The Ultimate Student in the City

Chapter 1595: Chance of choice

"In addition, I think you should let go, and really give them a chance to make the final choice." Bei looked at Li Zedao's eyes and said.

Li Zedao was taken aback: "What do you mean?"

"Meaning, you can't control your own life, death and destiny for the time being, so what are you doing to protect so many people? If one day the explosive atmosphere in your body suddenly erupts to death, what will they do?" Bei's expression became serious, "Even if the explosive atmosphere in your body disappears, your only way out afterwards is definitely to stay away from China, right? Do you think each of them is willing to leave their parents and leave the current living environment to stay away from you? Huaxia? It’s ugly. Even if I leave with you in the end, I’m afraid I don’t have to do it wholeheartedly."

"..." Li Zedao's eyes widened slightly.

"Finally, and the most important point, too much, really too much, so much that your energy is vigorous, so much that you can pass the level overnight even if your physical fitness is there, but you can't take into account the overall situation. You can only meet their physical needs, but you can’t really take care of each sister’s psychology! There are so many sisters who are in harmony now, but the psychology is jealous, and the jealousy will only get more and more. It is rich, and I am trying to stay alone with you for a while longer. If this continues, which women will definitely have conflicts." Bei said.

Li Zedao looked at Bei dumbfounded, his mind rippling violently, his face constantly changing.

After a long time, he smiled extremely stiffly and said, "That... Sister Bei, isn't it as serious as you said?"

"You know, the situation may be more serious than I said, but you don't want to admit it yourself." Bei said, looking at Li Zedao's eyes softened, "Of course, this is just my thoughts and suggestions, I don't I will force you to do something, I will be jealous, but I will restrain myself from being so obvious, and I will not provoked any sister."

Li Zedao was helpless, thinking that you are the one who behaved most obviously, OK?

"In addition..." Bei's hand gently stroked Li Ze's face and said, "I am different from them. Apart from you, I have no other ties. My roots have been deeply rooted in you. Where are you? , Where am I, you live and live, you die and I die, you want to make a big break with fc at all costs, I am the sharpest sword in your hand! I lived for this country for fc in my last life, and in this life I Live for you!"

Li Zedao opened his eyes wide and looked at this woman with a serious expression and soft eyes but a trace of spoiling in it. He knew that Sister Bei was telling himself her choice very seriously.

"Sister Bei, I want you to take a bath with me." Li Zedao said seriously.

"...Fuck!" Bei's mouth twitched, and there was a sense of powerlessness in his mind. Why did such a serious topic become a little lustful when he tugged it?

"Puff!" She was pulled hard by Li Zedao, and she fell directly into the big bathtub and lay on Li Zedao. Of course, this was the result of her not resisting or even cooperating. The big eyes are already there. Somewhat blurred.

Then, Li Zedao's lips were heavily plugged on her lips, and then the two white bodies began to linger.

After a long period of madness, it finally calmed down. Li Zedao gently wiped off the water stains on Bei's body. He left the bathroom and put her on the bed. Then he sat down with his back against the bed and reached for Beifang. The cigarette and lighter on the bedside table lit one.

As if irritated by cigarette smoke, his eyes narrowed slightly, and then he showed a bitter smile: "I actually felt it too."

He felt the kind of restlessness in the hearts of several of the women, the kind of repressed jealousy, and their kind of restless mood became stronger and stronger.

Li Zedao felt that he seemed too messy before, because the other party was so good-looking and so active, so he didn't want to push away, and then the other party was very aggrieved and said why you accepted her but didn't accept me. ...So, accept it, it's not that you can't afford it, and it's not that you can't be satisfied.

But Li Zedao overlooked one thing, and the most important thing, that is, he failed to take care of them.

They all love themselves, that’s true, but they are all women, they are excellent strong women with individual thoughts. In a short time, they will accommodate themselves because they love themselves. Because other women do the same, they feel wronged. I live with her, but what about after a long time?

Li Zedao believed that they would still love themselves for a long time, but they might not get along in peace.

Not to mention that he is now physically defective and has lost fertility. Even if those women repeatedly said that they don’t like to be mothers, their bodies would be out of shape when mothers, but Li Zedao still felt how many of them were. The kind of little loss deep in my eyes.

Besides, he may die at any time now, how could he be so selfishly binding them?

