The Ultimate Student in the City

Chapter 1688: Stand behind me

While in the experimental base, Li Zedao was first affected by the explosion of the maggot system at close range, and then the laboratory exploded violently, and he fell into a sea of ​​flames.

No matter how fast Li Zedao reacted, he was agile, and he was immediately swept in by the terrifying explosive power. His two legs were blown off on the spot and his body burned.

Immediately after that, the huge thousand-ton ceiling was smashed down. Fortunately, Li Zedao was not smashed into fleshy flesh. His body was slammed into the corner by the power of the explosion. So, when the ceiling fell, he dodged a bit, but was simply caught in the small gap and couldn't move.

Just when he felt that he was dying, he began to shake the mountain, and then his head was severely smashed by a stone, and he immediately lost consciousness.

After that, when he was awake again, he was already on this small island.

Li Zedao certainly didn’t know what happened after he passed out, but what can be guessed is that because of the big earthquake, he was simply pushed out of the big pit. After the sea water poured in, he was washed away by the sea. Then God didn't want to see him die like this, he was sent to this small island by the sea.

He was rescued by these kind-hearted residents on the island. He also encountered a grumpy but undoubtedly not young Doctor Qian who took care of him, and met this lovely girl Keiko.

After waking up to learn that DJ had a major earthquake, Li Zedao was completely confused, and immediately became anxious. He was very worried about He Xiaoyue's safety.

After that, his gaze fell on the TV screen inadvertently. The TV showed some conditions in the disaster area. Then, he actually saw He Xiaoyue’s pale face that seemed to be getting older overnight. The Qingyun Mansion that had already leaned behind her, saw his mother Xiao Qiangwei, and Sister Ren Bing'er and the others... saw their haggard and painful little faces.

Seeing that although He Xiaoyue was haggard, tired and old, but nothing serious happened, Li Zedao was relieved, but did not contact them immediately, but on this small island, in the cabin of Doctor Qian, quietly raising hurt.

Li Zedao wanted to understand some things, so he knew very clearly that it was not the time to contact them. Once contacted, there might be some annoyance, so he could only be cruel to make them suffer such pain.

And now, these three scumbags actually survived the earthquake, which made Li Zedao very dissatisfied. Shouldn't this kind of scum die in the earthquake? I have to say that God doesn't have eyesight sometimes.

Seeing this **** actually said such words, the expressions of Goro Honda, Nobita and Sonoko instantly stiffened, and they almost choked to death by this guy's words.

Hojo Keiko, who was standing with Li Zedao's skill, was also stunned. It turned out that Brother Zedao was so bad when he hurt others.

"You're called Yuanzi, right? You dare to show it like this with your **** and calves like a carrot? Are you worried that others don't know that you are a man and mistakenly think you are a woman? Don't worry, others will never think You are a least the first time I saw you, I really didn't think you were a woman." Li Zedao stared at the woman mockingly.

Yuanzi's eyes widened suddenly, and he couldn't believe what he had heard. This poor poor fellow humiliated himself like this? Say she has small breasts? Say your legs are carrot legs and say that when people see her, they will not think she is a girl but will think she is a man?

Baga, does this **** know what he is talking about? Does he even want to sit in a wheelchair?

Honda Goro and Nobita were dumbfounded once again. The reason they dare to humiliate Hojo Keiko so unscrupulously is because the one next to Hojo Keiko is just such a **** that they don’t care about at all, but now, that **** He actually spoke, even...he actually told the truth?

This is too much, it is too much!

Keiko Hojo stunned again, and then even more anxiously. If the three people are irritated, what should they do if they become irritated?

"Baga, bitch, what do you look at? I'm wrong? Don't tell you I'm not a man!" Li Zedao said coldly, "Even if you take off your pants and I check, I will be determined. I think you must have **** reassignment surgery, you are a pervert!"

"Baga..." The muscles on Yuanzi's face twitched wildly, and he felt that his body had simply turned into a volcanic crater, and something was about to spurt out frantically at any time.

"And you, skinny like a telecom pole, and dressed like a pseudonym. Don't tell me you are a man. Even if you take off your pants and I checked it, I will firmly believe that you are affirmative. You have to undergo a **** reassignment surgery to become a man, you are a pervert!"

