The Ultimate Student in the City

Chapter 1694: Dependence

"But, you actually know this name? Yang Guomin shouldn't take the initiative to mention this name, right?" The old man glanced at Li Zedao, and his voice and expression all returned to normal, as if he was talking about their relationship with nothing. Like a guy.

Li Zedao briefly explained what happened in the secret underground laboratory. Of course, Sumen cruelly killed Xiao Qingfeng and did not hide it.

Speaking of this matter, Li Zedao’s tone contained a sense of "*". The Sumen of fc has been included in the death list by him. Li Zedao felt that even if he did not want his life, he must He was completely abolished!

The old man smiled and nodded, but there was a sorrow in his voice: "It's not surprising that those guys who think they represent the country and absolute justice will do things. After all, fc is even the authority of the country. Provocative! In addition, Su Men’s kid is too narrow-minded, so it’s not surprising that Xiao Qingfeng you said was tortured to death. The blame is on yourself, being too confident in yourself."

Li Zedao smiled bitterly. He was really too confident in his own abilities. He thought he was a little stronger and FC had to compromise. Who would think, he thought too much.

"In addition, although you have the skill, but the method is too gentle to shock them." The old man shook his head.

Li Zedao cried and laughed again.

"It seems that someone knows the truth of the matter and wants to help me get a bit of justice. He also wants to use your hand to make fc pay a painful price. Of course, I don’t know who that person is. I don’t know who he was. Going too much, who knows which one?" The old man seemed a little embarrassed when he said this. In this case, there are still people willing to seek justice for him, which undoubtedly moved him a little.

"What happened ten years ago? Why did you assassinate the chief? Then how did you convince those people that you were dead and escaped their encirclement?" Li Zedao was very curious.

Qian Yugang glanced at Li Zedao: "It's your shit? Just deal with your own affairs."


"As for you asking me why I want to assassinate the chief... I still want to ask you, why treason? If you don't treason and obediently obey their mercy, fc still expects you to block guns. How could it be tricky to you?" The old man asked back.

"Do you think I am treason?" Li Zedao smiled, a bitterness in his voice, more hatred.

"I think it doesn't matter if you treason or treason. What's important is that they think you are treason...have the ability to rebel, and they have not been able to suppress you. This is indeed your fault, so you are now Such an end is not wrong at all." The old man shook his head and said, "From their perspective, any threat that they can't control must be strangled in the cradle as soon as possible."

Li Zedao looked up at the crescent moon in the sky, silent. He had understood the old man's words a long time ago, but when he heard it now, he was still a little moved.

"Boy, if possible, do me a favor." After a long time, Doctor Qian said again.

"What's busy?"

"Help take off the heavy hat on Lao Tzu's head." The old man pointed to his head, then stood up and walked towards the cabin.

"I will treat this as my own business." Li Zedao shouted as he looked at his figure hiding in the dark.

The old man paused in his footsteps and said without looking back: "Thank you...tonight you are allowed to study anthropology with Laozi."

"Go...Is it the collector's edition of Teacher Cang?"

"Go away! Teacher Cang belongs to Lao Tzu. If you dare to look at her body more, Lao Tzu will dug out your eyes... Teacher Ozawa can't see?"

"...Don't look, the chest is too small!"



Time flickered like a white horse, and with a flick of a finger, another month passed. During this month, Keiko Hojo would come over every two or three days, and then pushed Li Zedao away on the beach. As he walked, when Hojo Keiko was not here, Li Zedao stood alone in his wheelchair and stood on the beach watching the ebb and flow, sometimes for a whole day.

"Brother Zedao, I picked up a very beautiful and very strange stone." A slightly excited voice rang in Li Zedao's ears. The soft and pleasant voice mixed with the sound of the waves, making people feel slightly drunk when listening. .

Li Zedao's gaze fell on the slender hair in front of him, and then his gaze slowly moved up. The girl's chest is straight up, and her body is slender, quite attractive.

At this time, Keiko Hojo rolled up the treasury tube, stepped on the sea with her white feet, holding a picked stone high in her hand, and waved at Li Zedao with excitement and triumph.

Looking at Keiko's lovely cheeks, Li Zedao only felt that his heart was melted. He smiled and said, "Take me to see."

Keiko Hojo ran to the front, looking at Li Zedao triumphantly with a small face, and stretched out the little white hand in front of him. In her palm, there was a yellow transparent and smooth stone, which shone charmingly under the sunlight. You can even see clearly that there is a bee in this stone, a lifelike bee!

