The Ultimate Student in the City

Chapter 1698: Foreign man

Subconsciously, He Xiaoyue stretched out her hand, as if to grasp that figure tightly, her figure moved forward slightly, and she was about to catch up.

"Ze Dao, is that you?" This sentence was about to blur out.

However, suddenly thinking of something, her mouth closed, her hands slowly retracted, and her whole body became dull, then she shook her head, her heart was filled with pain and gloom: "How could it be possible? Is it him? He is gone, he is really gone..."

Seventy-five days have passed since this disaster, and he has completely disappeared for seventy-five days. There is no possibility of surviving, and there is no possibility of a miracle.

"Sister He, what's the matter with you?" Seeing that the older sister reacted so fiercely at the side of Qingyun, the big guys hurriedly asked, "Is something uncomfortable?"

"Oh, nothing, I'm fine." He Xiaoyue took her eyes back from the back that felt so familiar to her, shook her head and said with a smile with difficulty.

He Xiaoyue's voice was extremely hoarse, not as soft as before. During this period of time, she had been crying all night and all night, she cried and drew her tears, and also broke her throat.

"He's not Li Zedao, he must not be, even if... can he catch up? No! No! Even if he didn't experience this great earthquake, he would have disappeared in his own world forever, let alone himself Now they have become an old woman..."

"Hurry up and eat, there is still a lot to do." He Xiaoyue said after ditching all the messy thoughts in his mind, and he has returned to the coldness of the past.

"Sister He, here..." Seeing that He Xiaoyue's lunch box fell on the floor, a younger brother hurriedly delivered a new box of lunch.

"No, I'm full..." He Xiaoyue waved her hand and said, completely losing her appetite. I couldn't help but looked forward, planning to take another look at the back that gave her a familiar and unforgettable feeling, but he found that the back had long since disappeared without a trace.

All kinds of thoughts rushed to my heart for a while, my body twitched slightly, and my heart was so painful that I almost couldn't breathe.

At the same time, a figure was hiding behind a big tree not far away that had not fallen in the earthquake, and his body was twitching slightly. Similarly, his heartache was almost impossible to breathe.

Li Zedao took a few big breaths, and when he was about to leave in a big step, a foreign man wearing sunglasses in front of the ruins of the half-collapsed house not far away aroused his idea.

At the moment, Li Zedao's brows wrinkled slightly, because he clearly felt that the eyes hidden under the sunglasses were now falling on the He Xiaoyue group of people who were eating over there at this time. Watching He Xiaoyue and the others, even the corners of his mouth curled up in a dangerous range.

And judging from the breath radiating from him, these men are undoubtedly good players. What good can such a good player stare at He Xiaoyue secretly? You can't protect her secretly, right?

"Who is he? What does he want to do?" Li Zedao's heart suddenly filled with a violent breath, and his eyes became blood red.

The North's incident undoubtedly made Li Zedao extremely sensitive to this kind of incident, and his reaction was naturally large, so he decided to kill now.

Li Zedao's murderous spirit was permeated, but on the surface he looked like an okay person, put his hands in his pockets, and walked towards the ruins.

The foreign man also noticed that someone was approaching him, and glanced at the other person. He saw that he was a harmless guy who seemed to have just entered, so he didn't take it to heart at all, and even if the other party planned to rob something. Yes, foreign men are also welcome.

From the earthquake to the present, street looting and looting have occurred. Some were really hungry and robbed the bread from the children, and some simply took advantage of the chaos to double the emotions that were afraid to vent. , Even things like **** and **** were done, and then after the super gangs such as Qingyun, Yamaguchi, and Sumiyoshi Association vigorously intervened and restrained, and severely punished a few people who feared that the world would not be chaotic. Things are getting less and less.

"Excuse me, sir." Li Zedao hesitated and then plucked up the courage to move forward. He walked up to the foreign man and said hello in not so standard English.

"Oh, hello, I am glad to be able to help you." The foreign man responded casually, his gaze scanned He Xiaoyue and his party who were eating a short distance away, and then his gaze returned again, looking at this island country kid... listen His accent is from an island country.

"I want to ask, do you have a cigarette? Can you give me one?" Li Zedao said embarrassingly, "You know, now in the dj situation, the price of cigarettes is very expensive, I can't afford it."

