The Ultimate Student in the City

Chapter 1758: Finally meet

Under Li Zedao's eager anticipation, a small group of a dozen girls composed of Yingying Yanyan finally walked out of it and appeared in Li Zedao's sight.

Li Zedao's complexion flushed all of a sudden, his eyes swept across those Zhang Qiao faces, especially after seeing his mother Xiao Qiangwei, who was obviously thin and haggard, his nose became sour for an instant, and his eyes were already red.

And when he walked out and saw Li Zedao, Xiao Qiangwei and the dozen or so women who followed him had their eyes widened, their eyes locked directly on Li Zedao, their bodies trembling slightly, and then their noses began to sore. Fog began to appear everywhere, and then involuntarily accelerated the pace.

And when such a group of all kinds of big beauties appeared, it undoubtedly attracted a lot of attention. Among these women, there were even two very beautiful foreign girls, especially one of them, the double bi The green eyes are so charming, as if two of the most precious emeralds in the world are set there.

Their eyes were obsessed, and while the corners of their mouths dripped with a transparent liquid, they also secretly guessed in their hearts the origins of these ten women. Couldn't it be a group of female artists who are about to debut? Just like the girlhood of Korea?

Coming to the front, Xiao Qiangwei's red eyes looked at Li Zedao blankly, her trembling hand stretched out and gently stroked her son's handsome face. Such a real feeling made her only want to hold her now. His son cried loudly.

"Mom." Li Zedao's throat squirmed hard and whispered, his knees softened, he knelt down, and said apologetically, "I'm sorry, I worried you."

Thinking of this period of time, his mother washed her face with tears every day and night, and spent great grief, Li Zedao felt like a knife cut, and felt very guilty.

"Stupid boy, what's wrong with mom? It's okay, it's okay..." The strong woman in the shopping mall, who has always been so calm, was also experiencing extreme mood swings at this time, and tightly put Li Zedao's head into her own. In his arms, tears kept falling.

The red eyes of the girls standing around her, like rabbit eyes, were also firmly locked on Li Zedao, who was kneeling in front of Xiao Qiangwei, even if he was not being held by Xiao Qiangwei in his arms, They had already beaten her severely.

When they got together for breakfast in the morning, they simply held a family meeting. The meeting passed unanimously. After they arrived in Yanjing in the afternoon and saw Li Zedao, they beat him viciously together. No one could bear it, otherwise. Destroying the friendship between sisters.

In particular, Zhou Qian and Kim So-yeon were "warned" by Susan and Nintendo, because among all the women, the two of them were the least likely to "hand-on" Li Zedao, and even words like "get off" were not. Will speak to Li Zedao.

Zhou Qian would only follow Li Zedao's **** with her head low and admiration, letting him "bully" and would not make any resistance.

As for Jin Suyan, although she is not as shy as Zhou Qian, she is the one who is most likely to become a "traitor". She would definitely follow Li Zedao to cook and sweep the floor or something, and she would not bear Li Zedao to do more work.

"Come on, get up quickly and let my mother take a good look at you." Xiao Qiangwei pulled Li Zedao up, gently stroking his face with that hand, and said very distressedly and dotingly, "I've lost weight, so much mother during this time. Make something delicious and make up for you."

In fact, Li Zedao is not thin at all, and of course he is not fat. After all, the physical fitness is there, but when a mother has not seen his child for a period of time, he instinctively feels that his son is thin and haggard, even if her son is a double A big fat man weighing a hundred catties.

"Yeah." Li Zedao nodded wildly with a happy face. He also missed the taste of his mother's cooking.

After stroking Li Zedao's face a few more times, Xiao Qiangwei's gaze fell on Bei, who was standing in front of Li Zedao, with a loving smile on his face.

"Mom." Bei hurriedly said, even though she was indifferent, when facing Xiao Qiangwei, she was not calm at all, even a little nervous, but she seemed instinctive when she was nervous and wanted to get closer.

Xiao Qiangwei stretched out her hand and gently held Bei's hand, and said softly, "My child, I am really happy to see you all right."

"Well, I'm okay." Bei's nose was also slightly sour. She clearly felt Xiao Qiangwei's worry and love for herself. This feeling of being cared and loved by her elders was really good. For a girl whose parents had died since she was a child, and was later disgusted by her elders, her feelings are really deep.

In fact, this is also true. Xiao Qiangwei's worry about Bei is not much less than that of her son, so now that she is fine, Xiao Qiangwei is really happy.

"Mom." Seeing Xiao Qiangwei's eyes fell on her, Sun Lingfei hurriedly greeted her.

"You kid has lost a lot of weight. Mom should try to stop you." Xiao Qiangwei gently held her hand, her tone of reproach slightly.

