The Ultimate Student in the City

Chapter 1609: Scary woman

"Good morning, Mr. Wade." Elena responded faintly, and didn't mean to look back at the man who walked in. Obviously, he didn't welcome the man's arrival at all.

The other party was so cold, Wade didn't care, smiled and took out a medicine bottle with the thickness of a thumb from his pocket, bent over and gently put the medicine bottle on the ground, got up and laughed: "Then I will go. Don't bother Miss Elena, you have a rest."

Elena didn't bother to respond this time.

Wade touched his nose and smiled, turned to leave, and when he walked to the door, he stopped, looked back at the hidden figure, knocked on his head and said, "Oh, look at me, **** it. My memory... Dear Miss Elena, General Skull asked me to help him bring you a sentence. He hopes that Miss Elena can bring that Li Zedao back to us in the next two weeks. We He urgently needs his body to conduct research on genetic superman. I think if he succeeds, he can become the most perfect genetic superman with our skull."

"Are you doubting my abilities?" Elena's tone became a little cold. In an instant, the amplitude of the room seemed to drop a few degrees, and it suddenly became cold.

"Oh, no, dear Miss Elena, you have misunderstood, how can we doubt your ability?" Wade said with a smile.

"I think you are just skeptical, otherwise, why would you give me two weeks? Please tell General Skull, one week is enough!" Elena said coldly.

Wade shrugged his shoulders: "Oh, yes, I will immediately help you tell you like General Skull and Crossbones. I think he will be very happy after hearing it."

"Also, don't forget what you promised me, otherwise... Wade, sir, I think your blood is delicious." Elena's already scarlet eyes glanced back slightly, her tongue out He stretched out and licked his lips.

In an instant, Wade's body trembled abruptly, and his spine became cold. It felt like being glanced at by a ghost.

It’s just that he is a strong one after all, so Wade quickly calmed down and said with a smile: "Miss Elena, please rest assured, we will never forget what we promised you, as long as you leave Li Zedao to us, then , We will honor our promise to you."

"Huh, it's better." Elena said coldly.

Wade smiled, the gentleman nodded slightly, and he didn't say anything. He opened the door and left the room, and then gently closed the door from the outside, so the room fell into darkness again.

In the gloom, Elena's eyes slowly became more scarlet, and there was a palpitating light in her eyes and she didn't know what she was thinking.

After a while she got up, the scarlet eyes fell on the medicine bottle on the ground, walked to her, slightly bent over to pick up the medicine bottle, opened it, and poured the strangely red pill inside onto her palm.

"Oh, **** it." She stretched out her tongue and licked her same scarlet lips, and said in a voice that only she could hear. Her eyes showed an unconcealable murderous look, and then she threw the pill in. He swallowed it in his own mouth and into his stomach.


The sun was already shining outside the room, and the window in the room looked dim as it was blocked by thick dark curtains.

Li Zedao's eyes fell on the delicate lamps on the ceiling, and all he was thinking of was the scene he saw in the dark last night. The terror of that woman seriously stimulated his nerves.

Li Zedao certainly didn't want to believe that the woman was the flight attendant Zheng Wan'er he had met before. Although she was completely flawless in appearance, her words and deeds, and even her eyes, Li Zedao felt different from the two encounters.

Li Zedao just thought it was weird before, but he didn't know where it was. After thinking about it all night, he suddenly realized that the taste of the two of them was different!

The Zheng Wan'er on the plane and Zheng Wan'er outside the airport have a faint scent of jasmine. It should be from a certain jasmine fragrance.

But the Zheng Wan'er I met in less than three hours wears the same clothes as when I saw it outside the airport, but the smell on her body has changed. It is not the scent of jasmine, but a kind of scent. Said that Li Zedao had never smelled it.

Of course, if it wasn't for Li Zedao's amazing sense of smell, he wouldn't be able to smell it at all.

After adding that kind of terrifying skill that she showed, so the two are not the same person, so Zheng Wan'er may be really bad luck! She was killed in just over two hours!

Thinking that Zheng Wan'er might be killed, Li Zedao's heart couldn't help but drew down. He is in his blooming age, and he has an enviable appearance and job. A wonderful life is only about to begin. It is inevitable that he will lose his life It's a pity, not to mention that it's because of him in all likelihood, that's unfortunately involved.

