"This is the largest movie we have invested in by Transcendent Entertainment this year. We plan to officially start shooting in two months. It's just that some important roles in the movie have not yet found suitable candidates. I just accidentally saw this Miss Sun. A picture immediately appeared. In short, I think Miss Sun's appearance and temperament are very consistent with the neon colored clothes in "The Fate of the Sword"." Jin Libo said sincerely but excitedly.

Su Meng's eyes widened, she looked back at Sun Lingfei, and imagined that she was wearing a colorful dress with long hair fluttering in front of her, and she imagined the image of the neon clothes in her mind, suddenly I think Sun Lingfei is indeed similar to the neon clothes described in "The Fate of the Sword", especially the character, it is similar, careless, heartless, violent, but cute, and has intoxicating dimples when he laughs. .

When Sun Lingfei listened, the corners of her mouth were twitching, so, what kind of director is this going to let herself make that movie, and what kind of neon clothes?

"So, I don't know if Miss Sun is interested in joining us and participating in our movie? Please don't worry, Miss Sun will satisfy you if you pay for it." Jin Libo said while looking at Sun Lingfei with a faint smile. He bet a dollar, and this girl who looked a little surprised will look surprised and excited next, and quickly express that I am willing. Of course I am.

Or maybe, an excited and then nervous expression, but I have no acting experience or anything.

In short, she will be so happy that every cell in her body is shaking.

Su Meng also looked at Sun Lingfei with bright eyes. This is a super big IP, which means that this movie will definitely sell well! Ni Cai Yi is also considered an important role in it, and there are many scenes, so if Sun Lingfei can play Ni Cai Yi, she will definitely be a hit by then, and the future stardom will be extremely bright.

Of course, based on her understanding of Sun Lingfei, she feels that Sun Lingfei will reject it out of ten, because Sun Lingfei is a low-key person and doesn't like being so public. More importantly, she is not short of money at all. Why should she make money in filming?

Sure enough, Sun Lingfei shrugged her shoulders and said neatly: "I'm sorry, I'm not interested."

"Uh..." The smile on Jin Libo's face instantly solidified. Is this... refused? Impossible, this is tantamount to a pie in the sky. This is an instant opportunity. How many people are jealous and use all means to fight for this role, why did she refuse?

Jin Libo felt that he might not have made it clear, and he patiently continued: "That's it, Miss Sun, maybe I didn't make it clear..."

"I'm sorry, I'm not interested." Sun Lingfei said again, not giving Jin Libo any chance to explain it again. I thought I was sick, what movie to make? When you have time, it is better to go to the Taekwondo gym to practice and become a black belt master as soon as possible. What's more, she is in love now, she just wants to get tired of being by Li Zedao.

Jin Libo was stunned, and then looked at Su Meng, who apologized, saying that he could not convince her friend.

"That... it's really a pity." Jin Libo sighed and said regretfully, "Then don't bother."

After finishing speaking, he simply got up and left, returning to a seat not far away.

There were two men in suits and leather shoes with him. They were sitting there at this time, looking at Sun Lingfei and the others from time to time.

Jin Libo came here for coffee with a friend and then accidentally saw Sun Lingfei. He felt that he met his casting requirements, so he came here, but he did not expect to hit a nail.

Su Meng's gaze was taken back from Jin Libo's back, and she looked at Sun Lingfei a little bit dumbfounded and said: "Fei Fei, if you let others know that you have refused the invitation of Jin Libo, I might be so angry that I want to hit you with a rock. He is a very picky director, not everyone can enter his eyes."

Sun Lingfei curled her lips and said, "Everything looks like an old pervert."

Su Meng was even more dumbfounded, but she didn’t refute her. Although she is not a member of the circle, she has paid more attention to it. In addition, some of the clients in the beauty agency are those little celebrities, so for the entertainment circle I still know a little bit about this big dye vat.

Anyway, Su Meng would not believe it if the director of gold had no unspoken rules, and there were also reports on the Internet that the director of gold had acted intimacy with many well-known female stars, so Sun Lingfei said he was an old pervert. It cannot be said to be wrong.

Jin Libo returned to his seat and looked at Huang Han, the CEO of the Legendary Entertainment Co., Ltd. and Liang Zhicheng, the chief producer. He smiled bitterly and shook his head and said, "The girl just refused without thinking."

The face is full of regrets. The girl really fits the image of the neon clothes in my mind too much. If she were to play the neon clothes, this film would undoubtedly be more perfect, but now I can only express regret.

