At the moment, their eyes looked down through the gaps in the leaves, and a dark shadow could be seen slowly approaching from far to near.

They were a little wondering whether the two guys guarding in front were asleep, or else they didn't know how anyone had entered here. Of course they would not want to say that those two people have been killed.

So after the three gestured to each other, two of them jumped off the big tree where they were hiding.

But at this moment, the security personnel who did not jump down saw a scene that made his scalp numb.

I saw that his two accomplices had not had time to land, their necks fell into the hands of the person who came by, and then "click!" The sound of broken bones that made the scalp numb.

"He... how did he... do it? Who is he? Or... he is a ghost?" The man's scalp was numb, his mind roared, and his heart was so shocked that he couldn't believe what he saw. One scene.

You know, when his two partners jumped down, that guy was still at least thirty meters away from the big tree they hid.

However, before the feet of his two partners had time to land, he appeared under the tree in an instant, and even stretched out both hands, and then accurately "catch" the necks of the two. , And the method was so fierce that they chopped off the necks of both of them!

After being horrified, the man decisively pressed the siren he carried, but it was still the highest level!

Just when he pressed the button on the siren, the man's heart violently twitched, and the whole body was creepy. The feeling was like a pair of extremely scary eyes staring at you in the dark. Similar.

After that, his mind set off a big wave that was ten thousand times stronger than before, and his breathing even stopped, his eyes were round as if they were about to roll down from his eye sockets.

Because he clearly saw that the guy who he suspected to be a "ghost" who was standing under the tree a few seconds ago did not know when he quietly appeared in front of him. The pair did not contain any human beings. Emotional blood-red eyes were staring at him.

The man's face was pale, his expression changed from amazed to blank, his eyes did not seem to have the focus, he only felt that he was about to collapse.

He subconsciously thinks he should react, such as jumping off a tree to escape for his life, or whether he is a human or a ghost, he will do it first.

However, the cold, decayed, bloody, and terrifying breath of death exuding from the opponent made him unable to summon any courage to make any kind of action, and he did not even have the courage to move a little bit. Would die miserably.

Then, the man saw the hand of the "ghost" close at hand stretched out towards him, and he watched the other side's cold unusual hand pinch his neck, and then the cold hand pinched more and more. Tighter.

The man's face was already full of cold sweat, and his throat was squirming desperately, trying to say something.

But he didn't make any sound or any unnecessary actions. To be more precise, when he muster the courage and want to fight to death, he has no chance.

"Kacha!" Li Zedao's hand was slightly hardened, and then the head of the man who was too scared to move was pulled down and lost his life.

Li Zedao didn't immediately throw the corpse down from the tree, and at the same time, the blood-red eyes without focus looked down.

In less than a minute, ten or so security personnel with guns and live ammunition have appeared under the big tree quickly and swiftly, and beams of strong light are shining around, making this area instantly brighter, unlike before. Almost he has to reach out his fingers.

Soon, the eyes of these ten or so security personnel fell under the tree, and after the two dead bodies, their expressions changed.

Sure enough, someone really broke into here and killed someone, which made them feel ridiculous and incredible.

After the leading man made a few gestures, these people became vigilant, and there were people on all sides and above, watching the movement with vigilance.

As for the leading man and the other man, they squatted down to check the two corpses briefly, and then glanced at each other, and they could see the solemn or even nervous face of the other.

They know the skills of these two deceased better than anyone else. Putting such skills into the army is definitely a king-level existence, but with these two people, their necks were stiffened with heavy hands in an instant. The pinch off, although the alarm was successfully raised, but there was no shouting... at least they didn't hear it.

And judging from the already bruised pinch marks on their necks, it is easy to see that their necks were pinched off by their left and right hands respectively, that is to say, they were pinched off by their left and right hands almost instantly The necks of these two people... So, it was an extremely terrible guy who broke their neck!

