The Ultimate Student in the City

Chapter 1747: Promote our country

They saw the two black-clothed bodyguards rushing over, and then, as if they had made an appointment, they both held their stomachs at the same time, as if they were attacked by the invisible internal force released by the other party. He fell neatly to the ground, his original fortitude face was distorted, as if he was suffering from much pain.

When Yang Qinglian saw this scene, her face was dull, her mouth opened slightly, her eyes were about to roll out, she couldn't believe what she saw. How come these two bodyguards were knocked down in less than two seconds and then lay there? You know, they are all veterans, and they belong to the elite, not rookies.

What makes Yang Qinglian even more unimaginable is that she never saw the **** punching or kicking his feet. He always stood there, motionless, so it’s hard for people not to doubt whether the two bodyguards were following He's in the group, and he's lying there now to act for everyone.

If so, your acting skills are too exaggerated, right? Are you too fake? You are waiting for someone’s fist to hit you before you go down, right?

"Do you still have bodyguards? Let them go together if you have them, if you don't, I will continue." Li Zedao looked at the woman and said with a smile, and then raised the chair in his hand and was about to face the ground again The wailing fat woman threw it down.

If you smash it, you still feel very upset, so let's smash it.

"Ah... Qinglian, help me... Help, kill..." The fat woman screamed, so scared that her soul was almost gone. She only realized now that the one she was going to knead was a lunatic. , How can you dare to do this thing in broad daylight if you are not a lunatic?

Yang Qinglian reacted from the astonishment, her face flushed, and angrily shouted: "Asshole, I will let you stop..."

Although I look down on my cousin, she is a relative after all, and if this arrogant guy who didn’t know where he came from continues to beat her cousin, it will undoubtedly be slapped Yang Qinglian's face severely. She must stop... at least, she must say something to stop.

As for the hand-to-stop, Yang Qinglian felt that the two bodyguards lying on the ground and the beasts who dared to kill women were just fine.

Although she has practiced martial arts for a period of time, she still shouldn't be embarrassed by it.

"Bang!" Li Zedao once again slammed the chair in his hand heavily on the fat woman, who even screamed again and again, just listening to this voice, people who didn't know thought it was killing pigs.

"Why do you let me stop and I have to stop? Who do you think you?" Li Zedao casually put down the chair in his hand, looked up at Yang Qinglian and said with a smile.

Do you think you are sister Bei and others? Do you think you are my woman? Li Zedao hates this kind of self-righteous woman the most, do you say stop and stop? What the hell.

"You..." Yang Qinglian was trembling with anger, her small face turned blue. It was the first time that Miss Yang was so ignored when she grew up. What is even more unacceptable is that it was a man who ignored her.

In the past, which man would have an amazing look in his eyes even if he was not fascinated when he saw himself? This **** is fine, looking at his own eyes is like looking at an idiot.

"I promise, you will regret what you are doing now." Yang Qinglian gritted her teeth and said, her eyes seemed to burst into flames.

The other party's ignorance of her is undoubtedly more irritating to Yang Qinglian than his dead hand to the cousin.

Li Zedao smiled and pointed to the wailing fat woman on the ground: "I don't want to lie there and wailing like her, just shut up."

"..." Yang Qinglian was startled, and her body instinctively took two steps back. She had every reason to believe that this **** would dare to smash the chair in his hand on herself.

Then, she felt that she had been severely humiliated again. She was Yang Qinglian, her background was not small, her father was a big boss in the army, and her grandfather was a big boss in the big group, she Yenching is also a little famous here, how can she be afraid of such a **** who doesn't know where it came from? How can she avoid it? Isn't this a bit spineless?

Therefore, she seemed to point to Li Zedao angrily, cursing: "Asshole, you...very well, you must regret it, and I will definitely kneel down and beg me."

Li Zedao grinned, revealing a mouthful of white teeth.

Seeing such a smile, Yang Qinglian couldn't help but froze. She had to think that this guy was handsome, especially when he laughed.

Then, Yang Qinglian's body trembled a few times, and she felt insulted to death, and the person who insulted herself was still herself.

"I want to ask someone to deal with it or trouble me, anyway, I can fight anyway, I'm not afraid of you." Li Zedao smiled like a ruffian, so rascal, this Yang Qinglian is angry and trembling. It's even more powerful.

