The Ultimate Student in the City

Chapter 1544: Beat the beasts

"Woo... Feifei..." Su Meng held her face with one hand, and looked at Sun Lingfei with tears in her eyes. Her heart was extremely gloomy. She never expected that the boyfriend who had always cared for herself would be heartbroken. At this point, there is such an ugly side.

He even let himself go to sleep with others, and he even shot his own slap in the face. Her face hurts, but the heart hurts even more, as if an invisible knife is stab her heart fiercely.

At the same time, Su Ze, who was kicked by Sun Lingfei for a while, got up with great difficulty. There was a clear shoe mark on his face, and there were two blood pillars hanging in his nostrils. The whole person looked so embarrassed.

Yang Ze's head was dizzy with Venus in front of him, and he only felt that his face was hot.

When I see that Sun Lingfei, who is comforting Su Meng softly with a distressed face, that face is already full of hideousness. When I think of her girlfriend not doing it according to her own requirements, when she thinks of her being caught by a woman. With a kick in the crowd, he jumped into a thunder and completely lost his mind.

He grabbed a chair and slammed it at the woman.

"Smelly-bitch, go to die, go to die..." he growled.

"Ah..." Someone exclaimed, and even closed their eyes subconsciously. If that chair hits a person's head, wouldn't a blood hole come out?

However, the chair that flew over didn't hit anyone. Instead, a hand was suddenly stretched out, and in an understatement, he grabbed the roaring chair.

"You-damn, what a scumbag." Li Ze, who caught the chair thrown by Yang Ze in anger, shook his head expressionlessly and said.

"Who the **** are you? Nosy to die, don't you know?" Yang Ze pointed to Li Ze's angrily scolding, his face was neurotic and ferocious, why is this world so dark? Why should everyone have trouble with themselves?

"I only know that you will end badly." Li Zedao said blankly.

Sun Lingfei only knew that Su Meng was arguing with Yang Ze very fiercely. The specific content of the quarrel could not be heard clearly, but Li Zedao’s ears were amazing, so he heard some of the conversations between the two, so For this man, Li Zedao was so speechless that he couldn't be speechless. He even asked his girlfriend to please his boss's boss, and the reason is so **** disgusting...Don't you love me? Are you not willing to do everything for me? Then go to please that Director Cai.

What's even more exaggerated is that after being rejected, this scumbag was still so beastly!

What's even more exaggerated is that this scumbag is still planning to hit Sun Lingfei with a chair... Therefore, Li Zedao is very angry. If he is angry, then find a way to deflate!

Therefore, after saying this, Li Zedao violently smashed the chair in his hand back.

With a muffled sound of "bang!" in the next second, the chair hit Yang Ze's face severely, and then Yang Ze fell heavily to the ground again, looking at his face, **** One piece, it looks terrifying.

As a result, those who watched the excitement were dumbfounded once again, and once again they did not expect that this thin, handsome, and sunny boy would be so cruel and smashed the other side's face as soon as he shot it. Up.

Li Zedao clapped his hands, looked back at Sun Lingfei, and said in kindness: "My dear, are you relieved? Continue without me!"

"I interrupted his hand. Damn, I dared to hit Xiaosu!" Sun Lingfei gritted her teeth and said, looking at the red and purple slap print on Xiaosu's pink face. I was so angry that I couldn't get out of it.

So everyone was shocked again, because Li Zedao once again grabbed a chair, and step by step towards Yang Ze, who had been smashed by the chair and had not reacted.

"I said, your end will be miserable." When he came to the front, Li Zedao muttered to himself. Then the chair was lifted high and fell heavily, and then one of the legs of the solid wood chair directly hit Yang Ze's right wrist.

"Crack!" There was a sound of crunching bones that made the scalp numb, and then blood was splashed. I saw that the palm of Yang Ze's right hand was already bloody, and he could even see the broken bones.

His right hand that gave Su Meng a slap in the face was directly smashed by Li Zedao!

"Ah..." A stern scream suddenly popped out of Yang Ze's mouth, and he sat up directly, his body trembled, and the **** face was dying of pain. Distorted into a ball, it looks even more terrifying.

Everyone was dumbfounded again, and the eyes of the handsome guy who seemed harmless to humans and animals were already full of horror. They thought that smashing a chair on someone's face was already very harsh, but they didn't expect it to be even harsher. Still behind, he smashed his hand abruptly without blinking.

Even after the smash, he looked like a okay person, he was still laughing.

Even Su Meng forgot to cry and forgot to feel wronged and forgot to have heartache, and stared at the horrible and **** scene with stunned expression.

