"Brother Zedao..." Keiko Hojo swept his gaze, and then abruptly swallowed the name that he was about to call out subconsciously.

Because it was not Brother Ze Dao that came out, but a young man, a young man with a slender figure and a star-like vision in the sky.

His hair is dark and thick, and a little messy, but it is a straightforward personality. His face is sharp and angular, features three-dimensional, and a pair of clear eyes, half-concealed by the scattered bangs, appear deep and mysterious. His The corners of his mouth were slightly raised, with a somewhat lazy temperament.

There is no doubt that this is a beautiful man!

"Zawa... Brother Sawado?" Keiko Hojo swallowed hard, his face dull. This face is of course unfamiliar to her, but those eyes that are as deep as stars in the sky will never be forgotten by her forever, so... is he brother Zedao?

But how is this possible? Although Dr. Qian’s medical skills are very good, his brother Zedao’s face is ruined, even his hands and feet are broken... Even if Dr. Qian can help him repair his appearance in such a short time, how is it? Maybe let him grow hands and feet again?

Therefore, he is not Brother Ze Dao, but those eyes that seem to be talking belong to Brother Ze Dao. Keiko felt that she couldn't be mistaken... The girl's head was simply circled.

"Why, don't you recognize me?" The young man walked up to the front, smiled and looked at the sluggish-faced girl in front of him, and said softly, "I told you I'm handsome before, do you believe it now?"

Li Zedao judged that this girl was dumbfounded because she saw a handsome guy!

"Zawa...Brother Zedao? Is it really...you?" Hojo Keiko almost jumped out of her eyes and fell on the deck when she heard such a familiar voice.

This sunny and handsome long-legged Obama turned out to be Brother Ze Dao who was badly injured, his face was ruined and his hands and feet were broken.

"Impossible, I...I must be so hopeful that Brother Sawado will get better soon, so I am dreaming." Hojo Keiko muttered to herself very hard, pinched her thigh, grinning with pain. Tooth, I was convinced that this was not in my dream, but real.

"You kid, why do you pinch yourself like this?" Li Zedao stretched out a funny hand and touched the cute girl's head. Such a cute Keiko is undoubtedly cute and makes people have an urge to protect her fiercely.

"Ah, Keiko feels like she is dreaming, so..." Looking at those familiar eyes and feeling the temperature in the palm of the opponent's hand, Hojo Keiko's big eyes were full of embarrassment, and she whispered.

For her, the impact this incident brought to her was far greater than the visual impact. After all, this kind of thing could not even be imagined.

"However, Brother Sawado is really handsome." Keiko Hojo looked at this handsome sunny face and said sincerely.

"That is, I am a fanatic at school, Keiko, let me tell you, which class I go to, every class will be full, the back of the classroom is full of people, and all the girls who go to the class are not Half a boy, so later the school simply asked me to discuss, otherwise you don't go to class." Li Zedao looked at me with a helpless expression, too handsome, it is not my fault.

Keiko Hojo pursed her lips and nodded. She believed in what Brother Sawado said. Moreover, from her point of view, Brother Sawado did have this ability. If he went to the art school where she went to study art, he would definitely be very good. Liked by girls.

"Ahem...You kid will die if you don't brag!" Doctor Qian can't listen anymore. Why do kids now like to pretend to be bragging? Don't you understand that low-key is king? I think when Lao Tzu was in Yanjing, how many ladies and ladies recommended themselves pillow seats to Lao Tzu every day. Has Lao Tzu ever said such things? No! So low-key, low-key is king... The old man feels sour in his heart inexplicably.

At the moment, the old man glared at Li Zedao disdainfully, and smiled kindly at Keiko Hojo, then turned around and returned to the cabin, giving up the deck to the young couple. He knew that he would not be bored if he stayed, but He would be ignored, so why not go back to the cabin to let Teacher Cang comfort his already injured heart.

"All ready? Then start painting." Li Zedao looked at this cute little face and said. He has already packed up and is ready. When Keiko finishes painting this portrait for him, the old man will sail him off the island.

Keiko Hojo bit her lower lip lightly, nodded and said, "Brother Zedao, you stand there with your back to the sea and your face to me..."

Li Zedao walked over according to Hojo Keiko's request and made a move: "So?"

"Well, smile... the corners of the mouth are up... well, that's it... Brother Zedao don't move, Keiko is about to start painting..."

