The Ultimate Student in the City

Chapter 1639: Experimental body

When Akai and the man carrying Li Zedao came over, they didn't even blink their eyelids, as if the two men were transparent. Of course, if this were the enemy, they would have given each other the deadliest attack.

At the moment, Akai took out a dark card, swiped it on the instrument on the door, and then took off the thick reading glasses and moved his eyes to do a retinal scan. Then the door slowed down. Slowly moving to the sides, a metal channel full of technological sense appeared in front of them.

Akai walked in with someone, and the door behind him closed quickly, making this a completely independent space.

At the same time, there is a man in black with a gun and live ammunition standing every two meters on both sides of this technologically-sense channel. It is conceivable how strong the security forces here are. It can also be seen from this that the skeleton organization The emphasis on this place.

At that moment, Akai led the people forward, and soon came to the end of the passage. Another metal door appeared in front of them. Akai made the same method, swiped the special black card, and performed a retina scan. , The metal door slowly moved to both sides. At this time, what appeared before their eyes was a huge hall.

After Akai walked in with the black-clothed man carrying the corpse bag, the thick metal door closed again, making this hall a completely independent space.

There are various large and small experimental instruments and equipment in the hall that are hard to see outside, which is really dizzying.

What is shocking is that on some experimental equipment, there are even naked people lying down! There are men, women, and even children. These people, without exception, are filled with various tubes, and various liquids are continuously injected into their bodies through that tube.

The colors of these liquids are transparent, red, and even green and black.

What’s more terrifying is that some of them have even been opened, and various organs have been taken out and thrown aside, but the strange thing is that the flesh of the corpse is greenish, even the taken out The organs are also green.

With the arrival of Akai, a dozen researchers who were testing some data in front of the instrument swept their gazes, and the originally focused eyes were already full of heat. After seeing Akai beckoning to them, they quickly put down their work and moved closer to Akai. One can imagine how high Akai's status is in this laboratory.

Akai looked back at the black-clothed man, pointed to a small bed lined with various instruments and equipment, and said, "Take him out of the bag and put it on that bed, then go down and rest."

"Yes, Mr. Akai." The man nodded and said, then swiftly dragged Li Zedao out of the body bag, put it on the bed according to Akai's words, nodded to Akai, and then went down to rest.

Of course, he did not leave this large hall, but entered one of the metal rooms to take a rest.

There are a dozen similar rooms around this hall. This room is where the researchers rest, and it is also the place where the security personnel rest and monitor everything here. Once they find something wrong, such as someone sneaking in or something. , They will appear immediately and give each other the deadliest blow. As for normal times, they are basically nestled in that small room.

The security personnel in the hall will change to another group of people every once in a while, and several groups will take turns. After all, staying in such a place full of blood and no sunlight is undoubtedly a very boring and collapsed thing. Smoking is allowed, and no alcohol is allowed. All kinds of electronic mobile devices are not allowed to be brought in. Usually, they are not allowed to disturb these researchers. Almost all of the day, they are in a daze in the room, or a few people are bragging and playing poker together. Mahjong or something, only after the invasion of foreign enemies, they will have their business.

But how can foreign enemies invade here? After all, this place is too secretive. Very few people know about it. Moreover, whether it is around the hotel, the stone tower that enters the passageway, or the passageway that enters here, they are all guarded by good hands. When outsiders approach, immediately Will be killed, there is no chance to enter here, let alone the two metal doors, which are made of a special material, even if they are bombed with artillery shells, they can’t be opened. , In addition, it is equipped with high-tech medical examination technology, and others cannot sneak into it.

Therefore, for the security personnel, this place is actually more prison than a prison. If you don't change a group of people every few days, you might go crazy.

As for the treatment of the scientific research personnel, the treatment is different from that of the security personnel. Except for the person in charge here, Akai, who can freely enter and exit here, no one else is allowed to leave, and everything lives in this place.

Fortunately, they are all absolute enthusiasts in this area, and they are usually tense to do various experiments, so they don't feel how difficult this kind of life is.