Sun Lingfei was extremely relieved, and looked at Li Zedao and nodded with satisfaction: "Good job! This lady is very satisfied."

"Xiao Su, let's go, I'll find some ice to help you compress your face."

"Ah... he..." Su Meng pointed to Yang Ze, who was starting to roll with pain, and then glanced at Li Zedao with a very strange and terrified look, thinking that he was Feifei's boyfriend? It was so violent and bloody, even more violent than Feifei, no wonder Feifei was conquered by this violent madness.

"Don't worry, you can't die, you deserve it if you die." Sun Lingfei hummed. As for whether the police uncle would come to trouble them in the future, Sun Lingfei was even more concerned. After all, Li Zedao's identity was there. As long as Yang Ze did not die, there would be basically no trouble.

At the moment, Sun Lingfei quickly left Su Meng's hand, which was frightened and uneasy. Although she had a big heart, at this time, she was stared at by so many eyes with such weird eyes, which still felt weird.

"It's too noisy." Li Zedao felt that Yang Ze's wailing sound like a chrysanthemum exploded really destroyed the tranquility of such an affectionate cafe, so he looked at everyone's horrifying eyes. Under the gaze, he grabbed a chair again and smashed it towards Yang Ze.

"Bang!" Yang Ze's head was struck again, and this time he passed out directly.

"Now, the world is quiet, and the café has returned to the petty bourgeoisie." Li Zedao felt that he was doing too right, and couldn't help but like a few likes in his heart, and then shoot like a okay person. Clap your hands.

"Someone will come over to compensate for the loss later." Li Ze said, looking at the waiter who was looking at him dumbfounded and smiled before leaving. The little girl who came to this cafe as a part-time student as a college student immediately felt dizzy...Mom, come out and see the handsome guy!

After leaving the coffee shop, Sun Lingfei took Su Meng into KFC not far away. Before entering, a police car screamed and stopped at the door of the coffee shop. An ambulance also arrived. You don’t need to think about the coffee. The waiter or someone in the hall called the police and called an ambulance, so the police and the doctor rushed over.

"Really okay?" Su Meng looked at the policeman who entered the coffee shop, and then secretly swept the eyes of Sun Lingfei's boyfriend, still in shock, mainly because the picture was too bloody, and it was already beyond what she could bear.

How can you interrupt someone's hand as soon as you make a move? The impact of this is too bad, right?

"Don't worry, it's okay, and it's not over yet!" Sun Lingfei glanced at Li Zedao who was talking on the phone and said viciously. She knew who Li Zedao was calling for him to clean up the stall.

Seeing that Sun Lingfei was so determined, Su Meng was a little relieved.

In her opinion, Sun Lingfei intends to let Wei Fengsheng speak out to clean up the mess. Once Wei Fengsheng makes a move, in front of absolute power, then Yang Ze will indeed become a turtle with a shrunken head.

It's just that... Su Meng started to worry about Sun Lingfei again. This was really playing with fire. If Wei Fengsheng knew about this, he wouldn't be crazy or even kill her boyfriend?

Entering the kfc, Sun Lingfei ordered three cups of Coke, and asked the waiter for an extra cup of ice cubes, and then took that cup of ice cubes and gently helped Su Meng ice her face that was already red and swollen.

"That beast from Yang Ze!" Sun Lingfei felt distressed again, and she blew gently, "It hurts, right?"

Su Meng shook her head with a sad expression. The pain on her face was nothing compared to the pain in her heart. As for Yang Ze's end, whether he was seriously injured or not, whether his hand seemed to be interrupted or not, Su Meng no longer wanted to care about that much.

"Feifei, I can do it by myself." She took the cup of ice in Sun Lingfei's hand and put the ice on her face, "Don't talk about that bastard, talk about you..."

With that said, I took a look at Li Zedao, and the impression of Li Zedao in my heart was still very good, the sun was handsome... if I hadn't seen him such a violent and **** scene.

"He is the man who made you squeeze out to seduce you?"

"Xiao Su, what are you talking nonsense? How can I..." Sun Lingfei was embarrassed. If Su Meng's face was swollen at this time, she would have rushed over and covered her mouth. How can such things be said? What a shame!

Looking at Li Zedao, at this moment, she was looking like a smile but a very awkward expression. Sun Lingfei immediately waved his fist at him, and said viciously: "Asshole, I'm laughing and be careful I beat you."

"I don't laugh when I kiss." Li Zedao smiled and pointed to his face.

"Go to hell..." Sun Lingfei impressed Li Zedao on Li Zedao's face very quickly.

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