Of course, she actually stopped it, but it failed. The girl's persistence exceeded her imagination.

"Mom, I'm fine, I'm fine." Sun Lingfei was a little embarrassed, and smiled, with a bit of aegyo. That day, she told Xiao Qiangwei that she wanted to leave the villa and that she was going to DJ in the island country. If she found him back.

Xiao Qiangwei stopped her. After all, the island country DJ can now be said to be right and wrong. Aftershocks keep not talking about it, and the situation is a bit chaotic. Let Sun Lingfei go to DJ, she said nothing. Besides, she had already arranged everything. Once there was news from Li Zedao and Bei, she would know immediately.

At that time, Sun Lingfei verbally promised Xiao Qiangwei not to go to DJ, but then sneaked over. Xiao Qiangwei was helplessly distressed. As for her, she had to arrange for her DJ in the island country to take care of Sun Lingfei in secret.

Sun Lingfei didn't encounter much trouble in DJ in the island country. The root cause was naturally that those troubles had been solved by Xiao Qiangwei's people.

After reaching out and pinching Sun Lingfei's nose with a fondly expression, Xiao Qiangwei's eyes fell on Michiko Haneda and the Yoko she was holding in her arms. His eyes were already bright, and his face was full of joy and doting.

"Mom, she is Michiko Haneda. This little girl is what I told you about Shangguan Yangyang, Yoko, my daughter, and your grandson." Li Zedao smiled, and quickly introduced him with pride and pride.

Li Zedao is not proud. Although he was not born, he wanted to conquer this young woman and become Yoko’s father at the same time... Li Zedao felt that he was not bragging, but was telling the fact that this kind of thing except for himself, No one can do it.

Of course, except for the deceased husband of Michiko Haneda.

"Mom." Michiko Haneda, who hugged Yoko, bowed slightly and greeted him respectfully. Of course, he spoke in a slurred Chinese language, which she had learned from Li Zedao before.

"Okay, okay, Michiko, you don't need to be nervous, you will be a family from now on." Xiao Qiangwei gently took the other hand of Michiko Haneda, and said in the island Mandarin with a loving face, she naturally could see that this The nervousness of a girl from an island country, she was afraid of being rejected by herself.

But how could Xiao Qiangwei dislike her and Yoko? She even felt that her **** son was too sorry for her mother and daughter. Every time she brought another girl back, Xiao Qiangwei felt more guilty for these girls.

"Okay, mom." Michiko Haneda smiled softly, feeling that Xiao Qiangwei's attitude, the tension in her heart has disappeared, and she looked at her daughter now, "Yoko, this is grandma, call grandma soon. ."

"Grandma..." The little girl with big eyes also looked curiously at the woman who was looking at her with loving eyes, calling out with a sweet mouth.

"Hey, what a lovely girl, let grandma hug you, okay?" Xiao Qiangwei stretched out her hand with a smile from ear to ear.

Yoko's big eyes first glanced at Xiao Qiangwei's chest, and then stretched out her chubby little hand towards Xiao Qiangwei: "Grandma hug."

This scene fell in the eyes of Sun Lingfei, who was standing aside, her cheeks twitched, and she couldn't wait to pinch a few times on Yoko's pink face. This little kid is really bullying, and even takes people with her breasts. What's wrong with the small chest? And compared to before, it's a lot older, okay?

This made Sun Lingfei unswervingly want to enlarge her breasts, otherwise Yoko would not look for her in the future, how embarrassing and embarrassing?

Seeing Xiao Qiangwei coaxing Yoko to play happily, Li Zedao smiled and turned around, and then his eyes scanned the pretty faces of Li Mengchen and others who were standing there. He smiled, he was already there. There was a smile that he thought was the most handsome on his face.

"Dear beauties, how are you guys." Li Zedao opened his arms to them, "Come here, line up, don't squeeze, one person will give you a big hug first."

"..." Look at me and I look at you, and then they all looked at Li Zedao with idiot eyes.

"Well, your sister, my old lady is very bad." Nintendo gave Li Zedao a viciously white look, but it was obviously seduce people.

Because of being in the public, there is one sentence she was embarrassed to say: Damn little man, can my old lady's endocrine disorders be okay?

"That's it, idiot, how could it be possible? You are not here, who cooks, washes the dishes, cleans the villa and washes the clothes?" Shadow rolled his eyes and said uncomfortably, and then blew a bubble with chewing gum.

"..." The smile on Li Zedao's face was stiff, really sad. His only role is to cook, clean and wash clothes?

"Student Li, it seems that your life seems to be very moist, even your daughter." Teacher Su had a nervous smile and his jade hands were already clenched into fists. Damn guys, their eyes were almost blinded by crying, he was fine, hiding in the island country dj happily having a love affair with that island woman, too bastard.

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