The Ultimate Student in the City

Chapter 1692: Scary old man

Snapped! The old man simply slapped Shangen's face with blood, and there was a purple-red palm print on his face.

Suddenly receiving this slap, Yamane was stunned, and his brain was blank for a few seconds, not only because the old man's hands were too heavy, which made his head faint, but also because he didn't think about anything. I have said that people will be slapped in the ear...Of course, it is not that I have not been slapped, but that has been a long time ago. With his current status, who dares to slap him? But now, they are being pumped by old men who have stepped into the coffin...

After the ignorance, Shangen felt that he should have reacted a little bit, at least let the old man know that his behavior was playing with fire, it was very dangerous, and it had to pay a painful price! Therefore, his eyes are already sharp.

His subordinates and Yuanzi, Nobita and Honda Goro, saw that Yamane actually slapped the old man, and once again stunned. Especially Yuanzi, Honda Goro and Nobita, they didn’t know what words to use to describe themselves at this moment. In the mood.

It's not like this, the plot shouldn't be like this, is it?

As a call for help from the garden went out, Yamane from Tengwu Society brought people over with murderously. These people are professional gangsters who are super thugs who lick blood on the knife and take people's money to eliminate disasters. They even There are guns, but... why did it become like this?

That terrible mummy didn’t even take action, but Shangen was slapped with a gun against his forehead by the old man who was afraid that the sea breeze could blow it away...

Even this old man is so awesome, how can they take revenge? How can they get the check back to get justice?

The three of them were so embarrassed that they almost cried when they were wronged.

As for Shangen's subordinates, he didn't dare to move randomly. After all, the boss was staring at his forehead with a gun. This simply made them throw a rat-fighting weapon. What if the old man's gun went wrong? The more important reason is that the boss did not order them to go!

"Baga, Lao Tzu hates others not answering Lao Tzu's questions!" The old man curled his lips and said.

"Me too." Li Zedao on the side nodded in agreement. This old man is so annoying. He has asked so many times, but he always responds with "It's your shit!"

The old man glared at him, and was too lazy to respond. He continued to look at Yamane, and asked in a rough tone, "So, how many bullets?"

"Six!" Yamane popped out the number with a voice that even felt unfamiliar to him, and he had to answer, because if he didn't answer, he would be slapped again! But when he answered, he appeared to be so spineless. If this kind of thing spreads out, how will it be mixed in the island country in the future? Besides, there are still so many boys watching...

Therefore, his voice has changed! He is angry! He secretly vowed in his heart that he must unload this old man and throw it into the sea to feed the fish!


The old man simply slapped Shangen’s face again and drank: “Baga, since I know the answer, why didn’t I tell Lao Tzu when I asked you? It made me look like a silly fork. I asked him more, why? I think this question is too simple?"

Yamane clenched his fists, his bones rattled, his eyes stared fiercely at the old man, and he said in a sullen tone: "I tell you, you are insulting a samurai. Your behavior is much more serious than killing. You must Will be retaliated wildly by Teng Wushe."

"Teng Wushe? What is it?" The old man looked blank.

"..." The muscles on Yamane's face twitched. It turns out that ignorant people are the most terrifying!

"But, you were a threat just now?" The old man smiled, but his smile was so gloomy, giving people a nervous feeling.

An unpleasant feeling was already in Yamane’s heart, but he still bit the bullet and said: "This is a warning! You'd better put down your pistol and don't make any resistance, otherwise it will not be just you. To be unlucky, all the residents on this island will also suffer crazy revenge from our Tengwu Society..."

"Slap!" The old man simply slapped Shangen's face again, and slammed back his words that he hadn't had time to say.

"Slap!" Another slap!

At this time, Shangen was already unable to say a word, his face was full of blood, and his whole person was in a state of complete bewilderment.

"Bang!" The old man kicked over, kicked directly on Shangen's stomach, and simply kicked him away.

While Shangen's body was still floating in the air, the old man's figure flickered, and the whole person had jumped into the air and stood on top of Shangen's body.

This old man's movements are very casual, very chic, and very secluded, like a peerless master...If his clothes are not so sloppy, and his appearance is not below average.

