The Ultimate Student in the City

Chapter 1710: Industry losses

When I took a bite of the fried eggs that Li Zedao helped, Michiko Haneda’s eyes widened and looked at Li Zedao. She did not expect that fried eggs can be delicious to such an extent, this man is really good. Nothing seemed to be bothering him.

After getting along last night, Yoko was even more tired of Li Zedao, and became Li Zedao's little tail, inseparable.

When I met in the morning, I was very excited to call Uncle Early... Of course, Li Zedao blushed somewhat, because the mother of the little girl went to sleep last night, and was somewhat embarrassed.

Of course, it is not impossible to say that you were asleep... Li Zedao's statement is relatively more accurate.

Afterwards, Yoko asked Li Zedao to feed her breakfast. After breakfast, she continued to help her tell stories, played house games with her, and even let her ride horses on the ground...

When Yingzi with two boxes in his hand entered the house, he was very excited to see Yoko riding Li Zedao as a horse, shouting "Driving...", the latter crawling all over the house with a happy smile on his face. At the time, her eyes almost fell off.

This is the kid who doesn't pay much attention to others at all?

This is the strong man from China who left an arrogant and cold shot on Fujii?

No matter how you look at this picture, the kind father is trying his best to coax his lovely daughter to play.

"Yoko likes him very much, and he likes Yoko very much." Michiko Haneda, who stood in her hands, said with a happy face. Of course, this is a result she hopes to see, so she is very satisfied now and feels like this world. The luckiest and happiest woman on the planet.

Yingzi closed his eyes and looked at the happy and sweet woman with a "Huh", and then the big eyes began to look at the glamorous woman coming from top to bottom, especially her white and rosy pink Yingzi glanced more at her small face.

Something is wrong! Michiko is wrong!

"What are you looking at?" Michiko Haneda was seen as a little guilty.

Eiko looked at the woman with her interrogation gaze with her arms folded: "Miss Michiko, honestly confess, did you have **** with him? He overpowered you and then you pretended to panic a bit. In fact, you can't wait to get rid of it soon. Or did you take the initiative to seduce him by putting on the **** pajamas I gave you, and then he pretended to be panicked, but he was really hot and threw you to the ground?"

"..." The muscles on Michiko Haneda's face twitched, how could it be so exaggerated? Can't it be natural to attract each other and love each other?

"Miss Michiko, don't want to lie to me and say no, whether a woman has been moisturized, I can tell by looking at her face, don't forget what I did before."

"..." Michiko Haneda was almost choked to death by what she said. Well, in this respect, she can indeed be said to be extremely professional. She can control all kinds of positions and occasions like fire and innocent, so a woman She naturally knew the kind of performance after getting great satisfaction.

Yingzi stared at Michiko, who was already embarrassed and shy with big eyes, and curled his lips, a little disdainful: "Let me just say, how could he let a girl as cute as you go? Very good at this trick."

"Don't talk about him like that, that...I took the initiative." Michiko Haneda defended Li Zedao with some difficulty. This is also true. If he doesn't take the initiative, the Chinese man will definitely not take the initiative even if he has any thoughts in his heart. Attacked.

"Well, you Michiko, you can take care of it now." Yingzi rolled her eyes, then touched Michiko's shoulder on her shoulder, and asked in a low voice with an ambiguous expression: "How about it? Does it last? A few minutes? How many times? What kind of posture..."

"...I'll pour you a cup of coffee you like." Michiko Haneda said, hurrying to stay away from her cousin, who is sturdy and open. If she continues to tease, her face will catch on fire.

"Hey, don't go, tell me clearly..." Yingzi's eyes were bright and reluctant to catch up.

A few minutes later, under Yingzi's soft and hard bubbling, Haneda Michiko had to simply answer her shameful but normal questions in Yingzi's eyes.

The latter listened with bright eyes, as if the hungry wolf saw a lamb and said: "If you didn't brag, he is really really good... Are you sure he didn't take medicine secretly?"

Michiko Haneda gave this elder sister angrily, can she know if she hasn't taken the medicine? Besides, if there is no such ability, it is impossible to have so many women around him? It is undeniable that **** has played a great role in the relationship between lovers and the harmonious life of husband and wife. If this aspect is not harmonious, then the family will not necessarily be more harmonious.

There is pure platonic love, but after all, it is rare, and it can't be less.