What Li Zedao couldn't understand was how the other party did it. After pretending to be Zheng Wan'er, there are almost no flaws, even the eyes, body, and height are the same? Change face? With the current face-changing technique, this level of perfection can't be achieved at all. First of all, the eyes are different, let alone the size and height.

Moreover, it is only more than two hours before and after, time is not enough at all!

Like Sister Bei, she has a body again, which means that a ghost has taken Zheng Wan'er's body? But how do you explain that look? Although the ghost of the North occupied the body of Senior, the expression in his eyes became different, but when she saw Zheng Wan'er again, the expression in her eyes was exactly the same as before, at least Li Zedao could not feel anything unusual.

Thinking, Li Zedao's eyes narrowed slightly, and suddenly he felt like he was a broom star. Those women seemed to be unlucky after they met him. Xiao Qingfeng is like this. If it weren't for the nosy to give her After pulling it out, she would not die tragically in Sumen's hands.

And the flight attendant Zheng Wan'er, it must be because of her own reasons that she encountered such an unfortunate thing, right? In addition, He Xiaoyang...Of course he is not a female, but if it weren't for herself, he wouldn't be taken away by the skull at all.

Thinking about it, Li Zedao looked apologetic and looked down at He Xiaoyue.

In her arms, He Xiaoyue’s even breathing sounded rhythmically by Li Zedao’s ears, her straight and beautiful legs pressed unceremoniously on Li Zedao’s legs, her naked body curled up in Li Zedao’s arms like a cute little cat Sleep well.

Last night, after Li Zedao and Bei returned to Qingyun Building, Bei left "I'm tired" and went straight into the room He Xiaoyue had prepared for her, and locked the door directly from the inside like a thief.

Li Zedao was a little bit dumbfounded. Although He Xiaoyue was worried about He Xiaoyang's safety, she was amused by Bei's actions, and her mind was even warmer.

Although this woman is always indifferent, as if everyone owes her money, and she is the most jealous of all women, she is actually very empathetic, so at this time, she acts nothing more than Just let Li Zedao stay with him more.

After the two returned to the room, they had an in-depth exchange, then hugged each other and said most of the night before He Xiaoyue fell asleep in a daze.

Suddenly, He Xiaoyue's brows frowned, and her body moved, and then she stretched her hand under Li Zedao's crotch very dishonestly. The next second He Xiaoyue grabbed Li Zedao's expression of astonishment. Up.

"Hi..." Li Zedao took a breath, it hurts! This woman is planning to come here early in the morning with mild*? Li Zedao really doesn't mind playing with her.

Then, he heard He Xiaoyue's cold voice: "Asshole? Dare to move my brother? I will kill you!"

The cold sweat on Li Zedao's forehead suddenly fell, is she... sleepwalking?

In the next second, He Xiaoyue, the eldest sister of the big gang, yanked like she was about to draw her gun...


He Xiaoyue was awakened by a strange cry that could be described as extremely suppressed. When she opened her eyes, she saw a face with twisted, sweaty face and a pair of grievances. His teary eyes.

"What's wrong with you...?" He Xiaoyue asked Li Zedao like this and quickly asked with a look of concern.

"Your hand... your hand..." Li Zedao was broken, almost speechless.

"My hand?" He Xiaoyue was a little bit confused before she woke up, and then she felt that her right hand was indeed holding a stubborn thing, and then she subconsciously pulled out like a carrot. Yes, she wanted to see what she caught.

"Hiss..." Li Zedao gasped, his face turned green all of a sudden.

When she finished washing and sitting over and simply putting on makeup in front of the mirror, He Xiaoyue still looked embarrassed, but wanted to laugh inexplicably. She finally understood why Li Zedao's face was distorted. Think about He Xiaoyue. It hurts, let alone the person involved.

She had a dream. In the dream, several **** islanders were chasing He Xiaoyang with knives. He Xiaoyue got angry and drew his gun directly. Who knew that...

Fortunately, it's okay.

Thinking, He Xiaoyue's body was inexplicably soft, and she clearly saw her already flushed face in the mirror.

Then he approached the mirror slightly, looking at the faint crow's feet in the corner of his eyes, his eyes were already darkened, and he sighed softly, "I'm really old."

With the elder sister He Xiaoyue guarding Qingyun, the impatience of the first two days in Qingyun has disappeared without a trace.

He Xiaoyue has also explained to the Seven Zhongyi Brothers that she will solve the matter about He Xiaoyang. You don't need to intervene or worry, just do your own job.

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