Li Zedao suddenly felt that his acceptance seemed to have seriously delayed them, and even put them in danger from time to time. Wasn't fc just using them to threaten him?

"Then give them a chance to choose." Li Zedao slowly let out a puff of smoke and looked down at Bei. "Sister Bei, do you want all of them to leave me on their own initiative?"

"Yes." Bei said without concealment.

Li Zedao nodded and said leisurely: "If this is the case, then you will definitely miss them, because you alone are not my opponent."

"..." Bei wanted to hit the wall with his head very much. Why does this guy's brain think about this?


Under the eyes of the women in the villa, Li Zedao took Bei and He Xiaoyue into the car and arrived at Phoenix International Airport.

The three of them are dressed in casual fashion, just like travelers who want to travel to the island country as a dj. Of course, He Xiaoyue, who is wearing sunglasses, is definitely the focus of the crowd. One is stunning and the other is sexy. Mature temptation, regardless of the woman, attracted the attention of those around him, and even the a little bit of nasty hormones suddenly increased suddenly and began to become lustful.

As the only male companion of these two women, Li Zedao also attracted a lot of envy and hatred.

The flight will stop at Xiangtan first, and then continue to fly from Xiangtan to the island country dj. The whole journey takes about nine hours.

He Xiaoyue has only two seats in the first class cabin, so He Xiaoyue sat with Bei, and Li Zedao was behind them. In this way, there would be no uneven bowl of water. Problem.

At this time, Bei’s eyes looked a little coldly staring at Baiyun, with headphones in his ears, and he didn’t know what he was thinking. He Xiaoyue’s gaze fell on the fashion magazine in front of him, but his mind was Not in the magazine, there is a subtle worry in those big eyes.

Li Zedao closed his eyes slightly, his thoughts were surging, and one after another exquisite faces appeared in his mind. From the very beginning, He Xiaoyu, Li Mengchen and Nintendo, and Su Xuan at the same table, and also took her away. For the first time, Bai Libing, Yang Xueer, who hated her very much, said that she was Zhao Xiaoying, who was Captain America, and Jin Suyan, sister Bei, and Su Lingfei who joined in, a total of twenty-six!

Yes, twenty-six! This is a terrifying number! This is because Antarctica is "undercover", otherwise it would not be twenty-six, but twenty-seven!

When such a number appeared in his mind, Li Zedao was also violently shocked, and then he felt infinitely emotional. If a person is too good, it will not work. It is a mistake. Li Zedao, Li Zedao, your biggest mistake is being too good. No matter where you go, no matter how hard you try to block your own light, but in the end it ends in failure, fascinated by the eyes of one woman after another, and captured the heart of another woman!

Li Zedao clearly remembered how he met and entangled with that woman after woman.

After thinking about it carefully, Li Zedao found that the reason why he was with many women was that his handsomeness and overlord's temper completely conquered each other, and then he was so wronged that he wanted to follow him. If you push her away, you are To look down on her is to humiliate her!

In addition, if it sounds good, it means **** amorousness. If it sounds bad, it means that you lose yourself directly by the beauty, so I accepted it.

As for the question of which woman he prefers, Li Zedao thought for a while, and then gave his own answer in his heart... whoever is with whom he prefers.

Li Zedao was thinking, if he could come back in life and was giving himself a chance, then he would definitely not provoke so many women so beastly.

Li Zedao is still thinking, now that he may be dead at any time, even if he is not dead, he will be cared about by fc, so they must be given a chance to choose. Then, how will they choose? Who would choose to stay with life and death without complaint or regret? Who would choose to leave?

Li Zedao actually didn't want to think about this question, but he had to think about it again, because the matter had already reached that point, and he couldn't help but not want to.

"Hello sir, do you need a drink?" A clear and sweet voice rang in Li Zedao's ear, interrupting Li Zedao's thoughts.

Li Zedao opened his eyes and raised his head. He saw a girl in a stewardess uniform standing beside him, pushing a cart of drinks.

The girl’s standard melon-seed face, tall, slightly pinkish face, eyes and long eyelashes, she has a pretty appearance, coupled with the well-fitting stewardess uniform she wore on her body, which made her figure bumpy. It makes people want to imagine.

Of course, Li Zedao doesn’t have any extra thoughts. There are so many beautiful women, so in his eyes this flight attendant is just like that. Not to mention that he is still worrying about women’s problems, and there is no extra thought. Said: "Then...Coffee."

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