Although his mind was roaring and a huge wave was set off in his heart, Director Yang still resisted and did not ask Li Zedao where did you know the four elephants, although he really wanted to know.

"Or, apply for the transfer of the extremely powerful weapon'Pluto', and see if you can kill me with one shot?" Li Zedao said again, "Anyway, for you, human life is always the worst. Valuable, as long as you kill me, killing a few innocent people is not a big deal, is it?"

Director Yang's breathing was swift again, and a huge wave 10,000 times stronger than before was set off in his heart. He only felt that his scalp was numb and he was about to have a heart attack.

If he knows the four elephants, he doesn't even know, he still knows Pluto?

Pluto is a very lethal weapon that they have been secretly researching in FC for more than 20 years. More accurately, it is actually a special pistol!

You know, the speed of bullets fired by that extremely powerful sniper rifle is about 800-1000M/S, but the speed of bullets fired by Pluto is 5000M/S, which is five times that of a sniper rifle! The bullet shot out at such a terrifying speed, and it was still at close range, so even if Li Zedao's speed was so fast, he couldn't hide it at all.

The more terrifying thing is its power. Such a bullet shot into your body is not as simple as staying in your body and making your body more **** and eye-catching, but it will explode. In other words, your The body will be completely exploded into a pile of minced meat at that moment, and its explosion spreads over a range of several thousand square meters, and its power is far more terrifying than those*.

Of course, its destructive power is far more than this. After this bullet explodes, it will release a chemical poison that is incurable and undefeatable. Even if the poison is not inhaled, the poison will be fast. Corrodes your clothes, corrodes your skin, and finally you will ulcerate and die in pain.

So it can be said that once a war breaks out, Pluto is definitely a nightmare for the enemy.

However, due to technical and material reasons, Pluto's extremely lethal pistol has not been mass-produced, and only two have been manufactured, each equipped with ten bullets.

Regarding the Four Elephants and Pluto, these are naturally the highest-level secrets in the country. Even Sumen does not know this kind of thing because his level is not enough, but how does this kid know? Who told him?

Therefore, Director Yang at this time has completely lost the calmness of the past, and couldn't help but speak, hoarsely asking: "Where did you know this?"

This kind of thing is actually not difficult to investigate. After all, there are only a few people including himself who know this secret, but these people are extremely heavy without any weight.

One of these people with such a heavy weight told Li Zedao this secret?

"Guess." Li Zedao said grimly.

"..." Director Yang wanted to slap this **** kid to death if he could. The thing he always hates most is that someone tells him the word "you guess".

"Finally, I know that my woman is controlled by you... Don't deny it, because no matter whether she is in your hands or not, I will think that she is in your hands, and I will only ask you for someone!" Li Ze said You Leng, even a murderous aura permeates, that cannot be rebutted.

"I will be at the military base for at most an hour and a half, and then I will ask Director Yang to let me take her away...otherwise I will have to break into the laboratory. If I accidentally kill someone and destroy something, or even make trouble If there is more movement, then I will be embarrassed."

Director Yang's face was even more ugly, and he whispered: "Do you want to... treason?"

"I'm betraying you-damn!" Li Zedao simply exploded, roaring with a bit of annoyance, "Even if I treason, I'm forced by you, grass!"

"..." Director Yang's pupils were round, and he felt that some liquid was dripping from the corner of his mouth.

Li Zedao suddenly realized: "Oh, I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I don't know that the sky is threatening you... Then threaten it."


After speaking, Li Zedao ignored Director Yang's reaction and hung up the phone.

Looking up, I saw that the man in black got up from the flowers with great difficulty. Looking at the right half of his face, it was simply swollen into a bun, and a crack appeared in the corner of his mouth, and blood kept coming out. Come.

Li Zedao smiled coldly and waved to him to come over.

The man’s eyes were full of horror, but he had to bite the bullet and walk to Li Zedao again. Of course, he gave up any resistance. He knew very well that the strength of the double opposition was too far apart, and any resistance was In vain, instead of doing this, it is better to do nothing and let it be slaughtered. In this way, he would be embarrassed to continue doing it, right?

The man immediately thought that he seemed to think too much. After all, the biggest label on this guy in front of him was not that he was tyrannical, nor that he was handsome, nor that he had many women, but that he was shameless!