"Really didn't take medicine?" Yingzi's already big eyes opened wider and swallowed. "Such a talented and handsome boy, plus his identity as a Chinese man , If he is allowed to enter the AV industry, he will definitely be able to win the crown of the best actor in history... Michiko, let me tell you, it would be a pity if he doesn’t enter the industry, for him and for the industry. A huge loss."

"..." The black line on Michiko Haneda's face.

Yingzi looked resolute and made a decisive decision: "If he is willing to enter the industry, I will announce his comeback."

"..." Michiko Haneda's face became darker, and she felt hundreds of strange poisons in her body.

"Miss Eiko, I'm angry when you talk nonsense." Michiko Haneda shouted.

Yingzi was a little sad, and Michiko didn't understand her own feeling of cherishing talents.

As a predecessor of this industry, it can even be said that she was once a leader. Of course, Yingzi hopes to inject some fresh blood into this industry and let this industry continue to prosper. Unfortunately, no one can appreciate her kind intentions.

At the moment, she smiled charmingly and slammed Michiko's shoulder and joked: "You are jealous? You really can't lend it to me? Why don't I believe he is so powerful."

"Miss Eiko!" Michiko Haneda's face turned darker, and her headache was so terrible that she couldn't do anything with her cousin.

"Miss Michiko, you are so stingy, I'm so good to you." Yingzi was sad.

"By the way, Yingzi, I'm going to take Yoko to Huaxia with him." Ignoring this pretendingly pitiful woman, Michiko changed the subject, already looking forward to a happy and sweet smile on her face.

Yingzi froze decisively, and asked silently, "Michiko, what did you say? You said you want to take Yoko to China with him?"

Michiko Haneda nodded without any hesitation. Looking at Eiko, she said softly, "I guess Yoko and I will rarely have the opportunity to return to the island country? So Eiko, you have to take care of yourself."

"Michiko, you have to take Yoko with him to a country that is completely unfamiliar to you... You are not afraid that he will cheat you and sell you to Yoko?" Yingzi patted herself with a headache His forehead was very speechless.

"He will be very good to me and Yoko." Michiko Haneda looked happy and sweet, and her tone was beyond doubt. She didn't like others to slander her lover, and neither could Hideko who was so close to her.

"Miss Michiko..." Yingzi glared at the woman with big eyes, and her headache was extremely painful, and the woman's stubbornness was guilty again.

"Eiko, please believe Michiko's feelings, and please believe him." Michiko Haneda stared at her with big eyes.

"Ah, whatever you want." Yingzi said irritably, scratching her hair.


Yingzi has indeed practiced the sorcery of "make-up" so well... At least, as soon as her make-up tools came out, Li Zedao was immediately dizzy, and she immediately believed that this woman was absolutely professional.

Less than an hour later, Li Zedao stood in front of the floor-to-ceiling mirror, looking at the self wearing makeup that appeared in the mirror.

Jeans, plaid shirt, canvas shoes, old-fashioned black-framed glasses, a baseball cap with a low brim, and the messy hair that was exposed.

The sunshine and handsomeness of the past is gone, replaced by a trace of wretchedness in the gentle and dull, especially when she laughs, it is even more wretched, belonging to the kind that will be immediately submerged after falling into the crowd.

"How?" Yingzi asked, looking at the "Diaosi" in the mirror. Anyway, she is very satisfied with her transformation. At least she can't see the person in the mirror and the handsome sunshine before. What's the relationship with Li Zedao?

This is not an overly complicated outfit. Hideko will teach Michiko how to change it afterwards. Even if Michiko doesn't usually make up, she can definitely master it quickly.

"Very good, I almost can't recognize this is me." Li Zedao is very satisfied, even those who are very familiar with him, such as Mengchen sisters, at first glance, certainly can't recognize him. Come.

I thought it was indeed one of the four great evil arts. It was evil enough. Its effect was no less than that of fc's face change and the mask made of expensive high-tech materials. Of course, there are essential differences Yes, this kind of pretending to be top-notch sweats, and naturally it exposes flaws.

But fortunately, Li Zedao's physique is there, even running 10,000 meters at a sprint speed of 100 meters, it is also relaxed and happy, don't want to sweat.

"It's fine if you are satisfied." Yingzi nodded, hesitated and asked aloud: "Michiko told me, you want to take her and Yoko to China?"

Yingzi knew that there was no room for a return to this matter, so she was naturally irritable, and more worried. She still felt that Michiko was too sloppy. It is undeniable that this man is indeed very strong, but being strong is just as good to you. They were two different things. She was afraid that after arriving in China, the man simply pitted Michiko.

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