The Ultimate Student in the City

Chapter 1604: London girl

Although Bei is indifferent, it can even be said to be ruthless and murderous, but as a woman, she feels that she can experience the psychological feeling of He Xiaoyue.

Li Zedao's gaze also fell on He Xiaoyue, feeling very irritable, with a bitter smile on his face and said, "If it's as you said, I respect her choice."

Except for respect, Li Zedao can do nothing. He can't keep her or keep her, unless he can keep her young forever, but he can't do it.

Li Zedao remembered the young and beautiful teachers who had maintained their young and beautiful appearance after more than two decades, and the teachers who looked even younger than him. They did not look old, but after all, it was not long-lasting, it was a short-lived one, and At the cost of burning at least half of the life!

"Be mentally prepared, she is the first, but not the last." Bei said again.

Sister Bei, which pot is this and which pot is not opened, which is equivalent to deliberately sprinkling salt on your wounds, even if you don’t comfort you, you still sprinkle salt? Li Zedao felt that he couldn't just let it go, otherwise this woman would have to go against the sky? Looking at Bei fiercely, he said, "Sister Bei, I really want to hit your ass."

Bei glanced at Li Zedao who was furious and frustrated, then turned around, pointing his hips slightly at Li Zedao.

"You fight," she said, "if it makes you feel better."

"..." Li Zedao was stunned. It turned out that Sister Bei could!


In a small famous sushi restaurant, Zheng Wan'er ate twice the amount of sushi than usual. Then she burped heavily and touched her swollen belly. Her expression was distressed. When I was depressed, I ate too much, so that my stomach was uncomfortable now, and I estimated that I would grow a few pounds of meat later.

After gently rubbing her chubby belly for a while, Zheng Wan'er felt that her stomach was not so uncomfortable. She picked up the bag that was placed aside and got up, walked out of this small famous sushi restaurant, and came to Xixi On the streets of Mum Mum.

"Where to go next?" She muttered mentally, "Bar?"

You know, the bar is one of the most popular nightlife places for DJ people nowadays, and the DJ bar has a strong culture, a large number, and distinctive features.

Zheng Waner often flies this route, so she is very familiar with dj, knowing where the bar is full of features, fun and safe, and has been there several times with colleagues Qi Xiaojuan before.

Of course, nowadays when they are not flying, they rarely go out with Qi Xiaojuan, because they have found boyfriends one by one. When they are not flying, they are basically tired of their boyfriends. It is almost like glue, with them, Zheng Waner I feel like I am an electric light bulb, so I am basically alone now.

This is also one of the reasons why she wants to find a boyfriend, at least when she is resting, she will not be so lonely.

Originally, I felt very good for that Li Zedao. I was moved and fell in love at first sight. Moreover, looking at him like this, the economic conditions are not bad. Although the clothes look ordinary, the watch on the wrist is genuine. There are not hundreds of thousands of times. .

It's a pity that they already have a girlfriend, who is still so beautiful.

Of course, if Zheng Wan'er knew that the two female passengers were his girlfriends, she would have her jaw dropped, right?

After shaking her head and throwing the messy thoughts out of her mind, she walked to the side of the road and planned to stop a taxi.

At this moment, a red Ferrari pulling the wind steadily stopped beside her.

"Which island guy wants to strike up a conversation with herself?" Zheng Wan'er frowned and muttered in her heart. This kind of thing had happened several times before. Of course, she had always been mentally vigilant and didn't pay much attention to her. The reason for the complex makes her have an inexplicable disgust. She always feels that the men of the island country are awkward and disgusting, which makes her uncomfortable.

It was the handsome boy from China...the figure of Li Zedao appeared in his mind again, and Zheng Wan'er quickly threw the figure out of his mind.

At the same time, Ferrari's car windows were opened, but what Zheng Waner thought was completely different. What appeared in front of her was not a wretched boy's face, but a woman with a nice face and charming eyes. A foreign woman with blonde hair.

So, ask for directions?

"Oh, I saw a familiar figure, it really is you, dear lady stewardess." The foreign woman smiled slightly, and she still spoke a Chinese language that was not so standard.

Zheng Wan'er listened to her eyes widening slightly, and she was a little confused: "Do you know me?" She couldn't remember such a beautiful foreign girl among those she knew.

"Oh, it seems that the stewardess, you forgot about me." The foreign woman pretended to be sad and said, "I took a flight from China to the island country. You are the flight attendant on that flight. We also had a pleasant chat. Well, can't you remember? Oh, it may be my fault because I was wearing sunglasses at that time."

