The Ultimate Student in the City

Chapter 1579: Female researcher

The female researcher was so angry that her face turned pale, and her expression was somewhat helpless, her small hand tightly clenched her fist, and the next second she directly picked up a glass of water on the table and poured it on Li Zedao's face, and then shouted: !"

Li Zedao's face was covered with water stains and looked so embarrassed. He immediately reached out and wiped the water stains on his face, and said regretfully, "It seems that my voice did not attract you."

"Nonsense, your voice is terrible, more terrifying than the crow's cry, I want to have a nightmare, so, do you know the answer? Go!" The female researcher slammed the cup on the table, gritted her teeth. Say, "If you don't roll anymore, it won't be water, but a cup!"

The corner of Li Zedao's mouth was slightly tilted: "Since it's not my voice that is full of magnetism that attracted you, then there is only one answer, and that is that the words I said when I called made you very concerned, so... you One of the people I know is Qian Yugang? You are very familiar? He is your... lover? Is he the same as the Qian Yugang I know, the hardness of the thick and thin noodles of toothpicks?"

"..." The female researcher's face was even more ugly, and her body trembled even more severely.

Director Yang and Sumen looked a little weird. Isn't this kid too shameless and shameless to say this?

Although this kid especially emphasized whether there is someone you know who happens to be Qian Yugang, but the fool can hear that this kid is very domineering and thinks that the Qian Yugang you know is the Qian Yugang I said. It was Qian Yugang who had died ten years ago.

And in terms of age, Qian Yu was almost sixty years ago just before his death ten years ago, and this female researcher was a teenage girl ten years ago. If you say this, don’t you mean a girl because Vanity or something is being taken care of by an impotent old man?

Of course, they also knew that even if this woman had a problem, it could not be Qian Yugang’s friend. Li Zedao said this undoubtedly to completely irritate this woman and make her take the initiative to tear off the thick layer of disguise. .

It's just that they are all very upright people, and there is really no room for sand in their eyes, so when Li Zedao said such shameless words, they also had an inexplicable urge to roll up their sleeves and beat others.

"I don't know what you are talking about, and I don't know any Qian Yugang, so go!" The female researcher's face was ugly, her plump body was trembling, and her soft hands were already clenched into fists.

Li Zedao knew that this woman was already on the edge of the outbreak, smiled and continued to ridicule: "It seems that you can't be satisfied, otherwise your face will not be so ugly, your temper will not be so violent, and your skin will not be violent. Smooth, this is a manifestation of women's lack of moisture."

With that, Li Zedao's expression was a bit shy: "Or, let's find a place to communicate?"

Director Yang and Su Men were stunned, their old faces were almost out of feeling, only to feel that the sky was rolling, and they were trampled by a large group of alpacas in their hearts. I thought this kid was too shameless, right? Can he say such a beast? Sumen, an old man who has always had no room for sand in his righteous eyes, wanted to give orders to his men to find some bricks for Lao Tzu to kill this dog.

The female researcher's body trembled even more severely, and the eyes behind the thick lenses were already red, and the look in Li Zedao's eyes was like looking at a dead person.

"I can guarantee that my performance will satisfy you." Li Zedao continued to say embarrassedly, as if he was a young virgin with a new love, "You will know if you try."

At this moment, the crisis hit.

Yes, Li Zedao has already smelled the danger.

When he caught this woman's eyes suddenly became cruel, he understood that this woman's endurance had reached the limit, she was ready to kill, of course, the first one to kill, then It must be yourself.

Sure enough, he keenly caught the woman's slender hand.

In the next second, a lightning-fast dim light burst out of the female researcher's hand, taking Li Zedao's eyes directly.

In a flash, Li Zedao's eyes were slightly narrowed, and his right hand appeared in front of his handsome face like lightning. He was looking at his index and middle fingers. There was a three-centimeter-long piece between the two fingers. Something as thin as a steel needle with black hair.

At the same time, Li Zedao's left hand was already as fast as lightning, and patted the female research institute's body, and then the female researcher seemed to be frozen and could not move.

All this is a long story, but from the hand of the female researcher, a hidden weapon was fired at Li Zedao, and then Li Zedao simply used the index and middle fingers to clamp the hidden weapon that was directed at her eyes, until he was as fast as lightning. The shot sealed the acupuncture points on the woman's body so that she could not move. All this only happened in a short period of less than two seconds.

