The Ultimate Student in the City

Chapter 1632: The first half of my life

When receiving a call from Li Zedao, Beizheng and He Xiaoyue were sitting together for a delicious dinner. Of course, it was obvious that both of them had poor appetites.

Bei is mainly worried about the safety of Li Zedao. After all, he is facing the woman of unknown origin who is so powerful that people feel powerless. What Bei can do now is to deceive, deceiving himself that things are not as bad as he thought. In fact, that woman is not a person with a skull, and being close to them is purely attracted by Li Zedao’s charm...

On the one hand, He Xiaoyue was worried about the comfort of her younger brother He Xiaoyang, and it had been abducted for ten days, but there was still no news, so she couldn't help thinking. The bigger reason is naturally Li Zedao, Li Zedao made her heartache, disappointed her, and made her helpless.

"Not coming back tonight?" After listening to Li Zedao's voice from the microphone, Bei raised his brows instantly, so he wanted to do it tonight? Or is it very simple and just want to roll off the sheets?

"Well, stay with Wan'er, don't worry, I'll go back tomorrow." Li Zedao said with a faint smile, "Talk to Sister Xiaoyue."

"I see." Bei faintly responded, "Is it really coming back tomorrow?"

"Of course." Li Zedao said with a smile, his tone relaxed but beyond doubt.

Then Bei’s hanging heart dropped slightly. Since Li Zedao is so sure, it means that everything is within control. Besides, Bei believes that with Li Zedao’s strength, even if he loses in the end, there is a way to escape. of.

"Then Wan'er who accompany you well," she said.

"Jealous?" Li Zedao asked with a smile.

"What do you mean?" Beifan asked, then his tone softened, "Then you can'accompany' that Zheng Wan'er well, I'll wait for you to come back. If you dare not come back tomorrow, you know the consequences."

"Don't worry, I will go back tomorrow, even if I climb back." Li Zedao said softly, "Of course it doesn't have to be during the day, it may be at night, of course, I will call you before I go back."

"Well, I got it."

After hanging up the phone, Bei looked up at He Xiaoyue, who was looking at him with a somewhat complicated look, and said faintly: "He is with that Zheng Wan'er tonight and will not be back."

He Xiaoyue reluctantly revealed a soft smile and nodded: "I know." Her mind was even more gloomy. It doesn't matter if she goes out during the day to accompany him, and now she doesn't even come back at night, that Zheng Wan'er in the end What magical power can make him so obsessed? Moreover, he didn't worry about whether someone would sneak in at night when he was away and kidnap himself like He Xiaoyang did?

"Are you... not jealous?" He Xiaoyue looked at Bei with indifferent expression and couldn't help but ask. She really didn't understand that the woman who had always liked being jealous had let Li Ze off so easily this time. Seeing her jealous or something, even listening to her, seemed to agree with Li Zedao bringing a woman back again.

"Jealous?" Bei stunned, then shook his head and said, "I won't be jealous of Zheng Wan'er."

He Xiaoyue was stunned and couldn't help asking again: "Why?" She really didn't understand, and Li Zedao was fascinated by her. But a woman like Bei wouldn't be jealous of her. What kind of magic does she have? At least, He Xiaoyue really couldn't see what magic power she had. Whether it was her appearance, figure, temperament, or personal ability, she was actually a bit worse than Li Zedao's other women.

"Because it can't! I'll be very happy if he can really accept her." Bei said lightly. She knew that this woman was actually uncomfortable, and she was complaining. She complained about Li Zedao and knew that she would be with Zheng Wan'er all the time. , He Xiaoyang's safety has been ignored.

But she didn’t know that Li Zedao always had a clue, even if he lost his life, he would rescue He Xiaoyang, only because He Xiaoyang was taken away because of him, and because he didn’t want to see him. Miss Xiaoyue's brow furrowed all day long and sleepless.

She also didn't know how terrible the enemy Li Zedao faced every day, and how terrible a force she faced, she had to deal with them cautiously. An accidental, or perhaps, little life would be gone.

But there are some things that can't be told to her too much, and it won't help. It will only make this woman more worried, and Bei is not the kind of person who can enlighten others. When she was next to Huang Wen before, she basically didn't communicate with other people except Huang Wen. Even if other people looked at her more, she didn't say a word of nonsense and just started talking.

Now after I talked to Li Zedao, I talked a little bit more, but it was limited to Li Zedao. When facing other sisters, I always asked and answered one sentence, and rarely said one more sentence. Therefore, among all women, She is actually the most difficult one to get along with.