"It looks good? I don't know what kind of stone it is. There is a bee in it. It's so strange." Keiko Hojo said with a smile, as if the kid was showing off his newly bought toy to other children.

"It looks good." Li Zedao said with a smile, "If I'm not mistaken, this should be a piece of amber."

Amber is a kind of transparent biological fossil. It is the resin dripping of coniferous, leguminous, araucaria and other plants from 45 to 99 million years ago. It has been buried in the ground for thousands of years and petrified under the action of pressure and heat. Formed, and some small insects such as bees are encased inside, they are strange and unusual, so they are also called "rosin fossils".

"Amber?" Hojo Keiko stunned. She naturally heard the name, but she had never seen it before. At the moment, her big eyes looked curiously at the stone in her hand.

"It should be, and it belongs to the most precious kind of amber, commonly known as'Amber Tibetan Bee'. This kind of amber is best with clear insects, lifelike shapes, high quality, large individuals, and large numbers." Li Zedao smiled and explained. "Although there is a bee in this piece of amber, the texture is good, the insects are clear and lifelike, so it is very valuable for collection."

"Brother Zedao, why do you know so much?" Keiko Hojo nodded and exclaimed, her expression admiring. The longer I stayed with this brother, Hojo Keiko felt the mystery and power of this brother more and more, he seemed to know everything.

"Ahem... I just told you, I am a tyrant." Li Zedao said without embarrassment, being worshipped by such a cute little girl, his heart was naturally greatly satisfied.

"Let's put it away, it's very valuable for collection, it can be sold later, it must be worth a lot of money." Li Zedao said again.

Keiko Hojo nodded, and carefully put this lucky piece of amber into her pocket. Her family is not very good, and the tuition fee for painting is expensive, so if this amber can bring a lot of income to the family , Naturally is a very good thing.

"By the way, will you come back tomorrow? Remember to bring drawing tools when you come." Li Zedao looked at this cute little face and said.

Keiko Hojo stunned, "What does Brother Sawado want Keiko to paint?"

"Didn't you say it? After my injury is healed, you help me draw a portrait." Li Zedao said, "Now my injury is basically healed, and the bandage can be removed tonight."

Although he was still wrapped up like a mummy, and even the gauze on his body hadn't been changed for a month, it was black, but Li Zedao clearly felt that the scars that had been shocking on his body had basically disappeared.

His handsome face has returned to its original shape, his hair and eyebrows have grown out, and his hands and feet that were broken by the explosion have also grown out of their own accord, but because they were wrapped in bandages, so Not seeing this can be said to be extremely terrifying healing.

In addition, although the bandage has been wrapped in a bandage for more than a month, the bandage has also changed color, but Li Zedao's body does not stink, and there is still a not so unpleasant smell of Chinese herbal medicine. After all, there is a smear under the bandage. Thick layers of herbal paste.

"Really? That's great." Keiko Hojo was very happy for Li Zedao. "Then Keiko will come over tomorrow to help Brother Zedao draw a portrait. He will definitely draw you very handsome and handsome."

As he said, Keiko Hojo's heart was already depressed. Although Sawado said that his injury was healed, he must have left shocking scars on his face. Fortunately, he is a cheerful person, otherwise I am afraid that he will have a big temperament. Change?

Li Zedao smiled: "I will leave after you finish painting the portrait for me."

The cute smile on Hojo Keiko's face instantly solidified: "Brother Sawado... Are you leaving here?"

Unknowingly, my heart started to become empty bit by bit, my nose was also sour, and liquid in my eyes began to fill up.

Unconsciously, he has occupied a very important position in her heart.

At the beginning, it was because of my kindness and sympathy, so I approached. After that, I gradually felt his special and extraordinary, so I gradually fell in love with him and chatting with him while blowing the sea breeze. The feeling of being extremely relaxed without the slightest burden. After that, dependence gradually grew, especially when he was bullied by Honda Goro for more than a month. Li Zedao's shot made Keiko Hojo feel the kind of dependence in his heart. Intensify.

Of course, this dependence is not the kind of love between men and women, let alone love. It is the kind of dependence of a simple sister on her brother. In Hojo Keiko's heart, Li Zedao is already regarded as her brother... After all, Li Zedao Keiko Hojo said that he couldn't like him at all. Of course, it's okay to treat him as a real brother.

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