The Ultimate Student in the City

Chapter 1682: My name is Zhou Yan

However, under the light of the gentle eyes, his eyes were so bright and deep, as if they were full of wisdom.

Moreover, the body suffered such hardship, his bright eyes didn't show any pain or anything, but so peaceful, only occasionally, there would be a trace of palpitating hatred, but such eyes. , No one saw it.

A youthful and beautiful figure appeared in front of the man who looked so terrifying, sat down, glanced at that terrifying profile, smiled, then turned his eyes back and looked at the blue sky and white clouds, and said softly : "You look much better."

This is a beautiful girl named Hojo Keiko. When her big eyes fell on the horrible face close at hand, she didn't have the slightest fear, let alone sympathy... This is a very kind hearted person. A very careful girl, even if she sympathizes with this person in her heart, she will not show the slightest.

Hojo Keiko didn’t know the origin of the man at all. She naturally didn’t know his name, but Keiko Hojo guessed that he should be one of the victims of the terrible earthquake and subsequent tsunami, right?

On the second day of the earthquake, Keiko Hojo and her father discovered this man lying on the beach. At the time they thought it was a tsunami that swept the DJ into the sea, and then floated to this small island. His body, but unexpectedly, he still has a weak heartbeat!

It's just that he was so badly injured that his face can no longer be called a face, his limbs are broken, his body has dense scars, some have seen white bones, and the blood has flowed. It was dry, and the wound was bleeding.

As an ordinary person, he would have died a long time ago, but he still has a heartbeat, which is a miracle.

At that time, Keiko Hojo and his father hurriedly greeted a few residents. Together, they carefully moved the horrible body onto a stretcher, and then sent it to Dr. Qian. Let him first check if there is any rescue. The doctor said there was no help, so there was no need to take him off the island to find a hospital for treatment.

Doctor Qian is the only doctor on this small island. He is a Chinese native. He usually lives on a boat. Usually, the residents of the island will go to him if they have headaches, brain fever or bruises. At this time, Doctor Qian will help. You can get a few needles or massage for you, and you can relieve the pain in one go, and the fee is a symbolic charge, which is much cheaper than those outside clinics, let alone a hospital.

Therefore, in the eyes of these residents, Doctor Qian is much better than the doctors in the big hospitals.

When the residents carried him to the hut where Dr. Qian lived, Dr. Qian took a breath when he saw it. His expression was unprecedentedly solemn. Obviously, he also thought that the man’s injuries were too serious, even though he was still Hanging in a breath, but not alive.

But soon, he exclaimed "Huh!", and the whole person stood up all of a sudden, with a weird expression and he didn't know what he was thinking.

Afterwards, Dr. Qian took a large bottle of wound medicine, and smeared all the wounds on his body like he was painting the wall with paint, and did not do anything to bandage him, then he got up and said to everyone , This person seems to be seriously injured, but his life is not in danger, so let him stay with me.

In the next ten days or so, Keiko Hojo, his father, and a few residents of the island all went to DJ as a volunteer for earthquake relief, helping DJ's people to tide over this crisis as soon as possible.

After returning to the island, Hojo Keiko came to Dr. Miao to visit the poor man who was rescued by her, her father and the residents.

At this time, the person who was rescued by her and his father was already awake. He looked so horrible as a whole. There was no half of a complete piece of skin and flesh from the top and bottom of his body, especially his face. It's like being bitten by a rat.

But his opened eyes looked so bright, not without the slightest pain and decadence, on the contrary, they were full of fearlessness, as if putting such hurt in the eyes at all.

After facing such a pair of eyes, Hojo Keiko's heart trembled inexplicably, and after that, she even noticed that these eyes showed a smile and gratitude to her.

From that day on, Keiko Hojo ran to Dr. Miao’s boat whenever he had time. Sometimes when Dr. Miao was helping him apply medicine or even feeding him, she would help.

She also accompanied him a lot. Of course, she was talking, and he was listening. Doctor Qian said that his throat was injured and he couldn't speak yet, but after a period of recovery, it was all right.

She told him about DJ's tragic situation after the earthquake and tsunami, and also said some interesting things that happened to her...

She doesn't know why she wants to be like this, maybe because she thinks he is too pitiful?