"Cigarette? Oh, of course." The foreign man's performance was still very friendly. Of course, it is more accurate to say that he wants to send this annoying guy away quickly, so as not to get in the way of himself.

Therefore, he very generously took out a pack of cigarettes and a lighter from his pocket, and handed it to this kid in a brainy way and said, "Oh, give it to you. Anyway, I rarely smoke."

"Oh, thank you sir, you are so friendly." Li Zedao took it and said gratefully, "By the way, are you a tourist stranded in DJ? Or did you come to DJ as a volunteer to help with disaster relief?"

"Oh, I am a volunteer... well, I think I should be busy, goodbye." The foreign man said, his tone was already a little impatient, he had already seen that He Xiaoyue was already walking forward with a few people Go, don't know what to do.

"Okay, sir, to disturb you, thank you for your generosity." Li Zedao said gratefully, and stretched out his hand. At the same time, there was a hint of coldness in his eyes. This guy is really aimed at He Xiaoyue.

Who sent it? Skull?

After the name popped up in his mind, Li Zedao's eyes became even colder.

At the same time, when the foreign man saw Li Zedao stretched out his hand, he had to stretch out his big hand as well, planning to shake the annoying kid, and then quickly dismiss him.

But just when his big hand was holding the opponent's hand one size smaller than him, the foreign man suddenly felt a fierce and unparalleled force rushing towards his palm.

While the foreign man looked shocked, his body was immediately soft and he was about to kneel in front of Li Zedao.

Li Zedao's other hand immediately supported him, and the two of them were like brothers in a good relationship. Holding hands, they entered the ruins that were half collapsed before they could be cleaned up side by side.

It was originally a small shopping mall here. The area inside was quite large. Of course, although it did not completely collapse, it has also become a dangerous building. It may collapse at any time. As for the previous commodities in it, it has long been destroyed. The victims were cleaned up, leaving only the various construction **** that collapsed and the damaged counter shelves.

Looking at the foreign man, his face was distorted and deformed in pain, and it was covered with cold sweat. He only felt that the bones of his pinched hand had been pinched off. He actually wanted to resist, but it was The whole body is sour and weak, and he has no ability to resist, his mouth is wide open, but he can't make any sound.

After entering the ruins, Li Zedao was not afraid of the sudden collapse of the house, and continued to walk a short distance inside. Only then did he let go of the opponent's hand. The foreign man simply fell to the ground, taking a big breath, watching him. That hand turned purple directly, and it was completely deformed.

"Oh, damn, bastard, really damn..." If it weren't for the pain, the man would want to fight with this **** guy who suddenly worked on him.

"Let's go, who told you to spy on Qingyun's He Xiaoyue?" Li Zedao asked in a cold tone. At the same time, he lifted his foot and stepped heavily on the opponent's chest.

In an instant, the foreign man felt that his chest was as if he was being pressed by a boulder, so that he felt that his breastbone was about to break, and he felt that his breathing was not smooth, and even the corners of his mouth were bleeding out. It is conceivable that the opponent's foot directly caused a lot of damage to his body.

After hearing the other party's question, the man's face changed from pain and resentment to consternation, and he couldn't believe what he had heard.

Who is this **** guy? Not to mention the horrible methods, and even He Xiaoyue who knew that he was following Qingyun secretly...The man thought that he just hit him with the attention of the robbery.

"Damn, I don't care who you are, you'd better let me go quickly, otherwise, you will definitely die miserably." The foreign man said with great difficulty, even stretched out his left hand, directly towards Li Zedao raised a middle finger.

Then, I was very puzzled that I could speak clearly, so why did I scream screaming when my hand was suddenly pinched, but I couldn't hear any sound? The feeling was as if his scream was abruptly sucked away by something as soon as he uttered it.

Is it because it hurts so much that you have an illusion?

"It seems that you didn't realize your situation at all." Li Zedao shook his head, suddenly grabbed the **** that the other party put up at him, and then slammed it down.

"Kacha..." A crisp sound of broken bones came, followed by the screaming sound of a foreign man opening his mouth.

The voice was stern, as if a handsome young man in twenty-eight years had been assaulted by an old man in his eighties.

It's just that Li Zedao has already tried his best to go inside, plus there are many excavators and trucks roaring there, so no one can hear the screams, besides, this is a dangerous building, and there is an aftershock. Whatever, it is very likely that this place will collapse, so basically no one will be near here.

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