Li Zedao completely destroyed the video on the phone that threatened Pan Xiaoting.

It's not that this kind of video can't be shot, and there is no so-called three moral issues. You can shoot with the girl's consent...Of course, the person who needs to ask for consent may be a girl.

But after you finished the filming, you tried to threaten the girl with something. This is your fault. It is for this reason that Li Zedao simply scrapped Wang Hui’s crotch stuff. In this way, he would not have the opportunity to deal with any girl in Li Zedao’s view that it belongs to the next three. Indiscriminate means.

Li Zedao felt that he had done a great good deed, and he removed the troubles for many girls.

Li Zedao raised his head. Those onlookers who were already dumbfounded were simply taken aback, and instantly retreated several steps. Some even hurriedly left the scene, losing the courage to continue watching the show.

They originally thought that the guy was going to run away after a slap in the face, and then the two of them would start rolling on the ground and slap you and kick me, punches to the flesh, which really made people look excited. But I didn't expect it to be unilateral brutality, and the methods were so **** and brutal! That thing will be discarded if it is discarded, and the arm and foot will be interrupted if it is interrupted, so I won't discuss it with you at all.

Therefore, he may be a neuropathy with well-developed limbs, and no one can guarantee that he will attack passers-by in a while.

At the same time, in the box of the Nebula Club, Wei Lingyun and the few people in the circle stood in front of the floor-to-ceiling window, watching this **** scene happening at the door of the club, all eyelids throbbed and their muscles twitched. Seeing a ghost makes no difference.

The violent person who did not know where he dared to slap Wang Hui's face wildly, he was almost shocked if he let them down. After all, Wang Hui is a fitness expert, and his muscles are still very developed. But it was drawn like a grandson, and there was no room for resistance at all.

Now he even dared to scrap Wang Hui's stuff, interrupting his hands and feet, and this simply caused their eyes to fall out.

This violent maniac, does he really know what he is doing? Even if they had a huge power behind them, they didn't dare to abolish people under the public.

I was even more curious to die. What is going on?

First, Wei Shao's attitude toward Wang Hui changed a hundred and eighty times, and then Wei Shao didn't know what to say to Wang Hui, and the latter was like his father. After they returned to the box of the clubhouse, they saw that Wang Hui and his girlfriend had quarreled unexpectedly, and even started to do it.

After that, the man appeared. He first exchanged a few words with Pan Xiaoting. Then Pan Xiaoting pushed him away, covering his face and ran away. Then, Wang Hui was drawn several times without any resistance. Slapped, followed by a slap in their legs that made them cold, and then they were brutally interrupted.

The most important thing is that you see that Wei Shao's face is very wrong, but he is different from them, not just as simple as consternation, so Wei Shao must know something.

So, they are really curious, what is hidden in the middle? What is happening has something to do with Wei Lingyun?

Wei Lingyun looked at the guy who didn't know where he emerged from, and dared to draw Wang Hui's face and interrupt Wang Hui's hands, feet and third leg in the crowd. He only felt that his face was already stiff. I don't feel it anymore.

Who is he? What does it have to do with Pan Xiaoting? Why did he dare to make such a heavy hand? Is there any scruples with a great background or just a desperate fool?

It seems that things are really wrong. It is obviously a very easy thing. It is entrusted to bully Wang Hui severely and make him completely embarrassed you, but now how can you involve such a violent maniac? Come in?

At this moment, Wei Lingyun's heart shrank suddenly, and the roots of the cold hair on his body were erected. Because the violent man who did not know where it came from raised his head, his eyes fell on him, staring. Looking into his own eyes, his eyes were so terrifying, as if they were looking at a dead person.

Being stared at by such a pair of such terrifying eyes, Wei Lingyun only felt that his breathing was not smooth at once, and an inexplicable sense of fear was born.

Is Wang Hui so tragic when he played against Pan Xiaoting? Therefore, Pan Xiaoting has an extremely important position in the heart of the violent frenzy who did not know where it came from?

He even knew he was the instigator, so he planned to trouble himself next? Otherwise, why would he look up and stare at himself with such terrible eyes?

For a while, Wei Lingyun's mind surged, but soon, the panic was gradually subsiding.

It was undeniable that the other party's eyes were indeed terrifying, and the methods were also very cruel. Wei Lingyun felt that even if five of them cooperated, he would have to be beaten by him. After all, fighting was not his strong point. He relied on IQ to feed.

