The Ultimate Student in the City

Chapter 1655: Depressed General Moore

In addition, no one knows that she is a vampire. Fortunately, if her identity is leaked out, it will also cause an uproar, at least Director Yang and the group will not ignore it.

Even Li Zedao and the others felt it was a threat, let alone a vampire like Elena.

"But my dear, you really don't want to? I'm still a virgin." Elena blinked at Li Zedao, "If you don't want to, I might become very irritable."

"...I don't think it will work?" Li Zedao looked aggrieved and cried. This woman is really bullying, this kind of thing should be what you want, isn't it? How can it be forced? Of course, it seems acceptable to be forced, but she is a vampire, will she be sucked dry?

General Moore’s room is at the other end of the corridor, quite far away from Wade’s room. In addition, Li Zedao and Elena didn’t make any big noise at all, and they straightforwardly wiped out Wade and the woman, and They were not given any chance to sound the alarm, so General Moore naturally did not know that Wade was dead.

At this time, General Moore had not fallen asleep, and of course he hadn't studied the anatomy of the human body with women like Wade... He finished the research an hour ago and sent the gentle woman away.

General Moore was suspicious and cautious, so cautious that he would be killed by a woman in his sleep, so he always slept by himself.

At the moment, General Moore was sitting there quietly. At the same time, he was holding a handful of island nation* in his left hand, and a white cloth in his right hand, gently wiping the blade that shone with cold light.

General Moore likes the spirit of the island country warrior very much, so naturally, he likes the island country* that represents the spirit of the warrior very much, so in the past few years in the island country, he has collected a lot of*, and the one he has on hand is undoubtedly The most precious of all his collections.

In the island country, *according to the cutting force, it is classified into four levels: the highest industry, the major industry, the good industry, and the industry. The one in the hands of General Moore belongs to the highest industry. It is naturally a rare treasure. It is said to be an island country. It’s not an exaggeration to be a national treasure. If it were in the past, it would naturally be the treasure of the town which belongs to a large school.

In addition, General Moore is also proficient in a set of knives belonging to an ancient school of the island nation.

At this moment, General Moore's brows frowned slightly, and he looked back at the door with sharp eyes.

He already felt it, two auras appeared outside the door, and one of the footsteps was very familiar to him, it was Akai.

It's just that he was extremely puzzled that it was already so late and what the old man wanted to do with himself. Although the two have lived together in this family hotel for several years, they usually perform their duties without much communication, but the old man is here now so late, so General Moore can't help but wonder.

"Bang! Bang!" A soft knock on the door sounded.

"Come in." General Moore gently put the * in his hand back on the knife holder, then stood up.

Since Akai chose to come and find himself at this time, there was naturally something wrong, so General Moore didn't dare to neglect it. It would be bad if he delayed the organization.

The door was opened, and then two figures walked in one after another.

Then, General Moore's eyes widened suddenly, and the corners of his mouth twitched uncontrollably.

"Oh, good evening, General Moore." Akai greeted.

"Good evening, Mr. Akai." General Moore reacted from shock and quickly responded. He knew that this old man would occasionally be mentally abnormal and abnormal, such as torturing and killing corpses, sleeping with corpses, or even cannibalism, but he didn't expect his spirit to be abnormal to this point.

It doesn't matter if you abuse others, why do you abuse yourself like this?

Oh, God, doesn't he think he is so perverted in such a costume? Or is this the most mainstream dress now? Oh, God, the island country is really a magical country, and dj is really a magical city.

Having been in the island country for so many years, General Moore naturally knows that the djs in the island country have always been leading the trend of the whole world, and the hotter the eyes, the more popular they are.

"General Moore, I'm sorry to bother you by coming here so late." Akai said apologetically.

"Oh, it's okay, Mr. Akai." General Moore said quickly, "I know you must have something important to discuss with me, right?"

"Oh, yes, General Moore." Akai nodded and said, "That's it. I went to see Mr. Wade just now. I asked him if I was very handsome in this outfit? Mr. Wade was very angry. , Even tried to attack me, but I was killed by someone."

"..." General Moore's expression changed all of a sudden, weird, this **** neuropathy, did he know what he was talking about?