"This is the kind of hidden weapon that killed Dr. Zhao?" Li Zedao didn't take a look at the female researcher, but instead looked at the hidden weapon that he was holding with two fingers. This thing seemed to be cold and cold. The smell of blood is extremely sharp. Upon closer inspection, the surface is not smooth, so it doesn’t feel like a steel pin, but rather like the thorns on a cactus, but the hardness is comparable to that of a cactus. The thorn is much harder.

In other words, this kind of hidden weapon does not seem to be artificially polished, but is bred by nature. It is a natural existence and comes from plants or animals that Li Zedao is not familiar with.

With the addition of the woman’s concealed weapon projecting technique and hand strength, although Li Zedao managed to clamp it, he knew very well that if his speed was slower, then this thing would be shot into his own eyes. Up. No wonder it could easily pierce Dr. Zhao's flesh and finally shoot into his heart, causing him to die instantly.

Looking at the female researcher, her mouth is wide open, her eyes are almost protruding, her eyes are full of horror, and she really feels like seeing a ghost in broad daylight.

She didn't expect that the **** needle that she projected quickly and with the smell of sneak attack was unexpectedly caught by the **** who made her wish to eat its flesh, drink its blood, gnaw its bones and dig its ancestral grave with two fingers. She was caught, which made her say nothing.

You can hide in embarrassment, but how can you clamp it so easily?

In addition, he could feel his fingers hitting the keyboard with greater force before, and he could still catch the mirror on his previous universal desktop and glanced at him with the corner of his eye. Now he can easily catch himself. He didn’t know what technique he used so that he couldn’t move now and became a lamb to be slaughtered...

Who is he? Why does he have such terrifying strength?

The female researcher only felt that her scalp was constantly tingling, and cold sweat was coming out of her forehead. The heart that thought she had been tempered like steel had several cracks at this time, and she was completely in a mess. The state of horror, his mind roared, unbelievable.

At the same time, seeing that Li Zedao was able to control the female researcher with ease, Director Yang and Su Men breathed a sigh of relief, especially Su Men, looking at Li Zedao's eyes full of consternation.

His attention had been focused on the female researcher, and he naturally noticed that she had taken action, but what was unacceptable was that Li Zedao did not choose to hide, but pretended to be attacked by a hidden weapon at such a close range. The calf used his fingers to clamp the hidden weapon that is almost invisible to the naked eye...Doesn't your heart hurt when you pretend to be so?

Sumen fantasized about the scene in his heart, and replaced him as himself. Under such circumstances, even if he successfully avoided such hidden weapons, he would be embarrassed, right? Even, he didn't actually have any confidence in his heart to say that he could definitely escape it.

This is the strength of a master of returning to nature? It was so powerful that it made people feel desperate, so he quickly threw out the thought of trying to find Li Zedao for a fight.

As for Director Yang, he had seen Li Zedao’s unimaginable brutality before, a master who beat many masters in an instant, so at this time, I saw Li Zedao clamped the hidden weapon, although he felt that this kid had a pretense. Forced suspicion, but also feel that this is a matter of course.

At the moment Director Yang walked up to the front, glanced indifferently at the female researcher who hadn't recovered from the horror expression, then waved his hand and said, "Take it down, this woman is not easy, take care of it."

"Yes." The two men in black immediately stepped forward and stood up the woman who was immobile in that posture, and was about to take her away from the research room.

"Don't touch me...Who are you?" The female researcher reacted, her voice screamed and she saw despair and horror in Li Zedao's eyes, as well as terrible hatred. If her eyes can kill, then now Li Zedao has died tens of thousands of times.

She really hated the young man she had never seen before, and she was full of powerlessness for his abnormal observation ability and methods.

She originally thought that even if Dr. Zhao was killed, even if the **** Huang Wen and Yang Guomin came forward, they couldn't suspect themselves. Who would have thought that a weak woman like her would be a murderer. ?

Unexpectedly, in a short period of less than an hour, she would be caught directly, and even her right to resist, her right to die and break the net was completely deprived in an instant.

"I, everybody loves flowers to see flowers and drives to see a car with a flat tire. He is called China's number one handsome guy." Li Zedao responded with a smile, and carried on shamelessly to the end.

"..." The female researcher's face was so twitchy that she almost didn't feel it, and her body was shaking like a convulsion.

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