The Ultimate Student in the City

Chapter 1734: Incoming call

This is Meng Jing's private number, not the one used for work, so only a few people know her number, including Xiao Qiangwei, Li Zedao, and some of the women who have a better relationship with her.

At the moment, Meng Jing took out the phone and found that it was an unfamiliar number, so it was an advertisement? Unlike in the past, when faced with an unfamiliar number, it directly refused to answer and then blocked it. Instead, a ghost picked it up and said indifferently: "Hello, who?"

"Good evening, senior sister." A voice full of magnetism came over.

"Senior Sister..." Meng Jing was taken aback, her eyes widened immediately, and then she looked up at Xiao Qiangwei with difficulty.

At this time, she felt a short pause in breathing, and that little face was even more idiotic.

"Quiet, what's the matter? Who's calling?" Xiao Qiangwei was also shocked when Meng Jing answered the phone. At this moment, she took out a piece of sportswear and planned to change the silk pajamas she was wearing. Come down and play table tennis for a while.

Xiao Qiangwei's words sounded like a thunderbolt in Meng Jing's head, causing her to be shaken to the ground and awakened instantly.

"Madam..." Meng Jing swallowed hard, then her face was already showing an ecstatic smile, and her body was trembling slightly: "It's... it's the call of the young master, the young master."

"...You...what did you say?" Xiao Qiangwei was dumbfounded.

"The young master's phone call, he's okay, he's okay..." Meng Jing said, her nose sore so hard all of a sudden, her voice choked.

The clothes simply slipped from Xiao Qiangwei's hands, and this woman from a wealthy country simply became an idiot, and then, teardrops fell.


In another luxurious villa, the villa was brightly lit, but it looked so cold, without the slightest anger, the whole space was enveloped in a sad atmosphere, it seemed so depressed, without temperature.

At this moment, in front of the luxurious dining room table, Li Mengchen, He Xiaoyu, Nintendo, Susan, Alice, Miss Mitty, Bai Libing, Yang Xueer, Shadow, Zhou Qian and Jin Suyan were sitting there, their heads low, Some chewed the tasteless food in their mouths, and even after swallowing them, they simply forgot what they were eating.

Some counted the rice grains in the bowl one by one, and some lowered their heads. The teardrops were like broken pearls, falling into the bowl one by one.

They have been eating this meal for almost an hour, and the dishes on the table are already cold.

Looking at the dishes, some were mixed, some were so dark that they were so dark, I couldn’t see what it was. I can imagine that the person who made this meal was either really bad at craftsmanship. At the point where it is pointed, or it is that the mind is not on it at all when cooking.

From that night, they chose to stay in this villa and wait for Li Zedao to come back. It has been almost two months since they chose to stay in this villa. In these two months, they did not go out for a single step. Staying in this villa, they only looked normal after Xiao Qiangwei came over, and they wouldn't look like a zombie.

After that, they began to clean the villa, cleaning it inside and out every day. The glass was very clean and clean and could be used as a mirror, but they still didn't want to be annoying to wipe it over and over again.

The things in the rooms of the women who had left were simply cleaned out by them and thrown away as trash.

Of course, they didn't move the room of one of the girls who left, and kept it as it is, because although she left, she went to him.

Although she didn't tell them, they knew it.

At this moment, the familiar roar of a car rang at the door of the villa.

"Mom is here..." Li Mengchen raised his head and fell on the door of the villa and said, then stretched out his hand and gently wiped away the tears in the corner of Jin Soyan who was sitting next to her, with a sad expression, and said softly, " Don't let Mom see us crying, otherwise she should feel distressed too."

After speaking, she wiped her tears herself.

"I know..." Kim So Yeon choked. These days, they have been very strong in front of Xiao Qiangwei. In fact, they are not so strong, their hearts are ashamed.

At the moment, several girls stood up one by one and left the dining table. They came to the gate of the villa, and they already saw Xiao Qiangwei and Meng Jing getting off the luxurious Bentley.

At the moment, the women communicated with each other from the corner of their eyes, and they all felt a little strange, because Xiao Qiangwei came often these days, but not once did she come in pajamas and slippers like she is now.

Looking at the expression on her face, it was completely different from the past. In the past, she was sad and forced to laugh, but now it gives people a relaxed and happy feeling of relief.

After the women glanced at each other, they all looked at Xiao Qiangwei who got out of the car and walked towards them briskly, and said in unison: "Mom..."