"Oh, Mr. Akai, it's not funny." General Moore frowned.

"Dear General Moore, I'm not kidding, Mr. Wade has really been killed by me." Akai grinned and showed a big yellow tooth. With this outfit, the whole person looks even more impressive. Can't bear to look straight.

General Moore's brow furrowed even more. Of course he didn't believe what Akai said. After all, who is Wade? Let alone one Akai, there are a hundred, even a sneak attack. Don’t even think about causing any harm to Wade, let alone killing him. Therefore, he thinks this old man has committed some kind of disease. Have hallucinations?

At the moment, he was not taking care of the lunatic, but instead his eyes fell on the security personnel standing there, and he ordered: "Oh, damn, what are you still standing there for? Why don't you send Mr. Akai back to rest?"

The security personnel were motionless, still bowing their heads, as if they hadn't heard what he said.

As a result, General Moore's brows frowned even more. You must know that although Akai can also order the security personnel here, after all, the supreme control is in his hands. In other words, all the security personnel here are ultimately required Follow your own orders, not Akai's orders.

But now, there was an accident. The security personnel directly ignored his existence. Coupled with Akai's such abnormal behavior, this made General Moore's heart inexplicably feel a little unpleasant.

"Dear General Moore, I told him to kill Mr. Wade. Why don't you believe it?" Akai shook his head with regret, then pointed to the security guard standing in front of him.

The expression of General Moore's expression was directly and completely gloomy: "Akai, do you really know what you are talking about now?"

Then, with a strong murderous look in his eyes, he glanced at the security guard, and it seemed that this **** guy had been completely bought by Akai.

Of course, he still remains skeptical about Akai’s statement. After all, this kind of thing is too unbelievable. With Wade’s skill and a woman with the same skill next to him, this security guard How could you kill him?

Even if there was a surprise attack, it was impossible for there to be no movement at all, and it was impossible for Wade to send out any distress signal.

"Oh, of course." Akai squinted and smiled. "Also, I wanted to tell you before I said a word. Oh, this is a famous sentence in China, I think you should have heard it... I bought a watch last year!"

In Room 711 of the Famous House Hotel, General Moore repeatedly promised that the Skull and Crossbones organization is creditworthy. They will fulfill their promises within three days at most. At that time, Elena wanted to tell him this. .

General Moore had indeed heard this, and he also knew what this Chinese phrase meant, so his face became even more ugly.

"Akai, do you want to betray the organization?" General Moore's voice already contained a strong smell. He hasn't been so angry for a long time, so even if this old man is extremely important to the organization, General Moore has already decided It's going to make him pay a price.

"Oh, I'm finished scolding him, and then you can do it... Oh, friendly reminder, this guy is too weak, so don't make your hands too heavy, don't kill him by accident." Akai didn't respond. He looked back at the security officer and said.

"Of course, I won't kill him, but I make him regret why he is still alive" the security guard said in a low voice.

General Moore's face was already ugly, even the Skull General didn't dare to ignore him like this, but this **** Akai and this **** security guard would be so arrogant!

So General Moore stretched out his hand, and he simply grabbed the precious* that was placed there to add, and squeezed it tightly with a cold murderous look in his eyes.

Akai can put it aside first, and slowly settle the accounts later, but this damned security guard must die now!

Then General Moore's body began to tremble with excitement. Whenever he was about to chop a person into several pieces, he was in this mood. After that, when he saw the **** corpse lying on the ground, there would be a kind of extreme *Pleasure.

This kind of feeling can't be realized from money, nor from power, nor from a woman... Only when facing these corpses that he personally dissected.

However, this kind of mood has not appeared for a long time, because General Moore is tired of killing people, so he usually restrains himself very well. This is why, ten days ago, he sneaked into the Qingyun Building, but in the end he only took Going to He Xiaoyang, there was no fundamental reason for the bloodbath there, and it was only a small part of the reason that he didn't want to make things big.

Now, this mood reappeared. He wanted to kill and chop the **** security personnel into several pieces, so he personally took the action, and did not issue an alarm to let the security personnel hidden in the dark come in.

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