It has to be said that if a person wants to be a peerless master, the means are one thing, and the compulsion is also very important. The higher the compulsion, the more popular.

Of course, even though this old man forced his rank down to a terrible level, the kind-hearted Li Zedao still applauded and shouted, he must give some encouragement, right?

Of course, because he was applauding alone, plus the sound was knocked out by two arms tightly wrapped in bandages, so his applause was abrupt and harsh.

When other people saw this scene, they were simply dumbfounded, their minds trembled, and they couldn't believe what they saw. It turns out that a person can be kicked so high like a football! It turns out that people can jump so high!

Is this really making a movie?

"Bang!" With a muffled sound, Shangen's body hit the beach heavily, and the sand flew around in an instant. In the end, there was an extra hole on the beach. Shangen was lying in the hole with his feet upright. As you can imagine, how heavy he fell this time, the bones on his body are probably almost broken.

At the same time, the old man's body floated to the ground, and his feet with a pair of black flip-flops still stepped on Shangen's belly.

Yamane snorted a few times, and his mouth opened almost uncontrollably, and then he vomited out with horrible blood.

"Are you a samurai? You say you are a samurai? Do you dare to say that you are a samurai in front of Lao Tzu as a jerk? Even you are a fool who is worthy of Lao Tzu to insult you?" Passed directly with a kick and stomped on Shangen's arm.

"Kacha!" The sound of the bones that made the scalp numb broke, his right arm was simply trampled broken by the old man.

"Besides, even thinking about revenge? Do you think Lao Tzu will give you this opportunity?" The old man stepped on Shangen's right knee again.

"Crack!" There was another scalp tingling bone cracking sound, and his knee bone was simply crushed by the old man's foot.

"Ah..." Shangen let out a scream, his face was sweaty, twisted and gray, and his whole person seemed to be half-life.

The old man didn't continue to attack Shangen, letting him twist and howl on the beach, then raised his head, his cold eyes swept over.

"Wow..." The two dozen black-clothed men who were surrounded there all looked horrified and trembling backwards, and they couldn't even hold the machete steel rod or pistol in their hands, and simply fell to the ground.

It's not that they have never seen blood, or that they have never hurt each other with other gangs, and even some of them have killed people! But the old man is so cruel and cruel, even weird methods, they really have never seen it before, plus the boss did not say let me kill him or something, so decisively lost the mind to resist .

Had it not been for the boss who was still wailing there, I'm afraid they would have escaped far away.

To put it bluntly, these people are bullying and fearing hardship in their bones. What they are best at doing is not to hack each other with other gangs on the street with a machete, but to bully and molest the unarmed and kind people. They simply turned into soft-footed shrimps. Even if they had a knife in their hands, they didn't have the courage to hold the knife and chop over. Even if they had a gun in their hands, they didn't have any courage to shoot.

As for Honda Goro, Sonoko, and Nobita, seeing the old man’s cold gaze on them, their performance was even more unbearable. They all sat on the ground with fright, their eyes full of horror, even Honda Goro and Nobita seemed to have made an appointment, and the crotch became hot, and he was scared to pee.

They really don't understand, isn't it just bullying a cute girl who is poor and has no status at home? Isn’t it just humiliating a waste who can’t even take care of himself? Isn't it just ignoring an old man who might have buried one foot in the coffin?

This is very common and ordinary, but why is there such a terrifying result?

"A bunch of rubbish!" The old man spit out disdainfully, but his hand was playing with the pistol that he hid from Shangen in his hand. Seeing his gun action, it is not difficult to see that this is a master gunner.

Then his gaze fell on Li Zedao and said, "Boy, what to do next is your business."

Li Zedao smiled slightly, then the hand wrapped in bandages lifted up and waved at the three instigators: "You three come here."

The three of them are trembling now, so how dare they come forward?

Li Zedao smiled sullenly and said: "But if you come, I am afraid that your fate will be the same as the guy who likes to pretend to be lying on the ground now, maybe even worse than him."

"..." The eyes of the three people subconsciously fell on the wailing Shangen who was standing in the pit, their bodies trembled violently, and then they climbed to Li Zedao one by one with their hands and feet at the fastest speed. in front of.

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