"Brother Zedao is really handsome." She looked at the face bathed in the sun and thought in her heart.

Hojo Keiko still has a certain talent in painting, plus she is always hardworking, and the basic skills are very solid, so in less than an hour and a half, a portrait sketch was freshly released, and Hojo Keiko also wrote as Li Zedao asked. Got his own name.

"Brother Zedao, what do you think?" Hojo Keiko looked at Li Zedao.

"I think...Is this painting really me? Why is it more handsome than me?" Li Ze pointed to his face.

"Ah? Brother Zedao, you really hate it." Huizi pursed her lips and smiled, her reddish face looked a little sacred under the sunlight.

At the moment, Li Zedao carefully rolled up the portrait, and then looked at Keiko and said, "Thank you, Keiko, thank you for saving my life and for taking care of me these days, and thank you for this painting... when will you wait? I'm famous, I will sell it."

"Brother Zedao, you really hate it." Huizi's eyes flushed slightly. Of course she knew that Li Zedao was joking with herself, but she felt unwilling to give up because he was about to leave.

"You are still very talented in painting, so I believe you can definitely become a great painter." Li Zedao said again, he can't paint naturally, but he still has his vision, and he naturally sees this girl. How solid the basic skills are.

Keiko Hojo nodded heavily and said, "Brother Sawado, I will."

After a moment of silence, Keiko Hojo carefully took out a crystal clear stone from her pocket. It was the piece of amber accidentally seen at the beach yesterday, and then handed it to Li Zedao, "Brother Zedao, this is for you."

The little girl’s eyes were shining, and she obviously didn’t want Li Zedao to refuse at all. She said seriously, "Brother Zedao, if you are short of money, you can sell it, but you are not allowed to sell the portrait I painted for you."

Li Zedao smiled, did not refuse, and took the expensive piece of amber. According to his estimation, the price of this amber is about one hundred thousand Chinese coins, which is undoubtedly the most valuable thing for this little girl from a poor family. Now the little girl gave it to herself, Li Zedao said he was not moved. is fake.

He knew very well that the little girl was worried about her lack of money.

"I remember some time ago you mentioned to me the Royal Academy of Fine Arts, one of the top ten art academies in the world. With your strength, you can definitely be admitted if you apply for registration." Li Zedao carefully put the amber away. Said.

The Royal Academy of Fine Arts... Keiko Hojo looked longing, and then shook her head. It was indeed the university she dreamed of, but how easy was it to be admitted by that kind of academy? Moreover, although the college does not charge any tuition fees, the cost of traveling to the UK is undoubtedly an extremely large expense for a family like her.

Of course you can pursue your dreams, but the premise of the pursuit is that you have to fill your stomach first and recognize some facts.

It is said that as long as you work hard, you will be able to succeed. This sentence is a very rich chicken soup after all. In many cases, the so-called success is not that you work hard, but that you have a good father.

Of course, it doesn't work if you don't work hard, because if you work hard, you can at least hope, and if you don't work hard, you might only be left with despair.

Li Zedao smiled, took out an envelope and handed it over: "This is for you."

Keiko Hojo stunned, and reached out and took it: "Brother Zedao, is this?"

"Check, 500 million island currency." Li Zedao said.

"..." Hojo Keiko's eyes went round suddenly, and even her small hands trembled, and the thin envelope in her hand almost slipped off her hand.

It is really hard for her to imagine what the concept of 500 million is.

"If you treat me as your brother, don't refuse, just like I treat you as my sister, so I didn't refuse the precious piece of amber you gave me." Li Zedao reached out his hand and touched Hojo with affection. Keiko's head.

Keiko Hojo was stunned for a while, then he reacted, looking at Li Zedao, tears kept slipping, and sobbing, "I'm just a fool to refuse."

Li Zedao laughed, and stretched out his hand to wipe away the tears at the corner of her eye: "Keiko, you are so ugly to cry."

"... Brother Zedao is really annoying." The girl looked annoyed, and wiped her tears a little hesitantly.

Two hours later, a small boat slowly left the island. On the shore, a little girl's eyes fell on the small boat, landed on the handsome figure standing on the boat, waved gently, just feeling It's empty, as if something important is missing.

"Brother Zedao, Keiko will definitely learn to paint very hard and become a very famous painter... I will open an exhibition, and then invite you to come to see my exhibition, goodbye." The little girl bit her lip. , Teardrops kept sliding down like broken pearls.

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