove to find a hotel nearby and opened a room, letting Sun Lingfei sleep for a while.

Of course, at this time, he had already reported what had happened to Sister Bei, and said that he had misunderstood Sun Lingfei and needed Sister Bei's comfort.

North let him go! After rolling, let him stay with Sun Lingfei for two days.

Li Zedao chuckled. He knew that Bei was also a little guilty. In the past two days, Bei actually became hostile to Sun Lingfei at a certain moment, but Sun Lingfei hadn't noticed it at all.

After taking a good shower and changing into the hotel's pajamas, Li Zedao went to bed, holding Sun Lingfei's skinny and beautiful body, beautifully closed his eyes and got up.


Sun Lingfei slept very soundly. She slept until more than eight o'clock in the morning, and the sun was shining on her body through the window. It was warm and comfortable.

She opened her eyes comfortably, but the place where she entered the eyes was in a strange environment, so this is in the hotel? Why did you run into the hotel? Li Zedao sent himself here? But... how did you fall asleep?

Sun Lingfei only remembered that Li Zedao let herself go a little further, he was so violent that he beat that Jin Fucheng... Then what? Why is there no impression at all? Where is Li Zedao?

I turned around in a daze, and already saw Li Zedao's face that slept like a child close at hand.

Then, a smile bloomed on her face, two deep dimples appeared, and her eyes looked straight at Li Zedao's face.

"He looks so handsome." She muttered in her heart, "The delicate eyebrows, the eyelashes that are longer than herself, the clever nose, the **** mouth, and his skin is so good that I can't see one. Acne or acne blackhead..."

Sun Lingfei looked at Li Zedao’s face like this, and became more and more fascinated by it, and then felt that she was getting hotter and hotter. Then, when she wanted to secretly kiss this guy, her nose suddenly A hot...

The muscles on Sun Lingfei's face twitched... She actually had a nosebleed again!

The muscles on Sun Lingfei's face are twitching even more...Li Zedao actually opened his eyes!

"Ah!" Sun Lingfei screamed, wishing to find a gap in the floor and get in. Li Zedao laughed heartlessly.

Li Zedao, who dared to laugh at him, gave him a severe beating. After he said pitifully that he was wrong and begged for mercy, Sun Lingfei, who had two **** of paper in his nostrils, let him go with a cold snort and threatened you if you dare. Tell So Yeon and others about the nosebleed my lady, and you will be dead.

Sun Lingfei was very depressed, why didn't he have any immunity at all for a guy who was inferior to this animal? Isn't it just the idea of ​​wanting to kiss this bastard? Why did you get a nosebleed? What a shame.

"By the way, did you win last night? Why did I fall asleep?" Sun Lingfei, who was so embarrassed, changed the subject.

"Oh, didn’t you let you go a little bit further last night? Then I accidentally let the Jin Bucheng take advantage of it, and he attacked you unexpectedly. Fortunately, I reacted in time and blocked him, but you were still beaten. Dizzy..." Li Zedao took Sun Lingfei's hand and blamed himself with shame.

Sun Lingfei quickly comforted: "It's not to blame you, who knew that Jin Bucheng would be shameless to the point? What happened later?"

"Later I got angry, and I beat him so hard that I didn't even recognize his mother, and pitifully begged for mercy, so I let him go." Li Zedao said.

"Hehe, I knew you were the best." Sun Lingfei said with a grin.

"Then, I wanted to say that I would give you a good night's sleep, and without waking you up, I brought you to this hotel. Oh, I also changed your aunt's towel for you..."

"Go to hell..." Sun Lingfei instantly blushed.

Li Zedao smiled, hugged her in his arms, and whispered in his ear: "Feifei, I think about it again."

"What do you think...ah, go to death! Beasts..."


While Li Zedao was helping Sun Lingfei massage her chest with acupuncture, Sun Lingfei received a call from her buddy Su Meng.

Su Meng has been trying to find a time for Sun Lingfei to make an appointment these days. She is really worried that Sun Lingfei is hiding from Wei Monkey in a relationship. What will happen when that happens? She thinks Sun Lingfei is playing with fire.

"Feifei, what are you doing?" Su Meng on the phone had already heard Sun Lingfei's breath and tone seemed to be a little bit wrong, she seemed to be breathing lightly, giving people a kind of ambiguous taste.

"Ah... I just ran on the treadmill. I'm exhausted." Sun Lingfei gave Li Ze a shy face with a smirk and gave Li Ze a smirk. He blushed and said quickly. She also took a few breaths on purpose. My boyfriend is helping me massage my breasts, right?

This feeling of being massaged was really irritating, so Sun Lingfei's uncontrolled breathing became thick, and she even wanted to gasp out, and even wanted to eat Li Zedao.

Su Meng knew that Sun Lingfei, a violent fanatic, liked sports, and didn't think much about it at the moment, and said, "Come out then, go shopping and have a meal together."

"Okay." Sun Lingfei looked at Li Zedao and said to the phone with a smile, just in time, she also planned to introduce Li Zedao to this girlfriend.

Then I was embarrassed and said more sweetly: "Hee hee, tell you, this lady is in love, so I will bring my boyfriend over in a while. You can also bring your little fat out and get to know you together."

"Huh?" Su Meng was taken aback. She asked Sun Lingfei to go out just to tell her to stop playing with the fire and it would be bad if she burned herself, but Sun Lingfei was still afraid that the fire would not burn too much, so she didn't intend to sneak in, but Planning to be fair?

"Is there a problem?" Sun Lingfei asked, "Does your little fat guy have no time?"

"Ah, no problem, I'll call him now. Today is the weekend. He should have time. Let's see you in the old place." Su Meng said, and just find an opportunity to mention it to her.

Moreover, for the boy who can make Sun Lingfei's voice full of happiness and ambiguous taste, Su Meng is also curious about what he looks like, so that Sun Lingfei who has never looked at boys can fall completely. In love.

Of course, without even thinking about it, he must look better than Wei Monkey, and even harder than Wei Monkey. After all, Wei Monkey’s ugliness has already gone beyond its realm. It is really a rare occurrence in the world!

After hanging up the phone, Sun Lingfei briefly talked about Su Meng's situation with Li Zedao. This Su Meng's family was in a foreign country and his family background was not bad. Of course, it was not comparable to Sun Lingfei.

When she graduated, Sun Lingfei took her to set up a beauty agency. Sun Lingfei paid for it and Su Meng helped to manage it.

As for Su Meng’s boyfriend, Yang Ze, who is slightly fat, so he has a nickname called Xiaopang. His family situation is not bad. Both his parents work in government agencies, and Yang Ze is also with his father now. Become a small leader in the bureau at work, and he has a little power on hand.

"However, I don't like that Yang Ze very much. I always think that guy is too hypocritical, and he hides a knife in his smile. I am always afraid that our simple Xiao Su would be stupid to help count the money after being sold." Sun Lingfei said.

Li Zedao nodded in a dubious manner, thinking that being pure is not as simple as you?


There is an exquisite and sentimental coffee shop in West Street.

Su Meng sat face to face with her boyfriend Yang Ze, waiting for Sun Lingfei and her boyfriend to arrive.

When Su Meng called him to ask him to come out with him, Yang Ze happened to have something to discuss with Su Meng, so the two arrived earlier.

"Xiaosu, do you think I love you?" Yang Ze asked, looking at Su Meng affectionately.

"Love, hate." Su Meng's slightly tender face is full of happiness. You know, Yang Ze seldom plays this kind of ambiguous word games, preferring to be simple and rude. Su Meng feels very exciting and embarrassed when he suddenly comes out like this.

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