A few minutes ago, Jin Libo met with the company’s CEO Huang Han and chief producer Liang Zhicheng to come to this quiet cafe suitable for chatting to formally determine the role players in "The Fate of the Sword" and a few more There is still no suitable candidate for the role. Of course, there are basically candidates, but Jin Libo is not so satisfied.

When he was filming, he never pursued those traffic stars, Xiaoxianrou, or anything. What he pursued was that the other party had to fit his understanding of the role in his mind.

Right now Liang Zhicheng pointed to the girl sitting there drinking coffee, and his eyes shone slightly to indicate that it is appropriate for that girl to play the neon clothes?

Jin Libo looked at it, and sure enough, it was indeed in line with the neon colored clothes in his mind, so it passed immediately, but I didn’t expect that people were not interested at all, and Jin Libo felt helpless. The girl looked at her with a very Unfriendly, as if he was a big satyr.

"Rejected again?" Huang Han stunned slightly.

"Again?" Jin Libo stunned.

"Oh, nothing." Huang Han said with a dry smile. Naturally, he was embarrassed to say that when he saw a girl at Yanjing Airport some time ago, he was shocked by the heavens and felt that she was the best candidate for the heroine of this drama, so he quickly asked the company’s vice president. Lao Yang used to be impatient. Who would have thought that the girl would directly start her hands, her lower body was severely kicked, and she is still staying in the hospital until now. According to the doctor, unless there is a miracle, she will start her life. not coming.

Lao Yang cried after hearing this. It is really hard for you to imagine that a big man would be so earth-shattering when he cried. He cried heartbreakingly, cried hysterically, cried cuckoo cuckold blood, crying almost died .

Of course, Huang Han can only comfort Vice President Yang with money and other benefits. He can’t help him take revenge, because he plans to find a place later. Who knows the bodyguard of the man with the woman? He was so cruel that he kicked him with one kick. In addition, the dog he raised, Zhao Ping An, was still locked up and could not get out. For Zhao Ping's sake, his daughter had trouble with herself several times.

Even later, when Huang Han learned of the identity of the young man, he almost peeed. Fortunately, the big brother-in-law seemed to have forgotten himself and was not asking for trouble. This made Huang Han breathed a sigh of relief.

Because there is a shadow in his heart, Huang Han dare not do this kind of thing casually now, so he looks at Liang Zhicheng. He knows that this guy who can play better than himself likes doing this kind of thing, and he doesn't know how many water spirits there are. Ling's beauty couldn't resist his temptation and stepped into this circle.

Of course, the development of those beauties is basically not so good, because Liang Zhicheng typically sees someone who loves one and abandons the other. Now looking at his eyes, it is almost impossible to see the dimpled beauty.

"Refused? Then you can't do it." Liang Zhicheng said with a smile on Sun Lingfei's face not far away. He liked that girl, especially the dimples that appeared on her face when she laughed, which made Liang Zhicheng want to jump in and die in drunkenness.

Jin Libo glanced at him and smiled: "Anyway, I can't help it. Are you trying?" If Liang Zhicheng can really persuade her to play the neon clothes, then it would be better.

"I'll go and wait." Liang Zhicheng smiled slightly, that fat face was full of confidence, "However, Lao Jin, let me talk about it first. If I can tell the girl to come over and play that role, you can get it. Promise me, the female number two will be taken directly, played by Ning Meng, so don't think about it."

Jin Libo groaned and nodded: "Yes." Of course, he knew that this Ning Meng had a hot fight with Liang Zhicheng recently. Now Liang Zhicheng has offered to ask for a role. If he doesn't give Liang Zhicheng face, it would not be great. On the other hand, This Ningmeng also fits the role image in his mind. Although it is not that perfect, it is better than the other candidates, so Jin Libo directly agreed.

Liang Zhicheng smiled and got up, moved his fat body, and walked towards Sun Lingfei and Su Meng who were sitting there chatting.

When he came to the front, he said with a faint smile: "The two beautiful women are good."

"Something?" Sun Lingfei frowned. She already saw that this fatter looking fat man was in the same group as the old pervert.

"Oh, my name is Liang Zhicheng. I am the chief producer of the upcoming movie "The Fate of the Sword". Did you mention that Director Kim and the beauty just now? We really think you fit the role of Ni Caiyi, so you You might as well consider it, don't rush to refuse, don't you give each other a chance? What do you think?" Liang Zhicheng said with a faint smile, of course, he was a little dissatisfied with the girl's reaction and attitude in his heart.

She has such a terrifying identity somehow, how can she look at herself with that look? unacceptable!

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