Akai glanced at the unconscious subject on the bed, his eyes stayed on the shocking bite mark on his neck for a few seconds, then looked back at the dozen or so researchers who had already surrounded him, and said: " Okay, everyone, the new experimental body has arrived. This is a super strong. The physical quality is the best. It took a lot of effort to bring him here. So next, I I hope everyone will show 100% spirit. We will try to use him to make the most perfect genetic superman. Do you have any confidence?"

At this moment, Akai is not like a crazy scientific researcher, but more like a sales manager, and the people under the helpers are boosting morale.

"Yes!" these scientific researchers shouted, their voices resounding through the entire research room, appearing confident.

Akai said he was very satisfied with their mental outlook. How could they not have any passion for scientific research? Nodded and said: "If this is the case, let's go down and prepare. After an hour, let's start the first phase of transformation...Baga, what's wrong with you?"

Suddenly, Akai felt that the situation seemed to be something wrong. After he said this in the past, these people would quickly disperse and prepare, but this time, they did not move their bodies, but looked at them with amazement. Ahead.

"Mr. Akai, he...he sat up..." One of the researchers pointed behind Akai and said with a stunned expression.

"Baga, what are you sitting up..." While Akai muttered, he felt a bit cold on his back, as if he had a pair of cold eyes staring at his back, and then subconsciously looked back.

Then, his mind suddenly shook, his face changed wildly, and even his eyes almost popped out.

I saw that the subject that had been thrown on the bed over there now sat up, and even his strangely white face was full of strange smiles, and those scarlet eyes looked so badly. Look at him Akai.

Other researchers didn't feel the danger or anything, they just felt surprised and wondered, after all, which of the experimental subjects that were sent many times in the past were not transformed by them out of an absolute coma?

Even this kind of life is boring after all, so they will also have some fun. For example, the female subjects will basically be ruined by them before undergoing transformation, and even the male subjects will be ruined.

Rape-rape is of course needless to say, it is the lightest, and there are all kinds of stigmatizing methods. In short, these scientific researchers are a group of mentally abnormal lunatics.

But now this... Why did he sit up?

Akai was directly shocked and dumbfounded, because he knew very well how much headache this experiment caused the skull tissue and how terrifying his methods were. Now that he wakes up, it does not mean that they are likely to all die. it's here?

What made Akai feel even more frightened was that this man was clearly bitten by the vampire, so his only end was to fall into a severe coma, but how did he wake up? Is it because the vampire’s poison has no effect on him at all or is it because it’s a conspiracy at all? The conspiracy he used to sneak into here?

While Akai swallowed hard, his slightly trembling hand was about to secretly press a ring on his right thumb. It was actually a siren. As long as it was pressed, the entire research room Inside and outside, even the family hotel outside, all the alarms will go off.

Such an alarm means that there is an invasion by an external enemy. When the time comes, the security personnel inside or the external security personnel will be dispatched immediately, and even, in some cases, the external security personnel will also detonate those who are placed in this laboratory* , Completely ruined here.

But then, just when Akai was about to press the button, he was surprised to find that his fingers seemed to be frozen, and they couldn't move. Even his throat was squirming desperately, trying to use it. They shouted and notified the security personnel, but they couldn't make any sound.

"Hush!" Li Zedao, who stood up, placed his index finger beside his mouth and blew lightly, and then looked at Akai with a weird smile on his face and whispered, "Don't talk, it won't be good to quarrel with those people."

Then, he stretched his hand and patted Akai's shoulder a few times.

Akai's face was full of horror, his eyes rolled violently, his forehead was already full of cold sweat, he already knew that things might be worse than he thought.

At the same time, other researchers looked at the naked experiment subject coming down from the bed, and the expression on his face had already changed from amazement to amazement. It was not because the other party was not wearing clothes that he was walking around in front of them. , But because they all discovered that they couldn't move, and they could open their mouths, but they couldn't make any noise.

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