But Wei Lingyun didn't think he had the ability to make himself become like a dead dog like Wang Hui, lying there, because the other party didn't have the opportunity to get close to him at all, he couldn't enter the Nebula Clubhouse. , If he intends to forcibly break in, he will be thrown out by the security guards at the door.

Not to mention that there are two extraordinary bodyguards next to me. They are retired special forces. Usually, there is no problem in dealing with ten or eight men holding murder weapons with their bare hands.

Moreover, if there is such a big disturbance in the power center, the police are coming soon, right?

Therefore, Wei Lingyun had already relaxed, even, his eyes were cold and stern and he looked back at each other, and there was a sneer at the corner of his mouth.

He was so timid after being swept away by the other party’s eyes, it made him feel very shameless, and now he is looking for the place back, he wants to let the other party know that you have caused a problem, you have caused a serious problem, you just wait to sit in prison. , Even, you just wait to die in jail.

Then, when Wei Lingyun saw that violent man lowered his head, he couldn't help but sneered in his heart at the moment. In his opinion, this guy was scared after coming into contact with such sharp eyes.

At this moment, Li Zedao indeed retracted his gaze, looked down at the ground, and then slightly bent over and stretched out his hand as if something had fallen and wanted to be picked up.

Then, he got up, and there was an extra pavement brick spreading on the ground in his hand.

"Hiss..." Everyone who saw this scene took a few breaths, and looked at Li Zedao as if looking at a monster. This scene was completely beyond their cognition.

You should know that there is a small gap between one piece next to the other, and the gap allows the blade to be inserted barely. The thickness of the pavement brick is about ten centimeters. Even with the help of tools, it will cost a lot. Strength can be used to pry it up, but he did it well. Even if he stretched his hand over, he didn’t see any extra movements, so he grabbed the sidewalk brick in his hand, as if the brick was not paved on the road, but Being left there at random, he just bent over to pick it up.

When Wei Lingyun and the others saw this scene, their eyes widened, their minds roared, and there was a huge wave in their hearts, and they couldn't believe what they saw.

This is also OK? Or is the brick actually completely loosened, anyone can pick it up?

While horrified, they mourned for three minutes in silence for Wang Hui, who was lying there like a dead dog. In their opinion, this violent man picked up such a brick, in addition to asking Wang Hui to eat the brick, There seems to be no other purpose.

Li Zedao raised his head again and looked at Wei Lingyun standing in front of the huge French window on the second floor. The corner of his mouth was already curled up with a hint of indifference, and then he slammed the brick he was holding towards the window.

At the same time, Wei Lingyun and the others saw such a brick flying towards them, their faces changed drastically while their bodies instinctively backed back and tried to dodge.

"Hey!" With a muffled sound, the thickened and reinforced floor-to-ceiling window glass shattered, and glass **** splashed around. After the glass was smashed, the brick was unabated and flew directly into the box from the window. It's not clear what it will hit.

But one can clearly hear another huge muffled noise coming out of the window. Obviously something was smashed by the brick, and then another scream came out from the smashed falling window. , It is estimated that someone was injured, of course, there may also be sounds made by being frightened.

"Uh..." Everyone stared at this scene with wide-eyed eyes. When a huge wave 10,000 times stronger than before was set off in their hearts, their bodies instinctively continued to retreat. Some simply turned around and left, but did not dare to continue. Watch the fun.

This guy is a bit too cruel, right? It's fine if the hero saves the United States and cripples people. Why are they still smashing the glass in the clubhouse now? He is not afraid that the brick will accidentally smash people to death? Moreover, he dared to smash the glass of the clubhouse, and naturally dared to smash passers-by. Therefore, those who watched the excitement did not escape far, for fear that a hapless one would be invited to eat a brick.

After throwing out the brick, Li Zedao clapped his hands like an okay person, and walked towards the gate of the Nebula Clubhouse.

Li failed to enter this way because two security guards had already quickly stepped out of the clubhouse and blocked his way.

The two security guards both looked at him with uneasy expressions and squeezed the batons in their hands, ready to do it at any time. After all, they clearly saw the kind of violence that this guy had just done, and in the end he even buckled a sidewalk brick with his bare hands, and simply threw it to the huge glass window of the box on the second floor, smashing it completely. .

Now they have fat feet and broken glass splashing down.

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