The Ultimate Student in the City

Chapter 1653: Dumbfounded Wade

Then, Elena’s expression was full of weird smiles. In the next second, a shocking scene appeared, and her facial features changed little by little. Then, the golden head Long hair is shortening at a speed visible to the naked eye. The plump breasts, the straight buttocks, the eve's *, the straight to the long legs, all quickly changed.

At this time, standing in front of Li Zedao was still Elena with a terrifying identity, this was clearly Akai! And it can be said to be Akai who has a mental illness.

At this time, Akai did not wear the glasses with thick lenses, so his eyes looked a bit small. What is exaggerated is that he was wearing a suit of clothes that he knew was a woman's clothes. Of course, this suit is right. It's too big for him, so it looks so funny, even hot eyes.

The kind of white shoes worn by girls are also worn on the feet. Of course, the shoes are small, so they are reluctantly worn.

Li Zedao watched, he was stunned for several seconds, and then he couldn't hold back the joy, mainly because this "old man" dress is too fresh and refined, even in a dj full of strange costumes, such a dress is enough It shocked the eyeballs of passers-by and became the absolute focus.

While in the car, Li Zedao actually asked Elena whether to take off the clothes of Akai who had become a corpse. Elena raised her noble head and shook her head decisively, saying that she is a noble vampire queen. Can you wear stinky men's clothes? Let alone a smelly old man!

Akai was so frightened by this series of experiences that he didn't know how much cold sweat came out, and he didn't know how long he hadn't washed the white coat, so it was indeed smelly.

Okay, this woman completely forgot. She bit on the old man's stinky neck so simply, soaking up people's flesh and blood completely, but she didn't dislike her at all.

Then he cast a wink at Li Zedao, and said shyly, dear, you are not a stinky man, you are so fragrant...

Seeing Li Zedao's uncontrollable look over there, "Akai" simply cast a wink at Li Zedao, grinned, and showed a mouthful of black and yellow teeth.

"Uh..." Li Zedao shivered, the smile on his face instantly solidified, his scalp was numb, it was really creepy, and he almost couldn't help but vomit. This "glaring eye" is really weird and lethal. Li Zedao couldn't stand it at all.

Seeing Li Zedao's reaction, Elena grinned and became playful, and continued to wink.

"Okay, it's almost dawn, it's important to quickly do business." Li Zedao said very hard. If this woman continued to wink with such a face, Li Zedao felt that he would definitely vomit.

Elena grinned, showing a grinning yellow tooth, but she didn't continue to make trouble. The expression was slightly condensed at the moment, his eyes narrowed slightly, and the aura on his body changed instantly.

Li Zedao looked at him, and had to admire the ability of this vampire queen to be a bit too defying, ignoring his weird outfit, her expression and the kind of breath exuding from her body and the Akai who had been in contact with him before. There is no difference.

Li Zedao secretly rejoiced in his heart. Fortunately, she was a vampire queen, not a vampire emperor or a prince. Otherwise, he would fall in love with her these days... but a big scar! This kind of thing done by the other party is much more serious than killing! Therefore, let alone cooperation, Li Zedao will definitely fight the other side to death and death!

At the moment, "Akai" wearing spicy-eyed clothes led the way, and Li Zedao, a security officer, followed behind him with his head low. Even Li Zedao put on sunglasses to cover his face a little.

The two passed through the backyard unimpeded and entered the hotel.

There are auras hidden in the dark, but these people see that it is Akai, so naturally they continue to hide, and there is no reaction...Even if Akai's dress is too spicy.

In this hotel, only three people can walk freely, one is Akai, the second is General Moore, and the last one is naturally Wade.

Of course, the latter two can not only walk around in this hotel, but also leave the hotel at any time, but Akai’s range of activities is limited to this hotel. If you want to go out, you must let General Moore know. Someone has to follow, and there is a time limit.

In doing so, the Skull and Crossbones organization does not mean to doubt Akai's loyalty. The main reason is that this important scientific researcher will be missed by other organizations.