"Of course, if you want to call someone, you have to hurry, because I have to go back to bed after I have eaten, but I don't have time to accompany you here as a shame."

"You..." Yang Qinglian's face was green, and there was an urge to rush to kill the bastard.

Li Zedao didn't take care of the furious woman. He looked back at Michiko Haneda with a soft smile and said, "It's okay, I will accompany you to the bathroom, and then we will continue to eat."

"Yeah." Michiko Haneda nodded with a soft and ambiguous smile. When Li Zedao started to beat someone, she stood quietly and watched. There was something called a "nympho" in her shining eyes. She never even thought about it that a man beat someone. When he was so handsome, the point is that he was still beating a woman.

Yang Qinglian knew a little Chinese, so she probably understood what Li Zedao said.

He said it was all right? He said to accompany you to the bathroom and then we continue to eat? Yang Qinglian's body shuddered even more severely, and once again felt a sense of being bullied to death, and she was so wronged that she almost cried.

How could it be okay? Not only is there something, but it is also a big event!

Her eyes that seemed about to burst into flames were taken back from the bastard's back, gritted her teeth, her feet in high heels kicked one of the bodyguards fiercely, and she cursed: "Shameful, no Get up quickly for me?"

The bodyguard didn't get up, he couldn't get up, he just felt that his internal organs had moved, and the pain was so painful that he was about to doubt life.

Until now, he still couldn't figure out how he was defeated.

"Trash, it's all trash..." Yang Qinglian kicked the bodyguard fiercely again, then found her mobile phone angrily, and called for someone.

However, before the call could be made, Yang Qinglian's gaze was already attracted by the previous scene.

At the same time, other people's eyes were also attracted to the past.


When Li Zedao took Haneda Michiko’s hand to the bathroom, naturally many eyes fell on him. Of course, it was not because he was handsome and the woman who followed him was dazzling, but because of his identity and his That kind of brutality, arrogance and domineering, even more because, this is China Yanjing.

He is a native of the island nation. The island nation used a chair to interrupt a person's hand in the restaurant of Huaxia Yanjing, but he was able to live well without being beaten up. I have to say that this is a miracle and it is too difficult Believe it.

At this moment, they saw a beautiful girl wearing a black sportswear suddenly appear, with her delicate body, suddenly blocking the way of the islander.

Looking at the girl's face, her face was not so good-looking, she was pale and haggard, her eyes were staring at the islander, and her small hands were even clenched into fists! So, she couldn't stand it anymore, she planned to beat up the islander!

So many people were shocked by this scene, and even felt ashamed. The **** nature, the courage, and the national spirit of this girl made them feel ashamed and the old face was hot.

Yes, even if they still have to go to work in the afternoon, even if fighting is not their strong point, even if the islander is cruel, what about? In a word, just **** him!

Therefore, they suddenly got up, clenched their fists, and strode forward arrogantly, intending to follow the steps of this beautiful girl to get rid of the Japanese pirates and raise the country's prestige!

Li Zedao looked at the girl who suddenly appeared in front of them. First he was shocked, and then his expression softened suddenly. The corners of his mouth were slightly split, but his heart was aching, and it was difficult to breathe.

Being thin, it is even more haggard that makes people feel distressed.

Then, he let go of Michiko Haneda's hand and opened his arms to the girl.

Michiko Haneda stunned slightly, and immediately understood what was going on, looked at the girl who appeared in front with friendly eyes, and then took a small step back.

Sun Lingfei quietly looked at Li Zedao's face, saw the familiar warp marks on the corners of his mouth, saw the distress in his eyes, saw him open his arms to herself, and then her nose suddenly sore.

"Wow!" she cried, as if she was about to vent all the so-called worries, all the grievances, all the misses, and all the worries and fears at once.

Su Meng, who was standing on the side, and Michiko Haneda, who was standing by Li Zedao's skill, saw this scene, and his eyes became red.

After hearing this cry, the young people who were **** and infected by Sun Lingfei stopped instantly, and then looked at each other, their expressions becoming weird.

So, she was scared to cry?

"Miss Sun, you look ugly when you cry." Li Zedao said.

"Asshole!" Sun Lingfei rushed into Li Zedao's arms, hitting her chest with her fists, and wept, "Asshole, asshole, where did we go? We are all worried about you, asshole." ..."

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