At the moment, the man's head was twisted very hard, his bright eyes glanced at the little girl's delicate side face, showing grateful eyes, his mouth was difficult to open, and his voice was hoarse, like the cry of a crow. : "Yes... much better."

Keiko Hojo was shocked, her head twisted, her big eyes facing each other's bright eyes, she already had an expression of surprise: "You... can you talk?"

"Reluctantly... OK," the man said. A faint smile appeared in his eyes.

Although that face can be said to be horrible, if he is asked to act in a zombie movie, he does not need makeup at all. He is the zombie with the most perfect costume, and his limbs are broken and completely turned into a useless person.

But even so, you can't find any negative emotions in his eyes at all. With such a cute girl, there is no slightest inferiority or shame.

His eyes were full of positive emotions.

Confident, sunny, powerful, and can even be said to be proud of the world, as if nothing can make his heart waver.

The feeling is that he is a handsome guy, not an ugly guy... at least he doesn't think he is ugly.

The smile on Keiko Hojo's face was even brighter, and she nodded gently: "That's good, it's good."

Then he continued to look up at the blue sky and said softly: "Then... can you tell Keiko your name?"

The smile in the man's eyes instantly solidified, and he immediately returned to the original state, and said hoarsely: "Of course...Yes, Zhou Yan, Huaxia."

"Hua Xia? You are... Hua Xia?" Hojo Keiko looked back, her eyes widened slightly, and she couldn't believe it. After all, although his voice was dry and hoarse when he spoke, he was talking about an extremely pure island. Mandarin, so... grew up in an island country since childhood? Chinese of island nationality? If so, it is understandable.

"Zhou Yan..." She said these two words quietly again.

"Zhou Yan." The man said hoarsely, with more smiles in his eyes, and said in his heart, "Actually, my name is Li Zedao."

" old are you?" Hojo Keiko asked again curiously.


"Hehe, three years older than me, I will call you Brother Zhou Yan from now on." Hojo Keiko said, Zhou Yan is smaller than she thought.

"Uh... or not. Actually, that cough, Zhou Yan is my nickname, and my real name is Li Zedao." There was a lot of embarrassment in this hoarse voice, "Call me Brother Zedao."

"Brother Zedao..." Hojo Keiko said with a sweet smile, without thinking too much.


Time passed like this, and ten days passed very quickly. At this time, forty days have passed since the great earthquake and tsunami that happened in DJ. At this time, the ruins of this once luxurious metropolis have been basically cleaned up. The post-disaster reconstruction, post-disaster compensation and treatment, as well as the resettlement of those affected by the disaster, are also proceeding in an orderly manner.

The damage caused by this major earthquake is undoubtedly extremely huge, and the blow to island countries and even the global economy is fatal.

In addition, a set of data has also been released, that is, so far the total number of victims and missing persons totaled nearly 30,000! This is undoubtedly a set of extremely terrifying numbers that make the scalp numb.

In the face of real disasters, human life is indeed extremely fragile.

There is no doubt that this great earthquake has also brought wounds that have not been healed for a long time to many people who experienced it personally and indirectly...both in the body or the heart.

In a luxury villa in Huaxia Phoenix City.

At this time, the spacious and bright hall was enveloped by a strong sadness, depression, or even despair, and it seemed so depressed, without the slightest anger.

Xiao Qiangwei's extremely haggard expression flicked across the faces of the same haggard women in front of him, and then said in a hoarse and weak voice, "I made you gather here because I want to say something."

After a moment of silence, Xiao Qiangwei continued: "It has been forty days, and there is still no news at all. Therefore, we have to face the reality that he is like the more than 10,000 people who have completely lost track of him. He... I can't come back either."

As he said, his voice choked up, and his heartache was almost impossible to breathe. But no tears shed, her eyes had been crying dry for more than ten days.

Losing her son again undoubtedly made Xiao Qiangwei's heart desperate to the extreme.

The girls either looked sad or sad, or simply looked stiff and motionless, just like a sculpture, without any emotional fluctuations, it was obvious that her heart was dead.

This is a fact, even if they are unwilling to touch or believe, but the fact is the fact, and it will not change in any way because of your resistance and unwillingness.

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