"Attention, that **** guy is very strong!" After briefly inspecting the corpse, the leading man said in a low voice, cold sweat even broke out on his forehead, as if he was facing an enemy.

How terrifying is this kind of person who can pinch their necks at the same time, the leading man is very clear in his heart, because he has only faced such a terrifying person some time ago.

That is the latest genetic superman developed by the organization. Let them play against the genetic superman to test the true strength of the genetic superman.

During the battle, almost breathing, he somehow discovered that his neck had fallen into the hands of the genetic superman.

When the others heard the words, they were even more vigilant about the surrounding movement. For a while, they were in an extremely strange and silent state, and almost everyone had cold sweat on their foreheads and palms.

At this moment, there was a little movement on the big tree in front of them, and they clearly saw a dark shadow falling from it.

"Oh, everyone, pay attention, the enemy has appeared..." The man inside growled.

"Bang! Bang!..."

These already tense security personnel didn't care whether the shadow was a human or a ghost. They shot first, and the shots were loud for a while, scaring countless birds in the forest that had fallen asleep.

"Bang!" The black shadow that had been baptized by dozens of bullets finally fell heavily to the ground, already motionless, and a strong smell of blood filled the air all at once.

At the same time, a few strong lights suddenly shone on the black shadow that fell from above, and at the same time it shone on his face.

"Oh, **** it, it's Hill." Someone exclaimed.

They recognized it all at once. There were several **** single holes on this body, and that pale face was full of unfading horror. The guy who had died so hard to die was one of them! And they clearly saw that there was also a bruised black mark on his neck! Like the two security personnel lying on the ground, his neck was severely chopped off!

So, he was strangled to death and then thrown down from the tree? So, the enemy is hiding in the tree?

For a moment, all of these security personnel looked up at the tree nervously, and at the same time, beams of bright light struck up, but they were all ghosts and could not be seen.

"Pay attention to all, shoot immediately after you find it, and kill it!" The leader said in a low voice, planning to swallow. Although the enemy hiding in the dark did not show up, the kind of psychological pressure they brought was tremendous. The leading man felt a little thirsty.

But before he had time to swallow a mouthful of water, drastic changes occurred around him.

A bloodstain appeared on the throat of the dozen or so security personnel standing around him almost at the same time, as if the doctor cut a knife there when the patient was operating, the blood was slowly overflowing, and then Soon, the cracks became larger, blood began to spray, and the dead branches and rotten leaves on the ground were already dyed red.

"Bang..." A series of muffled noises, one by one of the ten security personnel, fell straight back, and finally lay on the dead branches, their bodies violently pulled down. There was no sound, but their eyes opened wide, and the look of fear in their eyes did not disappear.

When the leader saw this, his eyes widened instantly, and a thick layer of sweat appeared on his face. The look in his eyes was as if he had seen a ghost, with a strong fear in it, and the one holding a pistol His hands trembled violently.

In the next second, a stiff and twisted face that seemed to be enveloped by the **** breath of death appeared out of nowhere, and suddenly appeared in front of the leader man.

When the lead man saw it, his pupils shrank sharply, and his face turned green all of a sudden, and his body slowly collapsed to the ground. After a few violent strokes, he immediately lost his movement completely, his eyes widened, and there was a future inside. The fading horror... He was simply frightened and frightened to death!

"Nick, how's the situation going?" The lead man made a faint voice in his ears.

When the earplugs are not plugged into the ears, the sound is extremely subtle and difficult to hear, let alone plugged into the ears of the leading man at this time, and it is even more difficult to hear, but Li Zedao's ears are extremely sensitive, plus There was already a strange dead silence around him, so he heard it very clearly.

Right now, his blood-red gaze glanced at the headset, and his stiff hand stretched out and took off the headset. His voice was hoarse and cold, without any human emotions: "You all have to die!"

"You're not Nick? Who are you?" After a while of silence, a cold and solemn voice came.

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