Besides, Bei knows very clearly that this woman has the intention to leave. According to Li Zedao, let's do it. If you misunderstand it, let her go without any nostalgia. It would be even better, at least in her heart. Feel better.

He Xiaoyue's expression was a little dazed, she didn't understand, she really didn't understand what this woman who was always proud of and cold enough to say

I wanted to ask to be more clear, but Bei stood up and said lightly: "I'm full, you can eat slowly." Then he stood up, turned and left his seat.

Seeing that pretty back, He Xiaoyue's eyes dimmed a little bit, the kind of grievances and helplessness started to come to her heart little by little, and the more and more accumulated, she actually hoped that this woman could stand on the same front for her. Yes, at least it is okay to comfort her, but I didn't expect to get such a result.

Anyway, I have been getting along for a while, and the sisters' emotions between them are not as good as the air hostess who just met? The more He Xiaoyue thought about it, the more depressed she felt.

I don’t know how long it took, that kind of grievance and helplessness began to turn into a violent aura, and then quickly filled her entire chest cavity, making her body seem to be out of control, trembling slightly. That face was gradually replaced by the coldness, and then suddenly got up, the whole body exuded a cold breath.

This kind of state of being completely irritable and uncontrolled, He Xiaoyue has also appeared before. At this moment, she is no longer the gentle, intimate, intellectual and beautiful Xiaoyue sister, she is just a barrel, bursting at one point!

Then she picked up a cigarette and a lighter, lit one, and smoked it fiercely, with an inexplicable fierce light flickering in her cold eyes.

She knew very well that if she didn't vent her emotions, she would really be crazy.

A few minutes later, He Xiaoyue, who had a slender and white index finger and a **** sandwiching a lit cigarette, came to a room door.

"Sister He!" The two black-clothed men guarding the door of this room saw He Xiaoyue coming, and quickly nodded in greeting. Of course, the ugly face of the other party made their hearts tremble slightly. Sister He is terrible.

He Xiaoyue's cold eyes stared at the door, and said faintly: "Open it."

"Yes." One of the men nodded, then quickly took out the key, opened the lock on the door, and then helped open the door.

Without any hesitation, He Xiaoyue strode in.

This is a study room. It is very large and stylish. There are many books in it, like a small library. The types of books are also very rich. The economy of famous books in astronomy and geography is messy, and there are basically all kinds of books. Of course, there are books in Chinese characters, books in island languages, and foreign classics in English.

And the whole study looks very tidy and clean, and you know that someone is cleaning it often.

"It's you? You actually wanted to say come and see me?" A surprised voice sounded.

This is a man who is very sloppy. Of course, to say he is sloppy does not mean that he is dirty. The main reason is that his hair is too long and messy, and his beard has not been shaved for a long time, so I can hardly see him. With that mouth, his skin was pale, as if he hadn't seen the sun in a long time.

The eyes under the reading glasses have a hint of beauty.

At this moment, the man was sitting in front of the large desk with a pen in his hand. On the table in front of him, there were several books and a lot of manuscript paper. The manuscript paper was densely packed with words.

In short, it feels like this is a very knowledgeable writer.

Zhang Hailong, once Qingyun's gang leader, a famous figure in the underground world of the island nation! Who could have imagined that the man who once had a **** smell on his body would completely change his appearance at this moment, the blood on his body has disappeared, and he has become a man who has no power to bind a chicken. Of writers?

"Long time no see." He Xiaoyue looked at the stranger who was familiar to her, said lightly, and then sat down on the sofa opposite him, and continued to smoke in a cool and cold manner.

A smile appeared on Zhang Hailong's face and said, "If it's okay, let's go. Sitting there will affect my writing."

"Writing?" He Xiaoyue frowned. She has been with this man since she was a teenager, and after living together for more than 20 years, she really didn't know that this man could still write.

"Oh, I plan to write a novel now, the name is "My First Half of Life"..." Zhang Hailong's smile on his face has increased. As you can imagine, he is very satisfied with his plan.


He Xiaoyue sneered, do you think you are the last emperor Puyi? And others don’t know, can I still not know? You don't have any ink in your stomach, this place is just for you to arty.

"Now I have finished writing more than 100,000 words. After I finish, can you send it out to see if it can be published?" Zhang Hailong asked in a negotiated tone. Of course, he was ready to be rejected in his heart. With the kind of hatred this woman has towards him, it would be nice not to kill him. How could he do anything else for him?

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