The Ultimate Student in the City

Chapter 1621: Find a place

"Not too much, please wait a moment, I'll let someone send money over." Fujii Nian said as if he had to be soft. He could still get the billions of island currency, and it wouldn't hurt his muscles. If you are too stubborn, you regret that your intestines are all blue. Why didn't this guy want to leave just now? This time it's all right, there is a blood hole in the body, the face is also lost, and even such a large amount of money has been lost in vain.

For the first time, Fujii truly felt regret.

But fortunately, the matter is still under control, and it has not completely caused a big disturbance. Now Fujii just wants to quickly send the plague **** away and quickly take the bullet out of his stomach. It will not be fatal, but the blood has flowed. Little, Fujii felt that his head was starting to dizzy.

Even promised to give money? Ming Hao and Qi Xiaojuan were dumbfounded again, they only felt that the scene before them had completely subverted their worldview, outlook on life, and values. Especially Ming Hao was extremely frightened, but he clearly remembered how he spoke just now. .

As a call from Fujii went out, the door of this office was knocked gently, and then the door was pushed open, and a very seductive figure walked in.

This is an island woman with a very hot body in professional attire, especially the amorous and mature taste that exudes from her. The hips that are barely wrapped by the hip skirt are big and white. With long legs and the two half-covered deep waters* on his chest, none of them caused a dramatic increase in hormones. Even after seeing the half-dead Ming Hao, his mouth became dry and his lower body reacted inexplicably.

After the woman came in, she just wanted to throw a few winks at Mr. Fujii like before, but the winks didn't have time to throw, and the scene in front of her was directly shocked.

What's wrong? Why are they lying on the ground? And the expression looks so painful, oh, Mr. Fujii seems to be injured too? But she is a smart woman, she knows what should be seen and what should not be seen.

So she quickly returned to her original expression, as if nothing happened.

"Eiko, are you ready for the check I asked you to prepare?" Fujii asked, looking at Eiko, who was indifferent instantly. If it had been in the past, he would have been talking about this stunner by pressing this stunner under his body, but now, he just wants to let Yingzi give money quickly so that the evil spirit can be sent away.

"It's ready, Mr. Fujii." Hideko nodded.

"Give the check to this distinguished sir." Fujii said again.

Yingzi hurriedly bowed and said, "Yes." Then he walked to Li Zedao and handed a check worth 500 million island currency prepared by Fujii, and said respectfully, "Dear Sir, this It's your check, please keep it."

Li Zedao glanced at this stunner, only to feel a little familiar, as if he had seen it somewhere before, and suddenly remembered that she looks a lot like an AV girl that shadow likes very much. Li Zedao was in the shadow before. Under threat, I watched a movie played by the AV girl.

I didn't think much at the moment, I reached out and took the check without checking it. I put it in my pocket and looked at Fujii with a smile: "Mr. Fujii, can we go now?"

"Please go slowly." Fujii said quickly.

"You won't be stopped by your hands?" Li Zedao asked again.

"Naturally not... Hideko, you personally take this respected gentleman away." Fujii's face was sweaty. Although it was not a fatal injury, the muscles on his face were twitching.

"Yes." Shadow bowed towards Fujii, then looked at Li Zedao and made a gesture, "Dear Sir, please."

Li Zedao smiled and said, "Mr. Fujii, there is one more thing."

"Please speak." Fujii responded politely. If it weren't for the other party's too much backing, he would want to yell at him.

"When I came in with my friend just now, a guy at the door whistle to my friend, and he murmured something awkward... It embarrassed me, Mr. Fujii."

"Dear sir, the **** guy is left to you, just do whatever you want." Fujii said quickly, and then took a look at Eiko, who nodded slightly to show that he understood.

Li Zedao smiled, got up and looked back at Zheng Wan'er, who was a little dazed and didn't know what she was thinking, and said, "Let's go, we have to go to Disneyland."

"Um...thank you." Zheng Waner took a deep breath and said. On the one hand, I thank Li Zedao for helping me solve this problem perfectly. On the other hand, when I just came in, a kid did whistle to her and said something very In trivial words, Li Zedao now intends to help her find her place. This is a kind of love for her, which makes Zheng Wan'er a little touched and very useful. There is already a strange feeling in the eyes of Li Zedao. .

"It's ok to invite dinner tonight." Li Zedao said with a smile. He knew clearly in his heart that this woman was starting to act again. With this woman's terrifying methods, how could she be shocked by such a small scene? Besides, if she wanted to kill someone, she wouldn't need five minutes at all. There must be no one living in this casino.