Li Zedao threw the phone in his hand back to him, and said faintly: "It is a very nasty act to secretly install a camera in someone else's room, what do you think?"

"..." The man didn't know what to say.

"If you don't speak, do you just acquiesce that it is indeed a very nasty behavior, that is to say that Director Yang is very nasty?" I understood Li's expression.

"..." The man was trampled by a large group of Cao Nima in his heart, and had to bite the bullet and say, "This... is not ordered by Director Yang, it is our own meaning."

"Yes, it's a good dog leg." Li Zedao's eyes were full of approval, as if the teacher was praising the students that he did a good job this time.

"..." The man has a feeling of being insulted to death, and even has the urge to die with this bastard. Unfortunately, he is not qualified to die with the other party at all, even Director Yang. No, this guy is terrible.

"Hurry up and take it off. Also, if I'm not mistaken, as soon as I left the room with my front feet, your people sneaked in with my back feet and secretly opened the two suitcases I put in the room, right? I’m a person with cleanliness. The clothes in the suitcase were touched by you, so naturally you can’t wear them anymore, so after removing the camera, remember to leave a million on the table as compensation, right?" Li Ze reached out his hand and patted the man on the shoulder twice.

The man's face changed slightly, and the cold sweat on his forehead was more, not because of Li Zedao's blatant blackmail, but because of Li Zedao's slap on the shoulder twice, and he felt that the bones on his shoulder were about to be cracked.

This **** was really shameless enough, he had completely given up resistance, and he even laid such a heavy hand.

Li Zedao smiled coldly, didn't say anything, turned around and walked towards the cafe not far away.


Listening to the "beep" on the phone, Director Yang's old face was very ugly, his body trembled, and there were blood stains at the corners of his mouth... He was vomiting blood with anger by Li Zedao's last "scold mother".

"Damn, damn..." Director Yang slapped the table with a fiercely twitching big hand.

"Boom..." With a muffled sound, the desk was simply turned into a pile of shredded wood.

Immediately afterwards, Director Yang grabbed the office chair again, hacked it up, and smashed it against the wall on the side.

"Boom!" There was another muffled noise, the chairs fell apart, and even the whole room seemed to tremble a few times.

Two minutes later, Director Yang smashed all the things he could smash in this office. Then, panting heavily, his eyes were blood red, and he strode out of the already ugly office.

After another two minutes, he had already arrived in front of Sumen's office. He was even more angry when he heard the incomplete Peking opera. He was really depressed. If it weren't for this **** old bastard, now Is the situation so passive? I was slapped a few times severely, I was scolded, I was vomiting blood, but this old **** was still in the mood to sing here.

At the moment, his foot suddenly lifted up and kicked towards the door.

"Hey!" There was a huge muffled sound, and the iron door was kicked open with a simple kick, and even a cavity appeared on the door panel. It is conceivable how much force Director Yang used this foot. .

Sumen looked up at Director Yang who had walked in with murderous aura, and said with a faint smile: "What? Was stimulated by that **** kid?" Of course he knew that Sumen would definitely not wait to contact Li Zedao, as he was so angry now. , Of course, because the kid had not changed his instincts and started to pretend to be a calf again.

Of course, even though he behaved so calmly, he was actually very angry in his heart. How could that kid still be alive?

Director Yang stood in front of him with scarlet eyes looking at him with a gloomy expression, and did not speak, but his hands were already slightly clenched into fists, with blue veins rising from above.

"What did he say? Let's listen, let me comment." Sumen folded his arms and listened, but his heart was slowly becoming vigilant. He could see that this **** old man seemed Is to take him out of anger.

"He knows everything." Director Yang said word by word with a gloomy expression, "He knows that the killer was let by us, and he also knows that his woman is not dead, and it is in our hands now, even he You also know that you dug out Xiao Qingfeng's eyeballs and cut off your tongue..."

"How is it possible?" Su Clan exclaimed, that calm face was already full of emotions.

The previous thing is not difficult to infer based on Li Zedao's IQ that has been transformed by Shenwan...Of course, he has no evidence at all, so how can he withstand fc?

He even knew that Xiao Qingfeng had his tongue cut and his eyes gouged... He even knew such details for a long time, so, is there someone inside?

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