"All come in, mom will show you something." Xiao Qiangwei looked at the haggard-faced girl and said with a smile.

"Mom... laughed?" Li Mengchen and the others felt weird even more. You know, since Li Zedao's accident, she has never shown such a brilliant smile. Could it be because... , So crazy?

For a time, without exception, these women felt that Xiao Qiangwei was so depressed that she had mental problems. At the moment, everyone was really worried.

Then the bloodshot eyes looked at Meng Jing, who was standing next to Xiao Qiangwei, and became even more worried after seeing the uncontrollable smile on her face.

So, Meng Jing is also crazy?

"Stupid boy, are all going into the house, what are you still doing?" Xiao Qiangwei smiled and urged, stretched out her hand, and gently wiped off the eyeball at the corner of Zhou Qian's eye. What a shrewd woman she is, so she naturally guessed something when she saw the weird expressions of these girls.

The women nodded, and then followed Xiao Qiangwei into the room and into the hall.

"Sit down." Xiao Qiangwei said after she swept across the faces of these girls with a smile, and then looked back at Meng Jing. The latter nodded, took out a mobile phone, and followed it to the hall. The 80-inch LCD TVs hanging on the wall are connected together.

So, what does mom want them to see?

The women looked at each other, and then Yiyan sat down, their eyes all falling on the TV screen hanging on the wall.

Soon, a picture appeared on the screen. It was a video call request. So, who did Mom plan to let them talk to?

Before I could think about it, the video call request was answered. Then, a man appeared there, and a magnetic voice came from the speaker: "Beauty, good evening."

"Big idiot……"


"Little man..."

"Brother Zedao..."



These women stared at the TV screen with wide-eyed eyes, each with an idiotic expression. They couldn't believe what they said they saw or what they heard.

Bai Libing was the first to react. She stood up and rushed to the TV screen quickly. Even an accidental knee was knocked heavily on the coffee table, but she didn't feel it at all.

"Sister Binger, is it painful?" Li Zedao asked distressedly.

Bai Libing did not answer. She stared at the familiar face on the screen with her beautiful eyes wide. At the same time, she stretched out her hand and stroked that face, her voice trembled slightly: "It's really you?"

"With such a handsome face, who else could I have?" Li Zedao said softly, his expression full of apologies, "I made you worry, I just returned to Yanjing, I..."

"Sisters, I'm hungry, how about you?" Bai Libing looked back at the sisters, the corners of his mouth were already curled up with an extremely charming range, the gloom in his heart was already flooded with sunshine, and the barren land instantly changed. It became an oasis, but there were tears in those big eyes.

"My mother is also hungry, and my stomach is screaming." Nintendo watched Li Zedao agree, she was smiling, but the teardrops rolled down.

"Let's go, let's all have dinner..." Li Mengchen finished speaking, teardrops falling down likewise.

"Eating..." While Teacher Su and the shadow moved a **** directly towards Li Zedao in a neat manner, both of them cried in a mess.

He Xiaoyu and Yang Xueer looked at the dreamy face that appeared on the screen, and they also cried in a mess.

Miss Mitty and Alice looked at Li Zedao with ecstasy and tears, and then hugged each other tightly: "Oh, thank God."

Soon these women stood up one after another and walked towards the dining room. Before leaving, without exception, they stopped crying, and then showed a grimace at Li Zeda, making Li Zedao's scalp numb inexplicably. Now, he seems to foresee how tragic his end will be when he really appears in front of these women.

In the end, only Zhou Qian and Jin Soyan were left sitting there.

While watching Li Zedao, the muscles on the big face that appeared on the TV screen twitched frantically. The situation was completely different from what he had expected. They shouldn't die in a catastrophe, shouldn't their reactions be more intense? Why are you in a hurry to eat?

"Brother Zedao, we're going to eat too." Jin Soyan and Zhou Qian smiled softly at Li Zedao, then wiped away the teardrops at the corners of each other's eyes, and then bounced off to eat.

"Uh..." The muscles on Li Zedao's face were twitching even more severely. It seemed that these women hadn't been pumped for a long time, and they all turned against the sky.

"They haven't had a good meal for a long time." Xiao Qiangwei looked at her depressed son, smiled lightly, and then tears involuntarily fell.

"Mom, don't cry, I make you worry." Li Zedao said softly, seeing his mother crying over there, Li Zedao felt extremely uncomfortable.

"Mom didn't cry, mom was just happy..." Looking at this handsome face on the screen, Xiao Qiangwei wiped away her tears and said softly.

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