The Ultimate Student in the City

Chapter 1745: It's him

It's just that the food eaten in your mouth is like chewing wax, without any taste, and like fish bones, it is really difficult to swallow.

I finally fell asleep relying on the effect of the drug, but when I fell asleep, I would wake up from the nightmare. She often dreamed of him, that his body was buried in the rubble, and when he was dug out, it was half gone; she also dreamed that he had become a corpse that was completely stinking and rotting by blisters, with The maggots kept crawling out...

How many nights, she curled up there, crying to coax herself and said, dreams are reverse, dreams are reverse, so this is a good thing and proves that he is doing well now.

Su Meng put down the knife and fork in her hand, then stretched her hand over and brought the untouched steak in front of Sun Lingfei to her, her eyes widened and threatened: "Miss Sun, you have some fruit first. Don’t stop eating, you have to eat, or don’t blame me for tying it up to force you to eat it."

"Okay, I'll eat." Su Meng's concern made Sun Lingfei's heart warm. During this period, if she hadn't been with her 24 hours a day, she would work hard to make her happy, eat her, and even before. She has also gone to the island country at the time, and she will look for it with her.

"Feifei, do you know what happened at the door of the Wangfujing Nebula Club last night? How many people took off at the door of the Nebula Club with only a pair of underwear, and then knelt there and slapped themselves." Su Meng cut the steak and said, "When I finish cutting the steak, I will show you the video. The circle of friends has gone crazy."

She tried very hard to divert Su Lingfei's attention, so that even if her heartache stopped for a second, it was good.

"Xingyun Club?" Sun Lingfei nodded slightly, her family status was there, so she naturally knew a lot more than Su Meng. She knew that the Nebula Club was run by a cousin of Wei Fengsheng called Wei.

“It’s said that someone was really awesome and buckled a sidewalk brick directly from the ground, and then a brick smashed the huge French window glass on the second floor of the Nebula Club. Before that, that great guy even took a guy Both hands and feet were interrupted, and even the one under the crotch was also stepped on..."

Su Meng continued to speak with interest, but Sun Lingfei just nodded her head lightly, and didn't have much interest. Li Zedao died, and her heart was basically withered. In her eyes, everything seemed to become indifferent. I can’t bring up any interest.

If in the past, she heard that the Nebula Clubhouse had been smashed, she would have laughed disgustingly, and then hurriedly set off to have a look at the Nebula Clubhouse, and would silently praise the hero who smashed the Nebula Clubhouse.

At this moment, the fat woman's sneer of suspicion of clamouring for pet came over, and Su Meng subconsciously looked up.

"What's going on? Why is it so noisy?" Su Meng muttered, and then, his eyes almost fell off, and he couldn't believe what he saw.

"It's impossible, it's impossible, I'm sure that my eyes are spent..." Su Meng hurriedly closed her eyes, then opened them again, and then her face was already dull.

"" Su Meng's gaze was firmly locked on a person, and her voice trembled badly, "Hurry up, look back..."

"What are you looking at?" Seeing Su Meng's reaction, Sun Lingfei was slightly shocked, thinking that Xiao Su was trying hard to make herself happy again, and give her a face. While warming his heart, Yiyan turned his head back.

Then, his pupils suddenly widened, and his face was dull.

"Kang Dang!" The knife and fork in her hand fell from her hand and fell on the table, her body still turned into a sculpture, motionless, as if her breathing had stopped.

I was watching her face, tears streaming down,

It's him! It's him, it's really him!


Li Zedao gently blew on the back of Michiko's red hand again, then raised his head, looked at the woman blankly, and said word by word: "Have you said enough?"

"Yeah, if you speak so slippery, you wouldn't be a Chinese, right?" The fat woman glanced at Li Ze with slanting eyes. She looked like a dog, not quite like the islander she had in mind, and said in Chinese. It has to be so standard, so maybe they are really Chinese.

"Is it an island nation or a Chinese, is this important?" Li Zedao's tone became a little harsh. Li Zedao minds such an exaggerated reaction of the fat woman. Her reaction gives people the feeling that if you are from Huaxia, then I'm really sorry, I'm sorry, I am sorry for the whole universe, it is an insult to Huaxia. What.

"Seeing you, this wretched thing, I also found an island country **** as a girlfriend. I guess he is also a **** with island blood? So who are you a Chinese? Go back to your island country, we China does not welcome you bastards! "The woman didn't feel the danger, but slammed her hands on her hips.