"Ah, you, you are so stingy, you are always thinking about this." Zheng Wan'er couldn't laugh or cry, "Yes, yes, I will invite you to dinner at night? I'm afraid that the place you are looking for is not good enough to be the super rich. Dislike it?"

"Haha, you know, I always don't pick what I eat. The key is who I am with. I will be very happy if you invite me to the roadside stall." Li Zedao said with a smile.

"What you said, then please eat the roadside stall." Zheng Wan'er laughed like a flower, her small face was a little hot, and the other party's ambiguous words made her extremely useful, and she was a little embarrassed.

Qi Xiaojuan looked at the back who was about to leave the office with a complex expression, her mouth opened, and she did not speak after all. She found that she had no face to speak anymore. Although her reaction before can be said to be human nature, normal people would be like that. But after all, it’s too chilling. At least, it’s because of Zheng Wan'er's face that people have come to rescue Zheng Wan'er. You have to be grateful, but she and Ming Hao are both grateful. What did you do?

Qi Xiaojuan knew that it would be chilling if he changed to be himself.

As for Ming Hao, he didn't even dare to speak. He could hardly wait to hide his head in his waistband. He was almost frightened to death by Li Zedao's methods. He even felt like falling into the hands of this gangster than falling into his hands. Is it safer?

"You won't leave?" Li Zedao stopped and looked back at Qi Xiaojuan. As for her boyfriend, Li Zedao simply ignored him. This kind of guy who doesn't know what gratitude is always felt that everyone in the world owes him, Li Zedao has always been disgusted, even more. Not to mention that this kid just scolded him, it would be nice not to beat him up.

As for Qi Xiaojuan, Li Zedao naturally didn't like it, but because of Zheng Wan'er's affection, he didn't want to be too cold.

"Yes... I'm sorry." Qi Xiaojuan bit her lip and whispered guiltily and timidly.

Li Zedao smiled and didn't say anything, but Zheng Wan'er sighed slightly and looked at Qi Xiaojuan and said, "What is there to say about leaving this place beforehand."

Qi Xiaojuan bit her lip and nodded, knowing in her heart that she and Zheng Wan'er's concern might not be able to go back. She looked back at her boyfriend who was in a state of despair and was still wet in the lower body. She understood in her heart that she and him basically It's too late.

Yingzi led the way. Li Zedao and Zheng Wan'er walked out of the office side by side. Following them was Qi Xiaojuan. As for Minghao, he followed at the end with a shiver.

Seeing Yingzi here, the expression was so respectful, those people who were guarding outside the office naturally didn't dare to stare at Li Zedao with cold eyes like before, and even whistled at Zheng Wan'er with a wretched smile. When people are nauseous, they feel a little puzzled. How did these guys suddenly become distinguished guests?

Of course, they naturally did not know what happened in the office.

"Dear sir, who is that person you are talking about?" Yingzi took the initiative to raise this matter.

Li Zedao smiled and pointed to one of the blond men. The latter's face suddenly changed, and a very bad feeling was already in his heart.

Yingzi turned her head, glanced at the kid indifferently, and said, "Beat his mouth and cut off his tongue!"


In less than two minutes, the golden retriever was already lying on the ground, looking at his face, it was really horrible, especially the mouth, which collapsed directly, the teeth were gone, and even more terrifying, the tongue was broken. cut.

"Dear sir, look..." Yingzi's expression remained unchanged, and he bowed slightly to Li Zedao who had a calm expression.

Zheng Wan'er turned her back, her face was a little pale, it was obvious that this **** scene had too much impact on her, but her eyes were full of strange light.

Ming Hao's body was shaking uncontrollably, and if Qi Xiaojuan wasn't supporting him, he would have been sitting on the ground. As for the rest of the guys, each with a terrifying expression, they probably know why the guy lying on the ground will end up so badly, so they are still afraid that it will be their turn next, because they didn’t whistle. , They didn't say anything bad, but their eyes were so unfriendly and wretched.

Fortunately, the young man who determined their destiny waved his hand and said, "That's it."

As a result, they all breathed a sigh of relief. They all felt that the Huaxia people were too friendly and kind, and it was too bad for them to slander the Huaxia people as before.

"Dear Sir, goodbye." After sending the group out of the casino, Yingzi bowed to Li Zedao respectfully.

Li Zedao sneered, thinking that if Fujii heard your words, he might want to kill you, right? At the moment, he nodded slightly, not paying attention to this stunner. The latter turned away with interest and returned to the casino.

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