The Ultimate Student in the City

Chapter 1586: Angry Sumen

Li Zedao frowned as he listened, "Taoist?" He still has some good feelings for Taoist priests. Who made his inexplicable master Qingxuzi be a Taoist priest.

"Yes, Taoist priest, when I was eight years old, he saw that I was cute and thought I had this talent, so he started teaching me. Of course, he also told me that I can’t let my parents know, and don’t tell me it’s him. I taught, so all the time, no one else knew that I was really good." Xiao Qingfeng raised his head and looked at Li Zedao and said, this is a bit of a refutation of what Li Zedao said just now. I am not as good as you said. Unbearable, I am very powerful and very promising, OK? Otherwise, why would the Taoist priest beg to be my master?

Then, worried that the **** would not believe what he said, Xiao Qingfeng said, "What I said is true. The Taoist priest is Qingxuzi, but when I was 13 years old, he said he had something to do. After leaving, we also moved. I haven't seen him since then..."

"Uh... Qingxuzi? You mean Qingxuzi?" Li Zedao's eyes widened and his mouth widened, unable to believe what he was hearing.

"Yes, Qingxuzi...Why, do you know him?" Xiao Qingfeng asked with a weird expression when he heard the name of Daozi Li Ze.

"Um... I also know a Taoist priest. His name is Qingxuzi. Of course, it may not be the same person as the Qingxuzi you know." Li Zedao said with a weird expression. If she really knew Qingxuzi, it would be true. Can't leave it alone.

Even the entire fc and the entire Huaxia owe Qing Xuzi's favor. If it weren't for him, now Duanmu Weizhuang has begun to make trouble.

Xiao Qingfeng's eyes widened, and he quickly said: "The Qingxuzi I knew said his surname is Chen, and I don't know the name. What about the Qingxuzi you know? What is his surname?"

"" Li Zedao's expression was even more weird. She didn't run away now. She is really Qing Xuzi's apprentice, and according to the order of entry, didn't she become her own senior sister?

"Ahem..." Li Zedao lightly coughed a few times and said nothing to let this woman know that she is her senior sister, otherwise it would be troublesome for her to be arrogant. He said vaguely, "That should not be the same. Personal... However, I do have a gap with fc, and I can’t understand some of fc’s so-called necessary and just actions, plus this is not your fault, you are just defending properly, so you can rest assured Well, I won’t let Director Yang and the others embarrass you."

"Really?" Xiao Qingfeng was overjoyed.

"No matter who asks you next, you just need to insist that you didn't kill Dr. Zhao, and I will take care of the rest." Li Zedao pondered.

Xiao Qingfeng quickly nodded with joy, indicating that he knew it.

"However, things may be difficult. Don't have too much illusions. I am afraid it is impossible to take you away immediately. I can only guarantee Director Yang that they will not embarrass you." Li Zedao said.

Xiao Qingfeng nodded again, saying that he understood that, indeed, it is difficult to take oneself away from this place, even if Director Yang has been deflated in front of him.

At the moment, Li Zedao briefly explained a few words, and then left the room and went to Sumen's office.

"How is it?" Director Yang, who was sitting over there, saw Li Zedao coming in and asked.

"Humph!" Sumen snorted coldly, glanced at Li Zedao with a bad look, and said nothing.

Li Zedao shook his head, and said with certainty: "Dr. Zhao's death has nothing to do with her."

Li Zedao didn’t think he was wrong. After all, Dr. Zhao was killed because he was lustful and bullied. If he didn’t bully, Xiao Qingfeng would not kill him... According to Li Zedao, Xiao Qingfeng can actually be said to be a victim.

It’s like saying that there’s someone you didn’t offend the other person at all, but the other person is looking at you and trying to bully you in every possible way. If you don’t allow bullying, it’s not enough. If you don’t let him bully, you will die miserably. I rebelled and killed him... Can you say that you are wrong?

Legally speaking, you are of course wrong. You are a murderer. Although you are forced to kill, you are also guilty. On the other hand, you have done nothing wrong, you just instinctively want to resist. ... Is it because you are a disadvantaged group that you have been deprived of the right to resist?

On the larger scale, in the struggle between nation-states, one country has invaded another country, and all the people of the country that has been invaded have revolted and killed all the invaders. Can you say that the people of the country that resisted killed the enemy? So did it wrong?

"You mean... she is not a murderer?" Director Yang frowned, and he didn't expect Li Zedao to say such a sentence.

