The Ultimate Student in the City

Chapter 1583: Director Yang, helpless

"Furthermore, even if Ze Dao knows something, he will not hide anything from us, and what should be kept secret will not be known to anyone other than us." Director Yang added, his eyes swept towards Li Ze, which naturally said. For him.

Li Zedao's gaze fell on the ceiling, as if there was something funny on it, as if he hadn't heard it.

Such a reaction made Director Yang's eyes narrowed, but he recovered in a short time.

"Lao Yang, you...whatever you want." Seeing that Sumen couldn't persuade Director Yang, he glanced at Li Zedao with an ugly face, walked to the door of the room with a ugly face, opened the door fiercely, and disappeared there.

Director Yang glanced at Xiao Jie'er, then nodded to Li Zedao, and then left the room without forgetting to close the door.

At the same time, Xiao Jie'er's eyes when looking at Li Zedao changed again. She never expected that Yang Guomin actually agreed. This was completely beyond her expectation.

As soon as he walked out, Director Yang saw Su Men blushing and looking at him, but he could only respond with a wry smile.

Su Men snorted coldly and turned to leave with an angry expression. Director Yang smiled bitterly again and followed behind. The last two people entered Su Men's office one after another.

"Lao Yang, you...what should I say? How can you do this? This is not compliant. That kid is not our person, even if he is a master of returning to the basics, even if he is very important to him. But, what right does he have to interrogate that woman? Besides, I can't trust him. I don't believe that he will tell us what the woman said verbatim." Sumen blushed and asked.

Director Yang could only smile wryly again: "I don't believe it either."

Just now, Li Zedao stared at the ceiling. It was he who was expressing his attitude. This made Director Yang feel very upset but helpless.

"But I can't help. That kid helped us solve a lot of troubles before, and then we have to rely on his strength. If some of his requirements are not met, he will definitely find stumbling again later, and we will also Very passive." Director Yang's old face was full of helplessness.

"Damn it." Sumen gritted his teeth and said, having to admit that Director Yang was right. I was so embarrassed that the dignified fc actually needed to rely on or even flatter such a kid, it was really shameful!

"But...all of what he is doing now is beneficial to the country, but what about in the future? If he tries to do something harmful to the country, just like Qian Yugang, who can suppress him then? "Sumen's voice lowered, "Even we can't control it. This is undoubtedly very dangerous."

Director Yang's eyes narrowed slightly, and he had to admit that Sumen was right.

Even if Li Zedao does not have the heart to rebel, he has the ability to rebel. This is a mistake in itself! After the transformation of Shen Maru, he became too enchanting, and his personal strength value was too strong. With the intricate forces behind him, there was no one in the entire China, saying that he was the first brother of China. Not too much.

If such a person cannot truly be used by himself or by the country, then once something happens, they will indeed be passive and dangerous.

"It is still controllable for the time being. Those women and friends of his are all restraints for him." Director Yang squinted his eyes and expressed his views. He used them to threaten Li Zedao before, so that Li Zedao had to talk to fc. With a more intimate relationship, of course, he has a good grasp of the degree of threat, otherwise Li Zedao should rebound.

"What if his mentality changes someday?" Su Men asked coldly. He didn't believe that this kind of restraint could really restrain the shameless guy to death. After all, he was so lustful, even if his women were dead, he would be looking for them.

Director Yang had a headache, and he stretched out his hand and rubbed his own sun and said, "What's next, wait until he wipes out that **** genetic superman, and..."

Director Yang looked at Su Sect, his eyes burst out, and he said, "I think, compared to us, those foreign forces have more headaches, right? I think that skull must have taken action now."

"It's better to die together!" Sumen said viciously.

Director Yang smiled bitterly and nodded. Although this was cruel and impersonal, it was the best ending. This would not only crush the skull, but also completely obliterate Li Zedao, an unstable factor that cannot be completely controlled.


Li Zedao sat down in the middle chair with a faint smile, looking at Xiao Jie'er, who was staring at him with red eyes from beginning to end, and said: "Big sister, the two old men have gone far away, plus this The sound insulation of the place, as long as your voice is not exaggerated, they will not be able to hear it, so you can rest assured."