Soon, "Akai" led Li Zedao through an antique corridor, and finally came to a room, vaguely, a strange voice came out, so don’t even think about it, but it’s happening right now. What kind of drama is going on.

"Akai" listened to the movement inside, then turned around and smiled ambiguously at Li Zedao.

Li Zedao simply got goosebumps, his stomach was even twisted and he wanted to vomit. For this woman's prank, he really had a headache but was helpless. As another woman, Li Zedao had already slapped her hips. , To show punishment.

But this woman, Li Zedao didn't dare to do it, at least not now.

"Oh, dear, looks very excited?" She licked her lips and said with her mouth.

Li Zedao wanted to say, I am excited about your sister, I almost cried after seeing you, OK?

"Akai" giggled. Of course, it was naturally terrifying that such a smile fell into Li Zedao's eyes. Then, she stretched out her hand, placed it on the traditional wooden door of the island country, and simply opened it. As if returning to his room, he strode in.

Li Zedao followed closely, entered the room filled with a strong hormonal smell, and closed the door easily.

At this time, there is indeed a live-action small movie with a passionate and unrestrained performance in this room. Of course, it is European and American style.

The woman's face was facing the door, so even if she was intoxicated, she must have seen the door opened and two people came in, but the expression on her face remained unchanged, but she was still busy Keep your own business.

There is only one person who can make her stop this movement, and that is the person under her body, Wade.

Of course, the unscrupulous humming and screaming sound was suppressed by her, and it was not so exaggerated.

After hearing the movement of the door being opened and someone walking in, Wade's brows, who had closed his eyes and looked extremely enjoyable, wrinkled slightly, and his eyes flashed with coldness.

He really did not expect that someone would open his door and come in without his permission, which made him extremely uncomfortable.

Of course, because there are many security personnel hiding there around the room, only General Moore and Akai can do it without any hindrance to come to the outside of the room and dare to open the door, so don’t even think about it. It must be one of the two of them who did this kind of **** thing, or even both.

Is this because he wants to make a fool of him? Want to sneak a photo? Or something important happened, so I want to come over and discuss with him?

Of course, regardless of whether it is General Moore or Akai, Wade is not going to be polite to them anymore. If he doesn't give himself a reasonable reason to break in without saying hello, and apologize, then he really Don't mind turning over with each other.

However, Wade didn't let the woman stop. He was a very open person and had absolute confidence in himself, so he didn't mind letting these two guys observe.

Therefore, he just lifted his head slightly, opened his eyes, and looked forward.

Then, his eyes widened suddenly, and his expression was full of surprise, as if he had seen something extremely incredible.

It was Akai who came in. This was naturally within Wade's expectation. Of course, there was a security guard behind Akai, but this security guard was simply ignored by Wade.

What Wade did not expect was that Akai appeared in front of him in such a costume with such spicy eyes. This made Wade really shocked, and he was dumbfounded at once, looking at Akai's eyes as if Looks like a freak.

Oh, God, is this **** old man a mental problem?

Then, seeing such a horrifying outfit, Wade was simply distracted. This distraction... Damn it.

"Mr. Akai, what are you?" Wade opened his eyes wide and asked with difficulty, already starting to swear at this **** old man in his heart.

Oh god, this old man has a history of mental illness? Is this sick?

"Oh, dear Mr. Wade, I'm so sorry to come here to disturb you so late, but because of a very important thing, I have to come and find you." "Akai" said apologetically.

"Important thing?" Wade nodded hard, and quickly moved his eyes away from the old man. When he looked down, he was really afraid that his eyes would be severely hurt.

"Oh, yes, a very important thing... Mr. Wade, do you think I'm so handsome in this outfit?" Akai asked with a serious face.

"Uh..." The muscles on Wade's face twitched wildly, and he was trampled by a large group of alpacas in his heart. He almost choked to death by the old man's words. There was really no way to continue.

I had to pat the woman's buttocks very depressedly and let her get up. The latter quickly got up, sat aside, and took the towel next to him, and put it on the thigh of Wade who had already sat up, and then again Pick up another scarf and simply cover her body.

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