The Ultimate Student in the City

Chapter 1658: make a choice

Elena's blood-red eyes stared at the General Skull and Crossbones on the screen for a long time, then moved away and fell on Li Zedao standing aside, her eyes full of blood, as if looking at a dead person. , No longer the ambiguity before, the whole body exudes an extremely cold, terrible, **** and decadent breath of death.

Li Ze Dao's heart tightened slightly, and his hand involuntarily clenched the * in his hand. He knew that this terrible woman should decide in her heart what to do now.

This is a well-chosen multiple-choice question, even if there is all doubt in the heart, no one wants to take such a risk.

Li Zedao knows that this woman can't say that she chooses to die because she likes you. At least half of her passionate liking is because it is exciting, fresh and fun. It is not pure liking, and it is far from loving.

Li Zedao knows this point better than anyone else.

To put it bluntly, the relationship between him and her is nothing more than that one person finds it fun and exciting, while the other person is half pushing and half pushing. With a super strong by his side, he reluctantly accepts it.

To put it more bluntly, two people are using each other and each takes what they need.

"Since this week, I have been very happy and relaxed. I thought I could live like this every day in the future, but I was wrong." Elena said word by word.

"You said, you like me." This is undoubtedly idiot and naive, but Li Zedao still said it. He just feels that it is a pity that he is a bit disappointed. If he can join forces with these two women, he will kill Skull Head Island by then. It's not a dream in the castle of skulls.

Li Zedao's hand involuntarily clenched the sharp * in his hand.

I dare not say that a knife is in the hands of the world, but in the face of such a perverted woman, after all, there is more protection.

"Oh, yes, I did say that, but I like myself more and sunshine more." Elena said, "I don't want to continue to fall asleep, and I don't want to wake up forever. "

"..." This somewhat hurt Li Zedao's heart.

Look, most men are actually so cheap. They don't really like a woman in their hearts, but they don't allow that woman to dislike and not consider herself...Of course, at this point, women are also the same.

"In addition, I also know very clearly that you didn't like me, and you were even guarding me. You just used me as a bargaining chip...when you are against the skull! Is that right?"

Li Zedao couldn't deny this. He didn't have the courage to be tempted by a vampire... his concubines couldn't do it.

"My original plan was to make you feel completely at ease with me over time and make you like me, but now, there is no chance." Elena said again, with a trace of regret in Senran's voice , "Of course, I will remember you and every day of these seven days."

Li Zedao smiled bitterly: "Thank you for your love."

Regarding Elena's words, Li Zedao did not deny that he did not like this woman. After all, her identity was there. She was a vampire, so Li Zedao did not have any suspicious thoughts at all, or that he did not dare.

Li Zedao didn't have any courage to fall in love with a vampire, and he couldn't guarantee that this woman would suddenly act on him one day and **** up his flesh and blood.

In addition, from the bottom of his heart, he did regard the other party as a bargaining chip. With such a terrifying woman, he naturally felt more confident in his heart when confronting the skull.

"Oh, if you really want to thank me, then take the initiative to bring your neck over and let me take a bite." Elena's tone is already gloomy, looking at Li Zedao is no different from seeing a dead person, since The nonsense is over, it's time to do it next.

In fact, Elena never likes to talk more nonsense. If you want to **** your blood, you can **** your blood. There is no room for discussion. However, being with Li Zedao these days has been affected to some extent. It can also be seen that this guy Li Zedao usually talks a lot of nonsense.

Li Zedao smiled bitterly again, and clenched his hand* firmly: "I don't want it anymore. It really hurts when you bite. I'm afraid of it."

"Then there is no way." Elena shook her head and said.

In the quiet room, a man and a woman are decisively opposed.

The man's heroic face was full of solemnity, his eyes were restrained, and the * in his hand flashed with dazzling silver light.

The girl’s skin is strangely pale, her eyes are blood-red, and she can’t see her eyeballs anymore, her mouth is slightly open, her two sharp fangs are shining with dim light, and her blood-red nails are four or five centimeters long It was extremely shocking, her blood-red tongue that was longer than ordinary people also stretched out, and she was gently licking her black lips.

"Dear Miss Elena, it seems that you have made your choice. I am very happy to get your friendship again. Then I will wait for your good news." General Skull and Crossbones said with a slight smile after taking a cigar.