Sumen jumped up from the chair, staring at Li Zedao with unkind eyes, as if he wanted to see through his heart. He had reason to doubt whether this **** saw that the woman had grown up. It was tempting, so he reached a disgusting agreement with her, so he wanted to help.

"She is innocent, and she didn't put the paper on Dr. Zhao's chest, so the murderer is still lurking here at this time." Li Zedao said this was evasive, of course, his tone was beyond doubt.

Su Men smiled coldly and said, "Shao Li, you were the one who said she was the murderer who picked her out? Besides, how do you explain the fact that she knew Qian Yugang? Also, she shoots a steel needle like you Oh, Dr. Zhao just died under the steel needle, isn't it? How can this be explained? You won't see her look good, so take care of her, right?"

Li Zedao clamped the hidden weapon fired by the woman with two fingers. He could see clearly in this scene. Of course, Sumen didn’t know that it was a blood fusion needle. It could be dissolved in the blood. It is an ordinary steel needle.

Li Zedao glanced at Su Men and said faintly: "First, I just think she has a problem, but I didn't identify her as the murderer! Second, she did know Qian Yugang, and even she and Qian Yugang were very close. It’s a loving lover..."

"Uh..." Director Yang and Su Men both had weird expressions. They couldn't believe what they heard. I didn't expect that she and Qian Yugang were really in a relationship. Qian Yugang's taste is so... easy to scold. From the perspective of age, it is enough to be her grandfather.

"However, her Qian Yugang was a senior in her university. He died in a car accident eight years ago. The Qian Yugang you said has nothing to do with you. You can find out about this kind of thing by checking it out. So, that It's a coincidence." Li Zedao said again.

Director Yang and Sumen looked at each other, and they could all see the other's weird and unusual face. They were still despising Qian Yugang a second, but they were beaten in the face the next second.

"Third, Director Su said that I think she looks...good-looking?" Li Zedao looked at Su Men coldly and sneered, "Director Su, you are insulting my taste."

"You..." Sumen is depressed, his old face is blushing, this kid is damaging his own taste?

"As for, she will launch hidden weapons...This is also a coincidence. She happens to be the same as the real murderer who is still hiding in the dark, and is a hidden weapon master." Li Zedao said again.

Su Men laughed coldly and said, "Shao Li, don't you think your rhetoric is too far-fetched and unconvincing."

"I really didn't think." Li Zedao said, looking at the frowning Director Yang, "Does Director Yang also think I'm lying?"

Director Yang looked weird and coughed lightly and said, "Of course I wouldn't have such doubts..."

"Lao Yang, what do you mean?" Su Men was frustrated, and he felt like being stabbed by Director Yang.

Director Yang gave Su Men a look to make him feel calm, but the latter gritted his teeth but helplessly, sat down bitterly, picked up the glass of water on the table and poured it frantically.

"I just feel that your heart is too soft, and it's too easy to trust people, and I'm afraid that you will be deceived." Director Yang looked at Li Zedao and said euphemistically, "Of course, we will investigate this matter immediately before it becomes clear. , We will not embarrass that woman, if she is really innocent, we will release her immediately."

These words are blocking the words that Li Zedao will say next. You say that she is innocent, yes, but if you want to take her away, it's really impossible.

Director Yang is indeed unwilling to quarrel with Li Zedao too stiff, but he still wants Li Zedao to know that if he really thinks that he is a back-to-nature master, he can be messed up, then he is very wrong. Unless you choose treason, otherwise. Some rules, you still have to be honest and accurate, even if you are a dragon, you have to give me an honest lie.

Li Zedao understood the old man’s meaning, smiled and said, “I don’t think my heart is softened, and I don’t think I have the problem of believing others easily. Therefore, in this matter, Xiao Qingfeng is indeed a victim. I promised her and I will take her away with me after I leave. I hope Director Yang can agree."

Director Yang's brows suddenly frowned.

Sumen jumped up again, staring at Li Zedao with unkind eyes, blushing with a thick neck, and he was almost at the limit for the kind of tolerance of this kid: "Boy, don't be too arrogant, even if you are a back-to-nose master, then So what? This is fc! You are not qualified to take away a murderer suspected of killing Dr. Zhao from here, no! If you really want to take her away? Yes, kill Lao Tzu first.!"

With that said, Su Men had already burst out an extremely fierce and violent aura from all over his body, staring at the kid in front of him with cold eyes, he was ready to take action.

Li Zedao looked at this like a wolf that was about to pounce at him at any time. An aura of a strong man burst out instantly, covering Sumen, and said coldly, "What did you say?"

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