Li Zedao's muzzle was aimed at Honda Goro and Nobita, and he shot over: "And you, I really doubt whether your dad got a sow or your mother got a boar, otherwise how could you give birth to you? Such a disgusting thing is all greasy stuff! Even if you look like this, you still want to pursue our family Keiko? Saying that you are a toad is an insult to the toad! If I were your father, I would shoot you directly on the wall in the first place. It's embarrassing to come out now!"

Our family Keiko... Hojo Keiko listened, her face blushed inexplicably, and her heart was slightly angry. What did Brother Zedao say nonsense? However, he is an older brother, so it seems to be correct.

Honda Goro and Nobita's bodies are also shaking. It's too much, it's too much. They really have never encountered a guy who is too bad.

Family reasons, so they have always received all kinds of flattery, but now this guy dares to humiliate their appearance like this... What’s more insulting is that the one who humiliates them is still sitting on a wheel chair motionless than them. See also shameful waste!

It feels like being scolded by a pile of shit, you are just a pile of shit! This is unbearable!

"However, the three of you are very good match, two perverts and a pig, perfect match, um, I wish you happiness." Li Zedao said again.

"..." The three only felt that they had been severely insulted again. The three of them often play together because of family reasons, but in fact they hate each other very much. Yuanzi doesn’t like the IQs of these two fools, and these two fools don’t like the IQ of the two idiots, and the two idiots don’t like Yuanzi's... they have smaller **** With the carrot legs, what made them unable to bear was her kind of narcissism. The one who was so ugly that she always thought she looked good and thought she was the school girl.

So, now what Li said like this, they really have a feeling of being insulted to the death. This is an insult to their personality, and even more to their taste!

Keiko Hojo on the side also looked at this "mummy" dumbfoundedly. She really didn't expect that Brother Zedao's speech could be so sharp, and it hurt people without mercy.

After being dumbfounded, she was even more anxious. With her understanding of these three people, Brother Ze Dao disgusted them so much that they couldn't let him go.

"Baga, it seems that you really don't even want to sit in a wheelchair, and you don't even want to say anything in the future." Honda Goro growled in a gloomy tone, already took off the drawing board he was carrying, and then slightly. He twisted his neck, his face was full of fierce expressions.

Nobita clenched his chubby hands into fists, and similarly, his face was full of fierceness, looking at Li Zedao as if looking at a dead person.

As for the garden, her face was ugly, but she didn’t do anything. After all, it’s not her turn to do this kind of thing. Of course, after he was beaten into a dead dog for a while, she actually didn’t mind. Two feet slammed on his annoying mouth.

"What do you want to do? I... called for help..." Hojo Keiko hurriedly stopped Li this way behind her again when he saw this, looking at Honda Goro and Nobita who were about to do it with a flustered but vigilant expression.

"Tsk tusk, our Miss Keiko is so protective of this rubbish, wouldn't she like this rubbish? Miss Keiko's taste is really different." Yuanzi said with a sneer.

As a result, the faces of Goro Honda and Nobita became gloomy again. If it was exactly what Yuanzi said, then Keiko Hojo's behavior would simply insult them to death.

In the eyes of this bitch, they are not as good as this one who has lost half their lives and can't take care of themselves. What is this not an insult to death?

"Don't talk nonsense, he is my good friend and my elder brother." Keiko Hojo said with a flushed face, "If you have anything to do with me, please don't hurt my brother."

"Keiko, get out of the way, otherwise, don't blame me and be rude to you." Honda Goro said coldly. Of course, he had long wanted to be rude to this lovely girl, but he had never found a good opportunity.

"Keiko, it's okay, stand behind me." Before Keiko Hojo could say anything, Li Zedao's gentle and undoubted voice came from behind.

"Brother Zedao..." Hojo Keiko stunned, turned her head, panicked, aggrieved and helpless eyes looking at each other's eyes with a faint smile.

"Stand behind me, be obedient." Li Zedao said again, seeing this girl stop herself behind her like this, and was a little touched, plus, she saved her life. Such a great favor is really not a promise. It can't be reported...Li Zedao quickly cut off his idea of ​​such a bastard.

Immediately, his eyes were full of disdain, as if he was not facing two fierce and wicked chickens, but two thin chicks... At least, this was what he made Hojo Keiko feel.

"When fighting, the girl should hide behind the boy." Li Zedao said again.

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