Director Yang smiled bitterly and continued: "After we investigated further, we found that there was the shadow of the United States. At that time, our country was in a trade war with the United States, and Minister Sun was in charge of foreign trade. At that time, the country he visited was ours. The country’s ally, if Minister Sun has an accident in that country, then the two countries must be at odds, and the trade cooperation between them may be broken. It is in the arms of the countrymen."

Li Zedao frowned and nodded. It seemed that the situation was more complicated than he thought.

Director Yang shook his head and said, "Until now, I still don't understand why he did such a thing."

Sumen snorted coldly and said, "Huh, why? It's nothing more than what the Miguo has promised to give him. It's really a kind of bastard. It's really a shame to China, a shame to fc, a shame to the dark group."

"Where is his family?" Li Zedao while drinking a cup of tea, he glanced at Su Men with an angry expression from the corner of his eye, thinking that this old man has a grumpy temper. It's no wonder that the most respected people and idols have turned into despised traitors who almost did things that seriously endangered the country. No one must feel uncomfortable.

"Qian Yugang has never married...Of course, the members of the dark group are like that, no one has a family, and he has dedicated his life to the country and the people." Director Yang said.

Li Zedao drank the tea, and directly filtered out Director Yang’s boastful words. Li Zedao didn’t want to deny their greatness or the great contribution they made to this country. However, some of their practices eventually let People can't accept it.

"As for his parents, they have already passed away, so he has no family members, at least there is no record of his related family members in the organization."

"So I am really curious, what is the relationship between that Xiao Jie'er and Qian Yugang? She has been lurking in FC for the past six years, what exactly she wants to map." Director Yang's expression became serious.

"She will confess it obediently." Su Men's face was gloomy, and his voice said harshly. In the face of many tortures that made life worse than death, Su Men didn't believe that Xiao Jie'er could still say nothing.

Li Zedao glanced at Su Men from the corner of his eye, feeling a little dissatisfied, a woman with a huge body, her face is not so ugly, you want to torture her? This is a blasphemy of beauty, too beastly.

While scornful of this guy who doesn’t know how to pity and cherish jade, Li Zedao drank another cup of tea, smashed it, smashed it, and muttered to himself: “I have only made two bubbles, the taste is weak, and the tea fragrance is gone. Let's get some tea."

"Uh..." Sumen's complexion became stiff, and he quickly said, "I think it's good...Uh..."

The muscles on Su Men’s face twitched wildly, and his hands were already clenched into fists, because Li Zedao seemed to have not heard what he said, so he poured out the tea dregs, rewashed and added new tea to continue. Pao, this time, he simply poured all the remaining tea into the purple clay teapot, so the two tea leaves were gone.

While Sumen spurted blood in his heart, he could only growl in his heart: "Guo Guomin, you old bastard, you are waiting for Lao Tzu to end with you!"

Persimmons have to be soft. Therefore, Director Yang is indeed a soft persimmon compared with Li Zedao's back-to-nature masters, so Sumen decisively hates Director Yang.

Li Zedao sneered in his heart while pouring hot water into the purple clay pot, Damn, dare to be such a beast? Distressed to you!


In a small room with smooth walls on all four sides, only an iron door and no windows, an iron chair was firmly welded to the ground, as if rooting.

At this time, Xiao Jie'er sat motionless on this chair, her hands, feet, and chest were tightly tied to this chair with hard iron chains, so even if her body is not sore or weak, she still He couldn't move at all, let alone escaped.

At this time, her whole person was still in a state where her scalp was numb and her head was roaring and she could not accept all of this, and her heart was extremely messy.

She thought that after killing the old **** of Dr. Zhao, even if she had to face the interrogation of those people later, she could deal with it calmly and convince them that this matter had nothing to do with her, and that this happened to her. How scared, so scared that I want to escape this place.

But she didn't expect that her mindset that she believed to be rock solid was completely crushed by the **** in a few words. She couldn't help it anymore. She shot it, and she would take the **** even if she died. The idea that the egg was torn apart was shot.

However, the result is truly cruel! He even easily clamped her blood thawing needle with two fingers, and he took her to the uniform with ease.

Xiao Jie'er said that she could not accept all of this. She comforted herself in her heart and said that this was a dream. After all, even old monsters like Huang Wen and Yang Guomin, they did not face their own blood thawing Maybe the blood thawing needle was clamped with two fingers, let alone the young and shameless bastard.