"I won't let you down." Elena said coldly without even looking at the screen.

The General Skull smiled and said nothing.

Immediately after the screen went out, General Skull and Crossbones took the initiative to cut off the call. After all, the two were about to fight. With the terror and destructive power of these two people, let alone this screen, this room, or even this hotel, I'm afraid At least half of it must be taken apart.

Of course, although the general person in charge here is General Moore, there is actually a man named Rozier. This man is General Moore’s deputy. He is the chief security officer here. He usually hides in the dark. Show up less.

Before General Skull appeared on the screen, he had already connected to him, and asked him to evacuate the people inside and outside the hotel, so that there would be no unnecessary casualties. After all, this level of battle is not something that security personnel can participate in.

As for General Wade and Moore, General Skull and Crossbones can only express regret and distress. Even if he wants to rescue him, he does not have the ability. Wade has already been killed. As for General Moore, he can basically save him if he is like that. Not alive.

"I really can't do any resistance to let me take a bite?" Elena asked, letting the atmosphere of the killing alleviate a bit, "For what I like for you? For you taking away my first kiss. on?"

"...I'm really afraid of pain, so I'm sorry." Li Zedao smiled bitterly. This woman is really arrogant and arrogant, and her request is always so rude. Besides, kisses are mutual. When I kiss you, you are also kissing me...Although my kiss is not the first kiss, It's also very precious, OK?

"If you resist, it will hurt you even more," Elena said. "It will be more than just a tooth mark on the neck."

Li Zedao shrugged: "It's fine if you don't bite me?"

"If you don't bite you, I will die, you are willing to die? Oh, don't tell me the answer, I know you are willing, although I like you, but you don't like me." Elena said.

"Let's do it." Li Zedao smiled bitterly again. Women seem to be unreasonable. This vampire queen is ten times more unreasonable than unreasonable women!

"Give you a chance, you can do it first, so that I can completely let go of you, and then kill you." Elena said, "It is also a tribute to my love that has ended before it even started. ."

"..." Li Ze twitched his mouth. When is this, this woman is still playing sensationalism.

Since the other party said that he wanted to pay homage to love, Li Zedao certainly had to satisfy her, so he simply lifted the sharp * in his hand, talked to him for a week of love, and even showed his body to the woman who had seen it. Past.

Plain and plain, as if chopping wood.

There was nothing covering the sky and dark clouds rolling over the sun, the world of landslides and tsunami was eclipsed, and there was nothing broken or even splitting the entire Milky Way.

With this knife, he just slashed it gently and slowly, as if a little kid was playing with a plastic knife over the grass and trees.

Before General Moore also held this * and made a knife. Compared with the knife made by Li Zedao, it is more than a thousand times stronger in terms of speed and appreciation...

However, Elena's brows were picked up. Sure enough, this boy was a terrifying existence, so terrible that even her own dignified vampire queen could not be taken lightly, otherwise she would suffer a big loss.

At the same time, my heart felt sour even more. This man really didn't like him. Why would he put such a heavy hand?

Then, her terrifying hand stretched straight over, and slammed into the sharp blade.

Li Zedao's movements were slow, and Elena's speed was not fast, so the two of them didn't seem to be fighting a life-and-death fight, but more like watching flirting.

If an ordinary person saw someone using his hand to resist his blade, he would cut it down even harder, and then cut off the opponent's hand fiercely.

But Li Zedao didn't do that. The knife that used to split from the upper right and downwards suddenly changed to a horizontal split, and the speed became extremely fast, and it slashed directly at Elena's neck! Even if you are the queen of vampires and chop off your neck, you should not survive, right? You can't grow a head, right?

Elena's figure flashed, she already took a step backwards at the speed of rapid lightning, just to avoid the blade.

Then, the two continued to be confronted.

"You have a murderous heart." Elena looked at Li Ze with blood-red eyes.

Li Zedao could only smile bitterly: "I don't want to be bitten by you, let alone become an experimental subject of the skeleton organization."

"Now, I have put you down completely, and I can kill you." When Elena spoke, her figure had already moved. To put it more accurately, she had disappeared from the place. No one saw her trajectory, and no one could see her figure clearly.

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