Zheng Waner was stunned again, and then somewhat embarrassed. After all, she really didn't have any impression of this girl, but of course she didn't think the foreign girl was telling lies. After all, she knew she was a flight attendant. And her memory is not so good. There are so many passengers every time she flies. She has no ability to remember everyone’s faces unless they are impressive, such as Li Zedao this time and those two. A nice girl.

"Oh, I probably remembered it." Zheng Wan'er hurriedly smiled and nodded in greeting. Naturally, she would not stupidly say that I had forgotten something. That would appear to be too stupid, which is also a very rude behavior.

"Haha, I know what you can think of. My name is Elena, a London girl who lives in the island country DJ, how about you?" Elena asked.

"Hello, my name is Zheng Wan'er." The other party is enthusiastic about it, and Zheng Wan'er is naturally not too cold. Besides, for professional reasons, she rarely has a cold time.

"Wan'er? Oh, that's a nice name. Get in the car. Where are you going? I'll take you there." Elena greeted enthusiastically, and helped Zheng Wan'er push open the car door, shrugging her shoulders and saying, "Anyway I happen to be fine, I can only drive out and stroll around."

"This...then it will be troublesome." Zheng Waner didn't refuse Elena's kindness and went to this slick Ferrari. Her family is rich, but it is far from the point where it can afford this slick sports car. I want to sit and see what kind of experience it is like to sit in this luxury car.

Of course, the psychology has some judgments about this foreign girl. This should be a hospitable and somewhat rebellious British girl. If she is not rebellious, her lips should not be painted so dark lipstick.

The lipstick smeared on her lips was scarlet, like blood, and such a color that no one could control gave her a bit of coquettish atmosphere.

In addition, the family background is very good...Of course, it is really nonsense. If the family background is not good, you can't drive this luxury car.

In short, this is not a bad person and has no purpose for himself. It is just a girl who is purely hospitable and a little bored by herself. She just happened to meet someone she knew, so she invited.

At the moment, Zheng Waner said the name and location of the bar she wanted to go to.

"Oh, Wan'er, I think we are too fate, I just want to say that the bar you mentioned can see if you can get a handsome guy." Elena said with a slight smile, "Wan'er, you also want to go. Handsome guy?"

Zheng Wan'er chuckled and shook her head and said, "No, I just want to drink some beer and listen to music to relax. You know, I'm a stewardess. Our work is very tired. When we are not flying, we have to relax and rest so that we can have More energy to serve those passengers."

"Oh, it turns out." Elena smiled, her eyes showed a fierce light, her tongue stretched out, and she lightly licked her scarlet lips, even, look at the teeth in her mouth, There were two fangs in the upper row that were both sharper and longer than the other teeth, and even those teeth seemed to shone inexplicably light.

It's just that Zheng Wan'er didn't notice this, and she was feeling the comfort and luxury of this luxury car.

As Elena kicked the gas pedal, Ferrari galloped forward quickly. Elena chatted with Zheng Waner without a word along the way. Gradually, the two became familiar with each other and told each other some of their situation. .

About ten minutes later, Ferrari slowly stopped on the side of the road.

Zheng Wan'er is quite familiar with Tokyo, so she naturally knew that the bar hadn't arrived yet, but she didn't think much about it. She only thought that the hospitable Miss Elena discovered something minor and stopped the car.

"Oh, dear Wan'er, I'm hungry. I think if I'm not eating, I'll be hungry and dizzy, and then I won't be able to drive the car." Elena looked at Zheng Wan'er with a smile, and then stuck out her tongue. Licking his scarlet lips.

Zheng Wan'er was a little bit funny, thinking this Elena was quite interesting, and said with a smile: "Then find a place first, I'll invite you to dinner, and we will go to the bar again after eating."

I thought it would be nice to have such a friend.

"Oh, just eat it in the car." Elena looked at Zheng Wan'er, her voice suddenly became a little vague, and her smile suddenly became weird.

Seeing the strange smile on the other party's face, Zheng Wan'er's heart speeded up inexplicably. She suddenly felt that this Elena seemed extremely weird at this time, but she couldn't tell what was strange.

At this moment, Elena stretched out her hand.

Then, Zheng Wan'er's eyes widened suddenly, as if she had seen something incredible and unimaginable.

I saw that the nails on Elena's hands were getting longer at the speed of the naked eye. Yes, they were getting longer! Zheng Wan'er is willing to make the most poisonous oath to prove that her eyes are not flowery!

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