So, I was dreaming.

Therefore, she bit her lips severely, very painful... Her heart sank to the bottom in an instant, her eyes were filled with despair and unwillingness, and there was also palpitating hatred.

At this moment, the only iron door of this small room was pushed open.

Xiao Jie'er looked up slowly, and saw a man in black walk in, with a chair in his left hand and two in his right hand.

At the moment, the black-clothed man placed the three chairs two meters away from Xiao Jie'er. Without even looking at Xiao Jie'er, he turned and left the room.

"So, there are three people coming in in a while? Including that bastard?" Xiao Jie'er stared at the chair with scarlet eyes, her silver teeth were almost broken.

A minute later, the door of the room was pushed open again, and someone came in. Just as Xiao Jie'er had expected, it was the three people who came in.

An old man with a serious and low expression, a slightly younger old man with the same serious and low expression, and the last one was a young man with a lazy smile and his hands in his trouser pockets. The man was carrying a backpack on his back.

Although three people came in at the same time, there was only one person in Xiao Jie'er's eyes.

Her vicious scarlet eyes were staring at Li Zedao, her throat squirming, and a puff of heat from her nostrils, as if an injured beast had completely exploded its animality and staring at the enemy. of.

"Asshole, I won't let you go as a ghost." She said, her voice harsh and vicious, and she began to struggle forward desperately.

Even the old-fashioned eyes on the bridge of the nose were struggling away by her, and then a standard and beautiful face of melon seeds appeared in front of Li Zedao, but at this time this face was dark and gloomy and distorted, plus the scarlet fullness. The big eyes of hatred are really palpitating.

"Let me just say, those glasses have completely pulled down your face value. Now it looks more pleasing to the eye, but the skin is a bit dull." Li Zedao said with a smile, sitting down on the chair on the left. He also yawned and stretched lazily.

"You..." When Xiao Jie'er saw that this **** started to humiliate herself for eating her own tofu again, her eyes became redder, her body struggled even more severely, her whole body was going to be mad, so angry that her mouth oozes out of her mouth. There was blood, and even after his eyes were white, he fainted.

"Uh... fainted?" Li Zedao was stunned. What he said was the truth. Her skin really lacks luster. It's not that good. Why is it dizzy?

While Director Yang and Su Men looked strange, they felt inexplicably sympathetic to Xiao Jie'er. They felt that she was so unlucky that she fell into the hands of such a shameless and lustful guy. Whenever there is a chance, They even wanted to roll up their sleeves and beat Li Ze fiercely to help the poor woman out.

At the moment Sumen wants people to find a basin of water to awaken the murderer. His methods have always been ruthless to the enemy, and he doesn’t have any pity in his heart... I thought she was pitiful before. Li Zedao's behavior was too insulting, and it was not the work of a big man.

It’s okay to fight or kill. It’s okay to torture her by all means, but it’s your fault to insult people with words. Even if it’s an enemy, it’s dignified.

While Su Men expressed disdain for Li Zedao's words and deeds, Li Zedao also despised this old man who didn't know how to pity Xiangxiyu. He stood up and stopped him and said, "Don't be so troublesome, I'll wake her up."

Sumen nodded, indicating that he had handed you over. Of course, he felt a little uncomfortable. Didn't he say that this kid just came to watch the excitement? Why did you go over it? But Director Yang didn't say anything, so naturally he didn't say much.

At that moment, Li Zedao walked to the woman who had fainted, stretched out his hand and pressed acupuncture points on her body.

Soon, Xiao Jie'er woke up quietly and slowly opened her eyes. What appeared in front of her was the figure of the shameless bastard, and her chest began to fluctuate violently again, her eyes scarlet and terrifying, she gritted her teeth and roared: "Asshole, you are shameless, shameless, I curse you for choking to death while eating, drinking water, and going out and being hit by a car..."

Li Zedao chuckled: "Your glasses are too old-fashioned, don't wear them anymore, and your skin...hehe..."

"Bad bitch, shameless and nasty..." Blood leaked from the corners of Xiao Jie'er's mouth, her chest rising and falling abnormally.

Both Director Yang and Sumen couldn't help but want to ask Li Zedao to shut up first. They were really careful that if this continued, this woman would really be maddened to death.

"Okay, don't be so excited, or you will faint again in a while. At that time, Director Su will have someone to wake you up with dog urine. I won't be in charge anymore." Li Ze persuaded.

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