On cursing the street, she really has never been afraid of anyone! One of the things she is most proud of is that when she was fighting square dancing and fighting for the venue, she fought a group of old ladies alone. In the end, she abruptly scolded them and cried, and even one person fainted. .

As for hands-on, just your delicate skin and tender flesh, my old lady can slap three to death with a slap!

Not to mention, she has now successfully attracted the attention of people around. If this island nation dares to beat people in China, it will definitely arouse the anger of the broad masses of China. Don’t say they will do it together. Fix your meal and drown you with a single spit.

Li Zedao's face suddenly became gloomy, looking at this woman as if looking at a dead person. If it was before, when things didn't happen to him, the national sentiment was there, so if this mad woman scolded the islanders over there, Li Zedao would certainly not say anything, and maybe even cheer.

But now this happened to him, the island woman she insulted was his woman, not to mention that after this nine deaths, Li Zedao's mentality has completely changed. He doesn't think that island people are bitches, just as he doesn't. Huaxia people are not like a bitch.

Every country, every nation, every religion, a certain profession, etc., have good people and bad people.

Many people like to divide people into two, distinguishing good from bad, and inferring from the individual to the entire group. This kind of one-stick beating method is obviously extremely unreasonable. Moreover, the human mind is extremely complicated. There is no uniform standard to measure the quality of a person, but relatively speaking.

Generally speaking, if it helps you and conforms to your ideas and interests, then he is a good person, and conversely, he is a bad person.

Last night, Li Zedao accidentally saw a piece of news.

According to the news, a man’s son was bitten by a dog. The father threw the dog to death in anger. Then trouble came. Those so-called patriots overwhelmed accusing him, threatening to intimidate their family, and threatening. To send wreaths to their home, or even throw his son to death.

In the end, the man's wife could not bear this kind of online violence, could not bear the threatening messages, threatening phone calls, slashing his wrists, and losing the dog's life!

It’s said how precious human life is, but in fact, in many cases, it’s not as good as a dog...Of course, you can’t just say this, otherwise the "dog lover" will spray what you say is a cute dog. A good friend of mankind, a dog is a representative of loyalty, and all beings are equal.

In the eyes of a group of people, this father was doing the right thing, as it should be. It is not enough to even fall to death. He has to strip his skin and stew dog meat. But in the eyes of another group of people, this father's actions were extremely cruel, he should be killed!

So for this kind of thing, the benevolent see benevolence, and the wise see wisdom.

Moreover, I don’t know if it’s because of the impetuous society or the Internet is too developed. More and more people like to be on the Internet, stand on the highest point of morality and law, and criticize and attack people and things with outrage, even many At that time, I didn't even figure out the cause and result of the incident, so I began to maliciously speculate on the association, began malicious attacks, and even openly greeted my father, wife and children.

The police shot and killed the drunk, knife-bearing assassin. They would only criticize the criminal police officer and say why they wanted to kill? Isn't the uniform all right? Can't beat them? Instead of thinking about how many innocent passers-by were injured by the murderer.

The so-called matter has nothing to do with oneself. How can you criticize it? This is the truth, right?

The standard in Li Zedao's heart is that you respect me and I respect you. I won't bully others, but others don't want to bully me... even if it is better than fc, or the skull organization. When I didn't provoke you, you saw me being bullied and took the initiative to provoke me to act in front of me, then I can only make you a fool!

He just wants to do his best to protect the people around him and try to keep them from being wronged.

"There is a kind, you are saying it again and try it." Li Zedao's voice was completely gloomy.

In Li Zedao's view, this woman is undoubtedly very cheap. She obviously can't control this kind of hatred but she wants to blog people's eyeballs and finally loses face. She even tried to find face from Haneda Michiko, playing the so-called so-called The Patriotic flag used vicious words to attack others. It was really hateful. The most exaggerated thing was that she actually beat Haneda Michiko's hand red.

This is equivalent to touching Li Zedao's inverse scales, so even if she is a woman, Li Zedao doesn't mind giving her a lesson!

Of course, in the eyes of Li Zedao, there are only "enemies" in this situation, and no women.

After several killings, plus he was originally a super strong man, so Li Zedao naturally possessed an extremely harsh majesty. Such majesty broke out completely, even if he was as strong as Director Yang, his heart would have to be pulled, let alone. It's the people around who watch the excitement.

After they felt the pressure, their hearts became awe-inspiring, and their complexions changed slightly.

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