"Who are you?" Xiao Jie'er stared at Li Ze coldly, and was silent for a while before she said, "What is the relationship between Guo Guomin and fc?"

His chest still fluctuated sharply, even if he forced himself to calm down, even if he had another thought in his heart, the murderous intent in his heart could not be suppressed.

"This is important?" Li Zedao asked with a slight smile.

"Very important." Xiao Jie'er nodded with red eyes, and said word by word.

"Li Zedao, a sophomore at the University of Phoenix, a man and a schoolmaster at the University of Phoenix..."

"I think you can talk about the point." Xiao Jie'er can't listen anymore, why is this guy so shameless? Don't boast that you will die.

And those students at the University of Phoenix are blind? How else would you push this ugly monster to such a position as the school grass?

Li Zedao is a little helpless, isn't what he said is the point?

"What I want to know is why you can still live well when you have a gap with fc, and you can freely enter and exit this place. Even Guo Guomin Yang will agree to my request." Xiao Jie'er Can't understand, just because of his horror? But even if the skill is scary, what about? It is only a matter of minutes that organizations like fc want to kill you.

She could see that Guo Guo Yang was helpless or helpless about this guy, so he was not only strong in his own strength, but also from a good background. Which family of wealthy people Yang Guo couldn't afford to provoke? It doesn't look like it, big and young are all polite and educated people, right? How could it be so shameless?

Li Zedao smiled and said: "Because fc asks me, I need to help them solve some problems that make them very troublesome, plus my skills are there, so Director Yang had to agree with me if he didn't want to. He was very worried that I would quit some of the requirements."

Of course, Li Zedao also knew how uncomfortable the old man was, but he was uncomfortable.

When he thinks that he has only one year of lifespan left, Li Zedao is very angry! If not fc, if not Huang Wen, what are you doing now? Shuttle around the beautiful campus carefree, right? Just like those college students, or start to degenerate, or if you are a member of the student union, then you think you are awesome... and then you will have a simple and sweet relationship?

Rather than being so burdened with so many responsibilities as they are now, they are facing one danger after another, and their lives are almost gone. Even, Director Yang and the others already have the idea of ​​trying to hide the rabbit and the dog, right?

Why did Master go abroad? Isn't it because you don't have the heart to betray, but you have the ability to betray. Doesn't this make you feel jealous?

Li Zedao knows very clearly that his current situation is probably the same as the situation of Master back then, and even his situation is likely to be even more dangerous. After all, he now has the strength to return to the basics! Even if he is loyal, there must be some people who are not at ease.

Xiao Jie'er nodded slightly. Such an explanation was reasonable. As expected, it was no wonder Yang Guomin had to bow her head.

"As for what is the gap between me and fc...Since you have been here for six years, you should know that fc has other researches in addition to the * system developed by the laboratory where you are now? "Li Zedao asked.

Xiao Jie'er nodded slightly. Although her main task is to assist in the development of the *system, she occasionally does other work, so she knows other studies about fc, and even after she knows it, she does I can't figure out how the country would enter such research.

"One of the studies is the study on Ghost Maru. You should know this?" Li Zedao asked.

Xiao Jie'er widened her eyes and nodded. When she knew that fc was doing such a research before, she was really shocked several times, and almost fell out of it. This is completely beyond her imagination. , She never thought that ghosts are not only real, even ghosts can eventually become a pill!

Li Zedao pointed to his face and said: "Simply put, I was caught by fc as an experimental subject. Like many innocent people, I was forced to take the pills they refined. Fortunately, I I survived the catastrophe, my body has mutated instead, and my body functions and senses are far superior to others...Of course, I will not appreciate fc for this, nor will I show fc affection, because the kind of fc makes people difficult I have a very bad memory of the cruel approach I will accept. My father died in FC’s hands, so it’s all light to say that I have a gap with FC."

"In that case, why are you still willing to help FC?" Xiao Jie'er asked curiously.

"What do you think?" Li Zedao said, his expression suddenly became impassioned.

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